Recent comments

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    #Outback: I was listenting to a Libertarian activist last night and he was saying that there are several things Trump could do to completely stymie the Deep State. He listed several actions Trump could take by May or June 1, 2017, that would completely redefine the playing field and put the Deep State in check if not check mate. He also said, if Trump did not do these things, then this would signal that Trump has been (for whatever reason: bought off, intimidated, given false information,) turned and is now working for the Deep State and the he and his activist friends would start approaching other parties (Greens, Socialists, etc.,) to join with them to overturn the Deep State. In any event, he delineated this year, 2017, as the year of the people's revolt before these monsters can get any further on down the road with their dastardly plans for us.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    The government shut down will be the least of our worries if what I heard two economists talking about the other night online happens. They were saying that the Deep State (comprised of 40 billionaires, the City of London, the Vatican, the Rothchilds, and the global banking community,) has indulged in so much speculative investing and failed (Glass Steagall) that it is rapidly catching up with them and so to hide their nefarious and iniquitous behavior, plus cause chaos to frighten people into giving up their civil liberties and all other protections while accepting what they seek to install: a fascist totalitarian security state which they alone will run. They were also saying that all of these incidences, to include a governmental shut down, is part of a series of false-flag operations to lay the ground work and foundation for the banking collapse so people will be so exhausted and frazzled by the time of the banking collapse, that we won't have the strength to oppose their take-over. We are truly in the hands of mad men and if we had a lick of sense, we would put these people on notice that if anything bad happens, we are going to spend our energy flushing them out and execute them on the spot. This should allow them to think about their own self-preservation instead of spending all of their time trying to figure out how they can best deprive us of ours. Truly evil men.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago


    Isn't Thom one who believes that politicans are always evolving. I think I remember a time or two when he praised Hillary Clinton for changing her positions as fast as a sailor in a cat house.

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Thanks for today's Christmas gift Mr. Ed.

    Possible relief for your oat bucket, better buy enough for 7-3/4 years.

  • Can Le Pen Win & The Impact   7 years 43 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    ENOUGH OF TRUMP’s DAYS - {a limerick}

    These hundred days are enough.

    By now we’ve seen his stuff: -

    - Huff and puff,

    dissemble and bluff,

    and actions galore to rebuff.


  • Can Le Pen Win & The Impact   7 years 43 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    BLACK HOLE - {a rhyme}

    They gather at “Mar-a-Lago”,

    where Trump’s a bizarre demagog-o

    who presides like a czar

    while he runs a bazaar

    where he sells our nation’s soul.

    {Trump is our nation’s black hole.}


  • Can Le Pen Win & The Impact   7 years 43 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    MIXED METAPHORS - {a rhyme}

    Trump boils up a bubbling stench

    {from stews of healthy ingredients bereft},

    and messes things up with a monkey wrench

    {not delicate tools used in manners deft},

    and coaches his game with a third-string bench

    {of players who lack intellectual heft}.

    The swamp is not drained. He’d rather entrench

    the reptiles who engage in yuuge-scale theft.

    He wrestles us down with a choke-hold clench.

    We should replace him with a prez from the Left.


  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    dtodd560 #4:

    Sure sounds like a good idea, anything to produce more jobs at home ...that is, in a sane country not run by psychopaths! Trouble is, akin to patients taking over the asylum, the Republican Party -- headed by a megalomaniac with a tin-pot dictator complex -- now controls all three branches of government. Good ideas will die a quick death!

    An even bigger trouble for everyday workers and taxpayers is that Republicans' most influential donors are tax-dodging, profit-at-all-cost, economic globalists, who could care less about the plight of lazy American workers whining about pathetic little jobs that don't pay enough to buy enough shiny little objects.

    In fact, the more that workers suffer financially, the more the fabulously wealthy owners of transnational mega-monopolies thrive. Low wages, no regulations, and cheap imports are the key -- as long as the wage slaves still have enough credit to keep taking on more debt and to keep buying shiploads of over-priced, poorly-made trinkets and baubles.

