NEWS FLASH: Your "president" (not mine) -- that orange, puffy-eyed, flimflam buffoon who lied to you 17,000 times in 3 years -- waddled up to the podium to assure a numbed-out nation (at least his hopelessly deluded base) that "everything is totally, totally under control, very, very good, really, really great. Believe me. Believe me. Huh, you mean that people can actually die from the flu? Wow, didn't know that. Who cares." (Baghdad Bob put on a better performance.)
Translation: Oh please, oh please, oh please, c'mon, baby, make daddy happy, blow on the dice, make the stock go up -- my only hope!
So don't worry your pretty little MAGA heads over the fake pandemic. Just don't breathe on me, you filthy, infected little people. And no shaking hands on the campaign trail, goddamnit!
Gotta keep the rich rich and the big donors happy. Gotta fire up my red-hatted lunatics. Thank God that's easy. Ask Limbaugh. The useful idiots, the damn fools -- to them, the outside reality staring them in the face is just a hoax to bring down the stock market, an elaborate, hyped-up conspiracy by the wicked DemocRATs to take down Trump. (We only wish.)
Because it's not about other people suffering and dying; it's always about me, me, me -- tweeting on the toilet, preening in the mirror, lying to the cameras, playing golf, charging the taxpayers, clinging to money and power, staying out of jail, barely. "F*ckface Von Clownstick."
And always, always blame the DemocRATs and media for my own words and actions and breathtaking failures as a fake president and severely damaged human being.
Oh yeah: Let's put religious wacko Mike Pence in charge of the evil coronavirus; he's expendable. (I mean, really expendable ...wink, wink.) Pray it away, whatever, Lil Mikie; just keep any responsibility and negative coverage away from me, me, me.
I really wish the debates had this question asked, but it looks like the DNC has it locked down so it won't be a true debate of the most important questions.
I hope you will address this issue! Right now (11:25 a.m. 2/26/2020) it sounds like you are trying to get close, but not exactly.
I had analogous position. Prolonged thought on how to how to stay unpunished. Buddy recommended one solution, only I was worried so sharp break everything, that acquired overwork. I decided for now take a closer look, as it rotation. What can I tell? Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. The author commend not hang his head. Whole life ahead.
I had analogous position. Prolonged thought on how to how to stay unpunished. Buddy recommended one solution, only I was worried so sharp break everything, that acquired overwork. I decided for now take a closer look, as it rotation. What can I tell? Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. The author commend not hang his head. Whole life ahead.
I was almost convinced that the DEm nominee must be a centrist. That Bernie or Elizabeth could not win. I almost fell for that propaganda from the Right. I do not believe that now. I do believe that the Republicans will find a way to steal the election as they have done it successfully so many times. I had almost decided to stay home and not cast a vote because I do not believe my vote counts. Again they almost convinced me...But I have come to my senses. And although I still believe the Right will find a way to steal the election, we must stand up and make a large show of support for a candidate who represents old Democratic values.
I completely agree that a disruptor is needed, but the question is obviously who and on what basis is the disruption formed. The electorate is dissatisfied with their status in our country and Trump has played the "swamp" card to perfection. That is not the card for Democrats to play. It seems to me that the country is looking for someone who can cheer them on into a life that works for them. The small business is hurting because it has been overtaken by big conglomerates. Malls have disappeared because they have been displaced by online shopping. The country is not developing jobs that pay enough nor diversity that provides jobs for the massive group who are struggling to pay their bills. As a retiree, I am confronted by a life that does not provide any income but Social Security and my means of living is based on savings that I have made. Since lives are longer than expected and savings are less than needed, the retirees need a support system that works for them without having to take major steps down from a middle class life to a subsistence life. It appears to me that the disruption is needed for the young people starting their lives and the retirees ending their lives. Both need opportunities and none are present in the current situation that rewards those with vast sums of money and holds the rest of us in the status quo or at a loss. My question stiill remains relative to who is the disruptor for these two groups of people where a large faction of voters is located to vote for a Democrat to replace Trump.
It semems to be legalized I met marijuana available over here . It is considered to be an effective method in treatment of many disorders, as well as other cannabis-related products. Allthough it is not fully investigated but I think it's great if it might be so effective for our health
Tin hip needs to visit Real Socialist countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland (best education in the world), Norway etc to see that life is exceptionally good in those countries. Of course they spend a lot less % on their socialistic military than we do on our socialistic military. And you do not have to be poor to be Socialistic as Bloomberg implied. The Swedish Founder of IKEA Ingmar Kamprad is the 8th wealthiest person in the world. We have Socialistic public schools, roads, many utilities, airports, police, fire departments, military, VA, libraries etc. We have government socialistically subsidized fossil industry and farmers. We have a socialistic tax system where the wealthy pay less in percentage than the middle class with the deductions that they get. At one time America had the best infrastructure in the world. It is way down the list now. We are way down the list in education, medical care (highest in cost). But we are number 1 in population incarcerated in prison.
