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  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago


    WHAT? Are you saying confiscating all the money from "rich people" and dropping it from airplanes into the laps of those sitting in front of their computer won't incite them to climb out of mom's basement and get a job?

    The next concept you may try and shove down our throats is "corporations don't pay taxes, their customers do"

    Good luck selling that tripe to those here who cry for redistribution and will never forgive their parents for being "white"

    And one for Mr. Ed who likes word salads,

    "Teddy Kennedy was the only confirmed kill in the war on women.” Ann Coulter

  • Will Trump Succeed in Repealing the First Amendment?   7 years 42 weeks ago

    I do find it obnoxious that his administration is taking this tack. However the risk of the constitution being amended to enable this has low probability. Getting the amendment saying corporations are not people and money is not speach stands a much better chance. I don't believe his voters would support this.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Socialism always fails because it kills enlightened self interest which is the most important driver for value creation. No one will work hard to create value if it is given away to someone else who does not work to create value.

    We perpetuate poverty by confusing it with the deprivation it causes. Deprivation is need, want, or loss. Poverty is the inability to create value for yourself and for others. To be enabled to create value the individual must have everyone of five resources: 1. A strong sense of positive persistence, 2. Knowledge of ways to create legitimate value, 3. Enterprises to provide the tools with which to create value, 4. Health and Hygiene, and 5. Security of rewards and security of person.

    Corporate income tax used to be a major percentage of Federal revenue. Now it is less than 12% because of tax lawyers and off-shoring of manufacturing. We have little revenue to loose by reducing the corporate income tax rate from the world high of 35% down to 15%. This will bring back job creating business to the U.S.

    The 2015 trade deficit was 50% China, 10% Germany, 9% Japan, 8% Mexico, and 23% other nations. By commodity it was 43% apparel, 23% automotive, 19% energy, 11% electronics, and 4% steel.

    Our national economy is in a death spiral right now because of the trade deficit. Tariff free trade is only free when it is balanced. The trade deficit sucks half a trillion dollars out of our banks every year and eliminates the demand for at least 50 million jobs which makes our taxable economy too small to support Federal spending. The only effective solution is to enact indexed tariffs over three to five years on imports by nation that exceed our exports to them. Since 1998 and renewal of China Most Favored Nation, the trade deficit has been driving the Federal deficit and the trajectory is now almost straight down. If we do not balance our trade accounts soon we will have a worldwide economic disaster caused by frozen liquidity.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little." --Franklin D. Roosevelt

    "We all do better when we all do better." --Paul Wellstone

    "I don't give a red rats ass if Trump makes billions more after he leaves office." --Diane Reynolds

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    A perfect example of how f'ed up the democrat party is.

    Take your pick.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Advertising works. If it is all bad publicity as in Weiners case it will work against you. Colgate, Budweiser, car dealers etc. advertise because it works. Trump was on air by far more than any other candidates. Even Hillary was on air by far more than Bernie during the primary. The 17 clowns running against Trump did not stand a chance against the master of reality TV. As you can see by the charts MSNBC was number 1 at giving Trump air time, with most of it on conservative Joe Scarborough. The media executive knew what they were doing. Maybe you should take Marketing 101 at your local Junior College.

    Obama was interviewed by Fox News several times. Also on Bill O'Reilly superbowl interview, watched by millions. Do you think we will see Trump on Rachael Maddows number 1 rated show?

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Ou812 (#28): "You washed up lefties lost most of the rank and file union members in the last election."

    True or untrue?

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 42 weeks ago


    It does my heart good to see just how dumb you washed up lefties are. A union endorsement means nothing, if the rank and file ignore it. What's occurring today in the Unions is an organic movement. The new generation of union members are sick and tired of washed up lefties running the Unions. A big change is in the works. Don't believe me just is May 2, 2017...come back May 2, 2018 and tell me what you see.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    @#15 & 16

    The topic is President Trumps tax reform and how bad it is in the mind leftie/socialists. Trump got elected on a very few points. Tax reform was one of them. His voter base knew that was a priority, so my comments that you and other leftie/socialists are out of touch with mainstream voters are very well founded.

