Hillary should be careful to NOT lose - or insult Bernie's fervent supporters.. I will vote DEM Our country can not take more far right wing anti middle class pro wealth GOP judges, more extended wars, loss of lives & trillions, NO more GOP anti middle class anti fair wages anti womens health - pro corp - greedy WalL St suck ups.. GOP plans to end the EPA !! That means more lead, toxins, poisons in our air, water and more Hydrolic Frackings ( aka fracturing the earth ) ( has led to more earth quakes ) l. We must add a Wall St transaction tax... cut huge corp loopholes, subsides, tax cuts .. NO TPP NAFTA was horrid enough go to www.whitehouse.gov Tell Obama and Hillary NO TPP Post on Hillarys face book page as well Fight the GOP arrogance Refusal to consider Obama Supreme court pick Voters already spoke MC Connell They voted Obama in twice . therefore Obama has the right and duty to select a judge for consideration IF GOP do NOT do so GOP WILL lose Congress ..Voters are disgusted & angry !!!
ckrob: Yes I agree. I was disappointed in Mr Obama's picks for finance advisors and you're correct, these things did not get better.
What is it about Dems where we rely, wrongly/diseasterously, on Republicans in economic and national secutiry issues, surely we have people who could fill those positions well. The Republicans fill ALL of their offices with Republicans.
Because of all the money in politics, any presidency but the big monied party will have an up-hill climb, I'm affraid.
When I saw who Obama chose as his economic advisers (pre-first term) I decided little would be done re the nation's financial problems on his watch. Turns out I was right although he didn't shepherd through the regressions that the Bill Clinton administration did. Tell me who Hillary or Bernie collect as advisors and I'll tell you their future policies if they are elected. Have either stated their adviser preferences in this regard?
The biggest problem with surrogates is the continued nasty attacks by media pundits and outlets (Washington Post, Joan Walsh, Capehart, etc..) and elected officials who stump for her. They often seem to be coordinated.
The day of the 'disqualification' charge, the Washington Post had 2 separate headlines...1 with the erroneous 'not qualified' charge and a later one saying that Sanders was wrong, because Clinton never said it (I found a great tweet of those WaPo headlines side-by-side).
The problem is that every talking point is picked up by CNN and MSNBC, especially, and repeated ad nauseum. Whether Clinton specifically states it or not, it is definitely orchestrated by the campaign.
Having said that, the most egregious thing for me as a Bernie supporter (and I am a gay man who will never 'not' fight against the GOP in a general election), she is doing things that are making it increasingly difficult for me to advocate 'for' her if she wins. For me, she crossed the line with her tweet in which she accuses Bernie of putting gun manufacturers over the families of Sandy Hook. It was shocking to me that she would use a tragedy in that way. Look at the responses to that Clinton tweet and you will see it had very powerful negative consequences for her. I am not sure who is advising her, but can you imagine if Bernie put out a tweet, seeking to score points by posing with parents who lost children in Iraq? He would never do that.
I find this far more troubling than the 'qualification' charge. She is causing irreparable damage with tactics like that.
I've been following politics since I was 14 and I'm now 55 and a LOYAL DEM the entire time. I love Bernie's message--it's my message--but I feel that the office of POTUS would keep him from doing all those good, needed, and necessary things. He'd still have to go through an obstuctive Congress and Senate, unless Bernie fans have plans to further push for the make-up of these entities to change. The office of POTUS has many more demands upon it than what's going on here in the US. He'd have WORLD problems to work on. He'd have to try and get his appointees through--President Obama has not been able to do this in nearly 8 years.
Bernie said this morning on The Today Show that the people could demand Congress/Senate to move on these issues--they all ready DO NOT listen to the people. We aren't nearly as important as the big money donors. This would have to change.
Bernie has, himself, said that change needs to come from the bottom up, not the top down.
I am voting Democrat no matter what, because any DEMOCRAT is better than ANY Republican. But I think Hillary can do the president's job--she has the MOST experience of ALL the candiates--and Bernie can run the ALL-IMPORTANT REVOLUTION. We need BERNIE to do that ALL-IMPORTANT job. He has so many wonderful--and not so wonderful mean BernieorBust people--behind him. Isn't Bernie's message the most important thing here? Isn't accomplishing Bernie's goals the most important for us all?