    When the working poor (that's most of us) have nothing left to give, let the sun bleach their worthless bones. Why would cold, calculating predators give a damn about useless prey drained of blood and stripped of flesh? The quicker unproductive consumers of precious resources die off, the better for everyone still standing -- healthcare, Republican style! Besides, "there's a sucker born every minute" to replenish the stock.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Suenos88: I'm obviously not a lawyer or a constitutional scholar either, but doesn't impeachment focus on the principal (Trump)? And can't it potentially result in the removal of the man from his position (and not necessarily the entire administration)? And IF there is a grand plan to give this individual just enough rope to hang himself, and then continue forward with the rest of the structure in tact (including our most recently istalled SCOTUS Justice) wouldn't that be the cat's meow? When Trump's approval rating hits 18 percent, nobody will be sorry to see him go, and I doubt that there will be riots protesting the installment of Pence in the Oval Office on some fine point of law. Especially in an era when our political elites feel quite comfy in writing their own rules.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Complicity is collusion & collusion is treason - from Cornell Univ. Law School:

    18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

    Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

    prev | next

    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

    (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

    ​I'm not a lawyer or constitutional scholar...I like doing a bit of research reading &/or listening to independent non-corporate media. MSNBC - Rachel Maddow: magnificent!

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    I apologize that I'm changing the topic to: INVALIDATING THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. When​ the day comes that Trump & Trump & Co. are proven to have colluded with the Russians during the campaign, the verdict would be "Treason". Therefore, in consequence, a new president & administration - all Trump nominations/confirmations, appointments, signed bills, Executive Orders would be as invalid as the treasonous President who set this all in motion.

    As opposed to impeachment, which has no chance in Congress, treason is a crime,ends the entire Trump administration. Saves our democracy.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    More obfuscation by Trump and Company! The 1375 lb gorilla in the room remains his collusion with Putin et. al. during the 2016 election. First it was the big Trumpcare fiasco. Then it was his incineration of some poor farmer's field 500 yards from the Syrian airstrip in response to a chemical weapons attack after he gave both Russia and Syria enough advance warning of the strike to allow them to remove all equipment and personnel to safe locations (does anyone seriously believe this was anything other than theatrics?). And now we have a looming government shutdown and "THE WALL". Come on, folks. Think about it. This SOB is a Grand Master at slight of hand, but others, Namely Uncle Mitch, are far more intelligent and cunning. My personal belief is that he will be charged with complicity in the Russian meddling and impeached. Then, the "real" GOP candidate, Mike Pence, will step in and "appear" to be a rational alternative to the hip shooting, orance Shit Gibbon, and we will be on a fast track to the far right Republican agenda. The sad thing is that we (the great unwashed) just keep chugging that Fox, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and yes, PBS Kool Aid. I'm sickened by the stupidity of the American people.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    The increase in military spending is just as asinine and wasteful as the wall! Why doesn't Schumer demand Trump back down on that insanity too?

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Thom, off topic a there an opening for meaningful tax reform that may benefit manufacturing workers? What if marginal tax rates are increased, mainly for the upper brackets, but at the same time, we make goods manufactured in the U.S. tax deductible? It would have to be non-food items, maybe mostly durable goods? It would incentivize the wealthy to spend their fortunes rather than bank it, and it would subsequently boost good manufacturing jobs here in the U.S. Goods could be ranked for what percentage of the product was made in the U.S., and that amount would be deductible. Thoughts??

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    He'll blame whatever happens on the Dems.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Then again, he could change his mind again. Not like it has not happen before.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    SInce this blog was written Trump has backed down over the wall, but the question still stands.

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    What makes America great are bombs! Big ones, little ones, beautiful, beautiful bombs. And babies, beautiful babieees! Is that 140 characters yet? Oh yeah, fake media! Believe me, believe me...
    @F*ckfaceVonClownstick # change my diaper

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday April 18th, 2017   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Don't waste time with Breibart guy. Your session with him today 4/25/17 made health care and tax policy a big joke. Hey, these policies actually affect people's lives and deaths.

