RFord - Saint Raygun made government agencies privatize all government shops. I worked for the US Forest Service in California at the time and we used to repair our own equipment. Then along came that asshole Saint Raygun and made us contract with a private company to run OUR shop. We provided the shop and the tools and had to keep one person on to inspect the work. We had to do an in depth study to of our repair history, put a price on it and prove that we could do it cheaper. This is and was totally unacceptable and I told Raygun and his goons to F off and quit. I believe that government vehicles for most cities are mostly farmed out to local repair shops. I don't know about States and Counties. They hopefully told Saint Raygun to F off as well.
Distribution of child porn is a serious crime. Has the FBI pursued the Bernie website assault or is the crime being treated as just another campaign dirty trick? I would like to know whether the assault came from a Republican (paid?), a Hillary supporter (paid?) or a regular, independent, lowlife troll. Nonetheless, some jail time might get a few folks attention. Anyone see a parallel with our Wall Street situation involving fraud and the DOJ's flaccid inaction?
Obama has done really nothing to help the working and retired. As soon as he was sworn into office he hand picked a republican cabinet and you wonder why he was influenced or maybe not with his policies. He is a day late and a policy short . Giving him credit for the some of the change he promised is a little misguided when now we are facing a global financial meltdown because nobody is accountable for all the wall street greed that he is part of! Now we have the choice between a criminal and tyrant for president. Don't hold your breath for change we can believe in.
I know that Saint Raygun screwed federal employees in 1983 cutting the federal pensions to 1% from 2% for 30 years of service. Then the traitor introducted a plan whereby employees could invest in their retirement with a government match. Saint Raygun also prohibited federal retirees from drawing Social Security even though they me the minimum 40 quarters. That is who screwed the federal employee. After Saint Raygun started destroying unions, it caught on with the cheap bastard ceo's.
Though I have the impression Warren won't run, she is dedicated enough to seeing Big Money out of politics, that maybe she would reconsider. It would, as you suggest, be an unstoppable ticket.
Rford. I told my sons to start their own business. Do as I did work seven days a week, twelve hours a day and soon it would pay off like it did for me, because without people like me there would be no one to pay they taxes to create those government jobs with those great benifits that you want your grandson to have. Someone has to do it.
Hey Thom, I know we have been hard pressed to find anything the GOP has done recently to help average Americans. I see there are several similar posts asking the same question, but they have different timelines.
I only just found out today while researching a friend's response in a comment thread that the Earned Income Tax Credit was passed in 1975, and it had bipartisan support. While it's not as great as a negative income tax or other proposals, it's still a pretty good program that helps many to this day, and has been opposed by the conservatives for quite a while now. That's still a very long time ago when the GOP was less extreme, so I think that maybe we should just stick to what have they done since Reagan, since Reagan was pretty much the beginning of the end of this country. I know you would probably agree that he was the turning point. Wasn't there a joke that said your tombstone was going to say "It all started with Reagan!" Heh. Since Reagan, there has been absolutely nothing, unless you count COBRA in 85 that allowed workers to have insurance even after they left their jobs. Of course that had all sorts of bad things as well, and the good things that were in it were fiercely opposed by the GOP I'm willing to bet. http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2012/09/republicans-and-47-case-study
There is another down side to retired people having little to live on. They don't have much money to spend and that hurts, not helps the economy and businesses. I'm almost 66 years old and have not seen any relatives retire on savings. One grandfather retired with a pension from Cotton Belt Railroad. He was a member of the Railway Clerks union. The other retired with a pension from Southern Bell Telephone Company. He was a lineman. My dad, an uncle, and I retired with pensions from Plumbers Local Union # 17. I've seen people retire on savings and Social Security only to return to the workforce because their savings ran out. I've seen people dip into their 401Ks during employment gaps and now don't know when or if they will be able to retire. I see ads on TV for retirement accounts. I don't know who these ads are targeting. They must be for wealthy people or suckers. The average person can't save enough to live well on until they're 92. Lets say you want to retire at 62 and live on Social Security and savings until your 92. Besides Social Security. you want $40,000 per year for ten years, $50,000 for the next ten years (adjusting for inflation), then $60,000 for ten years. You would need to save $1,500,000. Most people can't do this, so retirement savings plans will not work well for most people. Only pension plans provide a secure future for retirees. My grandson wants to be an auto mechanic. I advised him to get a job with a defined benefit retirement program. He said he didn't know of any auto mechanics unions. I told him to get a government job. I asked him who he thinks works on police cars, fire trucks, and code enforcement vehicles? Those mechanics usually have a pension plan. Social security is better than nothing but Social Security payments would have to at least be tripled to live well on without a pension. It's not a bad Idea to triple Social security payments. That would be good for all retirees and the economy. It would require putting money into Social Security instead of pension plans. 401Ks, and other retirement accounts. Unions may not like this idea because pension plans are great union recruiting tools but as a union man, I'm for helping all workers, union and non-union alike. One great benefit to tripling Social Security is a person will not lose a great retirement program every time they lose or change jobs. The biggest problem I see is the misleading of young people in the workforce into thinking that a person must save money for retirement. They are not being taught the difference between a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan. This is information they need to be given to make an intelligent choice for a decent elderly future.