First, in each of the debates Biden confronts Bernie on the cost of MFA. I think the number he uses is $40 trillion (maybe that’s over a period of years, doesn’t matter). This represents the total cost of providing universal health care for all Americans. That is the cost of health care in America.
This begs the question is that before or after the insurance companies add their 25%?
If it’s before than the real cost of not doing MFA is $50 trillion. If it’s after than the real cost of MFA is closer to $30 trillion.
So if the cost of health care in America in XX years is going to be $40 trillion, we can reduce that cost by trillions! Or add trillions to it! Using their numbers it’s 30 or 50 which would you pay? Which would the insurance companies have you pay?
Bernie doesn’t have to accept their cost estimates but the bigger the number, the greater need for MFA.
NEED SOME RESEARCH FOR DOLLAR AMOUNTS BUT INS CEOs/BofDs can be hit harder for compensation
Staff probably already has much of the info on compensation. Add in Board do Directors's comp. it will be an impressive figure (for all the wrong reasons).
Insurance industry CEOs and Boards of Directors...salary and compensation ...$?
They earned their money! Americans still pay more for health care and get less. Pay more get less. Not the insurance companies. They’re doing great!
(ADD $$$ )amount of industry profit. Don’t worry about them. They’re not worrying about you!
How’d they earn that money? Did they work to lower premiums for cancer victims, deliver service better more effectively and efficiently? Or was more time spent on how to deny claims, maximize profits, and lobbying! They spent( ADD $$$)on lobbying and still made (ADD $$$)profits. They made it because of lobbying!
Did the insurance companies get their lobbying money’s worth? Yes! We pay more and get less! You tell me. (ADD $$$) profits. You tell me?
Comparison: Director of Medicare and social security administration compensation (ADD $$$)
Comparison to Insurance companies exes.
Profits .....dollar amount Aetna profits
Aetna ceo 2018 $19m salary/$48m total compensation
Aetna Board of directors compensation...500k ????
Average employee salary...$29,000
Elimination of college tuition/student debt can be universal benefit to the economy.
Address the Multiplier Effect of student debt relief/ tuition.
That money would go to the banks. The banks don’t need more money to loan. They have plenty of money to loan if they want to loan it.
That money will go directly into the community and spent again, and again, maybe again. It’s a offers tremendous boost to local economies.
The multiplier effect makes student debt relief great for the US economy!
Puts that money at local businesses.
It’s an economy builder! Immediately available! and spent!
Get on board! Its good for America!
It’s good for small businesses and the mom and pop businesses that depend on their neighbors. Put that loan payment and tuition payments directly into the local economies.
(One of the biggest problems with the college issues is that does not offer a universal benefit.)
...and now, more from MAGA Land on Bizarro World:
NEWS FLASH: Your "president" (not mine) -- that orange, puffy-eyed, flimflam buffoon who lied to you 17,000 times in 3 years -- waddled up to the podium to assure a numbed-out nation (at least his hopelessly deluded base) that "everything is totally, totally under control, very, very good, really, really great. Believe me. Believe me. Huh, you mean that people can actually die from the flu? Wow, didn't know that. Who cares." (Baghdad Bob put on a better performance.)
Translation: Oh please, oh please, oh please, c'mon, baby, make daddy happy, blow on the dice, make the stock go up -- my only hope!
So don't worry your pretty little MAGA heads over the fake pandemic. Just don't breathe on me, you filthy, infected little people. And no shaking hands on the campaign trail, goddamnit!
Gotta keep the rich rich and the big donors happy. Gotta fire up my red-hatted lunatics. Thank God that's easy. Ask Limbaugh. The useful idiots, the damn fools -- to them, the outside reality staring them in the face is just a hoax to bring down the stock market, an elaborate, hyped-up conspiracy by the wicked DemocRATs to take down Trump. (We only wish.)
Because it's not about other people suffering and dying; it's always about me, me, me -- tweeting on the toilet, preening in the mirror, lying to the cameras, playing golf, charging the taxpayers, clinging to money and power, staying out of jail, barely. "F*ckface Von Clownstick."
And always, always blame the DemocRATs and media for my own words and actions and breathtaking failures as a fake president and severely damaged human being.
Oh yeah: Let's put religious wacko Mike Pence in charge of the evil coronavirus; he's expendable. (I mean, really expendable ...wink, wink.) Pray it away, whatever, Lil Mikie; just keep any responsibility and negative coverage away from me, me, me.
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I frame this dark era as the "Reagan Insurrection."
