Taiwan is 24 million people. 339 cases, 5 deaths. They had next to no warning about this virus. One thing that they do different is all wear masks in public. This minimizes the spreading of the virus through the air. They have just, sort of, started recommending masks here. I was working there during the SARS out break. I have worked there several times. They have single payer healthcare for all, that is a model for this country.
Taiwan bans foreigners (us). Brazil is doing nothing about this virus. I have said several times that we should stop all flights to/from Brazil. Any other hot spot. We should pay attention to what other sucessful countries are doing in combating this virus. You can read their newspapers.
I live remote but have a line of site provider. Expensive at $110 per month but reasonable speed 40 MBPS and no data limits. You are using a lot of data, must be streaming or something. I have neighbors (that do not have line of site) that have satellite and do not have that problem. You need to research your data usage or change providers. Next year Starlink will be starting up and may be your solution.
I live remotely, ergo DISH Satellite serves our moutainous area for $90 a month plus $10 a GB for any use over 50 GB's. Since 3 GB's is usual in an hour of use, that's $30 an hour to stay abreast of what is happening! DISH is gouging the helpless for profit during the pandemic. Do any of you have the same problem? Soutions?
During a Trump briefing, instead of having scientists and doctors speak about the virus and how to deal with it. Trump has several hand picked CEO's get up and praise him. He has turned the Covid-19 briefings into Trump campaign rally's. He needed his ego massaged. At the same time he estimates 100000 to 240000 will die.
I grieve that almost half the voting citizenry has forsaken the pursuit of truth for the snake oil of a liar. I cope by wandering around aimlessly in the woods, with one eye peeled for that wee bit o' gold, or maybe a lost bottle of hand sanitizer. Not sure which one is worth more. No luck finding either.
Wow, did all of that just happen? Major election season, major pandemic explosion, major economic slump! Now what? Perhaps some major "social distancing" is just what the doctor ordered. (It is.) Everybody, please, just take a damn break already!
Maybe Mommy Earth has had enough of our belligerent attitude and our senseless fights, and this is her way of sending us all to our rooms to think long and hard about what we've done. You're all grounded! And no allowance! For a long time!
Tinhip is wrong again. Thom has not "...been making that false claim for years."
And you are wrong too. Thom never said, "...Fox is on every TV because they give it away for free."
From where and from whom exactly did you two chuckleheads get that anyway -- Hannity, Limbaugh, the Swamp Net? Because I happen to have listened to Thom's various shows regularly since before he was even on Air America. Nowadays I do so through the podcast subscription, which is commercial-free, great for on the go, and normally available right after each live hour. I have also read several of his books and most of his articles. Sorry, I can't recall him ever saying anything even remotely like what you alleged.
Evidently you did not listen to him very well, you commented without listening at all, or you are repeating misinformation that you've heard from a third party. Perhaps you are just another dime-a-dozen troll, like Tinhip, throwing shade with no intention of knowing the facts.
But if you are honestly confused and are actually interested in setting the record straight (in which case I apologize for the above characterization), I humbly offer my understanding with the following:
What I do remember Thom saying (correct me if I'm wrong) is that Fux News is usually included in most of the market's basic packages at noadditional charge, whereas their main competition, MSNBC, is normally not included and must be added in at extra cost.
Don't know; don't care; haven't watched commercial TV since 9/11. Big Corporate product brainwashing on Big Media is way too loud and obnoxious and frequent for my taste. In fact, the constant interruption diminishes attention span and the ability to concentrate.
The larger question you should ask, though, is why anyone in their right mind would want to watch Fux News in the first place? They continually misinform their viewership with unsourced or under-sourced opinion/news, which is slanted so far to the right that a 2012 study [here and here] concluded that people who watch Fux News know less about the world around them than people who hardly watch any news.
A caller on the 3rd hour this Monday claimed that no one else could possibly do as much as Trump has. He is looking at the present and is seeing a President trying to catch up for his previous non chalant attitude.
