So if conservatives push for and create economic policies that have literally proven to cause citizens to kill themselves, shouldn't that be considered verifiable economic violence which has lead to death? Conservative economic policy is put in place by conservative legislators. So It looks to me like the families of the suicide victims should have lawsuits against both the conservatives who create the legislation, and the president who signs it into law.
Wow, conservative economic violence makes window smashing and looting look pretty tame.
Extreme concentration of wealth is and always has been the problem.
Enslavement is still widespread, it's just much more subtle and insidious in the 21st century.
BTW: Charles Koch says even he would support Hillary as president. Bernie remains our only hope for real progressive change. Bernie is the "good government" enightenment thinkers and some of our founders envisioned.
Hephaestus, I was being facetious. I played every part in my success. To say Reagan is responsible for my success is as silly as saying Reagan is resonsible for peoples failures and suicides.
=IF= she had any -personal- integrity, you wouldn't need to ask the question. That you have to even ask the question says far more than you may realize, Thom. Think about it -- is she a person of integrity (which we -seriously- =need= right now), or is she just another political-establishment-type hack (which we really don't need any more)? Her -own- -actions- (or lack thereof, depending) are condemning her -even- -if- -she- -gains- -the- -White- -House-!! Is her goal more important than her soul ( seriously mess up a line from "A Man for All Seasons"...)? If her answer is 'yes', then (in her own way) she's no better than Trump .. .. and is this country =soooo= =screwed=!
Ger320, In 1981, the first year of the Reagan Presidency, I was making $17,500 as a Teacher. 8 years later, at the end of the Reagan Presidency, I was making $50,000 as a Sales Rep. My salary went up from there. I retired in 2006 making close to $150,000 a year. Reaganomics worked for me.
By the way Johnnie Dorman, It was Clinton, not Reagan who signed NAFTA into law and it's Obama and H. Clinton who want the Trans Pacific Partnership .
So sick and tired of hearing people say that the reason companies are moving out of the U.S. or moving to other states is because they can't afford to do business in the U.S. "Too many regulations and taxes," they say.
As if business that existed and were regulated and taxed before the Reagan economics arrived didn't thrive and weren't able to pay a decent wage to their employees.
What happened is that Reagan gave the big business slave drivers the ability to do an end-run around the laws the U.S. has against slavery by simply slaving people in other third world countries.
The U.S. trade deals are simply a well thought plan for disfranchising the American middle class, and these lousy trade deals are why the American middle class has been destroyed.
I am one of the people that were a part of a strong middle class and it is plain as the nose on my face that everything for me and others like me were made to deal with America's race to the bottom, trickle down economics that Reagan and his slave driving Neo-cons stuck us with.
I will always be angry about it all, we got the shaft and it's high time we reversed everything that the modern day foriegn worker slave drivers did to us all.
I am a Bernie supporter and I urgently call to him, that Democrats and Progressives must stop complaining about the wealth/income gap. Instead must show that stiff taxing of the rich grows the economy and jobs by insentivizing the rich to avoid taxes by putting profits back into growing their companies instead of into their pockets. This is what occurred during the steep progressive tax era from FDR to Reagan.
The earnings of the Poor have only drop the years of Obama, not during the Reagan years. It was Democratic Policies that has hurt the Poor, Middle Class, and Small Busness.
Saudi's are cashing out! The Queen has made arrangements to loan money to the FED to buy the debt from the Saudi's while the princes pack for Ibiza (and a summer of music and fun around the balerics island on the AMERICAN DIME)!
We just got fleeced over the weekend and nobody GETS IT.
The dollar just got de-valued after the bottom dropped out of commodities and as commodities revert to the mean FORGET ABOUT AFFORDING OR FINDING ANYTHING TO BUY INCLUDING FOOD. A dollar presently is worth a half a pint of beans at WALMART and will be worth 4 oz. by christmas?
Great work,its a nice content. It generates for me lots of pleasure and interest. Awesome job and keep on sharing.thanks for this post please share more post like this.