Ronald Wilson Reagan was a pupet used to dismantle the promise of America.
Доброго времени суток дамы и господа! Наша организация занимается свыше 10 лет изготовлением окон пвх в городе Минске.Основные направления и виды нашей деятельности: 1)купить окна пвх - Наши сотрудники осуществляют монтаж на высоком профессиональном уровне, имея за плечами многолетний опыт работы. 2)окна пвх – Окна пвх, собираемые из профилей ведущих производителей, имеют безупречный срок эксплуатации более 30 лет. 3)пластиковые окна - В ассортименте нашей компании "ОкнаЕвроПласт" вы сможете заказать окно из выбранного именно вами типа профиля и стеклопакета, подобрать качественную фурнитуру и дополнительные аксессуары. 4)пластиковые окна в минске купить- Представленные в нашем ассортименте алюминиевые рамы характеризуются не только высоким качеством и интересным современным дизайном, но и продолжительным сроком службы. 5)окна пвх цены - При должном уходе алюминиевые конструкции не теряют эстетики своего внешнего вида и функциональные свойства. Всегда рады помочь Вам!С уважением, компания ЕвроПласт.
Доброго времени суток дамы и господа! Наша организация занимается свыше 10 лет изготовлением окон пвх в городе Минске.Основные направления и виды нашей деятельности: 1)купить окна пвх - Наши сотрудники осуществляют монтаж на высоком профессиональном уровне, имея за плечами многолетний опыт работы. 2)окна пвх – Окна пвх, собираемые из профилей ведущих производителей, имеют безупречный срок эксплуатации более 30 лет. 3)пластиковые окна - В ассортименте нашей компании "ОкнаЕвроПласт" вы сможете заказать окно из выбранного именно вами типа профиля и стеклопакета, подобрать качественную фурнитуру и дополнительные аксессуары. 4)пластиковые окна в минске купить- Представленные в нашем ассортименте алюминиевые рамы характеризуются не только высоким качеством и интересным современным дизайном, но и продолжительным сроком службы. 5)окна пвх цены - При должном уходе алюминиевые конструкции не теряют эстетики своего внешнего вида и функциональные свойства. Всегда рады помочь Вам!С уважением, компания ЕвроПласт.
What if Trump loses but won't leave? See this article:
Also see Barbara McQuade's article
I really wish the debates had this question asked, but it looks like the DNC has it locked down so it won't be a true debate of the most important questions.
I hope you will address this issue! Right now (11:25 a.m. 2/26/2020) it sounds like you are trying to get close, but not exactly.
J. J.-Mertz
I had analogous position. Prolonged thought on how to how to stay unpunished. Buddy recommended one solution, only I was worried so sharp break everything, that acquired overwork. I decided for now take a closer look, as it rotation. What can I tell? Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. The author commend not hang his head. Whole life ahead.
I had analogous position. Prolonged thought on how to how to stay unpunished. Buddy recommended one solution, only I was worried so sharp break everything, that acquired overwork. I decided for now take a closer look, as it rotation. What can I tell? Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. The author commend not hang his head. Whole life ahead.
Доброго времени суток господа! Предлагаем Вашему вниманию изделия из стекла для дома и офиса.Наша организация ООО «СТЕКЛОЭЛИТ» работает 10 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси. Мы можем предложить Вам Межкомнатные стеклянные двери,Офисные стеклянные перегородки,Душевые кабины из закаленного стекла,Стеклянные двери в душ и Лестничное ограждение из стекла,а такжеСтеклянные козырьки и Интерьерные перегородки Более подробная информация размещена
Доброго времени суток господа! Предлагаем Вашему вниманию изделия из стекла для дома и офиса.Наша организация ООО «СТЕКЛОЭЛИТ» работает 10 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси. Мы можем предложить Вам Межкомнатные стеклянные двери,Офисные стеклянные перегородки,Душевые кабины из закаленного стекла,Стеклянные двери в душ и Лестничное ограждение из стекла,а такжеСтеклянные козырьки и Интерьерные перегородки Более подробная информация размещена
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I was almost convinced that the DEm nominee must be a centrist. That Bernie or Elizabeth could not win. I almost fell for that propaganda from the Right. I do not believe that now. I do believe that the Republicans will find a way to steal the election as they have done it successfully so many times. I had almost decided to stay home and not cast a vote because I do not believe my vote counts. Again they almost convinced me...But I have come to my senses. And although I still believe the Right will find a way to steal the election, we must stand up and make a large show of support for a candidate who represents old Democratic values.
