I want to bring the conversation back to Hillary lying & accusing Bernie of lying. re her fossil fuel campaign funds. NPR is lying, too, on there FactCheck that comes up 1st in Google search. re. the issue. PBS News Hour Shields and Woordward also lied. NPR is mixed up with natural gas industrialists, it seems. Hillary fudges all around on fracking issue. Bernie simply says "NO fracking." Bernie is IN TOUCH with the KEEP IT IN THE GROUND movement <www.350.org> We can't dig up more fossil fuels and survive as a species, as Thom & DiCaprio Foundation explain in www.GreenWorldRising. Let's spread word more about Hillary & Obama NOT moving fast enough to save life and our children on the planet. Let's say more about Hillary's 4 1/2 million from fossil fuel CORPS. Correct that everywhere and on NPR Ombudsman <http://help.npr.org/customer/portal/emails/new?PHPSESSID=cc78d52f1ca3a5286b54f4fafb1da8d1> audience OMBUDSMEN response. Google NPR Ombudsman and correct NPR FactCheck lie about amount of money Hillary takes from fossil fuel industries, Site Thom Hartman interview with GreenPeace activist who challenged Hillary and made Hillary angry and accuse Bernie of being the liar, when she is the liar. Greenpeace - Here Are Hillary's Connections to Oil & Gas... Not just fossil fuel workers gave to Hillary campaign, but fossil fuel lobbyists 1 1/2 million, and SuperPacs about 3 million. Yes? Let's say more about how Wasserman-Schultz is a Republican in Dems. clothing slanting the primary election toward Corp. Dem. Clinton. Wasserman-Schultz is all for TPP and is right of center as is Obama. We MUST fight as hard as possible to elect Sen. Sanders in NYS. It could decide the difference between saving the climate from a tipping point of NO correction and the resultant catastrophe, or saving the habitable Earth in time to save our species into the next century. Carbon takes 200 yrs. to dissipate out of the thin veil of our atmosphere, our very breath. We keep putting more up there every day to the tune of something like a million tons daily. So much costly asthma and lung disease, too! We can easily reach the tipping point of no correction in less than a decade, maybe only 5 yrs. So, imagine everything slowly dying off and suffering from floods, drought, starvation, thirst from lack of clean water, imagine our children of today dying miserably in thirst and hunger or wars over resources, imagine that and FIGHT LIKE ALL HELL TO ELECT Senator Bernie Sanders. That's what FEELING THE BERN means: Save life on Earth in this USA election! The USA MUST lead the world toward clean green energy, 100% clean by 2030 or else! Call from home or join a phonebank in NYS. NOW! Go to http://www.BernieSanders.com and learn how to join a phonebank near you, or just call from home. It's easy to do. Just any phone and a computer will do from home. Keep making calls for Bernie or keep donating to the Peoples Political Revolution. Volunteer for Bernie who won't give up on us ever. Democracy is up to us, like Thom says, even though we're all overworked. Tag: we're it NOW, more than ever! TO SAVE EVERYTHING, WE NEED EVERYONE NOW. It's better to light one candle than rage against the darkness. Watch RESTORATION on www.GreenWorldRising. I made cards re. GreenWorldRising URL and give them out everywhere. Make calls, donate. Fight for Bernie to win the NYState primary April 19th. It is HUGE number of delegates at stake in NY State NOW! So much depends on Bernie winning NY State. SO urgent! Climate Crisis is an EMERGENCY! FEEL THE BERN www.BernieSanders.com By the way, I'm exactly Bernie's age and a feminist for Bernie who was also arrested, and actually abused by the KKK in Selma, 1961, as intern journalist on WSLA-TV, among first to integrate Deep South TV. I really FEEL THE BERN at 75 yrs. Keep hope alive! <www.AuthorandActivist.com> I love Thom & Bernie for their convictions and work, so important to our children's survival!
