Australia has it and while I lived there, they don't see it as taking away a right, but a civic duty. And with mandatory voting, the government can't screw with taking the right to vote away, because it's mandated.
Bernie Sanders will only promote unemployment in the US more so than Obama has .... It is important to remember that it was FDR that turned a Great Recession into the Great Depression, and it was Johnson that weakened the Families of the Poor, and help slow the gains the Poor Black were making. And it was Obama that for the first time since FDR the Poor and Middle Class earnings decreased from the year before. Under Obama there were less small businesses by the end of 2015, than there were at the beginning. And the number of people not working has been greatest under his administration. The people who caused the current increase in the 2000 - 2007 and the great decrease in home value from 2007 to the present were the Democrats. Bush made some effort (not enough in my view) to reverse what he saw (and any economist) happening to the housing market, but the Dems were opposed, and the Reps lack the guts to apply pressure to reform.
After 24 years, you'd think people would be able to see her rhetoric coming from a football field away... it's just rhetoric. She will say anyhting to get elected and then after the fact, to keep democrats chasing the carrot.
How do we change things? Stop shopping. I will never buy another car until after my kids student loans are paid. I put a new engine in my current car. My money s also my speech. If we all use our money as if it is our expression of our thoughts we can affect policy
Student Debt Jubilee - I thought of this last year when doing my taxes. we should be able to write off student loans as a bad debt over a few years. And I agree we need to go all the way back to 1980. It might be hard to find the paperwork but i bet your credit report has it. maybe we just do a blanket number based on the avereage cost at the time of graduation.
ErinRose: It's very rare to hear progressives wield rhetoric in a manner that even remotely "affects" righties. Virtually all of the conservative talk show monkeys are aggressive, highly bombastic, and always on offense. This is the language the conservative/foxmerized masses understand.
I get so tired of seeing Teapublic Party politicians spit out rhetoric/lies on National TV that both emasculates and makes the Democrats look weak and ineffectual. When will the Democrats start fighting back in a manner like Mike Papantonio does????? This isn't a little league baseball game, the fascists are willing to do anything to maintain their power....note what the third world despots are doing to their citizens. That's what we could be looking at here very soon.
The survey-of-government course’s textbook, ‘way back in my day {mid-1950s}, emphasized that the Founders’ GENIUS was largely in countering the clout of “factions” with the "checks and balances" involved in the Constitution’s “separated powers”, etc. ... Yet America’s history is chockfull of moneyed-interests’ By-passing this aspect of the Constitution’s very Spirit. Currently this by-passing is Big-time, eh what ….
The survey-of-government course’s textbook, ‘way back in my day {mid-1950s}, emphasized that the Founders’ GENIUS was largely in countering the clout of “factions” with the "checks and balances" involved in the Constitution’s “separated powers”, etc. ... Yet America’s history is chockfull of moneyed-interests’ By-passing this aspect of the Constitution’s very Spirit. Currently this by-passing is Big-time, eh what ….
Gegarding Twitter and the hillary supporter attacks,
I do not think most of them were Hillary supporters. I suspect there is a boiler room or five at Heritage and on campus of Christian universities with paid trolls. They log on and get an IM containing their targets. Thom became a target when he brought Hillary into question. They are trying to divide and conqueur.
There are also twitterbots as described in the Bloomberg article, How to Hack an Election Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time.
Judging by the english structure in many of the posts I read, I am convinced they are not from a real person or they are paid trolls in the Philippines.
If everyone has to file their tax returns, than there is nothing wrong with everyone being required to vote. BOTH are civic responsibilities that are the price we pay to have the kind of country we CLAIM to be so proud of.
These factionists have made a complete mess out of America.
My neighbor, across the street, owns/owned a gorgeous antebellum and put heart and soul into restoring it. But then our economy failed with the housing bubble, the Wall Street derivatives, outsourced jobs, "austerity", and the war on working class people. He had to put his beautiful home up for sale.
However, the housing market here is flat and in the past many years he hasn't gotten even a nibble for sale.
