"Joe Biden outperformed both polls and expectations on Super Tuesday. There are probably four reasons why this happened."
A fifth reason has to do with the way the stock market seemed to respond to the dominance of Bernie Sanders just prior to Super Tuesday. It fell, not only because of the corona virus but also because of the belief that Sanders' ideas might hurt corporations.
Voters with retirement funds, especially older ones, would be inclined to support Biden over Sanders to avoid losses.
The Sanders campaign should counter the misperception: Among other things, corporations will be stronger and valued more highly with employees that are more productive when given more respect. Investors who think otherwise are short-sighted, yet they may have made a difference in the Super Tuesday outcome.
These lefties are amazing. Just a month or so ago they were constitutional experts. Now they're infectious disease experts, with a economics experts thrown in for good measure. Wow
California was allotted 200 test kits. South Korea has done 160000 tests. They are about the same population. South Korea has a much lower death rate because they are catching it early.
Fact one: Most people are going to catch COVID-19 no matter what personal precautions they may take to avoid it.
Fact two: It's going to get worse.
Probable fact three: Trump's ship of fools will respond (is responding) in the worst possible way.
Fact four: What a great advertisement for medicare-for-all. Too bad it takes a pandemic to drive the point home though. Just how stupid are we as an "advanced" nation to be caught so exposed?
How dare SueN post references. That is like kryptonite to Trumpsters. They have no idea what to do with them. They have never once used them to back up their false facts.
I live in the UK and the private insurance is for people in a hurry or who want more luxury. Different countries have implemented their healthcare in different ways, the US has a choice of examples to follow, all of which are cheaper than what it has now
The US has an obscene amount of military, mostly used to defend fossil fuels sources and and transport.
Trump has gone bankrupt several times and refused to pay his debts, leaving many others the poorer for having done work for him. He's hired the illegals that he complains so much about.
Don't you want to know if your president is solvent? If he owes money to foreign nationals or government? In short, if he is vulnerable to blackmail or pressure by people he has done deals with.
I'm glad you are doing well, I wish my many friends in the US were, but under Reaganomics they have seen their wages remain pretty static, while costs have risen.
To separate oneself from reality is to separate from one another and from the essence of what it is to be fully alive, creating needless conflict in one's own mind by incomplete action as well as outwardly in relationship to all things. It is the sad reality of the never-ending machinations of an isolated, ego-oriented, selfish little mind struggling to understand life and meaning yet incessantly creating division where none truly exists.
Such is the utter shallowness and ineffectiveness of the Homo sapien consciousness in these pivotal times. The age of stupidity, the untold thousands of years of learned behavior and violence passed from generation to generation, is tearing us apart, destroying civilization, and murdering Mother Nature. And now, we're simply running out of time and resources.
Just look at the world and our petty, self-centered, uninspiring lives as they actually are, not how we wish them to be: wrapped in false glory, false gods, and false hope. Just look at the failed results of our collective action -- point-blank without coloring the big picture with lame excuses, deluded ideologies, and fragmented surrealistic thoughts that fail to recognize the clear and present danger of abject ignorance and the mindless churning of deliberate falsehoods. Perhaps in that deep awareness of the self is a radical revolution of consciousness and a profound change to a better life.
Let's give an example of lower and higher consciousness of what it means to be human Hitler and Jesus gave us a context of which we can relate to. They both gave us the understanding of where human beings can go .A higher level of consciousness would consider consequences of all actions to the self and to the collective .The word evolution means a movement towards unity . To evolve is to move towards unity .So from this we can undestand that for humans to evolve we must transcend Organised Religion and Nationalism.Implement a New principle to guide our civilisation. We Are All one would be that guiding principle . Not Seperation of each other from one another and a survival of the fittest mentality .
Sue, do not misunderstand. I hold anyone in Congress in contempt for getting rich while serving. Rep and Dem alike. The old insider trading rules for people serving in Congress were an abomination. That's how they got rich.
Medicare for all is not what you think it is. Most of those other countries that have medicare for all still have private insurance. See Canada. See Great Britian. What most think about medicare for all is actually single payer health care. Of course the other countries that have single payer do not have the defense budget that the US has because we have pledged to come to their defense if/when needed. Also, who determines how much the doctors/health professionals will make? Free college? How much will the professors be paid? Who will pay the professors? They are not going to work for free. Student debt has soared after the Obama admin took over the student loan program.