I am an activist for putting an end to global warming/balancing our atmosphere. I am doing this so that my 40 yr old daughter, 8 yr old grand-daughter and all future generations of all people will be able to enjoy a planet that is healthier. We must stop the use of fossil fuels and stop drilling for oil and digging for coal and fracking for natural gas. If we don't set a precedent for others to follow our planet won't make it. The beauty that we have been taking for granted won't be there for future generations. The scientists are working hard to give us concrete answers and I for one have believed in this for at least 20 yrs. I am in my mid 60's and have lived my entire life in rural northern California. I have always loved nature and have spent much time in the outdoors and when married bought 2 1/2 acers of land on the ocean which my daughter and grand-daughter now live on. I have seen lots of different wild animals looking out my windows, while camping and hiking and just going to the beach or river for the day with family and friends. I started being an activist after learning how to use a computer around 12 yrs ago. I love your commentary and your energy and have learned much because of this.
The billionaire's Teapublic Party will block anything and everything related to the to the "forced" distribution of wealth via fair wages. Hell, they even want to get rid of Social Security, the very income that most of the Teapublic Party voters live on........ and these Teabaggers for some reason , probably because of hours and hours of Fox News viewing, still vote for the billionaire's clown posse.
What is it about about righties and their desire that 99% of all wealth be in the hands of a few elites? What's up with that conservatives? Have you gone completely MEDIEVAL MAD?
So if our so called representative government refuses to legislate against greed, that leaves only one option to carry out the will of the vast majority ....UNIONS!
Any worker that complains about union dues needs to pull out a book on the history of labor in this country. Unions happened, not because workers desired what wasn't theirs, they simply desired the dignity of being treated like a human being....that instead of a god damn mule.
"We know that those who produce the most- that is those who work the hardest, and at the most menial tasks, have the least." Eugene V Debs
I am certainly as tired of a highly politicized and partisan Court as I am the obstructionists in Congress.
However, the justices can see growing political anger & the political upsets n primary elections across this country. That anger, that began with the appointment of an unelected Bush in 2000 & grew through the Occupy Movement, continues in the successes of the Sanders Campaign. The resulting atmosphere of public intolerance will, I think, have great influence, even on the Supreme Court to not play fast & loose with laws that affect our abilities for livlihood.
T. Jefferson's desired every-6th-year revolution may be late; but it is happening.
I am certainly as tired of a highly politicized and partisan Court as I am the obstructionists in Congress.
However, the justices can see growing political anger & the political upsets n primary elections across this country. That anger, that began with the appointment of an unelected Bush in 2000 & grew through the Occupy Movement, continues in the successes of the Sanders Campaign. The resulting atmosphere of public intolerance will, I think, have great influence, even on the SUpreme Court, to not play fast & loose with laws that affect our abilities for livlihood.
T. Jefferson's desired every-6th-year revolution may be late; but it is happening.
I think the Supreme Court is right where it should be. Four and four, or five and five. But not nine. Each party can appoint their share as need dictates to keep it forever " fair and balanced." Unions should be left alone. It's not the government's place to interfere. Reagan was right when he said. " Government is the problem."
It may be a blessing in disguise if President Obama's SCOTUS nominee is not confirmed or if the Senate refuses to act on his nominations this year because if Senator Sanders becomes President, he will appoint someone a lot more liberal than the President's appointee. We may not get any great decisions from 4-4 SCOTUS decisions but we won't get any real bad decisions either. If Hillary becomes president, she may ask that President Obama's left leaning middle of the road appointee be confirmed which would still be better than a Republican President's far left appointee would be.
As for the public sector unions, I'm glad they can still collect what's fair from all of the people they represent in this case. People that have union negotiated wages and benefits but don't want to join the union or pay dues are either greedy, stingy, or stupid. They probably wouldn't have wanted the job in the first place if it wasn't for the union because without the union having been in place, the pay and benefits for the job would not have been very attractive. I understand that republican darling. Joe The (not really a licensed) Plumber now has a union job, no not a plumbing job (as he never was much of a plumber or he would still be one), but Joe is now a member of the UAW, working for Chrysler. He says he had to join the union to get the job. He didn't have to take the job but he did. Maybe it was the good wages and benefits that the UAW brought to the job that attracted Joe to the job.
Your question is misleading. Why is Bernie in this mix? He doesn't have a super pac ergo he cannot be part of the NO answer. If you have no super pac, how can you be responsible for one? Get a new NO answer.
Along with the Trump abortion brouhaha, Utah just instituted a statute requiring abortions to be performed with anesthesia. Should we note the unnecessary dangers to the women involved?