Thom, I'm seeing "unfoxmycablebox" trending that seems to contradict a claim you've made thhat Fox is on every TV because they give it away for free. Care to unconfuse me?
It is actually kind of funny that this far into a pandemic that our leaders do not realize that anyone in this office picture could be passing this virus onto the upper levels of our Republican Government. All for a photo op.
Under pressure the Governor of AZ changed his stance an issued a statewide stay at home policy. AZ has one of the highest elderly populations in the USA.
Current worldwide deaths are at 39000 (3000+ are ours). We are expecting 100000 to 200000 deaths. I do not have words for how poor this has been handled. April 2020 will be remembered.
Looks like Trump was right. Way back when, he said he could shoot someone on a crowded NY city street and still get elected. And now, the spin. If this "gun shy" President had not been so preoccupied fending off the never ending barrage of fake Democratic attacks, he would have reacted to this virus with focused attention much much sooner. Spin this a little faster, and it should catch on. ............"We bad!"
Trump is still in denial and thinks he can bend the force of nature to his will.
Dr. Deborah Birx standing alone in the dark on the White House lawn seemed a bit apprehensive. Plainly, the good doctor was acutely aware of the take-charge "war president" lurking in the background somewhere, intently following her every word on TV, chin jutted out. The whole shadowy scene had the creepy feel of a hostage video.
She said that"If we do things together well, almost perfectly," then we hope fewer than100,000 to 200,000 of us would die over the course of the pandemic. But her unspoken tells seemed to indicate a much higher body count in a real-world scenario. The overly optimistic "happy numbers" are mainly promoted by the miserable liar in that shadowy building behind her, not from any broader consensus in the scientific community, where some have calculated U.S. casualties as high as one to two million if our scattershot response lacks resolute coherence and robust enthusiasm. Coherent Republicans? Gulp.
Sure, in a perfect world where everyone takes the pandemic seriously and carefully follows every safety protocol, where we have plenty of personal protective equipment, test kits, ventilators, medical supplies, ICU beds, etc., etc., where doctors, nurses, and staff aren't themselves infected and taken off duty right when they're needed the most, and where hospitals are not entirely overwhelmed at the peak of the curve, then, yes, maybe one or two hundred thousand -- only.
Right. "Perfect." There's that word again. Why is everything always perfect with this guy when it's clearly not?
Dr. Birx defines the best-case scenario, still horrible as hell, as "...one hundred percent of Americans doing precisely what is required." Uh-huh. That pie-in-the-sky dream is a losing bet every time. To maintain any semblance of credibility, she had to admit on camera that the much-ballyhooed lower number is merely their "wish." Of course it is.
Very little is being discussed about the economic effects of this virus and the trillions that we are spending. Certainly nothing is said about raising taxes or cutting spending to pay for it. Current plan is to just print money. Which can only lead to drastic inflation. So, for the $1500 that you might get you will get massive inflation. If you are on a fixed income this will drastically cut the value of your income in the future. This applies to every year of the rest of your life.
Arizona Gov. Ducey will not lock down. Avoid that state. Hate to say that. I lived there in the 70's and like the state. Usually visit relatives at least once per year. It has overgrown itself and has a right wing luntic government. Big outbreak on the Navajo/Hopi Reservation. Flagstaff Hospital is at capacity. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/arizona-coronavirus-covid-19-lockdown-shelter-in-place
The product of the presidents Too Little Too Late legacy is a direct result of his inability to lead and his commitment to non-partisan politics and political dominance => plenty of “decisions” but no win’s for the country or the people. To perpetuate him into another term would be a plague to the country as a whole. The lack of ability to coordinate a concise approach to control and eliminate coronavirus is obvious but is it intentional. Contradictory direction with focus on the stimulus now having 4 phases with platforms in place to exploit the money while offering no clear communications or device on how to control the virus is a crisis in itself. This ensures continuation of the virus crisis and monetary exploits. Under this plan, we are dead, ongoing social distancing engineers the collateral damage to kill small business (a long standing Republican agenda) and the weight of the stimulus will deplete everything. If our economy is not dead when his plan reaches it’s conclusion, our country will be in worse condition than it was after the civil war, which if you recall was exactly his threat to us if we don’t put him in office for another term. The entire front line of his approach reeks the stench of campaign and his plan to stay in office. Is this a plan or a pandemic? Is the crisis being hijacked to pursue an alter agenda? Is the real end game the demise of Social Security under a plausibly deniable root cause?
