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  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Thank you Legend for showing all who read this blog what a hateful, pompous, skumbag you are.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    #3 Why not call in when Pocan is on the air and ask your question. He is not like
    Republicans on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh that has all questions screened.

    Bernie was killed by the 1% owned and operated mainstream media.

    Republicans sure jumped on the Socialism wagon quick in a crisis.

    #4 You are 11 years into a booming economy that is the Obama Miracle.

    #8 Only people on Welfare, Medicare, Food Stamps or Unemployment should get the money. Warren Buffet and I are just fine.

    #9 Although i am sure that there is good news your lack of posting a reference for your statements leaves me wondering why. Trumpsters tend to post lies and ignore the truth. Just like their leader. The fact is this country was one of the few that had several months of warning about this virus and did virtually nothing. Suddenly everything is a crisis and every previous country hit was showing us the way to fight it.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    How about some good news?

    -China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them.

    - Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally.

    - Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against coronavirus.

    - A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China.

    - Apple reopens all 42 china stores,

    - Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.

    - Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is declining.

    - Italy is hit hard, experts say, only because they have the oldest population in Europe.

    - Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a coronavirus vaccine.

    - 3 Maryland coronavirus patients fully recovered; able to return to everyday life.

    - A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research.

    - A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.

    - Tulsa County's first positive COVID-19 case has recovered. This individual has had two negative tests, which is the indicator of recovery.

    - All 7 patients who were getting treated for at Safdarjung hospital in New Delhi have recovered.

    - Plasma from newly recovered patients from Covid -19 can treat others infected by Covid-19.

    So it's not ALL bad news. Let's care for each other and stay focused on safety of those most vunerable.

    Loving Life,

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    All of you socialists-lefties Trump haters, who say Trump isn't your President. I guess you won't accept the checks President Trump mails to you....You wouldn't want to be a hypocrite would you. :))

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Thom, instead of bailing them out let's nationalize the large failing airlines that bought back stock instead of preparing for hard times.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    We the Taxpayers bailed out Wall Street and no bankers or brokers went to jail for their crimes. Wall Street should be made to bail out the airlines. pass it on!

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    There are only too many idiots whenever Tinhip enters the room, which is self-evident by his own words. "Socialism is communism." Haha, you don't say? Obviously, he doesn't respond because he can't without revealing his ignorance for all to witness.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    We are three years in to a booming economy. These corporations have had plenty of time to ready their company for a "bump in the road", instead of engaging in price wars and irresponsible cost cutting. Capitalism dictates that they must disband and make room for smaller more responsible entities to move in. But, if we are going to behave like Socialists towards these companies, well then, forget I said anything.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Seventy percent or more of the economy is totally dependent on how much spendable cash the poor and middle classes have in their checking accounts and/or on how much debt they are willing and able to incur. If Trump and company don't sign huge bailouts for this biggest cash cow of all -- and massively resupply hospitals and clinics all across America! -- they will have directly caused the next major recession/depression all by themselves, and thus they will have assured their own re-election defeat. (Thank you, Jesus.)

    But billionaire greed simply cannot stop itself. So do it! Go ahead and bail out your buddies at the top instead of the workers who pay the bills. Prove to the whole world why unregulated capitalism will always destroy its host economy and will always require the worst form of socialism (fascism) for the scam to be re-capitalized by, you guessed it, the poor and middle classes ...until the little people have nothing left to give, ergo a deep recession. 2008, how soon we forget.

    To wingers, socialism is a learned scare word to shout down. (Hey, watch the spit, buddy!) But of course, socialism is a big word that takes many forms in actual practice, good and bad. In the broadest sense, the very concept of governing in the first place from the stone age onward is, in essence, a shared endeavor with common goals -- in other words, socialism to one degree or another. Socialism is what civilization is. There's no getting around that fundamental reality.

    Hopefully, we practice both healthy socialism and healthy capitalism. Our forefathers built from scratch an entire nation with a government based on the People's power in politics, not the power of the few over the many; yet, it's equally important to make a nation function financially that they also struck a delicate balance for the economy (never perfect) through trial and error and deep insight between free enterprise and the commons.

    Leave it to present-day Republicans, the party of the ungodly rich living life high in the stratosphere and enjoying most of the fruits of our labor, to continually upset that delicate balance in their favor, while the unwashed masses fight their goddamn resource wars of choice and suffer their gross incompetence and wicked, self-serving schemes.

    So yeah, f*ck Trump and the Republican Party! And the Wall Street billionaires and the fossil fuel industry and the defense industry and the insurance industry and the over-priced airline and hotel industries and all the fat-cat bankers financing all of the above, all hugely subsidized by taxpayers' sweat and blood. It's light and easy socialism for them and hard cold capitalism for us.