It is always troubling when the courts transfer wealth from the poor to the rich by eliminating retirement benefits, especially after the kind of egregious mismanage that label the coal barons little more than thugs. But shouldn’t those who spent their lives building a company like Peabody or Alpha be more entitled to the benefits of a bankruptcy proceeding than those who cause the collapse? Certainly they have earned equity, as evidenced by the retirement benefits. Certainly their efforts were laudable, as evidenced by their long hours and years of dedicated labor. Certainly they have more to lose than the old, white, rich, men who stashed away tens and hundreds of millions of dollars over the years of operations. Certainly, they can ill afford to lose out, while the rich are merely inconvenienced. Even US courts still recognize this vestige of common law.
I say: let those who have a vested interest be bailed out, not just those who happen to own stock at this moment in time. Investors assumed the risk in order to make a profit. Workers didn’t agree to the same risk when they accepted retirement plans instead of cash up front.
This was the story line in the 1980's Wall Street movie. Bankrupt a company and walk away with the pension account! Remember the Pilot who safely ditched in the Hudson? He and other pilots were screwed by the United Airlines fat cats when United filed BK, took the pension, and told everyone they need to take a huge reduction or the airline will go out of business.
They should expand Social Security, in face benefits should be double, if not triple what they are, workers should also have the option to retire at 55 if they choose, it would open up thejob matket as well for younger workers, most europeans can retire in their 50's, or age 60.
Think Michigan couldn't get any worse? Read on. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/35328-alec-backed-lawmakers-stymie-anti-fracking-and-pro-pot-ballot-initiatives
Yes they should expand SSI . If Wallstrret and the Bush Admin. Hadn't made it possible for them to run off with all of our retirement I wouldn't feel so stongly about it as along as we kept up with the standard of living. But we have not! Many baby boomers worked all their lives for their retirement just to have half if not more taken from them. They will never be able to catch up to live a comfortable life astheyhad planned. Also The Gov't needs to keep their fingers out of it so it can grow as originally intended and not be peacemealed to help other programs. !!!
1- FIrst It should be done ONLY on the EMPLOYEE side right now both the Employer and Employee contribute
it is too burdensome for EMployer to raise theit share which should remain AS IS
2- I think we have to calculate the LEVEL to which we want to RAISE the CAP
500,000 is TOO MUCH.. i think i heard 200 K might do the trick
>>>>>>>>> It is a big lie to say that S S will not be there for those under 35 THIS BIG lie has been spread by GOP who want to PRIVATIZE S S
Tpday ON NPR at about 2.17 pm A lady high up in Social Security ??? came and said SS will be there right now for 80 years .......
SHE EVEN mentioned something VERY IMPORTANT AND SINISTER........NPR said that the FINANCIAL ADVISORS when planning tell their STUPID CUSTOMERS a LIE about SS that WE DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER Social Security being there for YOU so he asked her and she said NO NO
OF COURSE as a LESS Stupid Person , i know exactly why they are doing this . PRIVATIZATION will RUIN S Security. They want the MONEY to go to WALL Street
Now i am not ANTI WALL Street........but LYING abt S. S is CRIMINAL .
Geeez, tonight's blog sounds like another vulture capitalism story featuring Mitt Romney. The only difference being..... the vultures already own the company.
I assume the workers know who the company executives are, and where their mansions and yachts are located! In other words they know where much of the stolen retirement money is going.... My advice; "Occupy" .....block the roads near their homes, and access to the country clubs these criminals frequent. Call national attention to the injustice with Gandhi like passion.
Too big to bill.
It is highly likely that I will thank the lifeless body of Antonin Scalia every day for the rest of my life for him dying.
