I don't like either choice. My vote is NO. Social Security (SS) was NEVER meant to support a person in retirement. It was meant to supplement a person's pension. What SS needs to do is to raise the taxing limit.....I think taxing the first $500,000 of a person's income is in order rather than the present superficial $110,000 limit. This would secure SS into infinitum for the time being.
Our society cannot maintan a ethical judiciary branch of our government with this kind of prejudice. Our judicial system cannot afford priviledge without encouraging a decline and erosion of civilization. By similar example we cannot rejoice and validate economic success on Wall Street at the exploitation and economic failure of citizens. These are not indications of a successful society, rather these are signs of a democracy that has failed.
Thom, I think it might be helpful to clarify what I think you were trying to say: "Mens rea" (a Latin, legal term) is not a provision of a law that they are trying to remove - mens rea is literally the state of having a "guilty mind" that is required for certain offenses, of having an intent to do something which causes some harmful or prohibited outcome.
Some acts under the law are illegal in and of themselves, as they are considered inherently wrong - such as assault or murder, for example. These fall under the (again Latin) term "malum in se", or simply wrong or evil. The examples of assault and murder are also specific-intent crimes, which means that the perpetrator had to have an intent to commit the crime - a guilty mind.
The same outcomes, albeit without the intent to commit them, may still be lesser crimes or not crimes at all.
If someone, without intent but carelessly, bumps into someone else, what otherwise would have been an assault becomes an "oops... Sorry about that" accident.
The same careless act that results in the death of another may be deemed a crime less than murder, as is often the case with accidental deaths - auto accidents, for example. No intention (or guilty mind) is required to support a negilgent homicide case, however there is a presumption (for drivers, for instance) that if someone unintentionally runs a red light (negligence) and kills or injures someone, that they either knew it was wrong or should have known that it was wrong. Thus, absent the intent to run the light and kill the person, the legal outcome is a less-severe offense.
Bottom line, I think what you may have been trying to say is that the Kochs are trying to require mens rea be established, or requiring the proving of a guilty mind in these instances.
Even absent a guilty mind, wilful indifference is yet another, slightly-lower standard - and one that I suspect Blankenship was probably tagged with if his intent to do the harm could not be established.
It's not just the rich who get away with "murder". The illegal alien who killed my son spent all of 43 days in jail and that was a long sentence. Many who kill while driving without a license never spend a day in jail. It's clear to me that if my wife and I didn't sit on top of the San Francisco DA's office the man who killed our son wouldn't have spent a minute in jail.
Then the USCIS refused to deport him. "He's only committed one crime of moral turpitude". Eight months, a lot of my time and money and I finally got him deported. What a great country we have. The victim has to pay to do the governments job.
Hate to tell you this Thom but this is what Bernie wants as well.
Kilosqrd, what are you smoking? How did the Fairness Doctrine silencing anyone's opinion? Quite the opposite, as the name implies, when the media doesn't have to provide disinterested news then opinions are not given voice.
Sentence Blankenship to work inside one of his own mines, and the Kochs to live right next to one of their refineries......"Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it." Dickens
The criminal enterprize, known as, "Koch induestries," is one of the most destructive parts of what is wrong with America. These crooks are the A-hole of America.
Progressive media has never, "ever," been more than tiny tiny fraction compared to the amount of conservative hate speech media available....look up the facts. Well over 90% of the corpse media is owned and controlled by right-wing concerns. The fascists fully realize that control of the message is control of minds like yours.
For god sakes this country needs a massive intervention thanks to the millions of foxmerized citizens thinking they know what the f is going on.....holy crap, give me a break!
Drudge has best video footage of Trump's campaign manager grabbing arm of reporter. While pictures of her lower arm show bruising, footage clearly shows campaign manager grabbing her by the upper arm. Very interesting. Plus, no evidence of her being forced down to the floor. See if for yourself at Drudge Report.
Checked my online voter registration and I'm OK. I'm registered in San Diego County and I voted by mail for the last 18 years. But I'll check it more often now.
Here we go again. It's the Fairness Doctrine and it's all Ronald Reagan's fault. Do you lefties know any other tune? The ideas the left promotes have failed time and time again. Look no further than Obama's policies. Go ahead and quote the unemployment numbers if you wish but knowledgeable people know the real truth behind those numbers and they aren't good. But I digress.
No, this is nothing more than Thom complaining, and the left as a whole, about the fact that the left no longer has a monopoly in the media. There are other points of view, and the left knows nothing but to try to silence opinions it does't agree with. Grow up.
