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  • Which Is A Bigger Scam - The Libertarian or Republican Party?   7 years 44 weeks ago

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  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Exactly, deepspace. I couldn't agree with you more. Our Congress is nothing but one big puppet show.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    All of these wars are nothing but money churning pot boilers. None of them are necessary. They are all "manufactured consent" and money tree shakers. It just goes to show what little regard the people behind the green velvet curtain have for life itself. We are being driven by a bunch of money addicted losers with narcissistic notions of grandeur; little men casting long shadows. When Reagan cautioned us to be afraid of the government, he wasn't just whistling Dixie.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    So much for civilian control over the military...

    Trump is the "mother of all fools" (no offense to mothers) and too stupid to be Commander in Chief; the military command is too vested in their own interests to make balanced foreign policy decisions; the Republican congress is too much in the pocket of the defense industry, the oil industry, the banking industry, and any other greedy monopoly that opens its wallet, to do their constitutional duty and debate the wisdom of endless warfare, which only succeeds in creating endless new generations of terrorists; the electorate is too distracted with corporate media lies, half-truths, and "patriotic" jingoism to vote intelligently. Basically, we're f*cked!

    Elections have consequences...

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    bboan. Already, reports are trickling in of civilian deaths. The primary reason Bush and Obama never used the MOAB was because of the potential for high casualty rates of innocent victims -- including babies, beautiful, beautiful babieees!

    It explodes just a few feet above ground level, the moment its nose touches, sucking all the air out of its destructive radius, turning everything to fire, crumbling even reinforced concrete. Good luck finding burnt-to-crisp bodies in all the smoldering rubble!

    The military is just making up the number of people obliterated. Their phony next-day, on-paper calculation is simple: if you're dead, well then, you must have been an enemy combatant.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Note: a 1mile blast radius for any weapon is a weapon of mass destruction. How many people can you fit into a mile?

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    This is the ANTITHESIS of General/President Dwight D. Eisenhower's caution as he left the White House in the 60's; "Beware of the Military/Industrial Complex." he said. He knew that as bloated as it could become, war would always be necessary to keep it bloated, fat and necessary. If I buy a new "toy", I look for reasons to use it. Dropping that bomb did not instill the sense that this administration has wisdom or restraint.

  • Trump Sabotaging Obamacare   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Edward Dodson. Thanks for contributing so many well-put and thought-provoking points.

    The devil truly is in the details. My answer would be yes to one of the "very difficult issues" you raised: "Should people who live a healthy lifestyle be required to pay extra to cover the cost of care to individuals who make bad health choices or engage in high risk behaviors?" Here's why:

    First of all, who would ultimately decide which people are worthy enough to deserve healthcare? If the question of who-should-pay-what was left strictly up to the mindless machinery of the so-called "free" market, which lacks the human qualities of empathy and compassion, millions of Americans would be dropping like flies. A whole new market would be created for payloaders and dumptrucks just to clear the sidewalks of cadavers.

    It follows: Why should our politicians always fit the issue into the framework of a for-profit market place in the first place? Like in most other modern industrial nations, healthcare is simply a right, regardless of any other concern. If you are sick, you can get treatment -- period! And you may do so at an affordable cost without going into hopeless debt and/or bankruptcy.

    If people are living unhealthy lifestyles, then we should expand their education and offer better treatment and counseling. The first step in that process is to go see a doctor. Why is America, the once-upon-a-time leader in innovation and progress, the only great Western democracy that can't figure out how to implement such a simple, moral concept?

    Ultimately, we should look at healthcare insurance as a fraction of the aggregate pool of money in the Treasury -- the biggest in the world -- that we all pay into according to our ability. No one pays "extra" specifically for any one expenditure as opposed to any other.

    Any viable "formula" should address the following question: What are the nation's priorities in spending that huge pile of tax money -- to keep massively subsidizing mega-corp monopolies, enriching the few at the top who have siphoned most of the wealth out of our economy for themselves; to keep fighting their insane resource wars in the Middle East, squandering our blood and treasure, churning out tens of thousands of wounded soldiers costing trillions in healthcare over their lifetimes; to keep gutting the middle class, relegating the masses to the status of working poor?

    In other words, what the hell is the purpose of government anyway? After all, it is our money -- the People's money -- over which everyone is scratching and clawing.