After oil was discovered at Aliso Canyon in 1938, J. Paul Getty's Tidewater Associated Oil Company produced oil and gas until the Sesnon-Frew reservoir, the largest reservoir within the oil field, was depleted in the early 1970s. On December 18, 1968, a blowout and fire destroying equipment but causing no injuries occurred at one of the wells when an operator attempted to remove two gas-lift valves.[11] Getty sold his portion of the field to Pacific Lighting Company, a gas company, which repurposed it to gas storage in 1972. As opposed to current practice, older wells were not sealed to the surrounding rock formation, including their often more than one mile of steel casing.
Thom, I'd make a good guest for your show. I'm in my fourth year hosting a weekly vaccine show, Andy Wakefield and Brian Hooker have both been guests, as have many other MDs, other medical professionals, researchers and scores of parents of vaccine damaged kids, some of whom died literally within hours of their shots, and I've invested thousands of hours in my own research. Since my email address is included in my profile, I assume you'll be able to contact me if you're interested. Thanks. Shawn Siegel
Truth is Truth...always has been, always will be , so f U Fox News.... and the handful of twisted progressives making their living off this conservative fascist broadcast!...
"If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it." Socrates.....that was fnnn 2400 years ago... when will we fnnn learn??????????????????????????? . ..... carbon barons!
That's what Socrates, as a matter of fact, had to say!
As long as the righties are stricken with denial, we're doomed to a premature man made ending! Regarding man made genocide.... I'd give anything to know what Socrate's comment would be on such an idiotic- no brainer-planet ending subject, such as documented man-made climate change,.... REMEMBER, his Athenian "establishment"political system fnn killed him???...seriously!
For a realistic solution to provide cheap, reliable, 24/7, high-grade energy where it is needed, when it is needed, then there is the Canadian company Terrestrial Energy with their IMSR, Integrated super-safe Molten Salt reactor tech.
This was specifically designed for the Alberta Oil Sands project, and would supply all the steam, process heat & electricity required, reducing the carbon footprint of Alberta Oil sands product well below that of Arab Terrorist Child-Killer, Job-Killer Oil imports.
With the IMSR you could quit the mining of bitumen and instead use SAGD, in-situ methods using dirt cheap, zero CO2 steam from the IMSRs.
And the cost would be trivial compared to Carbon Capture, and the safety far better than that of Carbon Capture. Tens of thousands of kms of liquid CO2 pipelines are a Terrorists dream-come-true and carbon storage sites have the potential to leak suffocating an entire region. Alberta is giving CCS operations 100% public liability coverage, free of charge. Why doesn't zero-CO2 nuclear get that?
The endlessly touted Sask Power boundary dam Coal power plant CCS plant is a just a joke. It cost $600M to upgrade the lousy 139MW plant, causing a loss of 29MW of electricity. A trivial 1 MT CO2 captured per year. So just for the upgrade, not the whole plant that's $1350/tonne of CO2 captured annually not including the 29MW electricity loss, worth about $13M per year added cost, and added cost of CO2 injection and transport.
Projected cost of the Bruce Power Nuplex was $620/tonne CO2/yr avoided, that's total cost = 1/2 Boundary dam but actually produces electricity as a freebie while the CCS project consumes 29MW of electricity.
With Nuclear levelized cost nearly the same as Coal in Canada, in reality there is zero cost to replacing CO2 with Nuclear and as a freebie replacing millions of tonnes of SOx, NOx, mercury, arsenic, lead, ash and sludge toxic emissions.
And even if you take very pessimistic cost data for nuclear you are at most looking at a $20/tonne/yr CO2 avoidance cost. Boundary dam is easily well over $100/tonne/yr CO2 capture cost. And that is for a trivial amount of CO2. Try putting meaningful amounts of CO2 into the ground and that would be a total pipe dream. It is no accident that CCS still amounts to zip in spite of over 20 yrs of hype.
