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  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    It is not just that Trumpcare is so bad it rests upon the foundation that Obamacare is a horribly flawed program lifted whole cloth from the Heritage Foundation. Obamcare is nothing more than the Health Insurance Companies Further Enrichment Act which only replaced really, really, horrible health insurance insurance plans with the not quite so really, really, horrible health insurance plans. As usual it was We, The Rabble who got the shaft while Wall Street continued to pile up enormous profits predicated upon our deaths, pain and suffering. I hope they repeal Obamacare because a broad swath of Americans need to be continuously reminded about how horrible our national health care system really is.* Also the repeal of Obamacare is nothing more than a general distraction, except for those for ill people who had not been able to afford the pitiful insurance had under it or those with preexisting conditions under the Root'n Toot'n Wall Street Gunfight At The Medical Corral that the GOP and Corporate Democrat Wings of the Wall Street Owned One Party Political System (WOOPS) wants to return us to. The experiment failed just like President Oscammer knew it would. Wake up America! None of the elected Federal Officials in Washington has our best interest at heart and until, if, when and as the once venerable Democratic Party returns to representing working Americans (probably not going to) the GOP will continue to own the White House and The Congress. After all Americans, when given the opportunity to, prefer political honestly over lies. As Americans we know the GOP wing is going to bat for the rich and their corporate team while whispering sweet nothings in our ears as they pick our pockets, kill our young people in their wars and solidify our new place among nations as a Third World Oligarchy with the world's most destructive military. Unfortunately, most Americans prefer the real thing over the cheap imitation offered by the Corporate Democrats. Thanks Bill, Hillary, Barrack and the rest of you Corporate Democrats. It's a bird, it's a plane! No it's the DEMONCRAT Party dead on the vine.

    *We must also include Medicare, Medicaid and The Veterans Administration as the crucible where we are relegated to die.

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    There was nothing victim in the question that you did not answer and totally avoided. I di not say anything about the cost of Single Payer. I am sure that through your Union you probably get a good deal. But what is it? Answer the question.

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Tim from LA, I'm not a Canadian,


    You can't get past the victim mentality can you. I'm successful because of me, not because of what some politicians might do for you think single payer is free? In Ontario, every sale is taxed at 15% to pay for health care. Plus those who have supplemental insurance ( pretty much required if you want prescription, dental, prime doctors, etc) costs about $200.00 month

    I pay 10.00 for a Dr visit, 10.00 for prescriptions, no deductibles. Sorry, you haven't convinced me to want single payer.

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    I have yet to hear one concrete fact that will definitely stick in this Trump Care plan.

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    OU812, What do you pay and what does your employer pay for your insurance? Both come out of your paycheck so you never actually receive it. When you have to start writing checks for it you realize how much it is. Just curious, what have Republicans done for teachers that makes you so right wing?

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Well, then give up your citizenship:

    CIT 0302 - Application to Renounce Canadian Citizenship under Subsection 9(1)

    Move down here, don't move to California or New York and pull yourself up from the bootstrap. I hate when Canadians blabber about how bad their medical benefits are, but do nothing when asked to renounce their citizenship. Oh BTW, your teacher's medical benefit? Guess who's paying for It's your union and the negotiation of taxpayer money that you are benefiting from...that's not single payer? Who is paying for your benefit? Taxpayers!

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 43 weeks ago

    I don't know why you washed up lefties think single payer is the solution. I lived in Ontario for 6 years under the OHIP program (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). Canada does not have a nationwide single payer program, each provience has a program. The OHIP program is actually a two tier program. Those with supplemental insurance have the best service. Those without supplemental insurance are relegated to clinics where they may or may not be seen by a MD. Plus, appointments are rare, you will most likely spend half a day waiting to be seen.

    If your mind is so set on a single payer system, why don't you implement it on the state level. Just like it's done in Canada.

    I personally don't want single payer. I'm covered by a medical plan through work ( Public Schools). I don't know any Teachers who want to give up the plan we have for single payer.

    I'll give you a chance, Convince me to give up my plan for single payer.

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    The so-called "greatest democracy on Earth" was not so great after all; it was defeated without firing a shot! All it took was tiny factions of traitors operating out of secret cells hidden in plain sight at the top of gleaming towers.

