Recent comments

  • We Can't Afford The Fossil Fuel Industry   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Good government would redirect the 20 billion in carbon baron subsides to community solar/wind farms, but then again we don't have a population that votes for good government. Thank you corpse media!

  • We Can't Afford The Fossil Fuel Industry   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Another reason why we need someone who will fight for the people (Bernie) rather than their corporate masters (everyone else including Hillary).

    If they want us to believe that corporations do not have an effect on their decision making, get their money out of the race. It's that simple. If not, it's difficult if not impossible to believe them.

  • We Can't Afford The Fossil Fuel Industry   8 years 46 weeks ago

    What is a the accounting cost of a human life these days?

    Companies routinely decide whether its more "cost effecive" to

    A. produce an occasionally unsafe product and litigate the law suits.

    B. produce a safe product for a higher price and risk reducing sales.

    Knowing this, the government needs to make death by pollution

    an automatic $500,000,

    Each year of cancer or black lung suffering is billed at $100,000.

    This is language the company accountants and lawyers understand.


  • The Big Picture RT Live Stream   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Hi GerieB

    This looks like part of Tuesday's 1 hour The Big Picture TV show to me. I don't know why they gave it that title. You can see the live program at and reruns by going to and selecting the full show or just the parts that interest you.

    The subscription you paid on this site is for the 3 hour Thom Hartmann Program Radio program. To listen to them, go to where there is one file per hour. They are usually all up very soon after the show. To see videos of selected portions, go to

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Talk about "factions"

    Apparently it turns out that Ted Cruise is a "Dominunist !

    Look it it up on Wikipedia . Gasp!

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Q: How many Zombies does it take to change a light bulb ?

    A: Not enough !

  • The Big Picture RT Live Stream   8 years 46 weeks ago

    I DO hope this broadcast is current, today, 4/14/16... I paid a full year's subscription last month, yet I STILL keep having great difficulty finding the same day program if I turn in a few hours late... and many times get constantly interrupted by commercials... somehow I thought I would NOT get those interruptions if I did a paid subscription, which for me is a LOT of $$, even though I realize it IS reasonanable... Also, I have to scroll through numerous listings to find the correct link to give me more than a 5-minute excerpt. PLEASE help me make this easier, or I will need to cancel my subscription, and give it to the TYT folks or directly to RT so I can get same-day news. I'm wishing now I had only given the month-by-month $$, but I thought this would be so much more economically sensible... Please help!

  • Daily Topics - Thursday April 14th, 2016   8 years 46 weeks ago

    In 1958, Frank Capra produced an educational film titled "The Unchained Goddess," which introduced the public to the issue of global warming.

    Quoting from the film, "Even now, Man may be unwittingly changing the world's climate through the waste products of his civilization."

    This was nearly 60 years ago, and long before Dr. Hanson's first warning.

    A video clip with this quote is currently available on YouTube:

    Along with this, Capra's accompanying film, "Our Mr. Sun" -- ignoring its heavily 1950s-era right-wing Christian overtones -- is actually a fine introduction to early research on the use and promise of solar energy as an alternative. This is currently available on YouTube as well.

    Bottom line, both global warming and the promise of renewable energy have been known for at least sixty years.

  • When Will the Media - Acknowledge We've Been Robbed?   8 years 46 weeks ago

    If only it were just a mere robbery. Even J. Edgar Hoover would have been quick to recognize it instantly as racketeering. A highly complex method of crime at many levels.

    The syndicate writes its own legislation and pays off the legislators to do nothing while hiding the fine print and passing it through making grand larceny legal if carried out according to their code and allowing them to offshore . . . oh wait that's just such a bother. Just onshore their under cover operations with dark money.

    • What one worries about is what their real vision might be when one has access to such obscene amounts of cash. Somehow corrupting governments to keep it all going seems like only a small nuisance you have to deal with while you are actually up to other agendas. After all, some of their rogue counterparts are running wars with this much cash.
    • There needs to be a new name for this kind of concealed, unchecked superwealth. After all, it has the power to destabilize entire markets and countries. Even cause a global depression. For most of us, it is like being the krill in the ocean with a hungry whale.
    • And like most typical mobsters and titans what happens to the rest of us when they start a gang war among themselves?
    • Given how much cash Chinese CEOs and politicians have sunk into American Real Estate, one worries what they could do to local American communities like LA/OC if they suddenly had a pressing reason to pull out.
    • Someone out there said don't worry all of this dark money coming in from abroad filling shell companies will create jobs. Who's writing this stuff? What are they up to?

    Has anything changed other than global warming since the East India Company?

  • Thom Hartmann: We Need to get Over Hillary v. Bernie!   8 years 46 weeks ago

    If you start out for candidate X and then decide you are for candidate Y during the campaign and possibly change for the general election if your choice was not the nominee, I have no problem with that and understand. However if you go to the campaign folks for candidate X, say you want to help and volunteer to do phone banking, and then use their phone list to tell people to vote for candidate Y, I have a problem and I am not surprised they did also. It would not matter if X was Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. You would and should get the same reaction. These people, at this stage, are very passionate about helping their chosen person. Go to the Y candidate folks and volunteer there if you have changed your mind. After the nominee is selected and you want to help that campaign no matter which person it is, I say that is great!