    These traitors to our first principles are not who America is, and they are not who we are.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 46 weeks ago

    We should be in mobs rioting in the streets. But we are home bound or cannot gather in groups larger then 10.

  • Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?   4 years 46 weeks ago
  • Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    We are currently tracking a few weeks behind Italy and Iran with our skewed numbers. Skewed due to lack of testing. This is how Iran is doing:

  • Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    All I did was pay attention to what other countries were doing about this virus and realized that it was bad and needed lots of attention. They shut down China. The air pollution even disappeared. South Korea had a large out break and took action with a huge testing program. Taiwan held it to in the 40's that got the virus. They all have English version Newspapers that you can read online. I stocked up and got out of the market. What does our Republican Administration, Senate and right wing media do?

  • Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    The right has held out till the bitter end, insisting that this virus alarm was a politicaly inspired hoax. Even to the point of angerly condemning the media. Looks like everyone is now takeing it seriously. Once Corona passes, the next issue looming on the horizon will be climate change. Another politically inspired hoax. Or so it seems .......................Deja vu.

  • Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    The Republican cult, on the whole, is immoral and irreligious despite claiming the opposite. Maybe the blind followers should do as their propagandists suggest and congregate amongst themselves in large numbers in close proximity during this pandemic and give each other big hugs and wet kisses. Don't worry; be happy; get sick; kill the elderly.

    It should also be a major felony for these murderous degenerates to mingle with normal people.

  • Where Are the Test Kits??   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Exactly, Legend. Testing is the foremost tool for gaining the upper hand on a pandemic. And lack of testing is Trump's foremost failure as a leader in confronting this crisis, especially since he had relatively sufficient lead time while observing China's developing responses. He is being heavily criticized, rightfully so, largely as a consequence of his initial denial of reality, unpreparedness, and unconscionable politicization of a serious plague. Just what good is he anyway?

    We need to know where the clusters are and how fast they are growing to better target dwindling resources and implement realistic strategies -- another inexcusable failure by this phony "administration." IOW, we need to have "eyes" on it, like on any other mortal enemy.

    Alas, through idiotic denial, nearly three months of procrastination, prevarication, false hope, and gross incompetence as a manager in times of turmoil (Or any other time for that matter. It's no wonder he went bankrupt six times.), Trump totally blew it ..."bigly."

    Given his glaring history of underhandedness, incompetence, and failure in the business world, why would anyone think otherwise unless they themselves are in denial?

    Worn out door knobs [sic] misses the whole point of testing yet beautifully exemplifies the absurd misinformation deliberately disseminated by negatively influential Republicans and their worthless leader. Her enlightening response also reveals an apparent unconscious but fairly stark "me" versus a "we" attitude, which seems to be an almost inbred trait with most Republicans these days.

    And now their head clown is going full-blown socialist to again bail out his rich-bastard donors to keep his so-called "numbers up" on the economy for any hope of re-election. But that's corporate socialism, i.e., fascism. He could care less about sick and dying people if they don't affect his numbers politically and/or financially.

    Wingers should admit to themselves what everyone else already knows: Trump's Republicans are ignorant hypocrites of the worst kind.

  • Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    If there was ever a time for a financial jubilee that time is now!

  • Where Are the Test Kits??   4 years 46 weeks ago

    The so called Google website that 1700 are working on is online in the CA Bay area. The requirements to apply for testing (does not mean that you will be tested) are:

    18 or older. Tough luck if you are younger and have it.

    Must be able to speak and read English. Those that do not speak English will just spread it.

    Must be a USA Resident. Tourists and Illegals and even legally here but not a citizen need not apply.

    Be Located in one of the counties that has testing. Currently 2 out of 58 in CA.

    Does anybody understand that lack of testing totally skews all statistics and it can only be worse and not less?

  • Where Are the Test Kits??   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Thom Hartmann you should be ashamed of yourself. You are putting out false information and trying to panic your few listeners. Testing will only tell you one of two things. Either you have Coronavirus today or you don't have it today. If you have it, health authorities will quarantine you. If you don't have it, that doesn't mean you won't get it. You also stated that a German company is the only company in the world working on a's a news flash for you patient testing of a new vaccine is starting today in Washington state.

  • We need to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Привет всем! Класный у вас сайт! Что скажете по поводу этих новостей?: Суд назначил экспертизу слов мэра Сколе о евреях новороссия час новороссия русская ополчения новороссии сегодня Ещё много интересного нашел тут: новости политики и геополитики новости события в мире

  • We need to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Привет всем! Класный у вас сайт! Что скажете по поводу этих новостей?: Суд назначил экспертизу слов мэра Сколе о евреях новороссия час новороссия русская ополчения новороссии сегодня Ещё много интересного нашел тут: новости политики и геополитики новости события в мире

  • We need to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House   4 years 46 weeks ago

    If you can watch Rachel Maddow's Friday show. It is on the MSNBC website until replaced by Monday's show. It shows with charts how the virus is spreading in the USA at one of the highest rates in new cases per day. We are a couple of weeks behind Italy and Iran. This article also shows it and the lack of testing. Coutries like Taiwan have done excellent jobs of dealing with it.