    In less than forty years, when neocons and plutocrats under Reagan first began sharpening their teeth, a 200-year old republic -- founded on strong, progressive principles intended to protect the many from the predations of the few -- was quietly dismantled behind the scenes by the greediest of the greedy, who weaponized their wealth, captured politicians, and occupied the media.

    The most effective strategy to conquer a people is simply to control the flow and veracity of information. A flood of lies and a trickle of truth -- the basic formula for tyranny -- is what finally destroyed the dreams of our Fathers.

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Maybe its time for Julian Assange to start releasing all the emails between Trump and his Campaign folks and the Russians- I am sure someone out there has them all- not to mention hacking into his tax returns....

  • Daily Topics - Thursday April 27th, 2017   7 years 43 weeks ago

    I'm an African American woman who felt uncomfortable with your rant about how bad it is for Obama to take $400,000 to speak. It's about the fact that many, many whites feel outrage when black people have the same advantages as white people.

    Remember affirmative action? I went to Harvard, where the unqualified "legacy" students -- that is, students whose forebears were alums or heavy donors -- got in and got away with academic cheating and more.

    I wish you had explained your objection before launching the rant. You might not see how what you said has anything to do with race, but your rant touches a nerve for this black woman. I wish you would check everything through a race lens for awhile -- Critical Race Theory.

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    I don't think there's any question but that we're watching the end journalism. Media---Left, Right or whatever---is controlled by the corporate interests; the Oligarchy which rules this nation now. It has an agenda, and it the "duty" of the media to promote that agenda, be it manipulation of public opinion, manufacturing issues, or destorying anyone who stands in their way with a contrary message.

  • Greg Palast: "How the Georgia Race Was Stolen..."   7 years 43 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    A PUZZLEMENT - {a rhyme and an image}

    We try, we attempt it

    to figure Trump out, …

    … but we’ve no template

    which fits this lout.

    “A puzzlement,” sang Yul Brynner as King of Siam.

    The same thing goes for our King of Scam.

    … Image: “A Puzzlement” -


  • Greg Palast: "How the Georgia Race Was Stolen..."   7 years 43 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
    span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}

    GONG ‘EM - {a rhyme and an image}

    So MUCH is going wrong.

    Trumpism heads headlong

    to abject disaster ‘ere long.

    We mustn’t let it prolong.

    Give it the Gong Show gong.


  • Greg Palast: "How the Georgia Race Was Stolen..."   7 years 43 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    “FAKE”, THEY CALL THE NEWS - {a rhyme}

    “Fake”, they call the news

    which shows that The Donald screws

    us All while we All pay the dues.

    {They fall for his fraudulent bait-and-switch

    which hurts themSelves while he’s serving the rich.}


  • Whatever Happened To Republicans' Preference For Federalism And Local Control?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    This idea was just a talking point one of their think tanks came up with. Whenever they don't like a Federal law they say that power belongs to states, conversely when the states regulate businesses like insurance they say that insurance companies must be free to compete across state lines, Orwellian way of saying they can ignore state regulations. Works both ways, Democrats need to point out this hypocrisy.

  • Why Do So Many Smart Children With ADD Fail In Our Public Schools?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    This may be because of the present day sylabus that the university may following or due to the weaker capability of students to follow with the curriculum they follow. But today failures are reduced to an extent with the help of online educators like buy dissertation online and greater results are achieved by the students

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    This is a Skokie moment. Personally, I don't have a problem with what Wikileaks did. However, many people do and I understand it. But, if we do what Sessions wants, it sets it up to do it to other news organizations. Just as I didn't like what the Nazis stood for, i supported their right to march.

    Glenn Greenwald laid it out with Amy Goodman. Their strategy is to enforce a danerous policy against someone many people don't like so they will get support for it. Once they are successful, a dangerous precedent will be set to use against the media that opposes them.

    Be afraid! Be very afraid!

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Assange conspired with Putin and successfully destabilized our democracy, but that isn't why Beauregard III has made Assange's arrest a "priority." Why would anyone buy into this based on the Trump/ Putin/Assange triangle? This is just more propaganda to make it appear there isn't a collusion connection between all of these self-puffed nutbags.