Sure, Trump inherited a fortune but he has built upon it and has gotten richer. He has employed thousands of workers. He has had to make a payroll. Something Biden or Bernie never had to do. Trump is a business man. He demands results. Something Biden or Bernie are not obligated to do.
By the way. Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns. I know people want to see them and assume that Trump is hiding something. I guess you have zero faith in the IRS finding something illegal. I guarantee you that the IRS has thoroughly examined them. So why all the interest in them? Just to find dirt is all.
I have had the best years of my 61 years working during the Trump Admin. I can save for retirement and still have money left over for pleasure/leisure. Trump 2020.
Good day everyone. I think it was wednesday when I caught a short snippet of a woman who was discussing life in the cosmos. She was talking about the possiblity of life on other planets and how we couid find them. I find it interesting that many scientists are looking for ET when its clear to millions like myself who know and understand that we have been visited by ET for years and this contact continues. I make this statement with years of reaseach and even some direct experience with a sighting etc. I think had Trump not beednelected we would have had a more vigorous dicsussion on this reality. Why many in the scientific community have a hands off attitude is understandable but to be honest there's more then enough evidence to make this statement "we are not alone and they are here visiting us"
I don't know about Biden, but Bernie made quite a bit from book sales, I believe, and his wife's inheritance helped.
Until his book did so well, Bernie was one of the poorest members of the senate - you'd make more sense asking where Republican senators are making so much money on a senator's pay.
How would Medicare for all harm the economy? ALl the other developed countries have it and it costs them half as much. It also helps companies like car manufacturers be more competitive, as health care is a significant part of the price of a car. If everyone could afford to report sick, it would reduce the spread of inectious diseases, which cause many meployees to go off sick around the same time.
Renewable energy is becoming very cometitive these days, and will become more so as prices drop and the easily and cheaply extracted fossil fuels run out.
Education is an investment that pays for itself in better pool of skilled workers for employeres to tap. And former students who are unburdened by debt are far more likely to feel able to start their own businesses (having health care should help there too).
Trump inherited his money, and there is no evidence that he has done all that well with it - if he had, he would have been happy to provide the evidence instead of refusing and suing to prevent it.
Wherever you got your information from, it does not seem to be based on facts. It is time to invest in the future, not to slam on the brakes.
SueN You have not explained how Sanders and Biden got so wealthy working as members of Congress. Nobody should become a millionaire that way. I guess you are okay with it. Heaven forbid someone getting wealthy in the private sector. You are a hypocrite.
Tinhip and K2 are so smart to be Trumpsters. Thier savior recommended on Fox News last night that people with Corona Virus should continue to go to work.
You can be old and wise or old and not wise .
You can be young and have great wisdom at the same time.
I think it's a matter of conciousness . Be ever vigilant, then .For
people of both high and low conciousness walk among us -even
as we walk among others.
Which conciousness do you take with you ?
The only question the universe asks is Who Are You ?
...and out of 17 Republican lickspittles, the bigots, racists, and assorted reprobates on the far right of Attila the Hun picked a mentally unbalanced, wannabe tinpot dictator with ridiculous clown hair and caked-on makeup, who blames everyone else for his own abundant inadequacies, to represent their best interests. Which is what exactly?
Never mind the two old white guys presently running the Republican sh*t show while gleefully dismantling the institutions of pragmatic democratic governance before our very eyes. Yup, what a breed of blowhards, religious wackos, and eminently unqualified lowlifes now making up the Republican Party. Way to go; way to flush your worthless vote down the goddamn toilet ...along with your last vestige of respect.
How funny is it when the left accuses Russia colluding with Trump to steal the 2016 election with $200,000 - $300,000 in phoney facebook ads and Mike Bloomberg can spend over $500 million and is now out of the race. But then, nobody has accused the left as being the sharpest tools in the shed.
"Joe Biden outperformed both polls and expectations on Super Tuesday. There are probably four reasons why this happened."
A fifth reason has to do with the way the stock market seemed to respond to the dominance of Bernie Sanders just prior to Super Tuesday. It fell, not only because of the corona virus but also because of the belief that Sanders' ideas might hurt corporations.