Tonight, I was scanning the HUD Foreclosures page and noticed that my neighbor's house is listed.
How many broken families, how many broken people, how many broken lives have been sacrificed on the altar of the arrogant few?
I'm even looking to sell and get out. I'm going to go into a Tiny House On Wheels because at least I will be able to keep a roof over my head and if there is a problem, I can easily move.
I never thought I would end up like this coming from a forty-eight hundred square foot home on thirty pristine wooded acres growing up. But I had to sell that, and now I have to sell my "retirement" home.
I'll be grateful for my tiny house if I ever get it. It beats living out of one's car. But this is where corporations running our precious country have taken us. I don't think I'm alone.
Here in the Deep South, people used to look down on anyone having a hard time of things, We were told it was our fault for not having done a better job with "personal responsibility."
I notice that now the looks have softened from contempt to understanding and compassion. Enough people have been touched by the gutting of America that the collective unconscious is finally engaged.
I hope, come November, people are motivated to get out and vote away one of the worst scourge to ever hit America. Dr. Ravi Batra predicted many years ago (just after Thom left Air America) that by the end of 2016, corporate everything would be gone. I think it's going to take a little longer than that; possibly 2030 or 2033. But, if Bernie Sanders become president and there is a Progressive Congress, I think we will finally have a future we can believe in. (And I'd like to see a lot of these people who have caused this finally go to jail.)
Both were actually right answers, we do need to make it easy for people to vote, that would increase turnout, we should also have a federal uniform voting system, not different rules in each county, state etc,also paper ballots, hand counted, even vote by mail as we do in Washington State, and Oregon.
I agree, 2950 - 10K. Part of the reason people are so gullible to the half truths and in-your-face lies the Establishment is propagandizing is because people just don't know what the differences are and rely on being told rather than ferreting out the correct information for themselves. Thank goodness for people like Cenk Uygar and Thom Hartmann who keep getting the truth out there for us.
It's sad that people have come to this. I remember my grandparents around the kitchen table discussing (boring) politics. But the tea kettle went on, my grandmother baked up something good to snack on and they talked about politics late into the night... but that's because they were engaged. Americans are sound asleep and it's killing us. However, I am heartened by this march from Philly to DC. America is finally hitting the streets and I hope it goes viral on the internet(s) so the whole country can become involved; it's the only way this revolution can work, as Bernie Sanders keeps pointing out.
I heard on the news a few hours ago that the Capitol police started wholesale arrests. Who turned the Nazi thugs loose on the protestors? They are violating our Constitutional rights, damn it.
It's too bad the words faction and oligarchy don't stir emotions like socialist and communist do!
Instead, how about using F-bombs like fascist and feudal?
When dealing with a population that doesn't know the difference between democratic socialism and soviet communism, I think it's behooves progressives to be high sounding!!!!
I do believe that everyone should participate and I have voted in every election in my adult life including local ones. However, I do not think that making it mandatory is workable. For those who are mentally or physically incapacitated, whether temporarily or permanently, or for those dealing with a sudden emergency, the process of getting an abstention or deferral or "excuse" of whatever kind, would create increased regulations, paperwork, red tape and hassle. What should happen is that our social structures should become more like they exist in other areas of the world, where people are proud to be able to vote and eager to participate. Social influences should move more and more people towards the goal of larger election turn-out. Those who chose not to participate should be urged to step up to the plate. Registration should very definitely become much simpler and a part of the privileges/responsibilities of becoming an adult in society.
Todays republican party is dominated by two factions. Both factions have one goal in common: to destroy the current form of government in this country. Where they differ is what will replace our democracy. One faction wants to create a corporate controlled oligarchy; on a national level they are winning. The other faction wants to create a christian controlled theocracy; in many states, they are winning.
What's sad is that neither faction sees themselves as traitors or unpatriotic, and both claim they're doing what the founding fathers intended.
If I live another twenty years, I may see the fall of the United States of America.
We need a human being as president not a CEO that supports corporate domination. Of course the opposition will slam Bernie with their subtle inuendo or worse because now they are being tested. More and more people are becoming not so easily fooled by regular propaganda. The corporate cronies will have to turn to using other devices.