Are there people who would post here besides the mental patient and the Hateful, pompous, scumbag. I would so like to read something interesting and intelligent here....zzzzzzz
It is very difficult to see an end to this. Bolasnaro, President of Brazil (Actually may be worse than Trump, never thought that I could type that) Plans on doing nothing. So unless we ban all flights from Brazil it will keep feeding into the USA.
#14: Nailed it! The crooked, greedy, psychopathic mayor in that "JAWS" scene is Trump. He even looks like a brother F*ckface von Clownstick dressed in that flashy 70s suit with his dismissive attitude and smug look.
And he definitely acts just like our real genocidal maniac, the one "in charge" of an entire nation facing a debilitating catastrophe on all fronts, the one who disregarded the harsh reality looming on the horizon and the widespread sickness and loss of human life so that Trump, Inc. [more here] might keep the good times a-rolling and the money a-flowing into hotels, restaurants, golf courses, and of course, into his personal bank account.
Oh yeah, he also ignored the truth to keep "his economic numbers up" to win reelection. Naturally. That just goes without saying. Well then, good luck, Charlie, with that whole clinging to power thing to keep from getting thrown in the slammer with your foot soldiers and the hired help, à la the Mueller report. Resisting the certainty of inevitability is illogical, dishonest, and never ends well. You'd think a "stable genius" in his 70s would have figured that out by now.
Does psychiatry now have to redefine malignant narcissism and psychopathy to make it more politically palatable so that Republicans have better odds of getting elected?
Take this gawddamn Republican fool (Pease!): Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who pretty much did the exact same thing portrayed by the mayor in JAWS. Maybe DeSantis should be that guy in a movie called "VIRUS!"
A wingnut cretin -- defying the loudly broadcast warnings of every expert in the world (Screw science!) -- has consciously and deliberately committed the worst offense imaginable that a community leader could possibly commit against his community during the early stages of a pandemic:
He allowed thousands upon thousands of highly likely COVID-19 carriers to crowd together and party on his beaches!
WTF! That reckless, mindboggling lack of judgment, leadership, and empathy toward fellow human beings allowed this highly transmittable, quickly moving, and surprisingly hardy contagion to spread far and wide, once the spring-breakers shed the long-surviving pathogen on the beaches, sidewalks, in parks, hotels, restaurants, bars, buses, and airports (cha-ching!) and then departed for all compass points domestic and international. How in the hell is that degree of criminal negligence not both a "high crime" and a major felony deserving of impeachment and imprisonment?!
Then, like a brat caught in the act, Little Ronny lamely tried to shift the blame of his repulsive behavior -- the unconscionable failure to initiate his own "shelter-in-place order" -- onto New Yorkers who are desperately striving to do the right thing by issuing their order for all nonessential citizens to stay put at home, dammit, except for essential needs!
And never forget, in the calm before the storm during this pandemic's well-known and absolutely critical 2-3 week period when the silent vanguard of the "U.SVirus" (Insulting, isn't it?) was secretly incubating here in the good 'ol USA, New Yorkers, as well as everyone else in the trenches on the front line, received little or no effective central coordination, critical supplies, or strategic guidance worth a crap from The Whitewash House.