The most sure fire way to bring down the Teapublic Party is to inform those who vote for Teabagger candidates that their so called representatives want to downsize the program and eventually turn it into private investment accounts so Wall Street can get their meat hooks into it, not to mention raise the age of eligibility again,aPaul Ryan obsession. Apparently not enough of us are dying before age of eligibility to make Paul happy. I've paid in for 41 straight years now and I'm not even 60 yet ....so go to hell Ryan.
Most of us know the Social Security fund is all that's left to steal from the vast majority. The corpse media won't mention which party is anti social security so it's up to all of us to inform our foxmerized friends and neighbors which party wants them to suffer in poverty during old age....this just to give their wealthy bankster benefactors even more billions.
I wonder how guys like Paul Ryan would feel if someone came along and stole their government pensions????? Maybe Paul shouldn't be allowed access to his pension until he's 80???
The best solution to the inequality of our current monopoly capitalistic system is to replace it with Land Share Democracy (LSD). In a LSD society all political levels (city, county, state, national) would gradually shift taxes off human production (both labor and capital) and, instead, charge a user fee for our Common Wealth or Land. "Land" represents all natural opportunities and resources in classical economics.
For example, if someone wants to pollute the sky with carbon and other pollutants they are welcomed to do so but they would need to pay a user fee for the sky that would gradually increase over time. The revenue would be put into a Community Trust and distributed to everyone on a monthly basis. Yes there are details but this Sky solution is called Fee and Dividend. Likewise all natural resources - that the uber rich have privatized -- would have a user (rental) fee that would cover essential government services, restoration of our environment to save diversity of species, and a monthly citizen's dividend.
Thanks for that! I am a retired 70yo physician, who lives on his $2445/mo Social Security and I'm comfortable but certainly not well off. Some years ago an investigative news program took a trip to Harpers Ferry, WVa., and visited a small Federal office bldg. there. Inside was a single clerk sitting behind a gunmetal desk. When asked, she showed the reporter the Social Security Trust Bonds, which were housed in a single room lined with filing cabinets. When the reporter asked to see one of these Bonds, she opened a drawer and pulled out one Bond. It was title "Social Security Trust Fund Bond" or something of the kind and denominated as $100,000,000. It stated: The Congress of the United States owes the American People $100,000,000. The total debt stored in that room about a decade ago was $14,000,000,000,000. George W. Bush once stood on the steps of the White House and suggested that one way to handle this debt would be to simply destroy these Bonds, but, then, he's an international war criminal anyway. I expect the Congress to honor their debt, my debt, as I paid in the maximum amount over much of my 40 yr. medical career, when my income was $120-130K/yr. This is not an "entitlement". It is a fair and true debt owed to those of us American working people who trusted this government to honor their debt to us. Otherwise, I'm goin' gunnin' for them. I know that they, the Congress and President, think that they can get away with stealing our S.S. contributions to pay for their endless wars, and their kick-backs from the Military Industry. I've got news for them. We have not forgotten their obligation to the American people, even if they would like to. Go Bernie!!!
Hi Kend, what you say is absolutely, positively true....I spent the last 6 years of my sales career in Canada as National Sales and Marketing manager. I lived in T-O, but traveled the entire country. I especially enjoyed Alberta. The work ethic is alive and well there. I spent more time in Edmonton than Calgary, how can I forget those -39° mornings. Stay well, you have great insight.