If Bernie gets into office and is unable to accomplish his necessary plans, (young) people will be disappointed in and turn away from politics and Bernie will be raked over the coals because the realities of politics are being ignored for idealism and nothing will get done, again! That would be a NATIONAL HUMAN TRAGEDY.
I've been following politics since I was 14 and I'm now 55. I love Bernie's message--it's my message--but I feel that the office of POTUS would keep him from doing all those good, needed, and necessary things. He'd still have to go through an obstuctive Congress and Senate, unless Bernie fans have plans to further push for the make-up of these entities to change. The office of POTUS has many more demands upon it than what's going on here in the US. He'd have WORLD problems to work on. He'd have to try and get his appointees through--President Obama has not been able to do this in nearly 8 years.
Bernie said this morning on The Today Show that the people could demand Congress/Senate to move on these issues--they all ready DO NOT listen to the people. We aren't nearly as important as the big money donors.
Bernie has, himself, said that change need to come from the bottom up, not the top down.
I am voting Democrat no matter what, because any DEMOCRAT is better than ANY Republican. But I think Hillary can do the president's job--she has the MOST experience of ALL the candiates--and Bernie can run the ALL-IMPORTANT REVOLUTION. We need BERNIE to do that ALL-IMPORTANT job. He has so many wonderful--and not so wonderful mean BernieorBust people--behind him. Isn't Bernie's message the most important thing here? Isn't accomplishing Bernie's goals the most important for us all?
If Bernie gets into office and is unable to accomplish his necessary plans, (young) people will be disappointed in and turn away from politics and Bernie will be raked over the coals because the realities of politics are being ignored for idealism and nothing be get done, again! That would be a NATIONAL HUMAN TRAGEDY.
Thom, this is about the road to a preordained cornation of Hillary Clinton. The Status Quo views Sanders as pot hole on that road; he was never meant to win. Hillary's chief fault was taking him to lightly while Sander's fault is taking this election to seriously; as if he really had a chance. The GOP is imploding---perhaps fatally--- before our eyes in an effort to defeat a unscripted interloper in favor of a pre-vetted candidate, chosen by the Status Quo to give the people an entertaining show while still losing in November. It's bread and circuses all over again.
Hillary too!?!? It’s not just the Red States who suppress potential-Democratic voters. Her new level of contra-Bernie negativity might reduce the turnout that otherwise might allow Dems to whup Repugnantans. Methinks that she fouls her own nest.
The most disingenuous attack, not only from the Clinton camp, but also from some so called progressives, and of course the entire Teapublic Party, is the argument that Bernie's proposals for things like single payer, and tuition free college are not affordable, and he doesn't spell out how he would pay for these things. That's bull!
He's been very clear about how he'll fund his proposals......for a clear and concise summary just google, "How Bernie pays for his proposals"
If you add up all taxes, including hidden taxes and fees, the average middle class worker already pays the same tax rate our friends in Democratic Socialist countries pay. We get a lot less in return because half of our budget goes to the endless war for profit industry.
Don't tell me the richest country on the planet can't have what the happiest countries on the planet already have.....things like single payer, at least six weeks of paid vacation per year, paid family leave, living minimum wage, living retirement pension amounts, tuition free college..etc etc.
If anyone doubts this....refer them to the stats on wealth concentration the top one percent of the one percent continue to expand at everyone elses expense.
I don't think she realizes that most of don't give a crap if he's an official Democrat. In fact, there are a lot of people who are attracted to that aspect. We are ready for someone who thinks outside of the party system and doesn't limit himself, and us by extension, to "politics as usual." Obviously politics as usual is not working. The fact that more people haven't realized this is more surprising than Bernie's success to me.
(1)-Were there still in the United States any mainstream journalists worthy of the name, Sanders would not have to "fight back" because Hillary's infinite corruption -- including the fact her true politics are those of the closeted, reflexively fascistic Goldwater Girl she has remained ever since opportunism prompted her to don Democratic disguise -- would be common knowledge.