Wsliko. I do Google. sask power is capturing the carbon from a coal generator plant so they elimate CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Cheap reliable energy with no carbon footprint. Could you imagine doing this world wide how much better it would be for reducing polution. The same technology is being used in the oil sands. But this with mess up many government plans to re distribution of wealth. Who can we hammer with a carbon tax that does nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. Real CO2 reductions just imagine.
Wsliko. I do Google. sask power is capturing the carbon from a coal generator plant so they elimate CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Cheap reliable energy with no carbon footprint. Could you imagine doing this world wide how much better it would be for reducing polution. The same technology is being used in the oil sands. But this with mess up many government plans to re distribution of wealth. Who can we hammer with a carbon tax that does nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. Real CO2 reductions just imagine.
Carbon capture total worldwide hasn't even reached 10 million tonnes per year. For all the endless hype about it. One 1.1GW Nuclear power plant displaces 6 million tonnes CO2 per year, plus 40 thousand tonnes per year of Sulfur & Nitrogen Oxides per year. And actually generates electricity whereas CCS consumes about 25% of the electricity a power plant generates.
That CCS project in Alberta, the Shell Quest hydrogen upgrader, takes a nice pure CO2 stream, tranports it 60 km and injects it 2km into the ground, hoping it may stay there. A lousy one million tonnes per year. The Big Oil stooges in Alberta gov't rejected Bruce Power's plan for a 4.4GW Nuclear power plant near Peace River, that for far lower cost than Alberta's nutty CCS pipe dreams, would have replaced 27 million tons of CO2 per year. And generated half of Alberta's electricity requirments as a freebie. Without any emissions.
So if conservatives push for and create economic policies that have literally proven to cause citizens to kill themselves, shouldn't that be considered verifiable economic violence which has lead to death? Conservative economic policy is put in place by conservative legislators. So It looks to me like the families of the suicide victims should have lawsuits against both the conservatives who create the legislation, and the president who signs it into law.
Wow, conservative economic violence makes window smashing and looting look pretty tame.
Extreme concentration of wealth is and always has been the problem.
Enslavement is still widespread, it's just much more subtle and insidious in the 21st century.
BTW: Charles Koch says even he would support Hillary as president. Bernie remains our only hope for real progressive change. Bernie is the "good government" enightenment thinkers and some of our founders envisioned.
Hephaestus, I was being facetious. I played every part in my success. To say Reagan is responsible for my success is as silly as saying Reagan is resonsible for peoples failures and suicides.
Ou812 - do you think you played no part in your success?
Reagun did this for you?
You mock yourself!
Legislators allow or dis-allow us to do or not
And, thereby have effects that become observable
Ayn Rand espoused her "philosophical" notion that she named "objectivism" (another 'ism)
Her acolytes, including Greenspan et al worshipped at her alter
Perhaps the origin of 'greed is good' virus infection affecting modern western thought regarding consideration for other humans
=IF= she had any -personal- integrity, you wouldn't need to ask the question. That you have to even ask the question says far more than you may realize, Thom. Think about it -- is she a person of integrity (which we -seriously- =need= right now), or is she just another political-establishment-type hack (which we really don't need any more)? Her -own- -actions- (or lack thereof, depending) are condemning her -even- -if- -she- -gains- -the- -White- -House-!! Is her goal more important than her soul ( seriously mess up a line from "A Man for All Seasons"...)? If her answer is 'yes', then (in her own way) she's no better than Trump .. .. and is this country =soooo= =screwed=!
Ger320, In 1981, the first year of the Reagan Presidency, I was making $17,500 as a Teacher. 8 years later, at the end of the Reagan Presidency, I was making $50,000 as a Sales Rep. My salary went up from there. I retired in 2006 making close to $150,000 a year. Reaganomics worked for me.
By the way Johnnie Dorman, It was Clinton, not Reagan who signed NAFTA into law and it's Obama and H. Clinton who want the Trans Pacific Partnership .
So sick and tired of hearing people say that the reason companies are moving out of the U.S. or moving to other states is because they can't afford to do business in the U.S. "Too many regulations and taxes," they say.