Listen up, soldier, a pandemic is a stealth weapon waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb! You gotta get your eyes on it! You gotta massively re-supply way ahead of time and then test, test, test, quarantine, surveil, perform extensive contact tracing, and enforce strict social distancing.
Another key imperative is to aggressively develop reliable serological examinations -- blood tests that detect the presence of antibodies to determine which people have been exposed to COVID-19 and may now have an immunity that lasts for at least a few years, possibly a lifetime. [here and here] Hopefully, we'll have a vaccine before the initial immunities might wear off. Meanwhile, those who are deemed safe, after having recovered and are no longer shedding viruses, can get back to work and reboot the economy.
That's what it takes to ultimately beat this thing, medically and economically. That's what everyone else in the world already knew almost three months ahead of time before this ghostly foe invaded America's shores. Obama's Pandemic teams, which Trump foolishly disbanded in 2018, knew that years in advance from their Ebola battles. So if Trump's team says they were caught off guard, they're lying. Again.
And this pivotal time frame was the monumentally missed opportunity to respond wisely, rationally, and in a timely fashion that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the worst blunders of any modern president. The longterm effect on our society could even end up being more harmful than the consequence of the depraved decisions by Bush the Younger.
"The Decider," enthralled with the neoliberal jingoism of oligarchs, ensnared the U.S. forever in Middle-Eastern partisan warfare over oil and influence between the region's dominant religious factions, costing the lives and livelihoods of uncountable millions -- Republican foreign policy in all its glory! This time the hugely negative impact of Trump's decisions will take place right here at home.
Only a fool argues with Mother Nature. Things like human-caused global warming or a natural calamity like a pandemic are not to be trifled with, not to be merely talked away; thus, the unanswered question on everybody's mind: Where was our fearless leader and his "stable genius" when it mattered the most?
Alas, the "war-time president" was still in stubborn denial mode, using a squishy, schizophrenic word salad to fight a deadly disease -- his standard glossary of childish lies, babble, blame, insults, denials, and deflections that have served the manboy so well throughout his gilded life. Until now.
Trumpism is itself a contagion, and Ron DeSantis is a viral copy of his brainsick mentor, the impeached president of the United States of America, Donald John Trump.
Check out https://www.globalresearch.ca/report-successful-treatment-coronavirus/5708056 ths may work.
Or Mediamatters.org daily posts Fox News lies. Just a few:
Taiwan is 24 million people. 339 cases, 5 deaths. They had next to no warning about this virus. One thing that they do different is all wear masks in public. This minimizes the spreading of the virus through the air. They have just, sort of, started recommending masks here. I was working there during the SARS out break. I have worked there several times. They have single payer healthcare for all, that is a model for this country.
Taiwan bans foreigners (us). Brazil is doing nothing about this virus. I have said several times that we should stop all flights to/from Brazil. Any other hot spot. We should pay attention to what other sucessful countries are doing in combating this virus. You can read their newspapers.
Masks Work in Taiwan. 24 million people, 329 cases. 5 Deaths
I live remote but have a line of site provider. Expensive at $110 per month but reasonable speed 40 MBPS and no data limits. You are using a lot of data, must be streaming or something. I have neighbors (that do not have line of site) that have satellite and do not have that problem. You need to research your data usage or change providers. Next year Starlink will be starting up and may be your solution.
I live remotely, ergo DISH Satellite serves our moutainous area for $90 a month plus $10 a GB for any use over 50 GB's. Since 3 GB's is usual in an hour of use, that's $30 an hour to stay abreast of what is happening! DISH is gouging the helpless for profit during the pandemic. Do any of you have the same problem? Soutions?
That aroma therapy is lead dust. One of the effects of lead poisioning is dementia. By the way, you are constantly complaining and present zero facts.
During a Trump briefing, instead of having scientists and doctors speak about the virus and how to deal with it. Trump has several hand picked CEO's get up and praise him. He has turned the Covid-19 briefings into Trump campaign rally's. He needed his ego massaged. At the same time he estimates 100000 to 240000 will die.