(2)-Thus, with all due respect to Mr. Hartmann, the reason the Democrats cannot "get off each other's backs" is because Hillary is not a real Democrat. Indeed it is at least possible she, her husband and Barack (the Betrayer) Obama are each not only the agents of Wall Street we know them to be, but willing operatives within a far greater and more malevolent One Percent conspiracy to actually destroy the Democratic Party and thereby forever remove from U.S. politics even the most remote possibility of overthrowing the plutocracy and restoring the New Deal.
(3)-If indeed Hillary's hate-Sanders campaign succeeds in winning her the Democratic nomination, it will also succeed (see my second observation above) in destroying the party beyond any hope of repair. The consequences will ensure a Republican presidential victory, the result of which will be either the beginning of de jure Christian theocracy under Cruz and his Dominionists or the advent of overt USian Nazism under Trump and his latter-day stormtroopers.
Given Hillary's Goldwater Girl politics, it is probable this is her clandestine purpose. For which see The Family: the Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Jeff Sharlet, Harper: 2008), pages 272-277, particularly the infinitely damning disclosure on page 275: "Hillary fights side-by-side with (Sam) Brownback and others for legislation dedicated less to overturning the wall between church and state than to tunneling beneath it" -- precisely as any deep-cover Christofascist agent would do.
I'm getting more and more distressed that the Clinton Camp and the Party leadership seem as flummoxed by the number of Bernie's supporters as does the Mainstream Media. Entertainment Journalism seems only to understand "Personality Politics". Not only has Bernie blown away the pollsters, his supporters have amazed (and maybe frightened) Status Quo Democrats because WE have revealed a whole new " demographic". I don't know about anybody else, but the more Hillary and the Party resists ACCEPTING Bernie's Progressivism, the angrier I get as a voter!
Perhaps the Clintoncampaign would prefer that Bernie run as an independent. They should count their blessings and stop going negative and distorting Bernie's record.
It has been Hillary's strategy to try and disqualify Bernie without actually using the word disqualify. She has however repeatedly insinuated that since he is an Independent he therefore is not authentic enough to be the Democratic candidate for President, whereas she "has been a Democrat all her adult life." She also implies that he hasn't done his homework on certain issues which is just another way of saying he's not qualified to be President because he doesn't know what she knows. It's a very thinly veiled effort to use innuendo to suggest that he's not qualified. They are both obviously qualified. And whoever ends up winning we Democrats all have to vote for the Democratic candidate whomever it is. To not vote is in essence giving a vote to whomever the Republicans nominate.
What you don't seem to understand is that Thom does understand. What the rest of us understand is that you appear to be using this comments section as a means of displaying clickbait. I agree with most of what you say but using the "what Thom doesn't understand" approach is getting old and annoying.
Bernie or bust is not just a pledge, and it's not just a movement. This is what Thom doesn't understand. Revolt Against Plutocracy is building an army of democracy commando force multipliers, a tactic that neither the Sanders or Clinton campaigns are deploying. #BernieOrBust is about helping Sanders secure the nomination. RAP's army has been working the caucuses, and in WI we started deploying the commando operation. Why did Bernie go from only 4 points up in WI to winning by 13 points? Bernie or bust is an army of democracy commandos. Next stop, WY and NY after that.
H e ll yeah !!
Hillary should be careful to NOT lose - or insult Bernie's fervent supporters.. I will vote DEM Our country can not take more far right wing anti middle class pro wealth GOP judges, more extended wars, loss of lives & trillions, NO more GOP anti middle class anti fair wages anti womens health - pro corp - greedy WalL St suck ups.. GOP plans to end the EPA !! That means more lead, toxins, poisons in our air, water and more Hydrolic Frackings ( aka fracturing the earth ) ( has led to more earth quakes ) l. We must add a Wall St transaction tax... cut huge corp loopholes, subsides, tax cuts .. NO TPP NAFTA was horrid enough go to www.whitehouse.gov Tell Obama and Hillary NO TPP Post on Hillarys face book page as well Fight the GOP arrogance Refusal to consider Obama Supreme court pick Voters already spoke MC Connell They voted Obama in twice . therefore Obama has the right and duty to select a judge for consideration IF GOP do NOT do so GOP WILL lose Congress ..Voters are disgusted & angry !!!