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    a la Australia compel voting by law

    This would entirely conform with Athenian democracy

    And, eradicte facism

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Ou812...That's a breath of fresh air.

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Is not every interest group seen as a faction by some other interest group?


  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    2950 - 10K: The reason rhetoric doesn't effect the Right is because they have been brought up to tune out anything but their own voices, goals and agendas.

    I went to elementary school with girls who had last names like Sears (and Roebuck), Danforth (pewter), Scott (paper) and Peabody (Boston Brahmins/Harvard/Peabody Museum/Town of Peabody, MA). Even in the 5th and 6th grades I was aware of their blatant and pointed contempt for anything or anyone but themselves.

    And for over a decade, I knew a Tea Party (R) and got a chance to watch her grow up, watch how her parents molded her personality into being a myopic, self-centered, heartless autocrat. (She married but her husband walked out after only ten months; small wonder.)

    These people are like robots and one mistake we on the Left keep making is thinking that they are anything but sociopathic zombies out to kill everything, take everything, rule everything. Their bible is Sun Tsu's "Art of War" and their battle cry is always, "The ends justifies the means."

    They just operate from a completely different playbook and it would behoove Liberals to wake up to this fact and fight fire with fire; they aren't going to change and given ANY opportunity, they will default to their basic instincts to destroy.

    These people need to be hemmed in, put back in their Pandora's Box and the lid slammed down with a ton of laws and regulations that prohibit their toxic behavior. We have a society and a future to protect. Things they absolutely don't care about; trust me, I'v known these people up close and personal and lying, cheating and stealing is the cut of their jib.

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Ou812: For someone who isn't a "political animal" you have very good political instincts.

  • When Will the Media - Acknowledge We've Been Robbed?   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Sorry, Thom, oversimplification of Atlas Shrugged. (I have to question whether you read it.) Dagney had a productive purpose, to run the best railroad in the world and make it better. Wealth was a byproduct of being productive. She honored good workers, and paid them well, they were not takers, they traded their best efforts in return for their pay. Her brother was a taker. He was not interested in the DOING of being the railroad president, only the BEING. He did not work to improve the railroad but to gain political pull to suppress his competitors. The problem with the real world is that many people like the Wright Bros, Thomas Edison and others start out being productive and innovative, and then spend their wealth using government pull to prevent others from doing the same thing. In Edison's case he did everything he could to prevent Tesla's alternating current from being accepted. Fortunately Edison failed, but not before he bankrupted Tesla. Fascinating story

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 46 weeks ago

    Thom, I loved your concept about student debt relief/forgiveness. Reallocating funds will stimulate our economy.

    Here's an idea I woke up with this weeK:

    With all the asserted efforts by states to disenfranchise Black people, at a point where Reparations needs to be addressed, there are ways to end structural racism. The Federal Government will appropriate funds for the Entrepreneur and Artist Initiative. The money that is used in foreign “improvements”, (which we are clearly aware only affect individual businesses versus The United States of America, as they do not reinvest or spend the money but they do hoard their money and avoid taxes), and our money used to fund the war and weapons machine will be reallocated to the Entrepreneur and Artist Initiative. States like North Carolina, Arizona and New York, can be test states. States that imprison Blacks as a form of revenue, States that target Blacks for crimes and punishments and disenfranchisement are most viable.This is a Federally Mandated Program established in states with extreme evidence of voter suppression, mass incarceration, low job rates and housing issues placed onto African Americans. Program items include: Credit forgiveness Zero City, State, Federal, Property Taxes(In lieu of taxes paid, the Federal Government will pay $10,000 per person to aid in local development) Entrepreneur Grants Legalize MarijuanaThe Federal Government will pay to repair or replace homes with lead paint poisoning or other various poisoning. Businesses contracted will be limited to American Businesses and will also receive tax incentives.Receipt of homes or land to persons for $1.00, (required to be their primary residence for 3-5 years)Solar Power will be the power source for each build or improvement. They may choose to be on or off grid.Request for electric/solar power vehicle. One per household.Where there is mass transportation, the City will receive $5000 per person per year from the Federal Government and the person will receive an Express Pass at no cost.All Apartment complexes will be tested for lead paint etc. Improvements will be made by owner in lieu of lawsuits and for those who have raised rent with appropriate improvements, ownership will be passed on to the residents as in a Condo.Persons (Black, African Americans) will receive a monthly stipend in form of a credit card for $500, with no rules on purchase, for food and food items. Those who choose not to participate, their funds go into a food “bank”.Persons will be offered FREE Holistic Health Care. This includes acupuncture, swim therapy, and all non drug therapies. (As we have been guinea pigs for drug companies that have killed us, those who choose to do so may opt to try natural remedies.) NOTE: The jobs created and the economy flow will improve local areas as well as build the entire economy. Incentives vs punishment used for persons. Any State that impedes: Will be fined $25 million per capita. This fine will be paid biannually until the impedance ceases.All Federal programs will cease including airline access/allowance.All Federal Funding will cease and the State will be fined for not accepting funds on the behalf of their population.

