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  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I question giving Bernie a voice in a political party that he does not belong to, and to which he gave the big middle finger during the latter stages of the 2016 Democratic Primary.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I still don't see any fight in the Democratic Party. We've just experienced one hundred days of lying, manipulating, law breaking, ruthless government and I'm barely hearing a peep out of our Democratic leadership. This is why we lost an election that not even the Republicans thought they could win. We need leaders that keep their hands out of corporate pockets and are willing to go the distance to right the wrongs and hold corrupt, racist, and sexist politicians accountable.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    "So - will they succeed?"...

    Well, if it looks different than the disorganized mess we have now then we will have succeeded in at least that much. Might even convince some voters to come back.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Revolution is the answer!

    Talk and excuse and rationalise and shilly shally and dilly dally and write and blog and opinionate and wonder and mindlessly wonder

    Feel better

    Dull apathy

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I'm disappointed in the makeup of this commission. I think we will see continued general failure of the Democratic Party as long as the Clintons and the DLC call the shots. These are the people who nominated a person who was flawed as a candidate, one with with very high negatives, certainly not entirely her own fault, in several key states. This should have been well- known to Democratic leaders. While she would have been a much better president than Trump, she was a worse candidate, failing to communicate a clear, positive message.

    Dems have also failed nationally on the state level. Howard Dean was a much better head of the Dem Party than Debbie W Schultz, on who some of the blame can be placed. I hope that the Republican performance in states like Kansas will open people's eyes to what they will get under the rule of the Oligarch party, but if the Democrats can possibly mess up their chances, they probably will. I deeply hope I am completely mistaken.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Hmmm...not knowing what leaning the 3 chosen by Perez will be, I'd hazard a guess it's the 'same ol same ol'. 9 Corporate Dems picked by the Clinton side...sad to say that they don't realize it's the Clinton Camp that lost the Dems the last election.

    I'm with Arrgy, go PNC.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I would love to see tough reform. Change the DNC to the Progressive National Comitee (PNC) and boot the neo-libs until they come to their senses.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Disapointing stable of the same suits that created the mess to start with. The best that will happen out of this group, is a compromise, and that will look a lot like the establishment SUIT ruled party that decided to promote a concept or desire or friend, rather than the best candidate.

  • DNC Unveils Unity Reform Commission   7 years 44 weeks ago

    It doesn't take any reform to do what the majority of democrats wants to the DNC to do. If they had nominated Bernie we wouldn't have Trump as president or whatever he is.

  • What is the Iowa caucus, why is it so important and how does it work?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    ONce I decided to hire dissertation writer and he said about this caucus something like it's like journalists have a list of about ten catchphrases that they use over and over again to describe the race. Rubio is surging. I remember not too long ago Fiorina, and then Carson, were surging. Now you can't even find them on a political map. Clinton wins by holding her own against Sanders. We've heard this before ad nauseum. I'd love it if these writers did a little more than scratch the surface.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    If our opposition to Trump and his fascist lackeys flags in less than four months then we deserve the oligarchy that they are solidifying. Our first best response is to drive Republicans from office whose seats are up for election in 2018. This will not be easy as so many districts are Gerrymandered.

    Removing fascists from office makes it all that much more difficult form them to enact law, change rules and support crony capitalism .

    We also need to take over the Democratic Party from the neo-liberal Clintonites.

    This all requires each of us to become active participants. Since Trump's coup I have been active in at least four actions protesting bad gun legislation, giving hell to our Republican lackey Congress person at a town hall and demanding Trump reveal his taxes.

    I'm an old geezer now, but it is my hope that those of you who don't want to live in some form of feudalism will really understand that this nation is at a cross roads that is of critical import to the live of people for at least the next three generations.

    Let's take back our nation from these fascists. We still have the means to do it.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    voter apathy is america's downfall. until the voter wakes up and smells the coffee, this country will continue into eclipse as have all other superpowers in history.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I think voters cannot keep up with the military & other failures, Russian entanglement, regulation changes, his weekend golf and resort vacations, the excessive costs of security for this family, & lack of transparency. Its shock & awe everyday.

    BUT we cannot give up, saying "we're stuck with him for 4 years." That is the reason why we have to make him know that his being elected president is just the beginning not the end. Let him know our expectations and disappointments. He needs to get into his head: He is our public servant. We are not his serfs. Citizen participation, protests, and marches must continue so he is forced to be accountable to us, The People.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I ask myself that a lot. Thank you for expressing our wonder.