    I don't give a red rats ass if Trump makes billions more after he leaves office. I, unlike you, do not harbor animosity for the wealthy. I see no reason for the government to confiscate money from them and Hartmann's comments that nobody should be allowed to keep more than a certain amount that he deens accepatble, tells me he sits far left of socialism.

    President Trump praising Fox is very reminiscent of Obama telling us deplorables not to watch Fox News. How quickly you forget that little tidbit. I will watch them all and determine for myself what my position will be.

    Your belief that because a name is frequently mentioned in the media, that alone will propel them to victory is a joke. If that gives you solice, good on you but to the best of knowledge, it was no help for Anthony Weiner.

    Again, watch the evening news and get back to us with any positive comments about President Trump from a source other than Fox.

    I anxiously await tomorrows report.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    This site shows graphically why Trump won.

    The media knows what it is doing and what works. They spend tons of money (that they make off of the campaigns advertising) researching it.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    The topic was Trumps Tax Reform. You were off topic. Now you have a POTUS telling you to listen to Fox News and that MSNBC and CNN are Fake News. Eat it up. Now you explain to me why the billionaire CEO's of ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS and Iheart radio would broadcast liberal media when they are ultra conservatives? MSNBC your idea of a liberal station was a leader in getting Trump elected.

    About my Financial status your assumptions are exactly that, assumptions.

    About Trumps Tax Reform, who do you think will benefit the most from it?

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    My post is dead on topic. It shows how far out of touch you leftie/socialists really are. Your BS about the right biased media is just that, BS. Ever watch television news? I didn't think so. You have stated you listen to podcasts. Turn on the television and pick any channel but FOX and come back and tell us they lean conservative. When you have completed that task, come back and report.

    Sorry you have been a financial failure but I worked hard, planned, saved and resist giving it to those who think they can spend it better than I can, ie. the Govt.

    So stop telling me how I should vote and stop hating women. As for Hillary, what a joke. You all got strung along by her machine and still caved in to support her when it was exposed.

    One Supreme Court judge done, two more to go. Thank you Harry Reid.

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 42 weeks ago

    There is no doubt that many male blue collar workers did not want Hillary and would vote even against their own best interest for anyone else. They ignored her experience. They did not like the fact that she was a woman and most important did not like her cackle. But the Union Organizations endorsed her dramatically as can be seen in the above links. When Union members vote against their Union you might as well shut it down and go home. You have destroyed what Unions are for. What really got Trump elected is the 1% owned and operated mainstream media putting him on the air almost constantly. Way more press coverage than any other candiadate.

  • Amy Goodman: "How To Fight Trump's Anti-Immigrant Bigotry"   7 years 42 weeks ago

    I've got a solution -
    Let's have revolution -
    Though not of the violent kind
    Let's bring to the table
    Those who are able
    To do better for mankind

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Diane, Your post, although off subject, shows the lack of education in America and the brainwashing by the right wing 1% owned and operated mainstream media. The Republican Party has many voters that should be Democrats. Blue collar Male voters hated Hillary. They ignored her experience. It was the fact that she was female and they did not like her cackle. Women like you voted to receive 75% for the rest of their career. You should only vote Republican if you are in the 1%. That is all that they care about. Throughout the Obama Administration ignorant voters blamed him for virtually everything and ignored what Congress and the Senate was doing to obstruct everything. With this current administration your type will get their payback. Hope that you enjoy it.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Something for leftie/socialists to gnaw on:

    "Why did Trump win? New research by Democrats offers a worrisome answer."

    "Top Democratic pollsters have conducted private focus groups and polling in an effort to answer that question, and they shared the results with me.
    One finding from the polling stands out: A shockingly large percentage of these Obama-Trump voters said Democrats’ economic policies will favor the wealthy — twice the percentage that said the same about Trump. I was also permitted to view video of some focus group activity, which showed Obama-Trump voters offering sharp criticism of Democrats on the economy."