    Sessions has perjured and committed treason....southern man better worry about his own arrest.

    The economy will fall apart before the fascists have a chance to snuff out what little is left of the free that point a panic will set in like we haven't seen since 1929. It will be the bitter end of the Teapublic.

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago


    America is one evil place

    Think it will be at the centre of human demise as we know it now

    Where is the good in that country?

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    So what does the New York Times have to do with "journalism", at least recently? Aside from that, Sessions and his ilk should be stuffed down the barrel of the nearest 16" battleship gun and fired into low earth orbit. What an absolute asshole! What we need to protect is a) the internet and, b) publications like "The Nation" and "In These Times" along with a host of other independent (and struggling) news and opinion sources. And stecoop01 is absolutely right. It's happening right under our noses.

  • Are We Watching The End Of A Free Press?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    One of the first steps in creating a dictatorship is taking control of the media, by fear or by force. Der Fuhrer's SS are starting to take form.

  • Will Trump Accomplish Cuts To Social Security In His First Term?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Thom the idea that WW2 ended the great depression is wrong. The GI bill that fueled the post-war boom ended the depression. If GI's, like my father, had returned to a Republican run country that demanded austarity to payoff the war debit the nation would've went back into a depression. Why this matters now is there is a false preception that war is good for the economy.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday April 25th, 2017   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Tom, you are an extremely positive force, except when you get complex tax information from people like Marshall today, who feeds you bad information. Let me set you straight so you do not blow your credibility with his advice:

    1, Higher tax rates give corporations and employers incentives to hire and pay employees, because they get a better tax deduction. Lower corporate rates gives corporations incentives to buy back stock, pay dividends and cut employee costs.

    2. Income retained by a corporation, after paying the corporate tax (whether an LLC taxable as a corporation), is subject to a 2nd tax if it is distributed as a dividend, or compensation benefit to the shareholder/employee, who pays dividend taxes at a 25% rate, and who pays income taxes at close to the 40% rate. Hence the combined rates of 15+25=40%, or 15+40=55% are the effective rates, so the savings you and Marshall are touting is non existent, unless the corporation engages in stock buy backs.

    I also recall your mis-analysis of payroll taxes for SS, which typically caps out at $100k of income because it is supposed to be insurance, and not a general tax. The benefits are capped, so the insurance premium is also capped against gross income. This is not to say that the cap of $100k is too small, and SS should be taxed against higher income individuals, but that changes its feature from "insurance", or pay for what you buy, vs. a general tax that is not related to the benefits you are paying for.

    These distinctions are important when you make your arguments, as if you confuse the matter, you lose credibility, and Marshall Steinbaum provide no clear and understandable facts over what he was telling you, telling you only what he thought you wanted to hear, and that is Trump World and just as dangerous as you are one of the best things to happen to Radio and Free Speech TV.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    Tom: I heard that just before the 9/11 Twin Towers were hit, the bank that resided in the basement was emptied out of 100M in cash, 100M in Bearer Bonds, 100M in gold, and 100M in loose diamonds. Also, that the Bank of Switzerland and the Bank of England are also emptying out their coffers and sending it to some unnamed location. (Another tidbit from the retired CIA operative.) They certainly are up to something big.

  • Are We Going To Have A Shutdown?   7 years 43 weeks ago

    #dtodd560: (1) There won't be any need to worry about "meaningful tax reform" if they collapse the whole banking system to hide the fact they have been cooking the books for the past 30 years, and (2) The rich are converting to gold and getting out of paper because they know the petro-dollar has seen better days.

    They aren't going to spend their money for our sake, In fact, they are intentionally going to crash the global banking system to frighten us into accepting their New World Order which is fascism on steroids. They even have plans to put collars on us with tracking devices and if we don't do their will, they will kill our money source, also located in this device, by shutting down our digital money accounts. This is no joke; they aren't kidding. They want us as their galley slaves or they want us dead; these are their only two options for us, and while we sleep, they are hard at work every day on this plan of theirs. (I heard this from a retired CIA operative.)

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