I grieve that almost half the voting citizenry has forsaken the pursuit of truth for the snake oil of a liar. I cope by wandering around aimlessly in the woods, with one eye peeled for that wee bit o' gold, or maybe a lost bottle of hand sanitizer. Not sure which one is worth more. No luck finding either.
Wow, did all of that just happen? Major election season, major pandemic explosion, major economic slump! Now what? Perhaps some major "social distancing" is just what the doctor ordered. (It is.) Everybody, please, just take a damn break already!
Maybe Mommy Earth has had enough of our belligerent attitude and our senseless fights, and this is her way of sending us all to our rooms to think long and hard about what we've done. You're all grounded! And no allowance! For a long time!
Tinhip is wrong again. Thom has not "...been making that false claim for years."
And you are wrong too. Thom never said, "...Fox is on every TV because they give it away for free."
From where and from whom exactly did you two chuckleheads get that anyway -- Hannity, Limbaugh, the Swamp Net? Because I happen to have listened to Thom's various shows regularly since before he was even on Air America. Nowadays I do so through the podcast subscription, which is commercial-free, great for on the go, and normally available right after each live hour. I have also read several of his books and most of his articles. Sorry, I can't recall him ever saying anything even remotely like what you alleged.
Evidently you did not listen to him very well, you commented without listening at all, or you are repeating misinformation that you've heard from a third party. Perhaps you are just another dime-a-dozen troll, like Tinhip, throwing shade with no intention of knowing the facts.
But if you are honestly confused and are actually interested in setting the record straight (in which case I apologize for the above characterization), I humbly offer my understanding with the following:
What I do remember Thom saying (correct me if I'm wrong) is that Fux News is usually included in most of the market's basic packages at no additional charge, whereas their main competition, MSNBC, is normally not included and must be added in at extra cost.
Don't know; don't care; haven't watched commercial TV since 9/11. Big Corporate product brainwashing on Big Media is way too loud and obnoxious and frequent for my taste. In fact, the constant interruption diminishes attention span and the ability to concentrate.
The larger question you should ask, though, is why anyone in their right mind would want to watch Fux News in the first place? They continually misinform their viewership with unsourced or under-sourced opinion/news, which is slanted so far to the right that a 2012 study [here and here] concluded that people who watch Fux News know less about the world around them than people who hardly watch any news.
I also strongly recommend The Brainwashing of My Dad.
Trump... the dull bugger... is cool with +100k American people dead
The way things are going it might be more than that... I certainly hope that will not occur
The thought that this bum contemplates these kind of figures for dead people under his watch is astonishing... he is one sick puppy
I can't really believe his 'base' are like minded
A caller on the 3rd hour this Monday claimed that no one else could possibly do as much as Trump has. He is looking at the present and is seeing a President trying to catch up for his previous non chalant attitude.
I'm seeing "unfoxmycablebox" trending that seems to contradict a claim you've made thhat Fox is on every TV because they give it away for free. Care to unconfuse me?
It is actually kind of funny that this far into a pandemic that our leaders do not realize that anyone in this office picture could be passing this virus onto the upper levels of our Republican Government. All for a photo op.
Under pressure the Governor of AZ changed his stance an issued a statewide stay at home policy. AZ has one of the highest elderly populations in the USA.
Current worldwide deaths are at 39000 (3000+ are ours). We are expecting 100000 to 200000 deaths. I do not have words for how poor this has been handled. April 2020 will be remembered.
Looks like Trump was right. Way back when, he said he could shoot someone on a crowded NY city street and still get elected. And now, the spin. If this "gun shy" President had not been so preoccupied fending off the never ending barrage of fake Democratic attacks, he would have reacted to this virus with focused attention much much sooner. Spin this a little faster, and it should catch on. ............"We bad!"
Trump is still in denial and thinks he can bend the force of nature to his will.