It's sad and pathetic that the left is trying to politicize suicide. For those who commit suicide, the pain is over. For those left behind, the pain doesn't end. I would like to point out to you lefties who are attempting to politicize this terrible act. If you keep killing yourself because of "right wing" economic policies, plus the pro abortion lefties, in about 15 years, there will be no more lefties.
ya know. . . . . . for being such an intelligent person - your 'thinking' is certainly: narrow... 1-sided... and closed... to the point of being--->Nasty !
Johnnie Dorman: Indeed Reagan was the beginning of the race to the bottom for the vast majority of us, but simultaneously Reaganomics has also been the race to the top for the one percent. Concentration of wealth is off the charts in this country with no signs of slowing. We're well on our way to becoming a full blown feudal state run by a handful of passionate fascists.
It is well known that wages have been flat since 1979.....$4.03 per hour then had the same purchasing power that $22.41 per hour now has. Throw in that our generation got screwed under the 1983 Reagan/O'Neil Social Security retirement age scam. They not only rasied the age of eligibilty , they also made it so beneifits for example of people retiring at 64 only get what people used to get retiring at the age of 62...and so on.
Part of the reasoning for the Reagan tax reductions was that if the Marginal Propensity for Investment was increased by tax reductionhen then job creation rates would be increased. However, the Marginal Propensity for Spending does not dictate where the excess over necessities of life the money will be spent, saved, invested or whatever. The desire for personal satisfaction, aggrandizement or leisure enters into the equation so that bankers bought expensive yachts for weekend parties for pretty secretaries to show off their wares. This was not investing for productive jobs that increase the national economy but would be calssified as the type of spending the Roman elites did prior to the fall. Too bad we don't read history.
Just because two factors vary together done not mean that one is the cause of the other. Thee are many variables that vary together and it is sometimes easy to think that one is the cause of the variable characteristics of the other.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting fact that suicides tend to increase when far right economic policies are dominant in politics.
Part of the reasoning for the Reagan tax reductions was that if the Marginal Propensity for Investment was increased by tax reductionhen then job creation rates would be increased. However, the Marginal Propensity for Spending does not dictate where the excess over necessities of life the money will be spent, saved, invested or whatever. The desire for personal satisfaction, aggrandizement or leisure enters into the equation so that bankers bought expensive yachts for weekend parties for pretty secretaries to show off their wares. This was not investing for productive jobs that increase the national economy but would be calssified as the type of spending the Roman elites did prior to the fall. Too bad we don't read history.
Just because two factors vary together done not mean that one is the cause of the other. Thee are many variables that vary together and it is sometimes easy to think that one is the cause of the variable characteristics of the other.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting fact that suicides tend to increase when far right economic policies are dominant in politics.
Seems like the capitalist system of business, or, more specifically, the manner in which many capitalists practice, could be a prime mover in causing suicide in our modern society, although I have no quantitative data on this. Not being able to put bread on the table and the resulting psychological damage might have strong correlations, beginning long before Reaganomics. Greed can be a killer.
When Reagan took power the US was in a major recession. It was much worst than what Obama came into. The difference was Reagan convinced people with money to spend it something Obama can't seem to do. When it comes to jobs leaving, the world just seem to shrink. It was much easier to ship products world wide which opened up trade offshore. For the first time the US wasn't a closed economy. The only thing to stop it is some kind of import tax but That opens up a whole new can of worms. 812 I am with you the 80's where great to me as well my wages never stopped growing until I went into business for my self
RFord - Saint Raygun made government agencies privatize all government shops. I worked for the US Forest Service in California at the time and we used to repair our own equipment. Then along came that asshole Saint Raygun and made us contract with a private company to run OUR shop. We provided the shop and the tools and had to keep one person on to inspect the work. We had to do an in depth study to of our repair history, put a price on it and prove that we could do it cheaper. This is and was totally unacceptable and I told Raygun and his goons to F off and quit. I believe that government vehicles for most cities are mostly farmed out to local repair shops. I don't know about States and Counties. They hopefully told Saint Raygun to F off as well.
Distribution of child porn is a serious crime. Has the FBI pursued the Bernie website assault or is the crime being treated as just another campaign dirty trick? I would like to know whether the assault came from a Republican (paid?), a Hillary supporter (paid?) or a regular, independent, lowlife troll. Nonetheless, some jail time might get a few folks attention. Anyone see a parallel with our Wall Street situation involving fraud and the DOJ's flaccid inaction?
