Uproar: a word used to imply taking action against something terrible. Now in response to 'uproar' we have 'up yours' which seems to be the new battle cry of the 'con servatives' of this once again great American notion...er nation.
Bachmann: Give progressive voices like Bernie Sanders equal time to the righties on Fox News, and you'll quickly find your Teapublican Party is the one with all the problems...LOL
What are you righties so damn afraid of...the economic and social truth reaching the masses????? The truth of for profit health insurance vs single- payer is a classic example of the alt reality you righties live in. The billionaires thank you for that sacrifice, and or are laughing all the way to the bank.
Roads, Libraries, Police, Fire Department, Airports, most infrastructure, public schools all socialistic. My electricity comes from a coop. A very socialistic organization and it is great. With the unregulated capitalism that we have, we are paying CEO's ridiculous amounts of money and pay high prices for everything because of it.
Bachmann: What happened to your Benghazi and Hillary email sandbox....get tired of playing in it? You righties are so pathetic! Do you really think the billionaires still need your help???? You won't answer that will you?
I had a friend for 13 years who was a devout Tea Party Republican. Although she espoused all of the Far Right rhetoric and eventually succumbed to sabotaging our friendship in the name of party loyalty, I found it humerous that when asked about certain things couched in non-political red-flag terms, she supported socialist ideas like minimum wage, Social Security, and an economy that supports jobs for working people.
One example that I found particularly amusing was when she was loudly decrying any government and calling for the shrinking of, and ultimately the dismantling of our government altogether, the then president sent out checks to all US citizens. I told her if she truly meant what she was saying about government then she would have no qualms returning the check in protest. LOL! She beligerantly told me she couldn't return it because she had already cashed and spent it!
I think as human beings we all have a sense for survival and want to better our lives. I think as human beings some people get derailed by situations or familial relationships that force them to accept the unacceptable. So, we have people who are basically socialistic but because their parents have jobs that require allegiance to corporate or Republican values, they must conform; which makes their attitudes and behaviors quite convoluted and often antithetical at times.
When we have had good times in this country, under the tenets of FDR, most of the people were happy and enjoying life. Everyone made money; including the corporations; just not "obscene" amounts of money; enough to change the sociogram of our society. But under fascism and corporate rule, we get to see people in the streets, unhappy and marching in protest. Just this simple example says it all. FDR = happy or content. Corporate domination and rule = marching in the streets in protest.
Because the media is owned, and because the 1% has made being rich the ideal value, no matter what you have to do to achieve it (which is why we see so much corruption from our politicians to those who run these mega corporations) people have been brainwashed into believing center-right values are good for the whole; the majority, when the exact opposite is the truth. Given enough oppression, and I believe people would/will adjust to more socialistic values... if they want to survive, because center-right values are not sustainable; such values kill off everything that makes life livable for the most, while enriching only a few excessively. And the interesting thing is that those who become excessively rich never use the money for good; they only ever get more and more deeply mired in corrpution and evil behavior and doings. (So, I don't think it makes them truly happy in the end.)
Everyone is a socialist until they get the tax bill. Obamacare is a perfect example. Healthcare for everyone, until their care cost doubled to subsidize others. Look at the unions, they where all for national healthcare until they received less and payed more to cover others
I do love Bernie though, he has been living off of tax payers all his life and has not delivered anything he is preaching. The only American that has benefited from Bernie is Bernie.
Further, I imagine the the large majority of all those good folks we allow the Mercers, Devos' and Koch brothers to elect of our houses of Congress to manage the peoples government would scream blood-murder if they were called anything but Christian. It has become a very strange world.
LSchelin has it right. Bernie Sanders has it right. He is expressing the need for America to live up to the words of the Preamble of our Constitution, largely based on the doctrine that came from the French Revolution, of Equality, justice and Fraternity.
If any man woman or child living in America professes to be a CHRISTIAN and truly lives by the words of Jesus Christ, simply put, then they are Socialist. If you live and conduct your activities by the intent of the Golden Rule, you are a Socialist. If you join together with a few or many others to complete a worthy cause benefitting the group, large or small, then you are a Socialist. What is it that a nation of prefessing Christians do not understand. Especially when our overwhelming conduct as a nation, as an electorate, in our greater "informed wisdom", elect representatives to govern on our behalf who collectively do just the opposite by expousing the horible fear of Socialism. Turn cable news off and think for a change and go take a serious look in the mirror.
