Dianereynolds -- Regarding the CBS, NBC and ABC news, it seems that requires a slightly more detailed meaning of lefty/liberal. I think the best way to describe the bias of this media is to use Bernie's breakout of the terms liberal and progressive. Bernie's breakout is that liberal applies to social issues and progressive should be used for economic issues.
With that differentiation, I agree that media is biased towards being liberal, but in no way are they biased towards being progressive. Incidentally, based on what Bernie says all the time, a progressive economic policy is a policy which helps the bottom 90% more than the top 1% (which he calls the billionaires).
Lightengine-- It seems that socialism and the free market always fail and never coexist.
Like F=ma put men on the moon, among many other accomplishments, "supply and demand" drives every economy and economic model.
Your 5 points certainly describe essential things for the supply side. Let us hear some things about the demand side. Speaking of the demand side, I find it amazing that welfare provides the greatest return on government expenditures.
The country has reached a tipping point. The inequality that was predicted to destroy democracy that Kevin Phillip's (Wealth and Democracy) wrote about and the same prediction from the late Chalmers Johnson's writings in the Empire project can no longer be ignored !
The guy is a complete wack job. On North Korea he has gone from "I am sending a very big Armada" to "it would be an honor to meet with Kim Jung Un". No one can tone him down. On a side note Jarhead Kushner failed to disclose $1 billion dollar loans and several other major items. Could happen to anyone, I forgot to report a billion dollar loan last month also. And today Congress changed the rules on overtime pay in corporations favor. I got to say that it will affect a lot of Trumps and Republican blue collar voters where it hurts the most, their wallet. Of course no Democrats voted to screw the American worker.
If you have not watched this video of Jimmy Kimmel talking about the birth of his son I suggest that you do. I had no idea that a baby born with a heart defect was a "pre-existing condition" Only Republicans could call this a "pre-existing" condition. Heartless bastards. Its on youtube and numerous other places.
I believe that the single most important issue Democrats should push is Medicare for all. With this current, horrific health care debacle, now is the PERFECT time to yell it from the rooftops. Everyone loves Medicare - even the Republicans (except in Congress) and people are afraid of losing it, and rightly so. It should be scored, and the pitch shoud be: if your income is 1/2 million, your taxes would go up this much: over a million this much etc etc. Give the figures and stress that if you pay a very small increase - you will never have to deal with insurance companies again! Forget the words single payer and Obamacare. Medicare is the buzz word and it is a sure winner. HEALTHCARE is a RIGHT!! Don't ask if people beieve that, make it a statement of fact. Keep repeating. Lois G
It is another bright sunny Christmas morning thanks to your washed up leftie/socialist post. The only thing greater is when you bloviate and dump your paragraphs of carefully collected adjectives on President Trump.
After taking your Xanax and drinking a bottle of Pepto Bismol would you kindly spend a few hours today composing my gift for tomorrow?
My neverending thanks once again Mr. Ed and have a nice day!
Here are a few choice, rather frightening excerpts from a recent interview with Timothy Snyder by Chauncey Devega over at Salon, which seem to fit right into the wider theme of this thread. I highlighted some of Snyder's statements that popped out at me. (Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University and an award winning author. His new book is "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century.")
... CD: "In my writings and interviews, I have consistently referred to Donald Trump as a fascist. I have received a great deal of resistance to that claim. Do you think this description is correct? ... "
TS: "... As I see it, there are certainly elements of his approach which are fascistic. The straight-on confrontation with the truth is at the center of the fascist worldview. The attempt to undo the Enlightenment as a way to undo institutions, that is fascism.
"Whether he realizes it or not is a different question, but that's what fascists did. They said, 'Don't worry about logic. Think instead in terms of mystical unities and direct connections between the mystical leader and the people.' That's fascism. Whether we see it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we forget, that is fascism.
"Another thing that's clearly fascist about Trump were the rallies. The way that he used the language, the blunt repetitions, the naming of the enemies, the physical removal of opponents from rallies, that was really, without exaggeration, just like the 1920s and the 1930s.
"And Mr. [Steve] Bannon's preoccupation with the 1930s and his kind of wishful reclamation of Italian and other fascists speaks for itself."
... CD: [TS says:] "'It's pretty much inevitable' that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy." ...
... "How much time does American democracy have left before this poison becomes lethal and there is no path of return?"