Dr. Deborah Birx standing alone in the dark on the White House lawn seemed a bit apprehensive. Plainly, the good doctor was acutely aware of the take-charge "war president" lurking in the background somewhere, intently following her every word on TV, chin jutted out. The whole shadowy scene had the creepy feel of a hostage video.
She said that"If we do things together well, almost perfectly," then we hope fewer than100,000 to 200,000 of us would die over the course of the pandemic. But her unspoken tells seemed to indicate a much higher body count in a real-world scenario. The overly optimistic "happy numbers" are mainly promoted by the miserable liar in that shadowy building behind her, not from any broader consensus in the scientific community, where some have calculated U.S. casualties as high as one to two million if our scattershot response lacks resolute coherence and robust enthusiasm. Coherent Republicans? Gulp.
Sure, in a perfect world where everyone takes the pandemic seriously and carefully follows every safety protocol, where we have plenty of personal protective equipment, test kits, ventilators, medical supplies, ICU beds, etc., etc., where doctors, nurses, and staff aren't themselves infected and taken off duty right when they're needed the most, and where hospitals are not entirely overwhelmed at the peak of the curve, then, yes, maybe one or two hundred thousand -- only.
Right. "Perfect." There's that word again. Why is everything always perfect with this guy when it's clearly not?
Dr. Birx defines the best-case scenario, still horrible as hell, as "...one hundred percent of Americans doing precisely what is required." Uh-huh. That pie-in-the-sky dream is a losing bet every time. To maintain any semblance of credibility, she had to admit on camera that the much-ballyhooed lower number is merely their "wish." Of course it is.
Very little is being discussed about the economic effects of this virus and the trillions that we are spending. Certainly nothing is said about raising taxes or cutting spending to pay for it. Current plan is to just print money. Which can only lead to drastic inflation. So, for the $1500 that you might get you will get massive inflation. If you are on a fixed income this will drastically cut the value of your income in the future. This applies to every year of the rest of your life.
Arizona Gov. Ducey will not lock down. Avoid that state. Hate to say that. I lived there in the 70's and like the state. Usually visit relatives at least once per year. It has overgrown itself and has a right wing luntic government. Big outbreak on the Navajo/Hopi Reservation. Flagstaff Hospital is at capacity. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/arizona-coronavirus-covid-19-lockdown-shelter-in-place
Post #17, read post #8, that should keep you busy for a month.
The product of the presidents Too Little Too Late legacy is a direct result of his inability to lead and his commitment to non-partisan politics and political dominance => plenty of “decisions” but no win’s for the country or the people. To perpetuate him into another term would be a plague to the country as a whole. The lack of ability to coordinate a concise approach to control and eliminate coronavirus is obvious but is it intentional. Contradictory direction with focus on the stimulus now having 4 phases with platforms in place to exploit the money while offering no clear communications or device on how to control the virus is a crisis in itself. This ensures continuation of the virus crisis and monetary exploits. Under this plan, we are dead, ongoing social distancing engineers the collateral damage to kill small business (a long standing Republican agenda) and the weight of the stimulus will deplete everything. If our economy is not dead when his plan reaches it’s conclusion, our country will be in worse condition than it was after the civil war, which if you recall was exactly his threat to us if we don’t put him in office for another term. The entire front line of his approach reeks the stench of campaign and his plan to stay in office. Is this a plan or a pandemic? Is the crisis being hijacked to pursue an alter agenda? Is the real end game the demise of Social Security under a plausibly deniable root cause?
Are there people who would post here besides the mental patient and the Hateful, pompous, scumbag. I would so like to read something interesting and intelligent here....zzzzzzz
Trump says if we keep the deaths to 100000 we are doing good. Fauci predicts 100000 to 200000. We are at 2500. We have a long long road ahead of us!