I agree, a single payer system where all citizens are covered the cost of health care is spread over a larger base and lower costs would be the result.
I find it interesting that the word Socialist keeps being thrown out there when Bernie Sanders name is mentioned. He certainly IS NOT a socialist, he does promote Social Democracy as used in the five Nordic countries, which by the way continue to have the highest standard of living for their citizens. Why would anyone not want that?
The will of the people is certainly one of democratic socialism....but of course thanks to right-wing propaganda, election frauds, and big money fascism, we're currently more of a pre Magna Carta style economy.....one that's about to collaspe. Reaganomics has the middle class ever shrinking.
The thing about Bernie is, he's just doing his job representing the will of the people. Bernie is "one of a select number chosen from a whole body of citizens who are supposed to have the same concerns at stake which those have who appointed them, and who will act in the same manner as the whole body would were they present." Thomas Paine, Common Sense.
Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Trump, the Teapublican Party public servants, etc. represent only the interests of themselves and the Fascists, which is Fascism.......in the great ole USA.
BTW: Korea is a distraction, no money to be made there...Iran is the object of desire. Trump will make a huge mistake...we all will pay.
Just another example of the GOP Playbook: repeat a lie enough times and people start to believe it. Another one is that Hillary lies, or Hillary is a crook, and Obamacare failed and is in freefall, or they need to save Social Security from collapse... The list is almost endless. What I fail to understand is the number of lemmings that believe this crap!
If anyone knows what "socialism" is, they know the US is not that, & never will be. What we all like about Bernie is that he's the kind of guy who helps his neighbor when he's in need. He's a good guy, what we all should be, helping each other instead of helping ourselves at everyone elses' expense. That's not socialism, that's Christianity.
I'd have to say that no, we are not a Socialist country. We are not even a representive Democracy, actually. With the Electoral College, one vote, one voice, does not get represented. We have had 5 elections when the "winner" did not receive the majority of votes. And the last two times have given us horrible Presidents, in my opinion.
That said, the anti-Communism and anti-Socialism propaganda from the 20's has endured to this day. I truly believe most people couldn't even define Socialism...all they know is that it is "Bad". I disagree. Completely. It does serve the Common Good far more effectively than our profit-driven Capitalism, which is immoral to the core. "The love of money is the root of all evil" and I believe the US qualifies to be the Poster Child for that Biblical quote.
The fact that so many were overwhelmingly in support of Bernie was that, despite outcries from some that he was a "Socialist!", Bernie is a Social Democrat. The programs he supported were for the Common Good, raising taxes on the wealthy to help fund them was more than fair and correct. They are so wealthy, higher taxes would not dent their lifestyles. In fact, they were still wealthy back in the 50's when their tax rate was above 90% (granted, they didn't pay that because of allowable deductions, but still....). People recognized the benefit of his proposals and the fact that he was not part of the establishment (and Trump maintained that he wasn't either...hence, his popularity). Had Bernie gotten the nomination, Trump would not have won. And sadly, the DNC had a big part in his not getting it. The public voted for the anti-establshment candidate, and he is proving to be horrible. He drained the swamp right into the White House. He has no political acumen and is now a puppet for the crude and ruthless Establishment. God help us. I wish our propagandized population would wake up....with MSM, that seems unlikely. Even the 4th Estate is in bed with the dogs.
Long live Independent Journalism. Thank you, Thom, keep up the good work.
Yep, great idea, look at Venezuala and Cuba... Works well in small homogeneous populations - (Denmark, Switzeralnd, etc. 300 Million Identity Political Types.....for get it!!!
I agree that state by state changes might work over a 50 - 100 year period. Watch out for the dollar collapse and the Yun and Ruble to be the next fiat currency.....
I will be gone but good luck to the rest of you....sorry for the cynical rant...USA was a great place to grow up in 1950!!
What is really sad is how many Republicans and Trump voters that are going to be screwed by this. But then, they deserve it. The Dems do not.
Uproar: a word used to imply taking action against something terrible. Now in response to 'uproar' we have 'up yours' which seems to be the new battle cry of the 'con servatives' of this once again great American notion...er nation.