As if business that existed and were regulated and taxed before the Reagan economics arrived didn't thrive and weren't able to pay a decent wage to their employees.
What happened is that Reagan gave the big business slave drivers the ability to do an end-run around the laws the U.S. has against slavery by simply slaving people in other third world countries.
The U.S. trade deals are simply a well thought plan for disfranchising the American middle class, and these lousy trade deals are why the American middle class has been destroyed.
I am one of the people that were a part of a strong middle class and it is plain as the nose on my face that everything for me and others like me were made to deal with America's race to the bottom, trickle down economics that Reagan and his slave driving Neo-cons stuck us with.
I will always be angry about it all, we got the shaft and it's high time we reversed everything that the modern day foriegn worker slave drivers did to us all.
I am a Bernie supporter and I urgently call to him, that Democrats and Progressives must stop complaining about the wealth/income gap. Instead must show that stiff taxing of the rich grows the economy and jobs by insentivizing the rich to avoid taxes by putting profits back into growing their companies instead of into their pockets. This is what occurred during the steep progressive tax era from FDR to Reagan.
RJ, you've got to be kidding! Please don't be so misinformed. The drop in wages started with Reagan.
The earnings of the Poor have only drop the years of Obama, not during the Reagan years. It was Democratic Policies that has hurt the Poor, Middle Class, and Small Busness.
I started to say something rude, but mostly true, such as "How else is she going to get the disgusting task accomplished?" But then I deceided not to.
Saudi's are cashing out! The Queen has made arrangements to loan money to the FED to buy the debt from the Saudi's while the princes pack for Ibiza (and a summer of music and fun around the balerics island on the AMERICAN DIME)!
We just got fleeced over the weekend and nobody GETS IT.
The dollar just got de-valued after the bottom dropped out of commodities and as commodities revert to the mean FORGET ABOUT AFFORDING OR FINDING ANYTHING TO BUY INCLUDING FOOD. A dollar presently is worth a half a pint of beans at WALMART and will be worth 4 oz. by christmas?
Great work,its a nice content. It generates for me lots of pleasure and interest. Awesome job and keep on sharing.thanks for this post please share more post like this.
After oil was discovered at Aliso Canyon in 1938, J. Paul Getty's Tidewater Associated Oil Company produced oil and gas until the Sesnon-Frew reservoir, the largest reservoir within the oil field, was depleted in the early 1970s. On December 18, 1968, a blowout and fire destroying equipment but causing no injuries occurred at one of the wells when an operator attempted to remove two gas-lift valves.[11] Getty sold his portion of the field to Pacific Lighting Company, a gas company, which repurposed it to gas storage in 1972. As opposed to current practice, older wells were not sealed to the surrounding rock formation, including their often more than one mile of steel casing.
Pass4sure 100-101
Thom, I'd make a good guest for your show. I'm in my fourth year hosting a weekly vaccine show, Andy Wakefield and Brian Hooker have both been guests, as have many other MDs, other medical professionals, researchers and scores of parents of vaccine damaged kids, some of whom died literally within hours of their shots, and I've invested thousands of hours in my own research. Since my email address is included in my profile, I assume you'll be able to contact me if you're interested. Thanks. Shawn Siegel
Truth is Truth...always has been, always will be , so f U Fox News.... and the handful of twisted progressives making their living off this conservative fascist broadcast!...
"If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it." Socrates.....that was fnnn 2400 years ago... when will we fnnn learn??????????????????????????? . ..... carbon barons!
That's what Socrates, as a matter of fact, had to say!
As long as the righties are stricken with denial, we're doomed to a premature man made ending! Regarding man made genocide.... I'd give anything to know what Socrate's comment would be on such an idiotic- no brainer-planet ending subject, such as documented man-made climate change,.... REMEMBER, his Athenian "establishment" political system fnn killed him???...seriously!
99% of us on the planet are Kunta Kinte right now, and we're totally unaware of it!
legislate against greed now!!!!!!!!!!!
