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  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Speaking of taxes in New York .....A new bill has been introduced to help seniors pay their property tax. The legislation would leave it up to local governments to pass a law exempting seniors on fixed incomes from paying school property tax. Maybe the increased revenue being offered by NY millionaires could offset the loss to local school districts????

    Property tax is an extremely regressive form of taxation, and needs to be converted to an income based/ability to pay's long overdue. Everyone pays property tax, including low income renters who are unaware this expense has already been built into their rent.

    The reason it hasn't already been converted to an income tax is dare we tax the rich, when there is trickle down??? Concentration of wealth has still not totally reduced us to a Feudal third world status,....there's still wealth left to redistribute to the top, this via flat wages, regressive taxation, union busting, deregulation of to make it easy for the Bankster/Fascists to steal working class 401Ks/IRAs.....etc etc.

    Afterall, what's wrong with a citizen in New York working their butt off for 50 years, and then getting taxed off their property in old age? That's "Merica!"

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    This also dovetails with a favorite expression often used by liberal politicians. It goes something like this:

    All we are asking is the (top 1%), (wealthiest Americans), (rich and well off) pay a little more in taxes. How many times have we heard that?

    Bulls**t. The IRS or the Federal Government doesn't ask any such thing. They DEMAND under the threat of a prison term if you don't comply. It is a big reason why liberals have a credibilty problem.

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Sandlewould, Reply to #2

    The point of Thom's blog was that the NY millionaires were wanting to pay more taxes.

    So what you are saying is that the miilionaires want to pay more taxes but they won't until they are required to pay more taxes. Sorry, that doesn't equate. If the millionaires want their taxes raised, why not be pro-active and just pay more?

    By the way, there has been a program in NY that is trying to bring new businesses into NY by offering no taxes for 10 years. Start-Up New York I believe it's called.

    Somehow Thom's article and reality are on different pages.

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Thom had a Tea Party guest on last week, and many issues were brought up including federal business tax. The foxmerized Teapublican mentioned that companies relocate overseas because of high taxation here in the United States. Thom pointed out the reality of effective tax rates, and that in many cases the largest corporations pay no tax at all, they actually receive billions in corp welfare. Of course there was no reply from the teabagger regarding this inconvenient truth.

    I really wish Thom would demand a reply in these instances.....the corspe media lets these guys off the hook all the time. In my opinion demanding an explanation of a bald faced lie in the face of obvious truth is a great way to fight propaganda. Let him hang himself in front of a global broadcast audience.

  • Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    #5 Kindly give references

    Thank you!

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    This is truly great news. Too bad the corporate media isn't covering it.

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago


  • Daily Topics - Thursday March 24th, 2016   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Hillary Clinton was born October 26, 1947. In 1964, she was either 16 going on 17 or 17 going on 18. She was a Senior in High School.

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Sad how the Billionaires keep the millionaires from having to pay their fair share.

    BTW Thom, I used to train dogs for a living...& am pet intuitive.. Your dog needs less time alone if poss. and a lot more exercise...preferably in a fenced area off leash & plenty of chew toys. Hurding dogs are genetically wired to run, quite leterally, all day. One thing you can try is putting him in his crate w/ a treat for 10-20 min. intervals while one or both of you are at home durring the day so he stops associating the crate soley with being alone. Avoid an “exit routine”. After crating him, make as little “fuss” as possible. For example if you and Louise both have to leave, you leave first taking her coat and purse. (He associates her getting her stuff together with abandonment) Then she leaves for a minute or 2, goes back in for a minute or 2, then leaves again…making no eye or voice contact with Blue. When Louise is leaving by herself, she can put her coat & purse out of site near the door...go in & out a time or 2 etc. If you can, put his crate out of site of the door. This is time consuming…but can help. Many people who do not have time for a dog make the mistake of getting one. While Louse may have the time, I know you do not. Getting a dog is like having a child. Especially for puppies, the first month or so requires near constant companionship while training in order to bond and avoid the development of separation anxiety. Get a bed and a few toys for the studio and bring him with you to work whenever possible. Hurding dog, eh?…your houseboat must be pretty big! I could “see” him bouncing off the walls and chewing up everything in site. I would definitely work through the anxiety and insecurity before introducing any competition. He wants you &/or Louise to be the “Alpha Dogs” and as such, it is your company and approval he craves. A puppy, in my humble and possibly wrong opinion, would only make things worse…and if you are unable to spend a lot of time with the new puppy, than the same problem may develop. Males are much more likely to mind being alone than females…usually, but not always..depending on the breed. If you don’t have a lot of time to spend with a dog but really want one, I suggest adopting a greyhound. The females, in particular are docile and calm by nature. They call greyhounds the “feline canines” & the “canine couch potatoes” ’cause they sleep a lot and seldom bark.

    Anything goes Friday: GREAT multi-part series interviewing Thomas Drake…fair warning, after you watch it, you will understand why Hillary is campaigning on ‘No We Can’t!’ If you have a Roku, you can watch it on the free channel, “the Real News” .

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Kilosqrd I suppose your right in one sense, we can pay as much as we want... but I think the point is to REQUIRE the 1% to pay higher taxes...after all, how many will volunteer to pay higher taxes?

