Do We Have the Prescription for a Second Republican Great Depression?

Thom plus logo One of the video clips that has gone more viral than most is a Republican congressman on Fox News telling people how important it is that they go out to their local bars and restaurants to keep the economy from being hurt. Just last week on rightwing hate radio the main meme was that the coronavirus is a Democratic hoax being hyped by the media in order to bring down Donald Trump.

Rightwing media is killing people; these people have blood on their hands. While their primary message has been "hoax," a far more insidious secondary message has been that we can't "afford" for the government to support working people and poor people through this crisis. We can give $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to billionaires, we can subsidize the fossil fuel industry to the tune of $600 billion this year, we can throw about $2 trillion at our military, and the Fed can throw several trillion dollars at our banking system, but, they insist, we can't "afford" to provide free healthcare, long-term paid sick leave, and long-term unemployment insurance to every American.

When you combine these two sick and twisted memes that pervade right wing media, what you have is the prescription for a second Republican Great Depression.


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