I want to bring the conversation back to Hillary lying & accusing Bernie of lying. re her fossil fuel campaign funds. NPR is lying, too, on there FactCheck that comes up 1st in Google search. re. the issue. PBS News Hour Shields and Woordward also lied. NPR is mixed up with natural gas industrialists, it seems. Hillary fudges all around on fracking issue. Bernie simply says "NO fracking." Bernie is IN TOUCH with the KEEP IT IN THE GROUND movement <www.350.org> We can't dig up more fossil fuels and survive as a species, as Thom & DiCaprio Foundation explain in www.GreenWorldRising. Let's spread word more about Hillary & Obama NOT moving fast enough to save life and our children on the planet. Let's say more about Hillary's 4 1/2 million from fossil fuel CORPS. Correct that everywhere and on NPR Ombudsman <http://help.npr.org/customer/portal/emails/new?PHPSESSID=cc78d52f1ca3a5286b54f4fafb1da8d1> audience OMBUDSMEN response. Google NPR Ombudsman and correct NPR FactCheck lie about amount of money Hillary takes from fossil fuel industries, Site Thom Hartman interview with GreenPeace activist who challenged Hillary and made Hillary angry and accuse Bernie of being the liar, when she is the liar. Greenpeace - Here Are Hillary's Connections to Oil & Gas... Not just fossil fuel workers gave to Hillary campaign, but fossil fuel lobbyists 1 1/2 million, and SuperPacs about 3 million. Yes? Let's say more about how Wasserman-Schultz is a Republican in Dems. clothing slanting the primary election toward Corp. Dem. Clinton. Wasserman-Schultz is all for TPP and is right of center as is Obama. We MUST fight as hard as possible to elect Sen. Sanders in NYS. It could decide the difference between saving the climate from a tipping point of NO correction and the resultant catastrophe, or saving the habitable Earth in time to save our species into the next century. Carbon takes 200 yrs. to dissipate out of the thin veil of our atmosphere, our very breath. We keep putting more up there every day to the tune of something like a million tons daily. So much costly asthma and lung disease, too! We can easily reach the tipping point of no correction in less than a decade, maybe only 5 yrs. So, imagine everything slowly dying off and suffering from floods, drought, starvation, thirst from lack of clean water, imagine our children of today dying miserably in thirst and hunger or wars over resources, imagine that and FIGHT LIKE ALL HELL TO ELECT Senator Bernie Sanders. That's what FEELING THE BERN means: Save life on Earth in this USA election! The USA MUST lead the world toward clean green energy, 100% clean by 2030 or else! Call from home or join a phonebank in NYS. NOW! Go to http://www.BernieSanders.com and learn how to join a phonebank near you, or just call from home. It's easy to do. Just any phone and a computer will do from home. Keep making calls for Bernie or keep donating to the Peoples Political Revolution. Volunteer for Bernie who won't give up on us ever. Democracy is up to us, like Thom says, even though we're all overworked. Tag: we're it NOW, more than ever! TO SAVE EVERYTHING, WE NEED EVERYONE NOW. It's better to light one candle than rage against the darkness. Watch RESTORATION on www.GreenWorldRising. I made cards re. GreenWorldRising URL and give them out everywhere. Make calls, donate. Fight for Bernie to win the NYState primary April 19th. It is HUGE number of delegates at stake in NY State NOW! So much depends on Bernie winning NY State. SO urgent! Climate Crisis is an EMERGENCY! FEEL THE BERN www.BernieSanders.com By the way, I'm exactly Bernie's age and a feminist for Bernie who was also arrested, and actually abused by the KKK in Selma, 1961, as intern journalist on WSLA-TV, among first to integrate Deep South TV. I really FEEL THE BERN at 75 yrs. Keep hope alive! <www.AuthorandActivist.com> I love Thom & Bernie for their convictions and work, so important to our children's survival!
I am an activist for putting an end to global warming/balancing our atmosphere. I am doing this so that my 40 yr old daughter, 8 yr old grand-daughter and all future generations of all people will be able to enjoy a planet that is healthier. We must stop the use of fossil fuels and stop drilling for oil and digging for coal and fracking for natural gas. If we don't set a precedent for others to follow our planet won't make it. The beauty that we have been taking for granted won't be there for future generations. The scientists are working hard to give us concrete answers and I for one have believed in this for at least 20 yrs. I am in my mid 60's and have lived my entire life in rural northern California. I have always loved nature and have spent much time in the outdoors and when married bought 2 1/2 acers of land on the ocean which my daughter and grand-daughter now live on. I have seen lots of different wild animals looking out my windows, while camping and hiking and just going to the beach or river for the day with family and friends. I started being an activist after learning how to use a computer around 12 yrs ago. I love your commentary and your energy and have learned much because of this.