  • What's the Truth on the Coronavirus Testing?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    February 4, 2020 - The FDA issues an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for analysis by the CDC using the diagnostic panel to test samples collected from individuals meeting the CDC's criteria for testing.

    February 29, 2020 - the FDA issues an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a guiidance policy and the CDC grants the "right of reference to any entity seeking an FDA EUA" and makes 2 templates available: a testing template and a test kit manufacture template.

    March 13, 2020 - The FDA issues two EUAs: one to Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. to develop test kits to be analyzed on Roche's proprietary diagnostic units; and another to Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. for their combo test kit.

    I looked at the WHO website. It is transparent to the public. I didn't need to login to see their guidance documents that describe "who", "what", "when", and "how" and have links to all complete source materials. The earliest WHO document I saw on their COVID-19 page was dated 5 January 2020. The guidance documents I reviewed were well written by professionals.

    Meanwhile, back at the swamp...

    Trump has placed people like himself (completely unqualified) in charge of Executive Branch departments whose function is critical to our health and safety. Placing Pence in charge of the response, and (at least initially) forcing scientists to clear all communications through (wait for it) Steven Miller's wife - was enough to make you really believe that the inmates are running the asylum.

    It was only out of spite that Trump dismantled the interdisciplinary task force designed to respond to global outbreaks of infectious diseases set up by Obama. It wasn't even a matter of wanting his own person/people in place - he simply gutted it and left the positions unfilled. The cut (a little under 20%) to the CDC's budget was probably made because he has no idea what the CDC does and since he didn't know, he didn't care.

    Then adding hubris to stupidity, he rejected the WHO's test kits (along with the WHO supporting infrastructure described above), and tasks a resource-deprived CDC with developing a test kit. No wonder they were shipped without reagents! Those are the kind of mistakes that are made when you're forced to work under those conditions.

    Would anyone be surprised if we were to learn next week, next month or even next year that Trump does in fact own shares or has some personal connection to Roche and/or Fischer Scientific? What's worse: will anyone be surprised if upon learning that such a thing was true, that there were absolutely no consequences for Donald Trump?

    The Democrats have confirmed every judge, passed the military budget, and of coure his disastrous tax cut. They may oppose Trump, but they don't oppose his policies, just his "style".

    The Democratic Party leadership is so attached to the benefits its garnered since turning its collective back on the legacy of FDR and abandoning its place as the champion of the working man to grovel shamelessly before their new overlords of the donor class, that they want nothing more than to keep the party going.

    Apparently the DNC is hell-bent on annointing Joe Biden. The Democratic Party must believe that this nation needs a Democrat who has already made 4 attempts to cut Social Security; a Democrat who supported the USA-PATRIOT ACT; a Democrat who sacrificed financial relief for working people to satisfy credit card companies although it was well known that most of their debt was from medical bills; a Democrat so lacking in compassion he authored a crime bill that exploded the prison population - mostly for non-violent drug crimes; a Democrat who supported the Iraq war; a Democrat who doesn't belive that a woman' s body is her own; a Democrat who has said he will veto Medicare for All should it pass the House and the Senate and be presented to him for signature. A Democrat who opposed school desegragation.

    Joe Biden may have apologized to Anita Hill, but just a few days ago while telling a union worker he was full of sh*t, he told his female assistant to "Shush!" when she was doing her job trying to help him keep his foot out of this mouth. Joe Biden when asked about the exchange with the union worker responded that he didn't know why Sanders was with Trump.

    Don't forget it was Joe Biden: a Democrat who, upon announcing his candidacy, went to the members of the donor class and reassured them that "nothing would change". To reinforce the point, apparently Mr. Biden is considering populating the swamp that is Washington D.C. with alligators of his own: Jamie Dimon and other members in good standing of the 1% are allegedly being viewed as potential cabinet picks. So basically, the only thing that would change is that Biden isn't on twitter, is that it? Also: he doesn't lie quite as frequently as Donald Trump.

    Granted, I don't think Biden would have botched the COVID-19 response as badly as Trump has done - then again, since he opposes Medicare for All, how many people would get tested and if ill, would get treatment when so many are uninsured or underinsured? The price could be steep.

    I just don't think that 99% of the country can afford to carry the 1% on their backs anymore.

  • We need to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Reply to Tin (no facts) hat #2

    "Enough said"? Typical Trumpster leaves out the facts. She was also Deputy Campaign Manager for the Obama 2011 Campaign. If I remember right, that was a fairly successful campaign.

  • We need to plan now in case Trump loses in November - but refuses to leave the White House   4 years 46 weeks ago

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