TS: "You have to accept there is a time frame. Nobody can be sure how long this particular regime change with Trump will take, but there is a clock, and the clock really is ticking. It's three years on the outside, but in more likelihood something like a year. In January 2018 we will probably have a pretty good idea which way this thing is going. Its going to depend more on us than on them in the meantime. Once you get past a certain threshold, it starts to depend more on them than us, and things are much, much worse. It makes me sad to think how Americans would behave at that point."
Really? Ann Coulter? (facepalm) That explains a lot...
Salads are very healthy for you, by the way, especially at your age, so I'm glad that you enjoy them and am honored to accommodate. Since you and your other (very strange) moniker, Ou812, always seem to be in a funk, so angry and confused, a hearty fare now and then is good for the heart, mind, and soul to elevate those ugly moods and to put a smile on your face, as you always say.
C'mon now, admit it; that's why you love to hang out here at Thom's blog. Listening to liberals discuss issues in the light of reality and truth is such a breath of fresh air, which whets your appetite for more and fulfills that deep-seated need to expand your horizons -- real inspiration that you just can't find anywhere else, especially on all those Republican lie and hate sites. (BTW, do you post on those too? Just curious.)
Otherwise, why do you keep coming back? No, really, why are you here?
I have to assume it's because you are hungry for more enlightenment, so here is another special salad that I tossed just for you called, "War on Women ...and I sure hope you're not bleeding out of your whatever." It's a delicious blend of red meat (wink wink, nudge nudge) with just a dash of incest and pedophilia. If your desire is perked, be sure to follow the link at the bottom for extra helpings.
As an added bonus, since you like to quote shallow, self-absorbed egomaniacs -- like Ann Coulter, who will say anything to stay relevant (sad) and is not at all shy about spouting beyond-the-pale pure garbage just to get attention (or perhaps to sell a book) -- you get to guess who this genius is. (Hint: he's someone close to your heart who matches your intellect.) Enjoy:
"You have to treat 'em like sh*t."
"You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it, I did try and f*ck her. She was married. ... And I moved on her very heavily. ... I moved on her like a b*tch, but I couldn’t get there."
"You know, it doesn't really matter what [they] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."
“I have a deal with her. She’s 17 and doing great ― Ivanka. She made me promise, swear to her that I would never date a girl younger than her. So as she grows older, the field is getting very limited.”
"You know who's one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body. She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount"
“If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
Asked by Williams what she and her father had in common, Ivanka replied "either real estate or golf." Her father? He said: "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her" - pointing at his mortified daughter.
“Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton. I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’” Stern: “Did you wanna bang her?” Trump: “Well, at 12, I wasn’t interested. I’ve never been into that ... but she was beautiful.” He went on to admit he'd watched her sex tape.
"Leering at a 10-year-old girl ... watching a group of young girls going up the escalator in Trump Tower: 'I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?' he is heard saying of one of them. He was 46 at the time."
Oh, okay; I see it now. You are just pretending to be dumb. Wow, you certainly are a good actor -- fooled everyone on the site!
Sooo, is it also part of the act, then, not to answer easy, straightforward questions about your own points and to misread your own sources? Cause ya sure got that dummy bit nailed down pretty damn good there, hotdog lady! You should audition for SNL.
I'm curious though; if it's such a pain to post, why do you keep coming back? It's the same question that I've recently asked your other moniker, Dianereynolds. Enquiring minds want to know.
FYI, (take it or leave it advice) the Central Committee for "Sh*t to F*cking Understand" (STFU) has requested that you and your other self please come up with more imaginative and varied insults that have some pizzazz. It's not that your verbal tics hurt anyone's feelings; quite the opposite, they induce long bouts of yawning, which only hurt the jawbone, and shaking of the head in sympathy, which puts a crick in the neck.
Plus, they really are juvenile and lame. (Unless that's part of your act, too.) Even grade-school taunts are more vitriolic. I mean, it's like saying "oh poop" when you just cut off half of your gawddamn foot with a chainsaw. You want to scream at the top of your lungs, "f******ck!!! Oh f*ck, oh f*ck, oh f*ck," while hopping around tripping over stumps. Panty-waist expressions, such as "washed up lefties," just don't cut it for expressing those deep-down feelings of hurt and rage that are struggling to get out.
C'mon, Teach, Granny, or whoever, I know you can do it -- let it all out! Don't be so proper and predictable and lifeless and ...yaaawwwn.... you know, "conservative." Put your soul into it! You would be so much more effective as a right-wing troll.