The billionaire's Teapublic Party will block anything and everything related to the to the "forced" distribution of wealth via fair wages. Hell, they even want to get rid of Social Security, the very income that most of the Teapublic Party voters live on........ and these Teabaggers for some reason , probably because of hours and hours of Fox News viewing, still vote for the billionaire's clown posse.
What is it about about righties and their desire that 99% of all wealth be in the hands of a few elites? What's up with that conservatives? Have you gone completely MEDIEVAL MAD?
So if our so called representative government refuses to legislate against greed, that leaves only one option to carry out the will of the vast majority ....UNIONS!
Any worker that complains about union dues needs to pull out a book on the history of labor in this country. Unions happened, not because workers desired what wasn't theirs, they simply desired the dignity of being treated like a human being....that instead of a god damn mule.
"We know that those who produce the most- that is those who work the hardest, and at the most menial tasks, have the least." Eugene V Debs
I am certainly as tired of a highly politicized and partisan Court as I am the obstructionists in Congress.
However, the justices can see growing political anger & the political upsets n primary elections across this country. That anger, that began with the appointment of an unelected Bush in 2000 & grew through the Occupy Movement, continues in the successes of the Sanders Campaign. The resulting atmosphere of public intolerance will, I think, have great influence, even on the Supreme Court to not play fast & loose with laws that affect our abilities for livlihood.
T. Jefferson's desired every-6th-year revolution may be late; but it is happening.
I am certainly as tired of a highly politicized and partisan Court as I am the obstructionists in Congress.
However, the justices can see growing political anger & the political upsets n primary elections across this country. That anger, that began with the appointment of an unelected Bush in 2000 & grew through the Occupy Movement, continues in the successes of the Sanders Campaign. The resulting atmosphere of public intolerance will, I think, have great influence, even on the SUpreme Court, to not play fast & loose with laws that affect our abilities for livlihood.
T. Jefferson's desired every-6th-year revolution may be late; but it is happening.
I think the Supreme Court is right where it should be. Four and four, or five and five. But not nine. Each party can appoint their share as need dictates to keep it forever " fair and balanced." Unions should be left alone. It's not the government's place to interfere. Reagan was right when he said. " Government is the problem."
Excuse me but the entire premise of the question is false.
By law, candidates cannot have ANY coordination with their super-pacs.
McCain-Finegold anyone?
“Chimerica”: an “Economía Vampirica”
{ … a two-verses limerick …}
Rightists’ and Centrists’ illusions
exacerbate our confusions
‘bout how things should be
in our Land of the Free.
We suffer from their brains’ contusions.
... ... ... ...
’Tis appropriate to call our “America”
instead by the title, “Chimerica”, -
a nation where hopes
are derailed by dopes
who foster “economía vampirica”.
It may be a blessing in disguise if President Obama's SCOTUS nominee is not confirmed or if the Senate refuses to act on his nominations this year because if Senator Sanders becomes President, he will appoint someone a lot more liberal than the President's appointee. We may not get any great decisions from 4-4 SCOTUS decisions but we won't get any real bad decisions either. If Hillary becomes president, she may ask that President Obama's left leaning middle of the road appointee be confirmed which would still be better than a Republican President's far left appointee would be.
As for the public sector unions, I'm glad they can still collect what's fair from all of the people they represent in this case. People that have union negotiated wages and benefits but don't want to join the union or pay dues are either greedy, stingy, or stupid. They probably wouldn't have wanted the job in the first place if it wasn't for the union because without the union having been in place, the pay and benefits for the job would not have been very attractive. I understand that republican darling. Joe The (not really a licensed) Plumber now has a union job, no not a plumbing job (as he never was much of a plumber or he would still be one), but Joe is now a member of the UAW, working for Chrysler. He says he had to join the union to get the job. He didn't have to take the job but he did. Maybe it was the good wages and benefits that the UAW brought to the job that attracted Joe to the job.
Your question is misleading. Why is Bernie in this mix? He doesn't have a super pac ergo he cannot be part of the NO answer. If you have no super pac, how can you be responsible for one? Get a new NO answer.
Along with the Trump abortion brouhaha, Utah just instituted a statute requiring abortions to be performed with anesthesia. Should we note the unnecessary dangers to the women involved?