  • Should the United States institute mandatory voting?   8 years 46 weeks ago

    That was my thought. I actually think people shouldn't vote unless they can explain the issues, but you can't test that qualification, and anyway, right now we have an ENTIRE PARTY who vote against their own interests. So, let everyone vote, maybe we get 10% who vote without knowing what they are voting for, but we get 90% voting Democrat.

  • Should the United States institute mandatory voting?   8 years 46 weeks ago

    In 1987 I was on a ship in Callao Peru. A few dock workers spoke English. EVERY ONE asked me how the USA could elect Reagan and rattled off the full list of his war crimes, trading missles for the hostages in Iran, giving Saudi Arabia advanced weapons in return for Saudi funding organized crime in Central America to to hire mercenaries and murder candidates trying to acheive democracy, on behalf of US Fruit, selling Saddam Hussein chemical weapons via Cheney's Halliburton, etc. I was stunned, very few Americans knew any of this because it wasn't discussed during football games. I had dinner with the family of one man, and THEY ALL knew more about US politics than most Americans. No coincidence, Peru had recently impeached, convicted, and JAILED their right wing criminal government, and was a democracy for the first time in the history of Peru. I asked what brought this about, Peru is poor and everyone works long days. The family told me it was ONE LAW that changed Peru. The government passed a law instituting a fine of one week's pay for not voting. Forced to vote or pay a fine, people decided they were going to be INFORMED voters. It doesn't take long for people to notice that politics is more interesting than football. After learning about Peruvian Politics, they'd expanded to Central and South America, and of course that meant they couldn't avoid noticing that the USA routinely murdered entire governments all over Central and South America if they threatened to implement Democracy.

  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 47 weeks ago

    I am not a political animal. It’s not important to me who his president, or dog catcher. I believe the individual is the best person to determine his or her fate. With that caveat, I would like to comment on the Democratic presidential candidates, and their motivations as I see it.

    Hillary Clinton wants to be the first woman president. She likes all the attention that comes with running for president. She wants to be the face of America, the person in control, the “Queen”. She does not want to lead America; she wants to rule it.

    Bernie Sanders, in my opinion is the exact opposite. Being the first Jewish president, or the oldest person elected to the office doesn’t drive him. He is driven by the passion of his beliefs. A quality I admire, and a quality found in all successful leaders. He has no desire to rule the USA, he wants to lead it.

    For the Democratic Primary, the choice is simple. If you want to be ruled, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want an inspiring leader, vote for Bernie Sanders.

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   8 years 47 weeks ago

    I believe Hillary "missed the mark" by promising to dismantle the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement - a peaceful movement - one of the very few areas where Palestians have some leverage. It's also one of the reasons that I'll never, ever vote for Hillary.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday April 12th, 2016   8 years 47 weeks ago

    Thom, long time fan of yours but I have to take issue with you talking about 9/11 this week.

    It seems over the years you've strayed away from questioning 9/11 (I'm assuming either for not wanting your show to turn into "the conspiracy hour," or coming to a level of acceptance and "not crying over spilled milk").

    However, and with all due respect, you sound foolish with your dismissive comments--particularly relating to the jet fuel fires (the jet fuel burned off in a matter of minutes), and the fact that it weakened the steel (perhaps, yet not shown to weaken the steel to the point of failure, let a lone the 200,000 tons of steel below the fire). Nonetheless, jet fuel nor building compounds contain thermitic material, which was found in numerous dust samples from the site.

    Please take some time this weekend and look at the amazing research and arguments that have been worked on over the years relating to what really happened on 9/11; particularly those done by architects & engineers and pilots for 9/11 truth. To not do so is a disservice to yourself and the public at large.

    Here is a rebbuttal to that lame "weakened steel" video you referenced:


  • Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions   8 years 47 weeks ago


  • Is the Next Taxpayer Bailout the Coal Industry?   8 years 47 weeks ago

    Coal is one of the best carbon sequestration methods ever. We don't have to pay the landowners, but we could pay the people and it would be better than a "bailout".

  • Should the United States institute mandatory voting?   8 years 47 weeks ago

    Yes, everyone =should= vote, in -spite- of what the Republicans are trying to do (which is as 'subtle' as a brick up side the head -- "Sieg Heil, y'all"). However, we have to admit that Americans {as a =general= statement} are/can be a bunch of cantankerous pains-in-the-behind, too often "just because"! >>sigh<<

    That being the case, =telling= Americans they -have- to do =ANY=thing= is just asking for trouble .. -even- -if- -it- -is- -something- -they- =want= -to- -do-! OTOH, if they voted and -were- =given=, say, $20 "for their time and energy" >koff, koff<, you'd get one hell of a big turn out! And it would be -easy- to keep ::fraud:: out of it. (Tie it to one's SSN...) Use positive reinforcement (-get- money for participating) instead of negative (being -fined- for -not- participating). Yes, it sucks, but what would you rather have -- the present minimal participation (and all -that- brings) or huge turnouts? It's that simple.

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