As something of an ADHD, I find the new moving background graphics distracting. It's harder for me to follow the dialogue. Ominous, mourning music doesn't help much either. On a brighter note, I still appreciate the content when I figure it out.
A nice, intelligent, working stiff friend of mine from Tennesee who listens to Fox News told me in all seriousness the other day, "The Republicans are for the working man, the Democrats are for the rich." The disinformation gets pretty willful and involved.
In the Western European social democracies the media is generally, publicly - that is, state - owned, and thus, democratically controlled. It is an important factor, as is publicly (state) financed election campaigns, in the success and reelection of social democracy in those parts of the world.
The minds and campaigns of the public are not corrupted so they have more freedom. They are allowed to choose what they want and can choose socialism. Here we have people like Kend in charge and we are not allowed to choose what we would like.
Why hasn't this huge debate about the role of the right-wing hate machine and the collapse of our democracy been going on since 1987? It's been very obvious for decades that the corpse media has been used by the Teapublic Party Fascists as their own propaganda machine.
Outlets like Fox News have done untold damage to the general welfare of working class citizens. No american worker in their right mind would vote for the Teapublic party if they were armed with political and economic facts. The kind of facts Bernie is communicating to the electorate.
Guys like McConnell, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Tom Reed, Paul Ryan, Brownback, Kasich, Cruz, Christie, etc. ...all elected because citizens bought into political/economic misinformation desseminated by outlets like Fox News.
Misleading citizens into voting for their own economic suicide in order to facilitate continued concentration of wealth for billionaires is as un-american as the Fascism it promotes.
Tom Reed should be especially ashamed of himself....he represents a part of rural america that has taken a severe economic blow thanks to his continued teabagger austerity, trickle down, reduce tax on the rich, privatization, obstuctionist, anti-union, shrink good government, beliefs. He loves socialism when it comes to his own health insurance though...I'll give him that.
Need to publish the CEO's earnings.
America or United States of fascist...choose wisely
I don't like either choice. My vote is NO. Social Security (SS) was NEVER meant to support a person in retirement. It was meant to supplement a person's pension. What SS needs to do is to raise the taxing limit.....I think taxing the first $500,000 of a person's income is in order rather than the present superficial $110,000 limit. This would secure SS into infinitum for the time being.
what is this palm beech research group about???
Our society cannot maintan a ethical judiciary branch of our government with this kind of prejudice. Our judicial system cannot afford priviledge without encouraging a decline and erosion of civilization. By similar example we cannot rejoice and validate economic success on Wall Street at the exploitation and economic failure of citizens. These are not indications of a successful society, rather these are signs of a democracy that has failed.
A politician doesn't have private affairs. That being said, the same rules do not apply to his/her family.
Soak ‘em in Drano™
{… a limerick …}
Repugnantans’ brains tend no bueno.
They oughta be soaked in Drano™.
Such a dude conveys
ideas for ways
to destroy worse than doth a volcano.
. . . .
Image -
Effect of Repugnantans on America:
Thom, I think it might be helpful to clarify what I think you were trying to say: "Mens rea" (a Latin, legal term) is not a provision of a law that they are trying to remove - mens rea is literally the state of having a "guilty mind" that is required for certain offenses, of having an intent to do something which causes some harmful or prohibited outcome.
Some acts under the law are illegal in and of themselves, as they are considered inherently wrong - such as assault or murder, for example. These fall under the (again Latin) term "malum in se", or simply wrong or evil. The examples of assault and murder are also specific-intent crimes, which means that the perpetrator had to have an intent to commit the crime - a guilty mind.
The same outcomes, albeit without the intent to commit them, may still be lesser crimes or not crimes at all.
If someone, without intent but carelessly, bumps into someone else, what otherwise would have been an assault becomes an "oops... Sorry about that" accident.
The same careless act that results in the death of another may be deemed a crime less than murder, as is often the case with accidental deaths - auto accidents, for example. No intention (or guilty mind) is required to support a negilgent homicide case, however there is a presumption (for drivers, for instance) that if someone unintentionally runs a red light (negligence) and kills or injures someone, that they either knew it was wrong or should have known that it was wrong. Thus, absent the intent to run the light and kill the person, the legal outcome is a less-severe offense.
Bottom line, I think what you may have been trying to say is that the Kochs are trying to require mens rea be established, or requiring the proving of a guilty mind in these instances.
Even absent a guilty mind, wilful indifference is yet another, slightly-lower standard - and one that I suspect Blankenship was probably tagged with if his intent to do the harm could not be established.
I don't buy this story either. This is BS for sure.