And the stupidity thing -- that's good; keep it up. It matches your Republican avatar very nicely.
Anyway, STFU wanted me to relay that message to all of your various selves, wherever they might crop up.
Basically health has a fundemantel rights in our body especialy mental health because our whole body is working by it. So, every one should must take steps for health care not for only yourself but for all. I mostly used fresh lemon for fitness because in form of vegetables and fruits, we can easily eat herbs and plants in food which have a great impact on our fitness as they are used for the treatments just like mardana taqat ko barhana etc. If you are preparing a hot lemon fresh , you should not pour the lemon juice with boiling water. Vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and is otherwise destroyed before it reaches the body. Sweeten the hot drink with some honey instead of sugar, because honey is also said to have a positive effect in colds - especially in the case of a headache. Anyways, thanks for sharing the nice piece of stuff with us.
This change in libel laws would be suicidal for Trump, Fox News, and Breitbart, etc. Looks like Paul Ryan's political suicide is rubbing off on Trump.
BTW: Has it occurred to anyone that Trump's comment on the Civil War might be a subconscious expression of frustration that hiding behind political justification for greed and power is useless when one is clearly on the wrong side of history?
The inhumanity of slavery and Jackson's trail of tearswere both awful episodes in American history. I'm sure that both Jackson and later the citizens of the South thought their actions were justified at the time, but we all know different here in the 21st century.
Trump like the plantation owners of the deep south can't stop himself....he's out of control with his thirst for wealth and power, and just like the entire Republican Party is certainly on the wrong side of social, environmental, and economic history.
Republicans have a problem with truth, reality, verifiable facts and the results of scientific research. Anything that conflicts with the narrative that they are currently using is, according to them, anti-American. They have been playing this psycopathic game for a long time and are now doubling down with Trump at the helm. Any criticism or pushback from the media is tantamount to treason in their view. They want total power and they don't care what rules they have to break to get it. They have been creating an alternate reality for years. It starts with claiming that their story, based on 'alternative facts,' is just as valid as verifiable facts. Now they want to destroy a reality-based view of the world and replace it with their own fake reality. These people are out to destroy the rule of law, the constitution, and anything else that gets in their way. They must be stopped.
They want to take it all. they want CEO's to make millions of dollars but do not want to pay overtime for the low wage workers. Now that they have killed Unions they will get away with it. This drastically affect millions of Trumps blue collar voters. Wake up you fucking idiots!!!!!
It's TREASON folks. Furthermore, any Republican who signs a bill to gut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Meals on Wheels should be charged with premeditated murder. It was estimated by a doctor's group that 44,000 Americans a year would die among the 24 million who would lose medical care alone. There is no estimate as to how many would die if the rest of the social programs are cut as well. A group like Social Security Works or AARP should file a class action lawsuit against the Republicans in Congress. the GOP and the entire Trump mis-administration.
"The new generation of union members are sick and tired of washed up lefties running the Unions" OU812 5/2/17
Good luck with right wing billionaires running your Unions. You and Dianereyenolds are so far off base I really have to question your motives. Both of you do not post facts but are generous in childish insults. Intelligent posting seem to be impossible for the 2 of you.
I will give Trump credit for being blatant about his desire to destroy the Constitution; other Repugnicans are secretive about their same desire, even posing as Constitution supporters.
Sorry! The very sad thing is that this gentleman does indeed appear to reflect the current American veiw of a competent statesman and political leader
The love of humanity and of fellow man as expressed by the founding fathers has been willfully removed from current society
Dumbing down works
Dianereynolds -- Regarding the CBS, NBC and ABC news, it seems that requires a slightly more detailed meaning of lefty/liberal. I think the best way to describe the bias of this media is to use Bernie's breakout of the terms liberal and progressive. Bernie's breakout is that liberal applies to social issues and progressive should be used for economic issues.
With that differentiation, I agree that media is biased towards being liberal, but in no way are they biased towards being progressive. Incidentally, based on what Bernie says all the time, a progressive economic policy is a policy which helps the bottom 90% more than the top 1% (which he calls the billionaires).
Lightengine-- It seems that socialism and the free market always fail and never coexist.
Like F=ma put men on the moon, among many other accomplishments, "supply and demand" drives every economy and economic model.