Bachmann: Give progressive voices like Bernie Sanders equal time to the righties on Fox News, and you'll quickly find your Teapublican Party is the one with all the problems...LOL
What are you righties so damn afraid of...the economic and social truth reaching the masses????? The truth of for profit health insurance vs single- payer is a classic example of the alt reality you righties live in. The billionaires thank you for that sacrifice, and or are laughing all the way to the bank.
GOP/Trump supporters.
Will you ever consider your support for Corporate Socialisim in a debate?
Challenge issued.
Hello "Kend"
Could we discuss your committed suport for Corporate Socialism in it's many forms?
Let's debate it.
I can prove you are a Corporate Socialism supporter, simply by asking you a couple direct yes/ no questions.
You ready?
What areas in America are "strongly resistant"?
And to what?
You forgot your snark tag?
Roads, Libraries, Police, Fire Department, Airports, most infrastructure, public schools all socialistic. My electricity comes from a coop. A very socialistic organization and it is great. With the unregulated capitalism that we have, we are paying CEO's ridiculous amounts of money and pay high prices for everything because of it.
Try to stay on Topic....you keep proving my point "The problem with the Democrat Party is the Democrat Party".
Bachmann: What happened to your Benghazi and Hillary email sandbox....get tired of playing in it? You righties are so pathetic! Do you really think the billionaires still need your help???? You won't answer that will you?
I had a friend for 13 years who was a devout Tea Party Republican. Although she espoused all of the Far Right rhetoric and eventually succumbed to sabotaging our friendship in the name of party loyalty, I found it humerous that when asked about certain things couched in non-political red-flag terms, she supported socialist ideas like minimum wage, Social Security, and an economy that supports jobs for working people.
One example that I found particularly amusing was when she was loudly decrying any government and calling for the shrinking of, and ultimately the dismantling of our government altogether, the then president sent out checks to all US citizens. I told her if she truly meant what she was saying about government then she would have no qualms returning the check in protest. LOL! She beligerantly told me she couldn't return it because she had already cashed and spent it!
I think as human beings we all have a sense for survival and want to better our lives. I think as human beings some people get derailed by situations or familial relationships that force them to accept the unacceptable. So, we have people who are basically socialistic but because their parents have jobs that require allegiance to corporate or Republican values, they must conform; which makes their attitudes and behaviors quite convoluted and often antithetical at times.
When we have had good times in this country, under the tenets of FDR, most of the people were happy and enjoying life. Everyone made money; including the corporations; just not "obscene" amounts of money; enough to change the sociogram of our society. But under fascism and corporate rule, we get to see people in the streets, unhappy and marching in protest. Just this simple example says it all. FDR = happy or content. Corporate domination and rule = marching in the streets in protest.
Because the media is owned, and because the 1% has made being rich the ideal value, no matter what you have to do to achieve it (which is why we see so much corruption from our politicians to those who run these mega corporations) people have been brainwashed into believing center-right values are good for the whole; the majority, when the exact opposite is the truth. Given enough oppression, and I believe people would/will adjust to more socialistic values... if they want to survive, because center-right values are not sustainable; such values kill off everything that makes life livable for the most, while enriching only a few excessively. And the interesting thing is that those who become excessively rich never use the money for good; they only ever get more and more deeply mired in corrpution and evil behavior and doings. (So, I don't think it makes them truly happy in the end.)
Everyone is a socialist until they get the tax bill. Obamacare is a perfect example. Healthcare for everyone, until their care cost doubled to subsidize others. Look at the unions, they where all for national healthcare until they received less and payed more to cover others
I do love Bernie though, he has been living off of tax payers all his life and has not delivered anything he is preaching. The only American that has benefited from Bernie is Bernie.
Further, I imagine the the large majority of all those good folks we allow the Mercers, Devos' and Koch brothers to elect of our houses of Congress to manage the peoples government would scream blood-murder if they were called anything but Christian. It has become a very strange world.
LSchelin has it right. Bernie Sanders has it right. He is expressing the need for America to live up to the words of the Preamble of our Constitution, largely based on the doctrine that came from the French Revolution, of Equality, justice and Fraternity.