Voters with retirement funds, especially older ones, would be inclined to support Biden over Sanders to avoid losses.
The Sanders campaign should counter the misperception: Among other things, corporations will be stronger and valued more highly with employees that are more productive when given more respect. Investors who think otherwise are short-sighted, yet they may have made a difference in the Super Tuesday outcome.
These lefties are amazing. Just a month or so ago they were constitutional experts. Now they're infectious disease experts, with a economics experts thrown in for good measure. Wow
California was allotted 200 test kits. South Korea has done 160000 tests. They are about the same population. South Korea has a much lower death rate because they are catching it early.
Fact one: Most people are going to catch COVID-19 no matter what personal precautions they may take to avoid it.
Fact two: It's going to get worse.
Probable fact three: Trump's ship of fools will respond (is responding) in the worst possible way.
Fact four: What a great advertisement for medicare-for-all. Too bad it takes a pandemic to drive the point home though. Just how stupid are we as an "advanced" nation to be caught so exposed?
Getting worse:
Mea culpa. :)
The Dow is now at where it was 1/1/18. I believe that wipes out all of Trumps gains.
How dare SueN post references. That is like kryptonite to Trumpsters. They have no idea what to do with them. They have never once used them to back up their false facts.
The pesticides also kill bees and other insects that we need for our crops.
Also last night in a Town hall Trump reaffirmed that he is going to cut Medicare and Social Security.
Just open this link every morning and you can watch it grow. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
I live in the UK and the private insurance is for people in a hurry or who want more luxury. Different countries have implemented their healthcare in different ways, the US has a choice of examples to follow, all of which are cheaper than what it has now
The US has an obscene amount of military, mostly used to defend fossil fuels sources and and transport.
Trump has gone bankrupt several times and refused to pay his debts, leaving many others the poorer for having done work for him. He's hired the illegals that he complains so much about.
Don't you want to know if your president is solvent? If he owes money to foreign nationals or government? In short, if he is vulnerable to blackmail or pressure by people he has done deals with.
I'm glad you are doing well, I wish my many friends in the US were, but under Reaganomics they have seen their wages remain pretty static, while costs have risen.
Nicely put, humanitys team.
To separate oneself from reality is to separate from one another and from the essence of what it is to be fully alive, creating needless conflict in one's own mind by incomplete action as well as outwardly in relationship to all things. It is the sad reality of the never-ending machinations of an isolated, ego-oriented, selfish little mind struggling to understand life and meaning yet incessantly creating division where none truly exists.
Such is the utter shallowness and ineffectiveness of the Homo sapien consciousness in these pivotal times. The age of stupidity, the untold thousands of years of learned behavior and violence passed from generation to generation, is tearing us apart, destroying civilization, and murdering Mother Nature. And now, we're simply running out of time and resources.
Just look at the world and our petty, self-centered, uninspiring lives as they actually are, not how we wish them to be: wrapped in false glory, false gods, and false hope. Just look at the failed results of our collective action -- point-blank without coloring the big picture with lame excuses, deluded ideologies, and fragmented surrealistic thoughts that fail to recognize the clear and present danger of abject ignorance and the mindless churning of deliberate falsehoods. Perhaps in that deep awareness of the self is a radical revolution of consciousness and a profound change to a better life.
Let's give an example of lower and higher consciousness of what it means to be human Hitler and Jesus gave us a context of which we can relate to.
They both gave us the understanding of where human beings can go .A higher level of consciousness would consider consequences of all actions to the self and to the collective .The word evolution means a movement towards unity . To evolve is to move towards unity .So from this we can undestand that for humans to evolve we must transcend Organised Religion and Nationalism.Implement a New principle to guide our civilisation.
We Are All one would be that guiding principle . Not Seperation of each other from one another and a survival of the fittest mentality .
ooops double post
Sue, do not misunderstand. I hold anyone in Congress in contempt for getting rich while serving. Rep and Dem alike. The old insider trading rules for people serving in Congress were an abomination. That's how they got rich.