Your 5 points certainly describe essential things for the supply side. Let us hear some things about the demand side. Speaking of the demand side, I find it amazing that welfare provides the greatest return on government expenditures.
Dear Thom,
53, 000,000 voters elected this snake oil salesman. I truly wish I had something
positive to say about 45, but i honestly can't think of one iota of praise or respect
for the so called "donald". His outrageous statements and deplorable decision
making has put this country in jeopardy. I do believe his presidency is one of the
worst points in our history. I never could have imagined that we, as a nation, could
have stooped that low. Also, i have strong feelings that he may well be mentally
unhinged, because of his erratic behavior. Hillary or Bernie, where are you ?
Respectfully, Mike Marlowe
"Walking loudly and carrying a soft stick"? Why Thom, are you making an offhand reference to the size of his hands?
This "dipstick" will be out of the White House within six months, mark my words.
The country has reached a tipping point. The inequality that was predicted to destroy democracy that Kevin Phillip's (Wealth and Democracy) wrote about and the same prediction from the late Chalmers Johnson's writings in the Empire project can no longer be ignored !
The guy is a complete wack job. On North Korea he has gone from "I am sending a very big Armada" to "it would be an honor to meet with Kim Jung Un". No one can tone him down. On a side note Jarhead Kushner failed to disclose $1 billion dollar loans and several other major items. Could happen to anyone, I forgot to report a billion dollar loan last month also. And today Congress changed the rules on overtime pay in corporations favor. I got to say that it will affect a lot of Trumps and Republican blue collar voters where it hurts the most, their wallet. Of course no Democrats voted to screw the American worker.
If you have not watched this video of Jimmy Kimmel talking about the birth of his son I suggest that you do. I had no idea that a baby born with a heart defect was a "pre-existing condition" Only Republicans could call this a "pre-existing" condition. Heartless bastards. Its on youtube and numerous other places.
Winning in 2018
I believe that the single most important issue Democrats should push is Medicare for all. With this current, horrific health care debacle, now is the PERFECT time to yell it from the rooftops. Everyone loves Medicare - even the Republicans (except in Congress) and people are afraid of losing it, and rightly so. It should be scored, and the pitch shoud be: if your income is 1/2 million, your taxes would go up this much: over a million this much etc etc. Give the figures and stress that if you pay a very small increase - you will never have to deal with insurance companies again! Forget the words single payer and Obamacare. Medicare is the buzz word and it is a sure winner. HEALTHCARE is a RIGHT!! Don't ask if people beieve that, make it a statement of fact. Keep repeating. Lois G
It is another bright sunny Christmas morning thanks to your washed up leftie/socialist post. The only thing greater is when you bloviate and dump your paragraphs of carefully collected adjectives on President Trump.
After taking your Xanax and drinking a bottle of Pepto Bismol would you kindly spend a few hours today composing my gift for tomorrow?
My neverending thanks once again Mr. Ed and have a nice day!
Here are a few choice, rather frightening excerpts from a recent interview with Timothy Snyder by Chauncey Devega over at Salon, which seem to fit right into the wider theme of this thread. I highlighted some of Snyder's statements that popped out at me. (Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University and an award winning author. His new book is "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century.")
*For more of the interview:
*For the audio podcast link to the full interview (episode134):
... CD: "In my writings and interviews, I have consistently referred to Donald Trump as a fascist. I have received a great deal of resistance to that claim. Do you think this description is correct? ... "
TS: "... As I see it, there are certainly elements of his approach which are fascistic. The straight-on confrontation with the truth is at the center of the fascist worldview. The attempt to undo the Enlightenment as a way to undo institutions, that is fascism.
"Whether he realizes it or not is a different question, but that's what fascists did. They said, 'Don't worry about logic. Think instead in terms of mystical unities and direct connections between the mystical leader and the people.' That's fascism. Whether we see it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we forget, that is fascism.
"Another thing that's clearly fascist about Trump were the rallies. The way that he used the language, the blunt repetitions, the naming of the enemies, the physical removal of opponents from rallies, that was really, without exaggeration, just like the 1920s and the 1930s.
"And Mr. [Steve] Bannon's preoccupation with the 1930s and his kind of wishful reclamation of Italian and other fascists speaks for itself."
... CD: [TS says:] "'It's pretty much inevitable' that Trump will try to stage a coup and overthrow democracy." ...
... "How much time does American democracy have left before this poison becomes lethal and there is no path of return?"