IntermttentIn...No, you're wrong. A Cruz or Trump presidency would be the (Inter) National Human Tragedy.
ckrob: Yes I agree. I was disappointed in Mr Obama's picks for finance advisors and you're correct, these things did not get better.
What is it about Dems where we rely, wrongly/diseasterously, on Republicans in economic and national secutiry issues, surely we have people who could fill those positions well. The Republicans fill ALL of their offices with Republicans.
Because of all the money in politics, any presidency but the big monied party will have an up-hill climb, I'm affraid.
When I saw who Obama chose as his economic advisers (pre-first term) I decided little would be done re the nation's financial problems on his watch. Turns out I was right although he didn't shepherd through the regressions that the Bill Clinton administration did. Tell me who Hillary or Bernie collect as advisors and I'll tell you their future policies if they are elected. Have either stated their adviser preferences in this regard?
The biggest problem with surrogates is the continued nasty attacks by media pundits and outlets (Washington Post, Joan Walsh, Capehart, etc..) and elected officials who stump for her. They often seem to be coordinated.
The day of the 'disqualification' charge, the Washington Post had 2 separate headlines...1 with the erroneous 'not qualified' charge and a later one saying that Sanders was wrong, because Clinton never said it (I found a great tweet of those WaPo headlines side-by-side).
The problem is that every talking point is picked up by CNN and MSNBC, especially, and repeated ad nauseum. Whether Clinton specifically states it or not, it is definitely orchestrated by the campaign.
Having said that, the most egregious thing for me as a Bernie supporter (and I am a gay man who will never 'not' fight against the GOP in a general election), she is doing things that are making it increasingly difficult for me to advocate 'for' her if she wins. For me, she crossed the line with her tweet in which she accuses Bernie of putting gun manufacturers over the families of Sandy Hook. It was shocking to me that she would use a tragedy in that way. Look at the responses to that Clinton tweet and you will see it had very powerful negative consequences for her. I am not sure who is advising her, but can you imagine if Bernie put out a tweet, seeking to score points by posing with parents who lost children in Iraq? He would never do that.
I find this far more troubling than the 'qualification' charge. She is causing irreparable damage with tactics like that.
Some (I for one) say that another Clinton presidency would be a(n) (inter)"NATIONAL HUMAN TRAGEDY."
I've been following politics since I was 14 and I'm now 55 and a LOYAL DEM the entire time. I love Bernie's message--it's my message--but I feel that the office of POTUS would keep him from doing all those good, needed, and necessary things. He'd still have to go through an obstuctive Congress and Senate, unless Bernie fans have plans to further push for the make-up of these entities to change. The office of POTUS has many more demands upon it than what's going on here in the US. He'd have WORLD problems to work on. He'd have to try and get his appointees through--President Obama has not been able to do this in nearly 8 years.
Bernie said this morning on The Today Show that the people could demand Congress/Senate to move on these issues--they all ready DO NOT listen to the people. We aren't nearly as important as the big money donors. This would have to change.
Bernie has, himself, said that change needs to come from the bottom up, not the top down.
I am voting Democrat no matter what, because any DEMOCRAT is better than ANY Republican. But I think Hillary can do the president's job--she has the MOST experience of ALL the candiates--and Bernie can run the ALL-IMPORTANT REVOLUTION. We need BERNIE to do that ALL-IMPORTANT job. He has so many wonderful--and not so wonderful mean BernieorBust people--behind him. Isn't Bernie's message the most important thing here? Isn't accomplishing Bernie's goals the most important for us all?
If Bernie gets into office and is unable to accomplish his necessary plans, (young) people will be disappointed in and turn away from politics and Bernie will be raked over the coals because the realities of politics are being ignored for idealism and nothing will get done, again! That would be a NATIONAL HUMAN TRAGEDY.