For a realistic solution to provide cheap, reliable, 24/7, high-grade energy where it is needed, when it is needed, then there is the Canadian company Terrestrial Energy with their IMSR, Integrated super-safe Molten Salt reactor tech.
Terrestrial Energy Inc.'s Hugh MacDiarmid’s speech at the Economic Club of Canada - Terrestrial Energy:
This was specifically designed for the Alberta Oil Sands project, and would supply all the steam, process heat & electricity required, reducing the carbon footprint of Alberta Oil sands product well below that of Arab Terrorist Child-Killer, Job-Killer Oil imports.
With the IMSR you could quit the mining of bitumen and instead use SAGD, in-situ methods using dirt cheap, zero CO2 steam from the IMSRs.
And the cost would be trivial compared to Carbon Capture, and the safety far better than that of Carbon Capture. Tens of thousands of kms of liquid CO2 pipelines are a Terrorists dream-come-true and carbon storage sites have the potential to leak suffocating an entire region. Alberta is giving CCS operations 100% public liability coverage, free of charge. Why doesn't zero-CO2 nuclear get that?
The endlessly touted Sask Power boundary dam Coal power plant CCS plant is a just a joke. It cost $600M to upgrade the lousy 139MW plant, causing a loss of 29MW of electricity. A trivial 1 MT CO2 captured per year. So just for the upgrade, not the whole plant that's $1350/tonne of CO2 captured annually not including the 29MW electricity loss, worth about $13M per year added cost, and added cost of CO2 injection and transport.
Projected cost of the Bruce Power Nuplex was $620/tonne CO2/yr avoided, that's total cost = 1/2 Boundary dam but actually produces electricity as a freebie while the CCS project consumes 29MW of electricity.
With Nuclear levelized cost nearly the same as Coal in Canada, in reality there is zero cost to replacing CO2 with Nuclear and as a freebie replacing millions of tonnes of SOx, NOx, mercury, arsenic, lead, ash and sludge toxic emissions.
And even if you take very pessimistic cost data for nuclear you are at most looking at a $20/tonne/yr CO2 avoidance cost. Boundary dam is easily well over $100/tonne/yr CO2 capture cost. And that is for a trivial amount of CO2. Try putting meaningful amounts of CO2 into the ground and that would be a total pipe dream. It is no accident that CCS still amounts to zip in spite of over 20 yrs of hype.
A crazy idea.
Wsliko. I do Google. sask power is capturing the carbon from a coal generator plant so they elimate CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Cheap reliable energy with no carbon footprint. Could you imagine doing this world wide how much better it would be for reducing polution. The same technology is being used in the oil sands. But this with mess up many government plans to re distribution of wealth. Who can we hammer with a carbon tax that does nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. Real CO2 reductions just imagine.
Wsliko. I do Google. sask power is capturing the carbon from a coal generator plant so they elimate CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Cheap reliable energy with no carbon footprint. Could you imagine doing this world wide how much better it would be for reducing polution. The same technology is being used in the oil sands. But this with mess up many government plans to re distribution of wealth. Who can we hammer with a carbon tax that does nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. Real CO2 reductions just imagine.
Carbon capture total worldwide hasn't even reached 10 million tonnes per year. For all the endless hype about it. One 1.1GW Nuclear power plant displaces 6 million tonnes CO2 per year, plus 40 thousand tonnes per year of Sulfur & Nitrogen Oxides per year. And actually generates electricity whereas CCS consumes about 25% of the electricity a power plant generates.
That CCS project in Alberta, the Shell Quest hydrogen upgrader, takes a nice pure CO2 stream, tranports it 60 km and injects it 2km into the ground, hoping it may stay there. A lousy one million tonnes per year. The Big Oil stooges in Alberta gov't rejected Bruce Power's plan for a 4.4GW Nuclear power plant near Peace River, that for far lower cost than Alberta's nutty CCS pipe dreams, would have replaced 27 million tons of CO2 per year. And generated half of Alberta's electricity requirments as a freebie. Without any emissions.
CCS is a nutty scam. Plain and simple.