Medicare for all is not what you think it is. Most of those other countries that have medicare for all still have private insurance. See Canada. See Great Britian. What most think about medicare for all is actually single payer health care. Of course the other countries that have single payer do not have the defense budget that the US has because we have pledged to come to their defense if/when needed. Also, who determines how much the doctors/health professionals will make? Free college? How much will the professors be paid? Who will pay the professors? They are not going to work for free. Student debt has soared after the Obama admin took over the student loan program.
Sure, Trump inherited a fortune but he has built upon it and has gotten richer. He has employed thousands of workers. He has had to make a payroll. Something Biden or Bernie never had to do. Trump is a business man. He demands results. Something Biden or Bernie are not obligated to do.
By the way. Trump is under no obligation to release his tax returns. I know people want to see them and assume that Trump is hiding something. I guess you have zero faith in the IRS finding something illegal. I guarantee you that the IRS has thoroughly examined them. So why all the interest in them? Just to find dirt is all.
I have had the best years of my 61 years working during the Trump Admin. I can save for retirement and still have money left over for pleasure/leisure. Trump 2020.
Good day everyone. I think it was wednesday when I caught a short snippet of a woman who was discussing life in the cosmos. She was talking about the possiblity of life on other planets and how we couid find them. I find it interesting that many scientists are looking for ET when its clear to millions like myself who know and understand that we have been visited by ET for years and this contact continues. I make this statement with years of reaseach and even some direct experience with a sighting etc. I think had Trump not beednelected we would have had a more vigorous dicsussion on this reality. Why many in the scientific community have a hands off attitude is understandable but to be honest there's more then enough evidence to make this statement "we are not alone and they are here visiting us"
I don't know about Biden, but Bernie made quite a bit from book sales, I believe, and his wife's inheritance helped.
Until his book did so well, Bernie was one of the poorest members of the senate - you'd make more sense asking where Republican senators are making so much money on a senator's pay.
How would Medicare for all harm the economy? ALl the other developed countries have it and it costs them half as much. It also helps companies like car manufacturers be more competitive, as health care is a significant part of the price of a car. If everyone could afford to report sick, it would reduce the spread of inectious diseases, which cause many meployees to go off sick around the same time.
Renewable energy is becoming very cometitive these days, and will become more so as prices drop and the easily and cheaply extracted fossil fuels run out.
Education is an investment that pays for itself in better pool of skilled workers for employeres to tap. And former students who are unburdened by debt are far more likely to feel able to start their own businesses (having health care should help there too).
Trump inherited his money, and there is no evidence that he has done all that well with it - if he had, he would have been happy to provide the evidence instead of refusing and suing to prevent it.
Wherever you got your information from, it does not seem to be based on facts. It is time to invest in the future, not to slam on the brakes.
K2 do you have documented sources for their wealth? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_members_of_the_United_States_Congress_by_wealth
SueN You have not explained how Sanders and Biden got so wealthy working as members of Congress. Nobody should become a millionaire that way. I guess you are okay with it. Heaven forbid someone getting wealthy in the private sector. You are a hypocrite.
Tinhip and K2 are so smart to be Trumpsters. Thier savior recommended on Fox News last night that people with Corona Virus should continue to go to work.
But who exactly defines consciousness?
You can be old and wise or old and not wise .
You can be young and have great wisdom at the same time.
I think it's a matter of conciousness . Be ever vigilant, then .For
people of both high and low conciousness walk among us -even
as we walk among others.
Which conciousness do you take with you ?
The only question the universe asks is Who Are You ?
The answer you give is your life lived .
...and out of 17 Republican lickspittles, the bigots, racists, and assorted reprobates on the far right of Attila the Hun picked a mentally unbalanced, wannabe tinpot dictator with ridiculous clown hair and caked-on makeup, who blames everyone else for his own abundant inadequacies, to represent their best interests. Which is what exactly?
Never mind the two old white guys presently running the Republican sh*t show while gleefully dismantling the institutions of pragmatic democratic governance before our very eyes. Yup, what a breed of blowhards, religious wackos, and eminently unqualified lowlifes now making up the Republican Party. Way to go; way to flush your worthless vote down the goddamn toilet ...along with your last vestige of respect.
How funny is it when the left accuses Russia colluding with Trump to steal the 2016 election with $200,000 - $300,000 in phoney facebook ads and Mike Bloomberg can spend over $500 million and is now out of the race. But then, nobody has accused the left as being the sharpest tools in the shed.