Our job is to keep Bernie going. This is our shot at having a realistic form of democracy. If the democratic party falls apart it would be a natural out growth of what needs to be done.
Also remember that most all of the other candidates besides Bernie are corporate supporters in whatever fashion. In a boiled down analysis Clinton and Trump are only different because of their "packaging". We cannot have people that run the executive branch by testing the wind each time a new regulation appears to see if its going to be corporate friendly- the planet simply does not have the time.
Boy, howdy... I've been trying to call in to the show Friday & today. Cannot get through..Here is a not describing the situation I'm dealing with as we speak trying to my GA driver's license expiring in August in Florida (would be same situation if renewing in GA)... This is long, please pardon... I'm 65... have been had a DL since age 14... Never, ever have been through this....
Photo ID---Not so simple!;"> DIANNE ADKINSON WILLIAMS·SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2016For the first time in my 65 years, I feel like a foreigner in my own country!It’s time to renew my driver’s license which is expiring in a few months. I’ve relocated to Florida from Georgia where I’ve lived since 1982 and also own a home, so on Wednesday I went to the Bradford County Courthouse to apply for a Florida Drivers License. Even though I’m handing them my valid Georgia license with my picture & everything on it, I’m told I need more documentation. So they give me a list.
IDENTIFICATION: Since I’m an American citizen I need a birth certificate or passport. I don’t have a passport, but do happen to have my birth certificate, so I’m good there. Keep in mind, many Americans, especially low income folks, elderly, minorities, etc. do not have a passport & not everyone has their birth certificate and would...just to get a drivers license...have to get one. It costs money.
NAME CHANGE: Now this applies to most married women. I need “original or certified copy of all marriage certificate or court orders that show your name change(s)”. Okay, just happened to have my first marriage certificate. I had the good sense after remarrying NOT to change my name, so I was okay there...however, the point is, how many folks keep those documents around? If you don’t have them, you have to try to get them. More time & money.But, it gets better.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: BRING ONE-- Social Security card, W-2 form, pay check showing number, any 1099 form. This one is not so hard. Most folks should have one of these, but I’m willing to bet there are American citizens, who for whatever reason, do not.
RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (not post office box) BRING TWO-- 1.Deed, mortgage, payment booklet or rental agreement; 2. Florida vehicle registration or title; 3. Utility bill or hookup/work order; 4. Statement from person you live with along with two address documents in that person’s name. Sure, most folks can manage two of these.
So, I go home & gather up what I thought would be sufficient. All of these requirements to get a drivers license are new. Never have I ever had to provide this much documentation. Not when I first started driving in 1964, nor got a new license after marriage in 1970...all in Florida...nor when I got a Georgia license in 1982 & renewed it several times over the years. So, I’m wondering why I’m having to jump through all these hoops...Feeling a little perturbed, I headed back to the courthouse with all my documents to get my license. Right off the bat, my social security number didn’t verify my birth certificate. Why? Because all my life I have used my middle name. When I married in 1970, I dropped my first name that I had never used & kept my maiden name as my middle name. The system didn’t like that. Are you kidding me????? Right there, my birth certificate with my full name, my parents’ names.... everything, my marriage certificate with my full name & the name of my husband.... duh, there is the link, social security card with my married name... in fact, the original one that was issued in 1970. THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH!!!!I was told I now needed to bring in additional documentation to show that I had been using the name I was giving them. By this time, I’m ready to blow a gasket! I made it clear to the folks working there I was not mad at them, but I was pretty damned mad. So, what do I need? Things like medical records or school records. Now who has that stuff laying around???? It just so happened that back in 2006, I had a need to get copies of my medical records, but I had no idea where they might be in the move. As for school records, back in the good ole days, FSU in their infinite wisdom insisted on using my first, mi, last name on everything so that would do no good. I was being told that I had to show that I had always gone by my middle name. Well, by this time my blood pressure was rising & I was getting angrier by the minute.I went back home & checked the one place I thought my old medical records might be & thankfully, they were there. I took those, along with other documents, legal documents, like divorce decrees, last