    HIs answers are largesse from the wealthy, charity, etc. His example of Catholic sisters running hospitals is from another century. Nuns provided close to free labor, those days are gone. He had nothing to offer.

    I was offended by the rube and hayseed comments. Keeping the divides alive is bad and keeping the divide between urban and rural people is as bad as the poor white/black divide. Helps the big money folks, keeps the rest of us "at each other" instead of directing our energies towards the the power elite, who just keep on running things to their advantage.

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    What we have to do now. Follow the Money.

    We have to havea full transparent monetary system as nothing breeds appropriate behaviour faster than the light of public scrutiny .Visibility is another word for truth a famous Master teacher told us this a few Millenia ago we didn't listen ? Now we have to or its game over .

    Tis is the problem ....Greed .....A manufacturing of poverty with the tools of greed that's pretty much hidden from everyone !!!!

    The truth will set you free was not just a passing thought it was ment to be implemented to evolve society .

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Tens of thousands came out last Saturday for "March for Science" as well as for "Earth Day."

    Damn! Of all the weekends to skip the three-million Mar-a-Lago golf junket and hang around the dreary White House, delegating responsibility and dodging reporters! Can't even peek out the windows without seeing big angry crowds everywhere -- sore losers! -- carrying signs and yelling about something or other.

    Trying unsuccessfully to hold two big-league thoughts together at the same time longer than a few seconds is enough to make Spoiled Manboy's head explode -- not exactly a big bang.

    On fun day too! Oh well, better turn on Corp TV and find out what's going on in Lie Lie land ...instead of what's right in front of Fluffy's fake-orange face!

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    The corpse media is more about right-wing propaganda than capitalistic money making. More citizens vote for democratic candidates and thus you would think that at least half of the political coverage would slant to the left. However we know that as far as the corpse media is concerned the Democratic Party does not exist....unless it's something like Benghazi or Clinton's emails.

    The climate change blackout is obvious proof of this propaganda machine, but also you'll never hear single-payer mentioned either. The Republicans deny science and hate the idea of single in point.

    We are living in a Fascist State and the media is owned and operated by Fascists, plain and simple. Call it bizarre if you want......I call it the Fascist propaganda machine, with Foxaganda being the most effective part of it. It's the reason 4 out of 10 citizens still think President Bankruptcy will be good for our economy.

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    "Find out why here."

    That link is inactive.

    I think humans are being tested - who lives their conscience, who honors or betrays what truths ... it's huge. We are like the cells in our own bodies ... cells in the body of life - born to serve the health and function of whole being. We are processed according to choices we make, and growth through circumstances of our lives ... each and every one of us ....

    It's huge. No one argument, or perspective covers the whole ground ... several years ago, Dems touted the meme, "jobs, jobs, jobs". Now, Repubs are mirroring that meme, like a driftnet, to snag all the true believers of blind faith, and whoever else happens to get in the way.

    It really is a way of clearing the deck of all who do not serve the greater good ... so, maybe the focus needs to be more on how we, as individuals can best serve the life that carries us, like drops of water in the river ..., though we may have the power to alter the course of rivers, we do so at a cost we may not be able to pay.

  • How the GOP Is Going After ObamaCare Now   7 years 43 weeks ago

    It occurs to me, a more highly evolved race of beings is selectively breeding humans, just as humans breed other mammals, selecting those who survive for preferred qualities ... doing away with those who do not meet the standards (think show dogs with the wrong coloration.)

    Now, let's examine what real options exist for humans. What does it take to live in good health, how do we align our hopes and habits to serve health and well being, rather than getting sucked into the vortex of so many distractions/diversions to the point we actually believe the industries can, or will save our lives?

    How do we avoid getting sucked in, when all roads lead to that same chute?

    "... narrow the way and straight the gate ...?"

  • The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day   7 years 43 weeks ago

    many years ago a rascal of an economics prof woke up our early morning econ 101 class with the topic of religious wars, righteous wars and money. for the major wars in modern history he enlightened the class about the economics driving the war......follow the money. we all looked at life a little more critically after that class. and so it brings us to climate change, and that handmaiden to hell, greed.

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