Somehow I got posted twice during the "preview" stage, sorry all. The second letter is my final/intended draft--Thanks.
I've been following politics since I was 14 and I'm now 55. I love Bernie's message--it's my message--but I feel that the office of POTUS would keep him from doing all those good, needed, and necessary things. He'd still have to go through an obstuctive Congress and Senate, unless Bernie fans have plans to further push for the make-up of these entities to change. The office of POTUS has many more demands upon it than what's going on here in the US. He'd have WORLD problems to work on. He'd have to try and get his appointees through--President Obama has not been able to do this in nearly 8 years.
Bernie said this morning on The Today Show that the people could demand Congress/Senate to move on these issues--they all ready DO NOT listen to the people. We aren't nearly as important as the big money donors.
Bernie has, himself, said that change need to come from the bottom up, not the top down.
I am voting Democrat no matter what, because any DEMOCRAT is better than ANY Republican. But I think Hillary can do the president's job--she has the MOST experience of ALL the candiates--and Bernie can run the ALL-IMPORTANT REVOLUTION. We need BERNIE to do that ALL-IMPORTANT job. He has so many wonderful--and not so wonderful mean BernieorBust people--behind him. Isn't Bernie's message the most important thing here? Isn't accomplishing Bernie's goals the most important for us all?
If Bernie gets into office and is unable to accomplish his necessary plans, (young) people will be disappointed in and turn away from politics and Bernie will be raked over the coals because the realities of politics are being ignored for idealism and nothing be get done, again! That would be a NATIONAL HUMAN TRAGEDY.
Very good documentary by Reich Wing Watch:
Hillary Clinton: Republican For President (Documentary)
among many fine segments:
Bernie opposing the Iraq War,
Hillary Clinton selling the Iraq War,
Scott Ritter on WMD's,
Mike Gravel: "I'm ashamed of you, Hillary, for voting for [the Iraq War]", (and that laugh in response)
and much more!
I'm still not entirely sure where Clinton ranks, among Republicans, on the "the lesser of x evils" scale.
Thom, this is about the road to a preordained cornation of Hillary Clinton. The Status Quo views Sanders as pot hole on that road; he was never meant to win. Hillary's chief fault was taking him to lightly while Sander's fault is taking this election to seriously; as if he really had a chance. The GOP is imploding---perhaps fatally--- before our eyes in an effort to defeat a unscripted interloper in favor of a pre-vetted candidate, chosen by the Status Quo to give the people an entertaining show while still losing in November. It's bread and circuses all over again.
Hillary too!?!? It’s not just the Red States who suppress potential-Democratic voters. Her new level of contra-Bernie negativity might reduce the turnout that otherwise might allow Dems to whup Repugnantans. Methinks that she fouls her own nest.
{ … a limerick …}
Memo to Hillary C: -
- It’s best to leave Bernie be.
Give it a rest
lest ye foul the Dem’s nest
with your {negativity} neg-a-tiv-i-tee.
Eloquently put! And I'm in total agreement.
What are the qualifications for a POTUS and why are they not specified?
I suggest, to start, a degree in how to represent "we the people"
The most disingenuous attack, not only from the Clinton camp, but also from some so called progressives, and of course the entire Teapublic Party, is the argument that Bernie's proposals for things like single payer, and tuition free college are not affordable, and he doesn't spell out how he would pay for these things. That's bull!
He's been very clear about how he'll fund his proposals......for a clear and concise summary just google, "How Bernie pays for his proposals"
If you add up all taxes, including hidden taxes and fees, the average middle class worker already pays the same tax rate our friends in Democratic Socialist countries pay. We get a lot less in return because half of our budget goes to the endless war for profit industry.
Don't tell me the richest country on the planet can't have what the happiest countries on the planet already have.....things like single payer, at least six weeks of paid vacation per year, paid family leave, living minimum wage, living retirement pension amounts, tuition free college..etc etc.
If anyone doubts this....refer them to the stats on wealth concentration the top one percent of the one percent continue to expand at everyone elses expense.