TS: "You have to accept there is a time frame. Nobody can be sure how long this particular regime change with Trump will take, but there is a clock, and the clock really is ticking. It's three years on the outside, but in more likelihood something like a year. In January 2018 we will probably have a pretty good idea which way this thing is going. Its going to depend more on us than on them in the meantime. Once you get past a certain threshold, it starts to depend more on them than us, and things are much, much worse. It makes me sad to think how Americans would behave at that point."
Would we then be able to sue Trump for the willful deception he presents throughout his campaign and his 100+ days?
Really? Ann Coulter? (facepalm) That explains a lot...
Salads are very healthy for you, by the way, especially at your age, so I'm glad that you enjoy them and am honored to accommodate. Since you and your other (very strange) moniker, Ou812, always seem to be in a funk, so angry and confused, a hearty fare now and then is good for the heart, mind, and soul to elevate those ugly moods and to put a smile on your face, as you always say.
C'mon now, admit it; that's why you love to hang out here at Thom's blog. Listening to liberals discuss issues in the light of reality and truth is such a breath of fresh air, which whets your appetite for more and fulfills that deep-seated need to expand your horizons -- real inspiration that you just can't find anywhere else, especially on all those Republican lie and hate sites. (BTW, do you post on those too? Just curious.)
Otherwise, why do you keep coming back? No, really, why are you here?
I have to assume it's because you are hungry for more enlightenment, so here is another special salad that I tossed just for you called, "War on Women ...and I sure hope you're not bleeding out of your whatever." It's a delicious blend of red meat (wink wink, nudge nudge) with just a dash of incest and pedophilia. If your desire is perked, be sure to follow the link at the bottom for extra helpings.
As an added bonus, since you like to quote shallow, self-absorbed egomaniacs -- like Ann Coulter, who will say anything to stay relevant (sad) and is not at all shy about spouting beyond-the-pale pure garbage just to get attention (or perhaps to sell a book) -- you get to guess who this genius is. (Hint: he's someone close to your heart who matches your intellect.) Enjoy:
"You have to treat 'em like sh*t."
"You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it, I did try and f*ck her. She was married. ... And I moved on her very heavily. ... I moved on her like a b*tch, but I couldn’t get there."
"You know, it doesn't really matter what [they] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."
“I have a deal with her. She’s 17 and doing great ― Ivanka. She made me promise, swear to her that I would never date a girl younger than her. So as she grows older, the field is getting very limited.”
"You know who's one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body. She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount"
“If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
Asked by Williams what she and her father had in common, Ivanka replied "either real estate or golf." Her father? He said: "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her" - pointing at his mortified daughter.
“Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but in actuality is really beautiful is Paris Hilton. I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’” Stern: “Did you wanna bang her?” Trump: “Well, at 12, I wasn’t interested. I’ve never been into that ... but she was beautiful.” He went on to admit he'd watched her sex tape.
"Leering at a 10-year-old girl ... watching a group of young girls going up the escalator in Trump Tower: 'I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?' he is heard saying of one of them. He was 46 at the time."
For (a lot) more greatest hits:
Oh, okay; I see it now. You are just pretending to be dumb. Wow, you certainly are a good actor -- fooled everyone on the site!
Sooo, is it also part of the act, then, not to answer easy, straightforward questions about your own points and to misread your own sources? Cause ya sure got that dummy bit nailed down pretty damn good there, hotdog lady! You should audition for SNL.
I'm curious though; if it's such a pain to post, why do you keep coming back? It's the same question that I've recently asked your other moniker, Dianereynolds. Enquiring minds want to know.
FYI, (take it or leave it advice) the Central Committee for "Sh*t to F*cking Understand" (STFU) has requested that you and your other self please come up with more imaginative and varied insults that have some pizzazz. It's not that your verbal tics hurt anyone's feelings; quite the opposite, they induce long bouts of yawning, which only hurt the jawbone, and shaking of the head in sympathy, which puts a crick in the neck.
Moniker #1 (Dianereynolds): "leftie/socialists ...leftie/socialists ...leftie/socialists" ...ad infinitum.
Moniker #2 (Ou812): "washed up lefties ...washed up lefties ...washed up lefties" ... ad nauseam.
...e-v-e-r-y f-*-c-k-i-n-g p-o-s-t ! ...b-o-r-i-n-g !