  • NY Millionaires: "Raise our taxes!"   8 years 49 weeks ago

    What a crock of bs. There are so many holes in this blog that it is impossible not to see though it.

    You do not need the government's permission to pay higher taxes.

  • Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Considering the reality of geoengineering, is it possible that spraying the planet with heavy metals, lithium and nano fibers may be the cause of 'global warming'? This insidious program has been ongoing for decades, and it's time the truth about it were told to the masses. We're being sprayed like bugs and either nobody knows about it, or nobody cares. Perhaps the apathy is being caused by the multitudes of neuro toxins in our air food and water, i.e. aspartame and fluoride and many others. WAKE THE EFF UP PEOPLE!!!!!!

  • Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Businesses including petroleum, coal and natural gas producers, governments, and CEOs should switch to using and manufacturing renewable non polluting energy sources, not just because it's a booming money making industry, but because it's the right thing to do. With the way global warming and climate change is quickly accelerating beyond scientists' past predictions, the carbon fuel money makers may not have enough time left on Earth to spend half of their carbon fuel fortunes never mind their children and grandchildren. The only way to prevent our extinction is to get off of carbon rich fuels and plant billions of trees and plants. then global warming will slow and then reverse to restore the climate to normal. You don't think mankind can alter the worlds climate? Mankind has already done just that without even trying. Imagine what mankind can do if mankind tries.

  • Is Arizona proof that we need to restore the full Voting Rights Act?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Qthevright to vote should be mandantory Upon birth in this country

  • Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Killing Jobs is the Capitalist way of saying cutting my profits.

    Increasing the cost of raw materials by taking proper care of effluent, byproducts and exhausts to the atmosphere increases the costs assigned to the raw materials and therefore decreases the profits. If profits are the major consideration and one has no ethical requirement to take care of the worker or the environment, then not only will the worker receive the minimum subsistence level wage but tjhere will be no consideration for the environment or the community.

  • Mass Extinction Is Closer Than You Know   8 years 49 weeks ago

    We really do need to wake up .

    Consciousness considers consequence .

  • Daily Topics - Thursday March 24th, 2016   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Just a quick point. Hillary Clinton was only 15 years old in 1964. Not likely very aware of race issues. Being a Goldwater girl would have been a factor of her parents political ideas.

  • Daily Topics - Thursday March 17th, 2016   8 years 49 weeks ago

    this is a great tool to confirm you are properly registered in your state and county...

  • Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.   8 years 50 weeks ago

    Hillary Clinton is going to frack the planet into more climate change, and so is Trump. That's why progressives need to show some nerve and tell Democrats it's going to be Bernie or bust. That means pledging to vote your conscience on Nov. 8th.

  • Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.   8 years 50 weeks ago

    Tom I have a small repair business and deal with all kinds of customers and the churches have no problem filling out or producing paperwork for sales tax exemption

    Funny how they jump for money

  • Victory in the Atlantic!   8 years 50 weeks ago


    Obama drafted a five year plan with the exectation that HRC will next occupy the oval office and he wanted to leave her a To Do List so she would stay the course and not get overwhelmed or flustered by the job. Usually, previous presidents assist the newly elected president with getting their feet under them, but since HRC already knows her way around the WH, Obama wanted to give her a working syllabus so she wouldn't look weak or foolish; especially where the military is concerned.

  • Victory in the Atlantic!   8 years 50 weeks ago


    The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement among twelve Pacific Rim countries signed on 4 February 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand (one of which was the USA), after seven years of negotiations, which has not entered into force. …The United States government has considered the TPP as the companion agreement to the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a broadly similar agreement between the United States and the European Union.[8]

    Historically, the TPP is an expansion of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP or P4), which was signed by Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore in 2005. Beginning in 2008, additional countries joined the discussion for a broader agreement: Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the United States, and Vietnam, bringing the total number of participating countries in the negotiations to twelve. Current trade agreements between participating countries, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, will be reduced to those provisions that do not conflict with the TPP, or that provide greater trade (corporate abuse) liberalization than the TPP.

    There are many parts to this thing (TIPP, etc.,) and there have been varying signing dates (such as 2005) with some countries signing on while others have signed on this past February 4th. My understanding is that the TPP passed our House, Obama signed on with the group in Auckland, it now goes to the Senate and if it passes there then whomever is president at that time (a two year long process to finalization) gets to do the final signing (or not). This is my understanding. If I haven't got it right, I hope someone will explain what we all need to know. Thanks.

  • Victory in the Atlantic!   8 years 50 weeks ago

    Obama just signed off on TPP? I thought this issue was defeated in the Senate...not enough votes?

  • Victory in the Atlantic!   8 years 50 weeks ago

    I fail to understand why Obama even has a five-year plan. He has only months left in office so why did he waste precious time in his office to create one? His plan is, also, only a proposal to be overturned by the next president, if they so desire. So, hold onto your hats, people, Hillary will drill, drill, drill!

  • Victory in the Atlantic!   8 years 50 weeks ago

    Thom asserts that Obama listens to We, the People and thus vacated plans to develop east coast drilling, but if this is so, how do we explain the fact that Obama just signed off on the TPP???

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