Obama has done really nothing to help the working and retired. As soon as he was sworn into office he hand picked a republican cabinet and you wonder why he was influenced or maybe not with his policies. He is a day late and a policy short . Giving him credit for the some of the change he promised is a little misguided when now we are facing a global financial meltdown because nobody is accountable for all the wall street greed that he is part of! Now we have the choice between a criminal and tyrant for president. Don't hold your breath for change we can believe in.
I know that Saint Raygun screwed federal employees in 1983 cutting the federal pensions to 1% from 2% for 30 years of service. Then the traitor introducted a plan whereby employees could invest in their retirement with a government match. Saint Raygun also prohibited federal retirees from drawing Social Security even though they me the minimum 40 quarters. That is who screwed the federal employee. After Saint Raygun started destroying unions, it caught on with the cheap bastard ceo's.
re Hillary's fanship of "incrementalism":
“Incrementalism” USED to work relatively well, according to poli-sci of the ‘50s-‘70s. {I advocated incrementalism when college-proffing in those decades.} This was back when the political system was VERY different from what it has become. - - - Search-line something like “Robert Dahl Charles Lindblom Incrementalism” to get a page such as: https://www.google.com/search?q=Robert+Dahl+Charles+Lindblom+incrementalism&oq=Robert+Dahl+Charles+Lindblom+incrementalism&aqs=chrome..69i57.32515j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 … Such a page lists “Scholarly articles” at https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Robert+Dahl+Charles+Lindblom+incrementalism&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRkMyWwK7MAhUsn4MKHd4qCb0QgQMIGzAA … A Wikipedia item includes: “Together with his friend, colleague and fellow Yale professor Robert A. Dahl, Lindblom was a champion of the Polyarchy (or Pluralistic) view of political elites and governance in the late 1950s and early 1960s. According to this view, no single, monolithic elite controls government and society, but rather a series of specialized elites compete and bargain with one another for control. It is this peaceful competition and compromise between elites in politics and the marketplace that drives free-market democracy and allows it to thrive, However, Lindblom soon began to see the shortcomings of Polyarchy with regards to democratic governance. When certain groups of elites gain crucial advantages, become too successful and begin to collude with one another instead of compete, Polyarchy can easily turn into Corporatism.” {This last sentence describes what America has become since the heyday of “incrementalism”.} - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_E._Lindblom .
Though I have the impression Warren won't run, she is dedicated enough to seeing Big Money out of politics, that maybe she would reconsider. It would, as you suggest, be an unstoppable ticket.
Rford. I told my sons to start their own business. Do as I did work seven days a week, twelve hours a day and soon it would pay off like it did for me, because without people like me there would be no one to pay they taxes to create those government jobs with those great benifits that you want your grandson to have. Someone has to do it.
Hey Thom, I know we have been hard pressed to find anything the GOP has done recently to help average Americans. I see there are several similar posts asking the same question, but they have different timelines.
I only just found out today while researching a friend's response in a comment thread that the Earned Income Tax Credit was passed in 1975, and it had bipartisan support. While it's not as great as a negative income tax or other proposals, it's still a pretty good program that helps many to this day, and has been opposed by the conservatives for quite a while now. That's still a very long time ago when the GOP was less extreme, so I think that maybe we should just stick to what have they done since Reagan, since Reagan was pretty much the beginning of the end of this country. I know you would probably agree that he was the turning point. Wasn't there a joke that said your tombstone was going to say "It all started with Reagan!" Heh. Since Reagan, there has been absolutely nothing, unless you count COBRA in 85 that allowed workers to have insurance even after they left their jobs. Of course that had all sorts of bad things as well, and the good things that were in it were fiercely opposed by the GOP I'm willing to bet.
Does anyone know what law let employers switch to defined contribution pension policies? Whatever it was, let us repeal it.
I have known for many years that my retirement party will be my funeral, one way or another.