I completely agree that a disruptor is needed, but the question is obviously who and on what basis is the disruption formed. The electorate is dissatisfied with their status in our country and Trump has played the "swamp" card to perfection. That is not the card for Democrats to play. It seems to me that the country is looking for someone who can cheer them on into a life that works for them. The small business is hurting because it has been overtaken by big conglomerates. Malls have disappeared because they have been displaced by online shopping. The country is not developing jobs that pay enough nor diversity that provides jobs for the massive group who are struggling to pay their bills. As a retiree, I am confronted by a life that does not provide any income but Social Security and my means of living is based on savings that I have made. Since lives are longer than expected and savings are less than needed, the retirees need a support system that works for them without having to take major steps down from a middle class life to a subsistence life. It appears to me that the disruption is needed for the young people starting their lives and the retirees ending their lives. Both need opportunities and none are present in the current situation that rewards those with vast sums of money and holds the rest of us in the status quo or at a loss. My question stiill remains relative to who is the disruptor for these two groups of people where a large faction of voters is located to vote for a Democrat to replace Trump.
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It semems to be legalized I met marijuana available over here . It is considered to be an effective method in treatment of many disorders, as well as other cannabis-related products. Allthough it is not fully investigated but I think it's great if it might be so effective for our health
Tin hip needs to visit Real Socialist countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland (best education in the world), Norway etc to see that life is exceptionally good in those countries. Of course they spend a lot less % on their socialistic military than we do on our socialistic military. And you do not have to be poor to be Socialistic as Bloomberg implied. The Swedish Founder of IKEA Ingmar Kamprad is the 8th wealthiest person in the world. We have Socialistic public schools, roads, many utilities, airports, police, fire departments, military, VA, libraries etc. We have government socialistically subsidized fossil industry and farmers. We have a socialistic tax system where the wealthy pay less in percentage than the middle class with the deductions that they get. At one time America had the best infrastructure in the world. It is way down the list now. We are way down the list in education, medical care (highest in cost). But we are number 1 in population incarcerated in prison.
Great post! Keep sharing. concrete Raleigh NC
Thoughts for Bernie.
First, in each of the debates Biden confronts Bernie on the cost of MFA. I think the number he uses is $40 trillion (maybe that’s over a period of years, doesn’t matter). This represents the total cost of providing universal health care for all Americans. That is the cost of health care in America.
This begs the question is that before or after the insurance companies add their 25%?
If it’s before than the real cost of not doing MFA is $50 trillion. If it’s after than the real cost of MFA is closer to $30 trillion.
So if the cost of health care in America in XX years is going to be $40 trillion, we can reduce that cost by trillions! Or add trillions to it! Using their numbers it’s 30 or 50 which would you pay? Which would the insurance companies have you pay?
Bernie doesn’t have to accept their cost estimates but the bigger the number, the greater need for MFA.
NEED SOME RESEARCH FOR DOLLAR AMOUNTS BUT INS CEOs/BofDs can be hit harder for compensation
Staff probably already has much of the info on compensation. Add in Board do Directors's comp. it will be an impressive figure (for all the wrong reasons).
Insurance industry CEOs and Boards of Directors...salary and compensation ...$?
They earned their money! Americans still pay more for health care and get less. Pay more get less. Not the insurance companies. They’re doing great!
(ADD $$$ )amount of industry profit. Don’t worry about them. They’re not worrying about you!
How’d they earn that money? Did they work to lower premiums for cancer victims, deliver service better more effectively and efficiently? Or was more time spent on how to deny claims, maximize profits, and lobbying! They spent( ADD $$$)on lobbying and still made (ADD $$$)profits. They made it because of lobbying!
Did the insurance companies get their lobbying money’s worth? Yes! We pay more and get less! You tell me. (ADD $$$) profits. You tell me?
Comparison: Director of Medicare and social security administration compensation (ADD $$$)
Comparison to Insurance companies exes.
Profits .....dollar amount Aetna profits
Aetna ceo 2018 $19m salary/$48m total compensation
Aetna Board of directors compensation...500k ????
Average employee salary...$29,000
Elimination of college tuition/student debt can be universal benefit to the economy.
Address the Multiplier Effect of student debt relief/ tuition.
That money would go to the banks. The banks don’t need more money to loan. They have plenty of money to loan if they want to loan it.
That money will go directly into the community and spent again, and again, maybe again. It’s a offers tremendous boost to local economies.
The multiplier effect makes student debt relief great for the US economy!
Puts that money at local businesses.
It’s an economy builder! Immediately available! and spent!
Get on board! Its good for America!
It’s good for small businesses and the mom and pop businesses that depend on their neighbors. Put that loan payment and tuition payments directly into the local economies.
(One of the biggest problems with the college issues is that does not offer a universal benefit.)
Make it clear everyone benefits from this!
It’s an economy changer!
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This recent threat from North Korea is going nowhere fast. To me, it's insane having nuclear weapons at arms length of a supreme leader we have.