marriage certificate... whatever. Off I go again. I get back to the courthouse in a bit calmer mood & the lady, Julie, who was the one who handled the “exceptions” (that’s what I was by this point... an “exception”) was very helpful. She went through the medical records looking for those that used the name I go by along with two identifiers like DOB & social security number. It can’t be just one of them... but TWO. She scanned my documents. Now keep in mind, these are medical records. They are supposed to be private. Apparently, that has gone out the window. I had to hand them over if I want a license.All of this information had to be sent to Tallahassee to be APPROVED!!! It was scanned & the request sent. I left... still with no license. Julie is supposed to call me Monday & let me know if the request is approved. If not, I’m not sure what to do next. I was born in this country. I’ve had a drivers license since I was 14 years old. I’m an AMERICAN CITIZEN, a 65 year old mother & grandmother. Because of the stringent requirements to get a drivers license or state ID in the states that have become compliant, many people just don’t get them if they don’t need them. You can see how much trouble it can be for a lot of people. When the REAL ID ACT was passed in 2005, it was not to apply in the following:
Entering Federal facilities that do not require a person to present identification
Voting or registering to vote
Applying for or receiving Federal benefits
Being licensed by a state to drive
Accessing Health or life preserving services (including hospitals and health clinics), law enforcement, or constitutionally protected activities (including a defendant’s access to court proceedings)
Participating in law enforcement proceedings or investigations
STATE PARTICIPATION is VOLUNTARY. So, all of a sudden after 2010 and CITIZENS UNITED many of the “new” red states became compliant and are now requiring these IDs as a requirement to vote. This is wrong any way you look at it.... period.
I believe that it is a great mistake to not go all out and enthusiastically support Bernie's candidacy. Hillary will be a weak candidate at this time. She will be another Kerry or Gore. A candidate of temperate and "safe" energy. If somehow Kasich should wind up the republican candidate- she and this country and world will lose. She is not a inspirational candidate. She is a total pragmatist. It seems that we Dems are alwys in the suffocaating grip of the DNC- a bunch of money chasing losers. Thom says that she has moved to the left in her many views. But has she? Were she elected, just how faithful will she be to her new releigion? The Dems need a candidate like Bernie who runs on the history he has painted. True to his many beliefs and able to inspire millions of people who have never been involved to become interested and understanding of the significance of this moment.
To get more than one color, either have more than one screen available with the next image, and repeat the coloring process. Usually, to line up the images, you can use registration marks or like a clamping station setup for like a 4 color tshirt.
First, the media pounced on Bernie's:
Here something that the media could report on:
Carter dismisses Clinton's State work
Australia has it and while I lived there, they don't see it as taking away a right, but a civic duty. And with mandatory voting, the government can't screw with taking the right to vote away, because it's mandated.
Bernie Sanders will only promote unemployment in the US more so than Obama has .... It is important to remember that it was FDR that turned a Great Recession into the Great Depression, and it was Johnson that weakened the Families of the Poor, and help slow the gains the Poor Black were making. And it was Obama that for the first time since FDR the Poor and Middle Class earnings decreased from the year before. Under Obama there were less small businesses by the end of 2015, than there were at the beginning. And the number of people not working has been greatest under his administration. The people who caused the current increase in the 2000 - 2007 and the great decrease in home value from 2007 to the present were the Democrats. Bush made some effort (not enough in my view) to reverse what he saw (and any economist) happening to the housing market, but the Dems were opposed, and the Reps lack the guts to apply pressure to reform.
After 24 years, you'd think people would be able to see her rhetoric coming from a football field away... it's just rhetoric. She will say anyhting to get elected and then after the fact, to keep democrats chasing the carrot.
How do we change things? Stop shopping. I will never buy another car until after my kids student loans are paid. I put a new engine in my current car. My money s also my speech. If we all use our money as if it is our expression of our thoughts we can affect policy
Student Debt Jubilee - I thought of this last year when doing my taxes. we should be able to write off student loans as a bad debt over a few years. And I agree we need to go all the way back to 1980. It might be hard to find the paperwork but i bet your credit report has it. maybe we just do a blanket number based on the avereage cost at the time of graduation.