It is always troubling when the courts transfer wealth from the poor to the rich by eliminating retirement benefits, especially after the kind of egregious mismanage that label the coal barons little more than thugs. But shouldn’t those who spent their lives building a company like Peabody or Alpha be more entitled to the benefits of a bankruptcy proceeding than those who cause the collapse? Certainly they have earned equity, as evidenced by the retirement benefits. Certainly their efforts were laudable, as evidenced by their long hours and years of dedicated labor. Certainly they have more to lose than the old, white, rich, men who stashed away tens and hundreds of millions of dollars over the years of operations. Certainly, they can ill afford to lose out, while the rich are merely inconvenienced. Even US courts still recognize this vestige of common law.
I say: let those who have a vested interest be bailed out, not just those who happen to own stock at this moment in time. Investors assumed the risk in order to make a profit. Workers didn’t agree to the same risk when they accepted retirement plans instead of cash up front.
Rape and robbery are as American as apple pie. That is our legacy. Ask any indigenous person or black person, if you must.
Just another example of how privatizing government would work out.
This was the story line in the 1980's Wall Street movie. Bankrupt a company and walk away with the pension account! Remember the Pilot who safely ditched in the Hudson? He and other pilots were screwed by the United Airlines fat cats when United filed BK, took the pension, and told everyone they need to take a huge reduction or the airline will go out of business.
A twist on too big to jail?
They should expand Social Security, in face benefits should be double, if not triple what they are, workers should also have the option to retire at 55 if they choose, it would open up thejob matket as well for younger workers, most europeans can retire in their 50's, or age 60.
Think Michigan couldn't get any worse? Read on. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/35328-alec-backed-lawmakers-stymie-anti-fracking-and-pro-pot-ballot-initiatives
As long as workers are not on the board of directors of a company, the workers will be taken advantage of.
So says in effect a leading economist, Professor Wolf, at Democracyatwork.info
Recommend his weekly talks.
Note that Germany, one of the worlds leading economies, has a law that half the board of directors must be factory workers.
This is just another accountancy "smoke and mirrors" fraud
The money in the pension and health funds do not belong to those from which it was deducted since it was created by the company
Yes they should expand SSI . If Wallstrret and the Bush Admin. Hadn't made it possible for them to run off with all of our retirement I wouldn't feel so stongly about it as along as we kept up with the standard of living. But we have not! Many baby boomers worked all their lives for their retirement just to have half if not more taken from them. They will never be able to catch up to live a comfortable life astheyhad planned. Also The Gov't needs to keep their fingers out of it so it can grow as originally intended and not be peacemealed to help other programs. !!!
I agree to lifting the CAP but with 2 conditions
1- FIrst It should be done ONLY on the EMPLOYEE side right now both the Employer and Employee contribute
it is too burdensome for EMployer to raise theit share which should remain AS IS
2- I think we have to calculate the LEVEL to which we want to RAISE the CAP
500,000 is TOO MUCH.. i think i heard 200 K might do the trick
>>>>>>>>> It is a big lie to say that S S will not be there for those under 35 THIS BIG lie has been spread by GOP who want to PRIVATIZE S S
Tpday ON NPR at about 2.17 pm A lady high up in Social Security ??? came and said SS will be there right now for 80 years .......
SHE EVEN mentioned something VERY IMPORTANT AND SINISTER........NPR said that the FINANCIAL ADVISORS when planning tell their STUPID CUSTOMERS a LIE about SS that WE DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER Social Security being there for YOU so he asked her and she said NO NO
OF COURSE as a LESS Stupid Person , i know exactly why they are doing this . PRIVATIZATION will RUIN S Security. They want the MONEY to go to WALL Street
Now i am not ANTI WALL Street........but LYING abt S. S is CRIMINAL .
I also have a SOLUTION ready to go.
Geeez, tonight's blog sounds like another vulture capitalism story featuring Mitt Romney. The only difference being..... the vultures already own the company.
I assume the workers know who the company executives are, and where their mansions and yachts are located! In other words they know where much of the stolen retirement money is going.... My advice; "Occupy" .....block the roads near their homes, and access to the country clubs these criminals frequent. Call national attention to the injustice with Gandhi like passion.