Plus, they really are juvenile and lame. (Unless that's part of your act, too.) Even grade-school taunts are more vitriolic. I mean, it's like saying "oh poop" when you just cut off half of your gawddamn foot with a chainsaw. You want to scream at the top of your lungs, "f******ck!!! Oh f*ck, oh f*ck, oh f*ck," while hopping around tripping over stumps. Panty-waist expressions, such as "washed up lefties," just don't cut it for expressing those deep-down feelings of hurt and rage that are struggling to get out.
C'mon, Teach, Granny, or whoever, I know you can do it -- let it all out! Don't be so proper and predictable and lifeless and ...yaaawwwn.... you know, "conservative." Put your soul into it! You would be so much more effective as a right-wing troll.
And the stupidity thing -- that's good; keep it up. It matches your Republican avatar very nicely.
Anyway, STFU wanted me to relay that message to all of your various selves, wherever they might crop up.
Basically health has a fundemantel rights in our body especialy mental health because our whole body is working by it. So, every one should must take steps for health care not for only yourself but for all. I mostly used fresh lemon for fitness because in form of vegetables and fruits, we can easily eat herbs and plants in food which have a great impact on our fitness as they are used for the treatments just like mardana taqat ko barhana etc. If you are preparing a hot lemon fresh , you should not pour the lemon juice with boiling water. Vitamin C is very sensitive to heat and is otherwise destroyed before it reaches the body. Sweeten the hot drink with some honey instead of sugar, because honey is also said to have a positive effect in colds - especially in the case of a headache. Anyways, thanks for sharing the nice piece of stuff with us.
This change in libel laws would be suicidal for Trump, Fox News, and Breitbart, etc. Looks like Paul Ryan's political suicide is rubbing off on Trump.
BTW: Has it occurred to anyone that Trump's comment on the Civil War might be a subconscious expression of frustration that hiding behind political justification for greed and power is useless when one is clearly on the wrong side of history?
The inhumanity of slavery and Jackson's trail of tears were both awful episodes in American history. I'm sure that both Jackson and later the citizens of the South thought their actions were justified at the time, but we all know different here in the 21st century.
Trump like the plantation owners of the deep south can't stop himself....he's out of control with his thirst for wealth and power, and just like the entire Republican Party is certainly on the wrong side of social, environmental, and economic history.
Republicans have a problem with truth, reality, verifiable facts and the results of scientific research. Anything that conflicts with the narrative that they are currently using is, according to them, anti-American. They have been playing this psycopathic game for a long time and are now doubling down with Trump at the helm. Any criticism or pushback from the media is tantamount to treason in their view. They want total power and they don't care what rules they have to break to get it. They have been creating an alternate reality for years. It starts with claiming that their story, based on 'alternative facts,' is just as valid as verifiable facts. Now they want to destroy a reality-based view of the world and replace it with their own fake reality. These people are out to destroy the rule of law, the constitution, and anything else that gets in their way. They must be stopped.
"Intelligent posting seem to be impossible for the 2 of you."
I agree, I have to dumb everything down for you washed up lefties.
We need to back up and start with politicians being held liable for making fake campaign promises.
They want to take it all. they want CEO's to make millions of dollars but do not want to pay overtime for the low wage workers. Now that they have killed Unions they will get away with it. This drastically affect millions of Trumps blue collar voters. Wake up you fucking idiots!!!!!
It's TREASON folks. Furthermore, any Republican who signs a bill to gut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Meals on Wheels should be charged with premeditated murder. It was estimated by a doctor's group that 44,000 Americans a year would die among the 24 million who would lose medical care alone. There is no estimate as to how many would die if the rest of the social programs are cut as well. A group like Social Security Works or AARP should file a class action lawsuit against the Republicans in Congress. the GOP and the entire Trump mis-administration.
They want to re-write the whole constitution. Fascism in progress.
"The new generation of union members are sick and tired of washed up lefties running the Unions" OU812 5/2/17
Good luck with right wing billionaires running your Unions. You and Dianereyenolds are so far off base I really have to question your motives. Both of you do not post facts but are generous in childish insults. Intelligent posting seem to be impossible for the 2 of you.
tRUMP's plan: Make America a 3rd World Country and him KING!
I will give Trump credit for being blatant about his desire to destroy the Constitution; other Repugnicans are secretive about their same desire, even posing as Constitution supporters.
Step one: repeal the First Amendment.
Step two: repeal the Second Amendment.
Step three:...
This world is being trashed by idiot leaders.