ErinRose: It's very rare to hear progressives wield rhetoric in a manner that even remotely "affects" righties. Virtually all of the conservative talk show monkeys are aggressive, highly bombastic, and always on offense. This is the language the conservative/foxmerized masses understand.
I get so tired of seeing Teapublic Party politicians spit out rhetoric/lies on National TV that both emasculates and makes the Democrats look weak and ineffectual. When will the Democrats start fighting back in a manner like Mike Papantonio does????? This isn't a little league baseball game, the fascists are willing to do anything to maintain their power....note what the third world despots are doing to their citizens. That's what we could be looking at here very soon.
Oops: I clumsily mistyped.
The survey-of-government course’s textbook, ‘way back in my day {mid-1950s}, emphasized that the Founders’ GENIUS was largely in countering the clout of “factions” with the "checks and balances" involved in the Constitution’s “separated powers”, etc. ... Yet America’s history is chockfull of moneyed-interests’ By-passing this aspect of the Constitution’s very Spirit. Currently this by-passing is Big-time, eh what ….
The survey-of-government course’s textbook, ‘way back in my day {mid-1950s}, emphasized that the Founders’ GENIUS was largely in countering the clout of “factions” with the "checks and balances" involved in the Constitution’s “separated powers”, etc. ... Yet America’s history is chockfull of moneyed-interests’ By-passing this aspect of the Constitution’s very Spirit. Currently this by-passing is Big-time, eh what ….
Gegarding Twitter and the hillary supporter attacks,
I do not think most of them were Hillary supporters. I suspect there is a boiler room or five at Heritage and on campus of Christian universities with paid trolls. They log on and get an IM containing their targets. Thom became a target when he brought Hillary into question. They are trying to divide and conqueur.
There are also twitterbots as described in the Bloomberg article, How to Hack an Election
Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time.
Judging by the english structure in many of the posts I read, I am convinced they are not from a real person or they are paid trolls in the Philippines.
If everyone has to file their tax returns, than there is nothing wrong with everyone being required to vote. BOTH are civic responsibilities that are the price we pay to have the kind of country we CLAIM to be so proud of.
These factionists have made a complete mess out of America.
My neighbor, across the street, owns/owned a gorgeous antebellum and put heart and soul into restoring it. But then our economy failed with the housing bubble, the Wall Street derivatives, outsourced jobs, "austerity", and the war on working class people. He had to put his beautiful home up for sale.
However, the housing market here is flat and in the past many years he hasn't gotten even a nibble for sale.
Tonight, I was scanning the HUD Foreclosures page and noticed that my neighbor's house is listed.
How many broken families, how many broken people, how many broken lives have been sacrificed on the altar of the arrogant few?
I'm even looking to sell and get out. I'm going to go into a Tiny House On Wheels because at least I will be able to keep a roof over my head and if there is a problem, I can easily move.
I never thought I would end up like this coming from a forty-eight hundred square foot home on thirty pristine wooded acres growing up. But I had to sell that, and now I have to sell my "retirement" home.
I'll be grateful for my tiny house if I ever get it. It beats living out of one's car. But this is where corporations running our precious country have taken us. I don't think I'm alone.
Here in the Deep South, people used to look down on anyone having a hard time of things, We were told it was our fault for not having done a better job with "personal responsibility."
I notice that now the looks have softened from contempt to understanding and compassion. Enough people have been touched by the gutting of America that the collective unconscious is finally engaged.
I hope, come November, people are motivated to get out and vote away one of the worst scourge to ever hit America. Dr. Ravi Batra predicted many years ago (just after Thom left Air America) that by the end of 2016, corporate everything would be gone. I think it's going to take a little longer than that; possibly 2030 or 2033. But, if Bernie Sanders become president and there is a Progressive Congress, I think we will finally have a future we can believe in. (And I'd like to see a lot of these people who have caused this finally go to jail.)