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    This is going to be worse than Reagan, Bush, and Bush combined. I want real tax reform where the cap is removed Social Security and the poor pay no taxes.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Also, ban the real terrorists: Trump and his cabinet; the NSA; the CIA; the FBI; Homeland Security; Pentagon warmongers; "defense" contractors; oil tycoons; billionaire Wall Street hucksters; the Koch network; the NRA; white Trump supporters who throw punches at rallies; white radical Christianists; white supremacists; white males who gun people down; white racist cops; Border Patrol thugs; Rush Limbaugh; Sean Hannity; Alex Jones; Bill O'Reilly; all their wannabes who spit out lies and hate at minorities; Republicans in red states who use "Interstate Crosscheck;" Republicans in red states who legalize voter suppression; Republicans who don't accept global warming as science; Republicans who sold our privacy to the highest bidder; Republicans who try to profitize schools and prisons; Republicans who try to take away "net neutrality;" Republicans who try to take away people's healthcare; Republicans who try to take away people's retirement; Republicans who try to suppress worker's wages; Republicans who try to redistribute wealth upwards; Republicans in the House; Republicans in the Senate; Republicans still breathing...

    ...and, especially, all turncoat corporate Democrats hiding under rocks.

    Jesus Herkimer Christ, that's half the gawdamn nation! Probably be easier just to let 'em have the whole fascist mess so they can destroy it from within. Oh wait, that's what Trump voters and non-voters already did!

    It will be a ruined hellscape for sure, but maybe someday the rest of us can pick up the pieces, if there's anything left to salvage, and try to reboot Jeffersonian Democracy. Hopefully, the damn fools will not have pushed the climate over the tipping point by then.

  • New Republican Healthcare Plan Is So Bad That Even Republicans Don't Want It   7 years 42 weeks ago


    OMG!!! The "Moonie" Times? Richard Berman (AKA Dr. Evil)? "Employee Rights Act?" "Right to Work" legislation?

    Aha, it all adds up now. Get thee behind me, troll!

    Aye, matey -- s'cuse me whilst I pick at me scabs...

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    More than two-thirds of Americans think the rich and corporations pay too little in federal tax. This indicates that many of these same Americans were either foxmerized when they voted Republican, or there was massive election fraud.....or both.

    Tax the rich, implement single-payer, strengthen Social Security, and create a living minimum wage......all desired by the vast majority, and all hated by the billionaire's Republican Party. Obviously many voters are confused by fascist propaganda.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Mr. Hartmann,

    What can we expect from number 45 ? I call him 45, because I can't bear

    to address this charlatan by his name. Anyway, I didn't think it could get

    any worse, after Reagans horrible eight years of deregulation and tax

    benefits for the wealthy. But here we go again ! I often wonder if

    republicans ever get tired of sitting on their hands. Talk about the

    do nothing party. Oh, except when it comes to lining the pockets

    of the rich. Like a good friend of mine said; if you're not appalled,

    you're not paying attention. Unfortunately, the other camp is

    sickened by these incredible missteps by number 45 and his band

    of not so merry men.


    Mike D. Marlowe

  • Proof That America is a Socialist Country Now   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Not timely, but -- Note that today's Democrats and liberals oppose democratic socialism, as it includes a legitimate welfare system. Some 20 years into our war on the poor, when was the last time you heard liberals call for restoring the basic human rights (UN's UDHR) of food and shelter to our very poor?

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    having witnessed the effect of the reagan era tax cuts as a cpa, i can tell you the positive effect on the wealthy was significant, and the removal of deductions for the working classes was equally destructive. the tax rate cuts along with inheritance tax cuts was a reagan era wealth transfer pure and simple. but the largest transfer of wealth in history occurred during the george w bush years, when the world war 2 generation began to die off, and temporary inheritance tax cuts allowed billions upon billions to move tax free to the baby boomer generation. and now we have trump tax cuts and most americans are scratching their heads not knowing what to think about it. there has to be a way to educate the electorate on what they are giving away. and yes, thom is right on, reverting to the pre reagan tax codes would swing the pendulum back from plutocrat wealth building to america's backbone, the working men and women who deserve a break and aren't getting it.

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Sadly the US is now a Fascist nation

    Accompished almost silently

    Two World Wars were fought to defeat Fascism and many, many lives were lost

    Looks like apathy, induced by those who intended, has almost been achieved

    This without a death

    Certain historical figures would be now proud of what has been achieved

  • Trump's Socialism For The Rich   7 years 42 weeks ago

    Chuckle8, It is not about inheritance tax on Farms worth more than 5 million (%?) it is about kochs $85 billion or Trumps $10 billion to those arrogant sons. But I am sure that you are aware of that.

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