I don't think she realizes that most of don't give a crap if he's an official Democrat. In fact, there are a lot of people who are attracted to that aspect. We are ready for someone who thinks outside of the party system and doesn't limit himself, and us by extension, to "politics as usual." Obviously politics as usual is not working. The fact that more people haven't realized this is more surprising than Bernie's success to me.
You severely underestimate Thom's intellect. He is well aware of what Bernie or Bust is all about. He just disagrees with it.
Three observations:
(1)-Were there still in the United States any mainstream journalists worthy of the name, Sanders would not have to "fight back" because Hillary's infinite corruption -- including the fact her true politics are those of the closeted, reflexively fascistic Goldwater Girl she has remained ever since opportunism prompted her to don Democratic disguise -- would be common knowledge.
(2)-Thus, with all due respect to Mr. Hartmann, the reason the Democrats cannot "get off each other's backs" is because Hillary is not a real Democrat. Indeed it is at least possible she, her husband and Barack (the Betrayer) Obama are each not only the agents of Wall Street we know them to be, but willing operatives within a far greater and more malevolent One Percent conspiracy to actually destroy the Democratic Party and thereby forever remove from U.S. politics even the most remote possibility of overthrowing the plutocracy and restoring the New Deal.
(3)-If indeed Hillary's hate-Sanders campaign succeeds in winning her the Democratic nomination, it will also succeed (see my second observation above) in destroying the party beyond any hope of repair. The consequences will ensure a Republican presidential victory, the result of which will be either the beginning of de jure Christian theocracy under Cruz and his Dominionists or the advent of overt USian Nazism under Trump and his latter-day stormtroopers.
Given Hillary's Goldwater Girl politics, it is probable this is her clandestine purpose. For which see The Family: the Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Jeff Sharlet, Harper: 2008), pages 272-277, particularly the infinitely damning disclosure on page 275: "Hillary fights side-by-side with (Sam) Brownback and others for legislation dedicated less to overturning the wall between church and state than to tunneling beneath it" -- precisely as any deep-cover Christofascist agent would do.
I'm in. Let's DO this!
I'm getting more and more distressed that the Clinton Camp and the Party leadership seem as flummoxed by the number of Bernie's supporters as does the Mainstream Media. Entertainment Journalism seems only to understand "Personality Politics". Not only has Bernie blown away the pollsters, his supporters have amazed (and maybe frightened) Status Quo Democrats because WE have revealed a whole new " demographic". I don't know about anybody else, but the more Hillary and the Party resists ACCEPTING Bernie's Progressivism, the angrier I get as a voter!
Perhaps the Clintoncampaign would prefer that Bernie run as an independent. They should count their blessings and stop going negative and distorting Bernie's record.
It has been Hillary's strategy to try and disqualify Bernie without actually using the word disqualify. She has however repeatedly insinuated that since he is an Independent he therefore is not authentic enough to be the Democratic candidate for President, whereas she "has been a Democrat all her adult life." She also implies that he hasn't done his homework on certain issues which is just another way of saying he's not qualified to be President because he doesn't know what she knows. It's a very thinly veiled effort to use innuendo to suggest that he's not qualified. They are both obviously qualified. And whoever ends up winning we Democrats all have to vote for the Democratic candidate whomever it is. To not vote is in essence giving a vote to whomever the Republicans nominate.
What you don't seem to understand is that Thom does understand. What the rest of us understand is that you appear to be using this comments section as a means of displaying clickbait. I agree with most of what you say but using the "what Thom doesn't understand" approach is getting old and annoying.
Bernie or bust is not just a pledge, and it's not just a movement. This is what Thom doesn't understand. Revolt Against Plutocracy is building an army of democracy commando force multipliers, a tactic that neither the Sanders or Clinton campaigns are deploying. #BernieOrBust is about helping Sanders secure the nomination. RAP's army has been working the caucuses, and in WI we started deploying the commando operation. Why did Bernie go from only 4 points up in WI to winning by 13 points? Bernie or bust is an army of democracy commandos. Next stop, WY and NY after that.
Have you take the pledge?