It's not just the rich who get away with "murder". The illegal alien who killed my son spent all of 43 days in jail and that was a long sentence. Many who kill while driving without a license never spend a day in jail. It's clear to me that if my wife and I didn't sit on top of the San Francisco DA's office the man who killed our son wouldn't have spent a minute in jail.
Then the USCIS refused to deport him. "He's only committed one crime of moral turpitude". Eight months, a lot of my time and money and I finally got him deported. What a great country we have. The victim has to pay to do the governments job.
Hate to tell you this Thom but this is what Bernie wants as well.
Kilosqrd, what are you smoking? How did the Fairness Doctrine silencing anyone's opinion? Quite the opposite, as the name implies, when the media doesn't have to provide disinterested news then opinions are not given voice.
Do you righties do anything but lie?
Weak laws create a dangerous situaton for Mr. Blankenship when his year is up.
He will forever have to walk in fear of pay back from the relative of a miner he indirectly killed.
Sentence Blankenship to work inside one of his own mines, and the Kochs to live right next to one of their refineries......"Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it." Dickens
I strongly agree with Susan Sarandon.
The criminal enterprize, known as, "Koch induestries," is one of the most destructive parts of what is wrong with America. These crooks are the A-hole of America.
Since the current law is weak, I would urge the prosecutor to break this case up into 29 cases. At least then we could approach some level of justice.
Progressive media has never, "ever," been more than tiny tiny fraction compared to the amount of conservative hate speech media available....look up the facts. Well over 90% of the corpse media is owned and controlled by right-wing concerns. The fascists fully realize that control of the message is control of minds like yours.
For god sakes this country needs a massive intervention thanks to the millions of foxmerized citizens thinking they know what the f is going on.....holy crap, give me a break!
Drudge has best video footage of Trump's campaign manager grabbing arm of reporter. While pictures of her lower arm show bruising, footage clearly shows campaign manager grabbing her by the upper arm. Very interesting. Plus, no evidence of her being forced down to the floor. See if for yourself at Drudge Report.
Checked my online voter registration and I'm OK. I'm registered in San Diego County and I voted by mail for the last 18 years. But I'll check it more often now.
Here we go again. It's the Fairness Doctrine and it's all Ronald Reagan's fault. Do you lefties know any other tune? The ideas the left promotes have failed time and time again. Look no further than Obama's policies. Go ahead and quote the unemployment numbers if you wish but knowledgeable people know the real truth behind those numbers and they aren't good. But I digress.
No, this is nothing more than Thom complaining, and the left as a whole, about the fact that the left no longer has a monopoly in the media. There are other points of view, and the left knows nothing but to try to silence opinions it does't agree with. Grow up.
As something of an ADHD, I find the new moving background graphics distracting. It's harder for me to follow the dialogue. Ominous, mourning music doesn't help much either. On a brighter note, I still appreciate the content when I figure it out.
A nice, intelligent, working stiff friend of mine from Tennesee who listens to Fox News told me in all seriousness the other day, "The Republicans are for the working man, the Democrats are for the rich." The disinformation gets pretty willful and involved.
In the Western European social democracies the media is generally, publicly - that is, state - owned, and thus, democratically controlled. It is an important factor, as is publicly (state) financed election campaigns, in the success and reelection of social democracy in those parts of the world.
The minds and campaigns of the public are not corrupted so they have more freedom. They are allowed to choose what they want and can choose socialism. Here we have people like Kend in charge and we are not allowed to choose what we would like.
The airwaves are supposed to be public, and not for sale.
The internet has maybe helped democratize our media... ...hope we can keep it.
The blatant disregard for democracy and decency this time around is something.
Why hasn't this huge debate about the role of the right-wing hate machine and the collapse of our democracy been going on since 1987? It's been very obvious for decades that the corpse media has been used by the Teapublic Party Fascists as their own propaganda machine.
Outlets like Fox News have done untold damage to the general welfare of working class citizens. No american worker in their right mind would vote for the Teapublic party if they were armed with political and economic facts. The kind of facts Bernie is communicating to the electorate.
Guys like McConnell, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Tom Reed, Paul Ryan, Brownback, Kasich, Cruz, Christie, etc. ...all elected because citizens bought into political/economic misinformation desseminated by outlets like Fox News.
Misleading citizens into voting for their own economic suicide in order to facilitate continued concentration of wealth for billionaires is as un-american as the Fascism it promotes.
Tom Reed should be especially ashamed of himself....he represents a part of rural america that has taken a severe economic blow thanks to his continued teabagger austerity, trickle down, reduce tax on the rich, privatization, obstuctionist, anti-union, shrink good government, beliefs. He loves socialism when it comes to his own health insurance though...I'll give him that.