    These certainly are very difficult issues to resolve!

  • Will Trump Accomplish Cuts To Social Security In His First Term?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    This is only "wild-assed-speculation", but I really think Trump will accomplish that if and only if he wants to completely torpedo the GOP. They are in serious trouble =already= for a lot of reasons, including but not limited to health care, but screwing with SocSec will be the 'final nail' .. .. IMNSHO.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Whose judgment is better?

    Trump is clueless on many things related to being president, and doesn't care to learn; he'll execute military strategy the same way he did AHCA, i.e.; "you guys work it out, I'll approve it." As for the generals; some are war mongers, but they know something about the difficulties of war, know something about history, they know that it isn't just that simple. Also, the generals won't be making decisions unilaterally; there are multiple Joint Chiefs as well as the Secretary of Defense and Congress that will have input into decisions. I don't see decisions coming down to just "Trump says so."

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Lets just say I know Pussy Riot!

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    I still can't believe Trump is the president. It's frightening to know we have someone who's so unpredictable with so much power. I can see him being manipulated by the generals to get what they want. And that's always more war. Not that Obama wasn't a war monger himself. He did plenty of damage and pushed the envelope even farther for Trump. Who knows what follies the next 4 years will bring us.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Trump trumpets that there has been more action in his first 8 weeks than in the previous 8 years. True. And we are closer than ever to the brink of war - with multiple nations for different reasons.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 44 weeks ago

    Letting the generals do anything that they want is veryk dangerous!

    The large bomb was probably developed to penetrate to the underground Uranium enrichment installations in Iran. The use against the tuknnels in Afghanistan may have eliminated a few of the lesser individuals of the Taliban but any effects will probably never be knokwn. This is not good policy.

    Whken Osama bin Laden was walking outside suh tuknnels in Afganistan in December 2001, sombody prevented action by a sniper against him. This has never bee investigated and reported who stopped the action. It would be einteresting as the possibility of saving several hundreds or possibly thousands of American soldiers lives and injuries might have been possible. We'll never know.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 45 weeks ago

    Aw come on Thom! If you can't trust your generals to execute foreign policy, who CAN you trust? .... Huh?

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 45 weeks ago

    I agree it is highly probable that the US military will be at war with Russia by years end if not sooner. El Presidente Trump, who couldn't pour water out of a boot with a faucet in the toe and instructions written on the sole, is definitely flaling in the deep end. Furthermore he apparently does not possess even the awareness beyond himself of a basic nematode and will sit back in the Oval Office and paint his toenails while the US War Machine continues to reek havoc across the planet. As we all know a Presidente is only presidential when his or hers military is dealing death and destruction at once to several parts of the planet.

    As for China, short of us attacking them directly, I think they will sit back and let Putin take the blows. This is clearly a case where the enemy of my enemy is my friend does not apply. As long as Trump does not order the military to attack China they will sit on the sidelines waiting to occupy Russia and pick the carcass clean. That is if there is a carcass left to pick clean. Dropping the biggest non nuclear bomb now is most certainly a precursor to dropping a nuclear one on Syria or Iran or Russia in the future.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 45 weeks ago

    They proved that they could drop this $16 million bomb on an enemy that has no aerial defense. Dropping on an enemy with air defense would be impossible.

  • Should Trump Have Let the Generals Drop the Mother of All Bombs?   7 years 45 weeks ago

    There is no reason for concern. At least not among good old freedom loving white Mericans. Trump is only dropping bombs on them thar brown fur-n-neers - ya know them Moo-hammock loving infidels. Those heathens who hate Jesus and us Gawd fearing Mericans! It duzn't count that Presidente Trump duzn't love Gawd like we true red bluuded Mericans cause Gawd loves him anyway. Why Gawd chose Trump to do his bidding or why else would the multiple billionaire bidnessman Trump be our Presidente? Cause Gawd hates Musclemens with His holiest passions and He wants those infidels wiped from the face of the earth. And there ain't no better way than dropping the biggest bomb we have on them Musclemens to solve the problem. Trump knows what Gawd wants cause he would not use such bombs on Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians or Anglicans even if they lived in French Fry loving France! Just Musclemens! Just Musclemens. Trump. He's right with Gawd so sit down and shut up your Liberal Musclemen loving pinko commie!

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