If any man woman or child living in America professes to be a CHRISTIAN and truly lives by the words of Jesus Christ, simply put, then they are Socialist. If you live and conduct your activities by the intent of the Golden Rule, you are a Socialist. If you join together with a few or many others to complete a worthy cause benefitting the group, large or small, then you are a Socialist. What is it that a nation of prefessing Christians do not understand. Especially when our overwhelming conduct as a nation, as an electorate, in our greater "informed wisdom", elect representatives to govern on our behalf who collectively do just the opposite by expousing the horible fear of Socialism. Turn cable news off and think for a change and go take a serious look in the mirror.
I agree, a single payer system where all citizens are covered the cost of health care is spread over a larger base and lower costs would be the result.
I find it interesting that the word Socialist keeps being thrown out there when Bernie Sanders name is mentioned. He certainly IS NOT a socialist, he does promote Social Democracy as used in the five Nordic countries, which by the way continue to have the highest standard of living for their citizens. Why would anyone not want that?
The will of the people is certainly one of democratic socialism....but of course thanks to right-wing propaganda, election frauds, and big money fascism, we're currently more of a pre Magna Carta style economy.....one that's about to collaspe. Reaganomics has the middle class ever shrinking.
The thing about Bernie is, he's just doing his job representing the will of the people. Bernie is "one of a select number chosen from a whole body of citizens who are supposed to have the same concerns at stake which those have who appointed them, and who will act in the same manner as the whole body would were they present." Thomas Paine, Common Sense.
Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Trump, the Teapublican Party public servants, etc. represent only the interests of themselves and the Fascists, which is Fascism.......in the great ole USA.
BTW: Korea is a distraction, no money to be made there...Iran is the object of desire. Trump will make a huge mistake...we all will pay.
Best practice (especially on a cell): proofread before save or send.
Just another example of the GOP Playbook: repeat a lie enough times and people start to believe it. Another one is that Hillary lies, or Hillary is a crook, and Obamacare failed and is in freefall, or they need to save Social Security from collapse... The list is almost endless. What I fail to understand is the number of lemmings that believe this crap!
If anyone knows what "socialism" is, they know the US is not that, & never will be. What we all like about Bernie is that he's the kind of guy who helps his neighbor when he's in need. He's a good guy, what we all should be, helping each other instead of helping ourselves at everyone elses' expense. That's not socialism, that's Christianity.
I'd have to say that no, we are not a Socialist country. We are not even a representive Democracy, actually. With the Electoral College, one vote, one voice, does not get represented. We have had 5 elections when the "winner" did not receive the majority of votes. And the last two times have given us horrible Presidents, in my opinion.
That said, the anti-Communism and anti-Socialism propaganda from the 20's has endured to this day. I truly believe most people couldn't even define Socialism...all they know is that it is "Bad". I disagree. Completely. It does serve the Common Good far more effectively than our profit-driven Capitalism, which is immoral to the core. "The love of money is the root of all evil" and I believe the US qualifies to be the Poster Child for that Biblical quote.
The fact that so many were overwhelmingly in support of Bernie was that, despite outcries from some that he was a "Socialist!", Bernie is a Social Democrat. The programs he supported were for the Common Good, raising taxes on the wealthy to help fund them was more than fair and correct. They are so wealthy, higher taxes would not dent their lifestyles. In fact, they were still wealthy back in the 50's when their tax rate was above 90% (granted, they didn't pay that because of allowable deductions, but still....). People recognized the benefit of his proposals and the fact that he was not part of the establishment (and Trump maintained that he wasn't either...hence, his popularity). Had Bernie gotten the nomination, Trump would not have won. And sadly, the DNC had a big part in his not getting it. The public voted for the anti-establshment candidate, and he is proving to be horrible. He drained the swamp right into the White House. He has no political acumen and is now a puppet for the crude and ruthless Establishment. God help us. I wish our propagandized population would wake up....with MSM, that seems unlikely. Even the 4th Estate is in bed with the dogs.
Long live Independent Journalism. Thank you, Thom, keep up the good work.
Yep, great idea, look at Venezuala and Cuba... Works well in small homogeneous populations - (Denmark, Switzeralnd, etc. 300 Million Identity Political Types.....for get it!!!
I agree that state by state changes might work over a 50 - 100 year period. Watch out for the dollar collapse and the Yun and Ruble to be the next fiat currency.....
I will be gone but good luck to the rest of you....sorry for the cynical rant...USA was a great place to grow up in 1950!!
Flying Out ....