Both were actually right answers, we do need to make it easy for people to vote, that would increase turnout, we should also have a federal uniform voting system, not different rules in each county, state etc,also paper ballots, hand counted, even vote by mail as we do in Washington State, and Oregon.
I agree, 2950 - 10K. Part of the reason people are so gullible to the half truths and in-your-face lies the Establishment is propagandizing is because people just don't know what the differences are and rely on being told rather than ferreting out the correct information for themselves. Thank goodness for people like Cenk Uygar and Thom Hartmann who keep getting the truth out there for us.
It's sad that people have come to this. I remember my grandparents around the kitchen table discussing (boring) politics. But the tea kettle went on, my grandmother baked up something good to snack on and they talked about politics late into the night... but that's because they were engaged. Americans are sound asleep and it's killing us. However, I am heartened by this march from Philly to DC. America is finally hitting the streets and I hope it goes viral on the internet(s) so the whole country can become involved; it's the only way this revolution can work, as Bernie Sanders keeps pointing out.
I heard on the news a few hours ago that the Capitol police started wholesale arrests. Who turned the Nazi thugs loose on the protestors? They are violating our Constitutional rights, damn it.
It's too bad the words faction and oligarchy don't stir emotions like socialist and communist do!
Instead, how about using F-bombs like fascist and feudal?
When dealing with a population that doesn't know the difference between democratic socialism and soviet communism, I think it's behooves progressives to be high sounding!!!!
I do believe that everyone should participate and I have voted in every election in my adult life including local ones. However, I do not think that making it mandatory is workable. For those who are mentally or physically incapacitated, whether temporarily or permanently, or for those dealing with a sudden emergency, the process of getting an abstention or deferral or "excuse" of whatever kind, would create increased regulations, paperwork, red tape and hassle. What should happen is that our social structures should become more like they exist in other areas of the world, where people are proud to be able to vote and eager to participate. Social influences should move more and more people towards the goal of larger election turn-out. Those who chose not to participate should be urged to step up to the plate. Registration should very definitely become much simpler and a part of the privileges/responsibilities of becoming an adult in society.
Greed! In the supposed most Christain nation on earth
Shame... shame... shame on them
Actually, this survey ignores, the fact we need both. Both will take away, politicians ability to manipulate voting rates.
Todays republican party is dominated by two factions. Both factions have one goal in common: to destroy the current form of government in this country. Where they differ is what will replace our democracy. One faction wants to create a corporate controlled oligarchy; on a national level they are winning. The other faction wants to create a christian controlled theocracy; in many states, they are winning.
What's sad is that neither faction sees themselves as traitors or unpatriotic, and both claim they're doing what the founding fathers intended.
If I live another twenty years, I may see the fall of the United States of America.
We need a human being as president not a CEO that supports corporate domination. Of course the opposition will slam Bernie with their subtle inuendo or worse because now they are being tested. More and more people are becoming not so easily fooled by regular propaganda. The corporate cronies will have to turn to using other devices.
Our job is to keep Bernie going. This is our shot at having a realistic form of democracy. If the democratic party falls apart it would be a natural out growth of what needs to be done.
Also remember that most all of the other candidates besides Bernie are corporate supporters in whatever fashion. In a boiled down analysis Clinton and Trump are only different because of their "packaging". We cannot have people that run the executive branch by testing the wind each time a new regulation appears to see if its going to be corporate friendly- the planet simply does not have the time.
Boy, howdy... I've been trying to call in to the show Friday & today. Cannot get through..Here is a not describing the situation I'm dealing with as we speak trying to my GA driver's license expiring in August in Florida (would be same situation if renewing in GA)... This is long, please pardon... I'm 65... have been had a DL since age 14... Never, ever have been through this....
Photo ID---Not so simple!;"> DIANNE ADKINSON WILLIAMS·SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 2016For the first time in my 65 years, I feel like a foreigner in my own country!It’s time to renew my driver’s license which is expiring in a few months. I’ve relocated to Florida from Georgia where I’ve lived since 1982 and also own a home, so on Wednesday I went to the Bradford County Courthouse to apply for a Florida Drivers License. Even though I’m handing them my valid Georgia license with my picture & everything on it, I’m told I need more documentation. So they give me a list.