Well Said, Doc
There is another down side to retired people having little to live on. They don't have much money to spend and that hurts, not helps the economy and businesses. I'm almost 66 years old and have not seen any relatives retire on savings. One grandfather retired with a pension from Cotton Belt Railroad. He was a member of the Railway Clerks union. The other retired with a pension from Southern Bell Telephone Company. He was a lineman. My dad, an uncle, and I retired with pensions from Plumbers Local Union # 17. I've seen people retire on savings and Social Security only to return to the workforce because their savings ran out. I've seen people dip into their 401Ks during employment gaps and now don't know when or if they will be able to retire. I see ads on TV for retirement accounts. I don't know who these ads are targeting. They must be for wealthy people or suckers. The average person can't save enough to live well on until they're 92. Lets say you want to retire at 62 and live on Social Security and savings until your 92. Besides Social Security. you want $40,000 per year for ten years, $50,000 for the next ten years (adjusting for inflation), then $60,000 for ten years. You would need to save $1,500,000. Most people can't do this, so retirement savings plans will not work well for most people. Only pension plans provide a secure future for retirees. My grandson wants to be an auto mechanic. I advised him to get a job with a defined benefit retirement program. He said he didn't know of any auto mechanics unions. I told him to get a government job. I asked him who he thinks works on police cars, fire trucks, and code enforcement vehicles? Those mechanics usually have a pension plan. Social security is better than nothing but Social Security payments would have to at least be tripled to live well on without a pension. It's not a bad Idea to triple Social security payments. That would be good for all retirees and the economy. It would require putting money into Social Security instead of pension plans. 401Ks, and other retirement accounts. Unions may not like this idea because pension plans are great union recruiting tools but as a union man, I'm for helping all workers, union and non-union alike. One great benefit to tripling Social Security is a person will not lose a great retirement program every time they lose or change jobs. The biggest problem I see is the misleading of young people in the workforce into thinking that a person must save money for retirement. They are not being taught the difference between a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan. This is information they need to be given to make an intelligent choice for a decent elderly future.
The most sure fire way to bring down the Teapublic Party is to inform those who vote for Teabagger candidates that their so called representatives want to downsize the program and eventually turn it into private investment accounts so Wall Street can get their meat hooks into it, not to mention raise the age of eligibility again, a Paul Ryan obsession. Apparently not enough of us are dying before age of eligibility to make Paul happy. I've paid in for 41 straight years now and I'm not even 60 yet ....so go to hell Ryan.
Most of us know the Social Security fund is all that's left to steal from the vast majority. The corpse media won't mention which party is anti social security so it's up to all of us to inform our foxmerized friends and neighbors which party wants them to suffer in poverty during old age....this just to give their wealthy bankster benefactors even more billions.
I wonder how guys like Paul Ryan would feel if someone came along and stole their government pensions????? Maybe Paul shouldn't be allowed access to his pension until he's 80???
Would love to lower social security and medicare down to age 50 or lower.
However, if a national ID card can not be effectively implemented, then how can a US citizen be distinguished from an illegal?
Dems think ID cards are just another way that Repubs screw people out of their vote.
But the cards would also be useful to track status for driving, health, and benefits.
A single national database would clearly save millions of adminstrative dollars.
The best solution to the inequality of our current monopoly capitalistic system is to replace it with Land Share Democracy (LSD). In a LSD society all political levels (city, county, state, national) would gradually shift taxes off human production (both labor and capital) and, instead, charge a user fee for our Common Wealth or Land. "Land" represents all natural opportunities and resources in classical economics.
For example, if someone wants to pollute the sky with carbon and other pollutants they are welcomed to do so but they would need to pay a user fee for the sky that would gradually increase over time. The revenue would be put into a Community Trust and distributed to everyone on a monthly basis. Yes there are details but this Sky solution is called Fee and Dividend. Likewise all natural resources - that the uber rich have privatized -- would have a user (rental) fee that would cover essential government services, restoration of our environment to save diversity of species, and a monthly citizen's dividend.
Thanks for that! I am a retired 70yo physician, who lives on his $2445/mo Social Security and I'm comfortable but certainly not well off. Some years ago an investigative news program took a trip to Harpers Ferry, WVa., and visited a small Federal office bldg. there. Inside was a single clerk sitting behind a gunmetal desk. When asked, she showed the reporter the Social Security Trust Bonds, which were housed in a single room lined with filing cabinets. When the reporter asked to see one of these Bonds, she opened a drawer and pulled out one Bond. It was title "Social Security Trust Fund Bond" or something of the kind and denominated as $100,000,000. It stated: The Congress of the United States owes the American People $100,000,000. The total debt stored in that room about a decade ago was $14,000,000,000,000. George W. Bush once stood on the steps of the White House and suggested that one way to handle this debt would be to simply destroy these Bonds, but, then, he's an international war criminal anyway. I expect the Congress to honor their debt, my debt, as I paid in the maximum amount over much of my 40 yr. medical career, when my income was $120-130K/yr. This is not an "entitlement". It is a fair and true debt owed to those of us American working people who trusted this government to honor their debt to us. Otherwise, I'm goin' gunnin' for them. I know that they, the Congress and President, think that they can get away with stealing our S.S. contributions to pay for their endless wars, and their kick-backs from the Military Industry. I've got news for them. We have not forgotten their obligation to the American people, even if they would like to. Go Bernie!!!
