Dropping the so-called Mother of All Bombs on Afghanistan has earned Donald Trump another round of glowing coverage from the war-hungry Beltway media.
But the decision to use America's biggest non-nuclear weapon in Afghanistan wasn't really his - it was the generals'.
So - should it reassure us that the professionals are in charge?
Or scare us even more?
The Pentagon has released video of Thursday's Mother of All Bomb strike in Afghanistan that it Afghan officials say killed 36 ISIS fighters.
Questions remain, however, about just how necessary the strike really was and whether any civilians were killed.
One thing's for sure, though, we'll probably see more of this because Donald Trump has more or less given the generals free reign to bomb the you-know-what out of anything they want.
"What I do is I authorize my military. We have the greatest military in the world and they've done their job as usual. So, we have given them total authorization. Frankly, that's why they've been so successful lately."
So this bomb, we just have to take the Pentagon's word for it that it was necessary. We've been at war for 15 years, and haven't had to use it. But we had to use it now.
Should we be concerned that Trump seems to be giving the military this much latitude?