So, I go home & gather up what I thought would be sufficient. All of these requirements to get a drivers license are new. Never have I ever had to provide this much documentation. Not when I first started driving in 1964, nor got a new license after marriage in 1970...all in Florida...nor when I got a Georgia license in 1982 & renewed it several times over the years. So, I’m wondering why I’m having to jump through all these hoops...Feeling a little perturbed, I headed back to the courthouse with all my documents to get my license. Right off the bat, my social security number didn’t verify my birth certificate. Why? Because all my life I have used my middle name. When I married in 1970, I dropped my first name that I had never used & kept my maiden name as my middle name. The system didn’t like that. Are you kidding me????? Right there, my birth certificate with my full name, my parents’ names.... everything, my marriage certificate with my full name & the name of my husband.... duh, there is the link, social security card with my married name... in fact, the original one that was issued in 1970. THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH!!!!I was told I now needed to bring in additional documentation to show that I had been using the name I was giving them. By this time, I’m ready to blow a gasket! I made it clear to the folks working there I was not mad at them, but I was pretty damned mad. So, what do I need? Things like medical records or school records. Now who has that stuff laying around???? It just so happened that back in 2006, I had a need to get copies of my medical records, but I had no idea where they might be in the move. As for school records, back in the good ole days, FSU in their infinite wisdom insisted on using my first, mi, last name on everything so that would do no good. I was being told that I had to show that I had always gone by my middle name. Well, by this time my blood pressure was rising & I was getting angrier by the minute.I went back home & checked the one place I thought my old medical records might be & thankfully, they were there. I took those, along with other documents, legal documents, like divorce decrees, last marriage certificate... whatever. Off I go again. I get back to the courthouse in a bit calmer mood & the lady, Julie, who was the one who handled the “exceptions” (that’s what I was by this point... an “exception”) was very helpful. She went through the medical records looking for those that used the name I go by along with two identifiers like DOB & social security number. It can’t be just one of them... but TWO. She scanned my documents. Now keep in mind, these are medical records. They are supposed to be private. Apparently, that has gone out the window. I had to hand them over if I want a license.All of this information had to be sent to Tallahassee to be APPROVED!!! It was scanned & the request sent. I left... still with no license. Julie is supposed to call me Monday & let me know if the request is approved. If not, I’m not sure what to do next. I was born in this country. I’ve had a drivers license since I was 14 years old. I’m an AMERICAN CITIZEN, a 65 year old mother & grandmother. Because of the stringent requirements to get a drivers license or state ID in the states that have become compliant, many people just don’t get them if they don’t need them. You can see how much trouble it can be for a lot of people. When the REAL ID ACT was passed in 2005, it was not to apply in the following:
STATE PARTICIPATION is VOLUNTARY. So, all of a sudden after 2010 and CITIZENS UNITED many of the “new” red states became compliant and are now requiring these IDs as a requirement to vote. This is wrong any way you look at it.... period.
I believe that it is a great mistake to not go all out and enthusiastically support Bernie's candidacy. Hillary will be a weak candidate at this time. She will be another Kerry or Gore. A candidate of temperate and "safe" energy. If somehow Kasich should wind up the republican candidate- she and this country and world will lose. She is not a inspirational candidate. She is a total pragmatist. It seems that we Dems are alwys in the suffocaating grip of the DNC- a bunch of money chasing losers. Thom says that she has moved to the left in her many views. But has she? Were she elected, just how faithful will she be to her new releigion? The Dems need a candidate like Bernie who runs on the history he has painted. True to his many beliefs and able to inspire millions of people who have never been involved to become interested and understanding of the significance of this moment.
To get more than one color, either have more than one screen available with the next image, and repeat the coloring process. Usually, to line up the images, you can use registration marks or like a clamping station setup for like a 4 color tshirt.
Silk screen kit