Maybe a rigged housing market.
Hi Kend, what you say is absolutely, positively true....I spent the last 6 years of my sales career in Canada as National Sales and Marketing manager. I lived in T-O, but traveled the entire country. I especially enjoyed Alberta. The work ethic is alive and well there. I spent more time in Edmonton than Calgary, how can I forget those -39° mornings. Stay well, you have great insight.
It's sad and pathetic that the left is trying to politicize suicide. For those who commit suicide, the pain is over. For those left behind, the pain doesn't end. I would like to point out to you lefties who are attempting to politicize this terrible act. If you keep killing yourself because of "right wing" economic policies, plus the pro abortion lefties, in about 15 years, there will be no more lefties.
ya know. . . . . . for being such an intelligent person - your 'thinking' is certainly: narrow... 1-sided... and closed... to the point of being--->Nasty !
Johnnie Dorman: Indeed Reagan was the beginning of the race to the bottom for the vast majority of us, but simultaneously Reaganomics has also been the race to the top for the one percent. Concentration of wealth is off the charts in this country with no signs of slowing. We're well on our way to becoming a full blown feudal state run by a handful of passionate fascists.
It is well known that wages have been flat since 1979.....$4.03 per hour then had the same purchasing power that $22.41 per hour now has. Throw in that our generation got screwed under the 1983 Reagan/O'Neil Social Security retirement age scam. They not only rasied the age of eligibilty , they also made it so beneifits for example of people retiring at 64 only get what people used to get retiring at the age of 62...and so on.
Ain't trickle down just dandy?
Part of the reasoning for the Reagan tax reductions was that if the Marginal Propensity for Investment was increased by tax reductionhen then job creation rates would be increased. However, the Marginal Propensity for Spending does not dictate where the excess over necessities of life the money will be spent, saved, invested or whatever. The desire for personal satisfaction, aggrandizement or leisure enters into the equation so that bankers bought expensive yachts for weekend parties for pretty secretaries to show off their wares. This was not investing for productive jobs that increase the national economy but would be calssified as the type of spending the Roman elites did prior to the fall. Too bad we don't read history.
Just because two factors vary together done not mean that one is the cause of the other. Thee are many variables that vary together and it is sometimes easy to think that one is the cause of the variable characteristics of the other.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting fact that suicides tend to increase when far right economic policies are dominant in politics.
Part of the reasoning for the Reagan tax reductions was that if the Marginal Propensity for Investment was increased by tax reductionhen then job creation rates would be increased. However, the Marginal Propensity for Spending does not dictate where the excess over necessities of life the money will be spent, saved, invested or whatever. The desire for personal satisfaction, aggrandizement or leisure enters into the equation so that bankers bought expensive yachts for weekend parties for pretty secretaries to show off their wares. This was not investing for productive jobs that increase the national economy but would be calssified as the type of spending the Roman elites did prior to the fall. Too bad we don't read history.
Just because two factors vary together done not mean that one is the cause of the other. Thee are many variables that vary together and it is sometimes easy to think that one is the cause of the variable characteristics of the other.
Nevertheless, it is an interesting fact that suicides tend to increase when far right economic policies are dominant in politics.
Seems like the capitalist system of business, or, more specifically, the manner in which many capitalists practice, could be a prime mover in causing suicide in our modern society, although I have no quantitative data on this. Not being able to put bread on the table and the resulting psychological damage might have strong correlations, beginning long before Reaganomics. Greed can be a killer.
When Reagan took power the US was in a major recession. It was much worst than what Obama came into. The difference was Reagan convinced people with money to spend it something Obama can't seem to do. When it comes to jobs leaving, the world just seem to shrink. It was much easier to ship products world wide which opened up trade offshore. For the first time the US wasn't a closed economy. The only thing to stop it is some kind of import tax but That opens up a whole new can of worms. 812 I am with you the 80's where great to me as well my wages never stopped growing until I went into business for my self