  • Will Trump Accomplish Cuts To Social Security In His First Term?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    While growing up today's young adults heard (from media, I think) Social Security would not be there for them. They don't value it. They know so little about the SS. Since I went on Medicare and received my first SS check, I have tried to educate my 30+ year old offspring. I tell them how little their grandmother gets each month, but she could not survive without it. Still I think those under 62 need to know more--and perhaps once they know more about SS, they will fight to keep and improve both SS and Medicare. Preservation of SS starts with education.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I agree Erin, except with..."Trump is in office for the next four years and there is nothing we can do about that...". Impeachment for treasonable acts has not yet been ruled out by the several ongoing investigations.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Basically, I have pulled the plug on the whole political scene. Trump is in office for the next four years and there is nothing we can do about that except prepare for the 2018 elections, and pray that people will turn out in sufficient numbers to vote all of the money addicts out of Congress, replacing them with people who can't be bought and have no use for war. This would set the table for 2020. What is really needed is a plan to get at those who are supplying the money and the Deep State Shadow Government. These are the ones driving this whole mess. But, once again, I will say that none of this will stop until We, the People, get off the couch, turn off the TV, and go do something about it. Until then, it's a losing proposition. The best thing that could ever happen would be for the police and the boots-on-the-ground military to refuse to be a party to things like the Standing Rock debacle, and all of the murdering that is going on with our imperialism overseas. This would pull things up sharply. But Americans are like herding cats, and who knows what they will settle for, accept, or fight against?

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    There should be a special prosecuter that can legally obtain his taxes and review them. This does not have to be public. But why this is not done in lieu of releasing them to the public is beyond me.

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I am appalled by Trump in every way. The lack of any information including things which were obvious in other people holding the same position. Taxes, Russia, visitors to the White House and all the other things we know nothing about. It's atrocious!

  • Transparency Era Ends at the People’s House   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I can understand privacy, but then one gives up much privacy to be the President of these United States. And his tax filings might prove his proclaimed innocence to any Russian business ties and such.

  • Will Trump Accomplish Cuts To Social Security In His First Term?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Considering who rules this country, I would say Yes. I do know the GOP would LOVE to get their hands on the SS fund AND the PO retirement fund to pay for The Wall, the deportation of immigrants, and the military's toys. I consider Trump to be our Kim Jong Un....both impulsive, unpredictable, and contempt for their citezenry.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Reagan didn't warn us to be afraid of government. He warned to be afraid of Democrats in government, which is nothing more than political propaganda. Eisenhower warned us about the might of the industrial military complex and that is what has long since taken over our government. NOW you need to be afraid!

  • The Republican Party Is Ready to Sell Off Your Internet Privacy at a Level That Boggles the Mind   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I wrote to my alt right Congressman and Senator and they both replied that the preventing the ISP's from selling our information was a regulation and that they are opposed to burdensome regulations. Some burden.

    "This joint resolution repealed the FCC’s duplicative, unnecessary regulations. The last thing America needs is more burdensome regulations and unaccountable bureaucracy. Rest assured that I will continue to fight to decrease the size and scope of the federal government by reducing regulatory burdens for all Americans." Ken Buck

    "I voted for this resolution because it removes burdensome regulations that were applied unequally across technologies. I firmly believe that consumer privacy and coherent privacy rules are of the utmost importance." Cory Gardner

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I have no idea if Thom ever reads our replys, but if he does, this one is directed at him. We are on the precipice of a giant foreign policy mistake by Trump. Don't ask me how I know this, but if you are really concerned about the future of the planet Thom, please talk about and expose the connection between Trump and Putin!

  • Trump Sabotaging Obamacare   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I love the "numbers" of lives saved by obamacare that are thrown about with total disregard for the "numbers" of lives lost because working Americans did not want to, or could not afford pay the huge deductibles they have to incur before any of their insurance kicks in.

    Do appreciate your remembering the line "elections have consequences".

    Probably fits here,

    Do You Know Someone Suffering From Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD)?

    "TURD is a pattern of pathologically dissociative and psychotic behavior, first observed in the late hours of November 8th 2016, and increasing in severity with passing time.

    Sufferers of TURD often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of childlike rage, rioting and uncontrollable crying.

    People with TURD are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again.

    TURD Is caused by the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. For many, both in America and worldwide, this was a shocking and unexpected outcome; their preferred news sources having failed to inform them that the alternative candidate was a criminal parasite in such ill health she got chucked into the back of a van like a kidnap victim.

    Research is ongoing, but TURD appears to correlate closely with the following environmental and behavioral factors:

    Membership in the Democrat Party
    Identifying as a feminist
    Currently enrolled in college, and/or possession of a Liberal Arts college degree
    Living in a densely populated metropolitan area
    Massive student debt
    Spotty or non-existent work history

    Patients with TURD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus; they cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement.

    If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TURD, urge them to seek treatment. Together we can beat this scourge."

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