It is very difficult to see an end to this. Bolasnaro, President of Brazil (Actually may be worse than Trump, never thought that I could type that) Plans on doing nothing. So unless we ban all flights from Brazil it will keep feeding into the USA.
Also our preparations for this was sending our medical supplies to China.
They tell us not to wear masks. Taiwan a nation of 24 million has 250 cases total. They all wear masks. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/top-chinese-health-official-warns-114801914.html
Mmm ...empty space for another screed.
#14: Nailed it! The crooked, greedy, psychopathic mayor in that "JAWS" scene is Trump. He even looks like a brother F*ckface von Clownstick dressed in that flashy 70s suit with his dismissive attitude and smug look.
And he definitely acts just like our real genocidal maniac, the one "in charge" of an entire nation facing a debilitating catastrophe on all fronts, the one who disregarded the harsh reality looming on the horizon and the widespread sickness and loss of human life so that Trump, Inc. [more here] might keep the good times a-rolling and the money a-flowing into hotels, restaurants, golf courses, and of course, into his personal bank account.
Oh yeah, he also ignored the truth to keep "his economic numbers up" to win reelection. Naturally. That just goes without saying. Well then, good luck, Charlie, with that whole clinging to power thing to keep from getting thrown in the slammer with your foot soldiers and the hired help, à la the Mueller report. Resisting the certainty of inevitability is illogical, dishonest, and never ends well. You'd think a "stable genius" in his 70s would have figured that out by now.
Does psychiatry now have to redefine malignant narcissism and psychopathy to make it more politically palatable so that Republicans have better odds of getting elected?
Take this gawddamn Republican fool (Pease!): Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who pretty much did the exact same thing portrayed by the mayor in JAWS. Maybe DeSantis should be that guy in a movie called "VIRUS!"
A wingnut cretin -- defying the loudly broadcast warnings of every expert in the world (Screw science!) -- has consciously and deliberately committed the worst offense imaginable that a community leader could possibly commit against his community during the early stages of a pandemic:
He allowed thousands upon thousands of highly likely COVID-19 carriers to crowd together and party on his beaches!
WTF! That reckless, mindboggling lack of judgment, leadership, and empathy toward fellow human beings allowed this highly transmittable, quickly moving, and surprisingly hardy contagion to spread far and wide, once the spring-breakers shed the long-surviving pathogen on the beaches, sidewalks, in parks, hotels, restaurants, bars, buses, and airports (cha-ching!) and then departed for all compass points domestic and international. How in the hell is that degree of criminal negligence not both a "high crime" and a major felony deserving of impeachment and imprisonment?!
Then, like a brat caught in the act, Little Ronny lamely tried to shift the blame of his repulsive behavior -- the unconscionable failure to initiate his own "shelter-in-place order" -- onto New Yorkers who are desperately striving to do the right thing by issuing their order for all nonessential citizens to stay put at home, dammit, except for essential needs!
And never forget, in the calm before the storm during this pandemic's well-known and absolutely critical 2-3 week period when the silent vanguard of the "U.S Virus" (Insulting, isn't it?) was secretly incubating here in the good 'ol USA, New Yorkers, as well as everyone else in the trenches on the front line, received little or no effective central coordination, critical supplies, or strategic guidance worth a crap from The Whitewash House.
Listen up, soldier, a pandemic is a stealth weapon waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb! You gotta get your eyes on it! You gotta massively re-supply way ahead of time and then test, test, test, quarantine, surveil, perform extensive contact tracing, and enforce strict social distancing.
Another key imperative is to aggressively develop reliable serological examinations -- blood tests that detect the presence of antibodies to determine which people have been exposed to COVID-19 and may now have an immunity that lasts for at least a few years, possibly a lifetime. [here and here] Hopefully, we'll have a vaccine before the initial immunities might wear off. Meanwhile, those who are deemed safe, after having recovered and are no longer shedding viruses, can get back to work and reboot the economy.
That's what it takes to ultimately beat this thing, medically and economically. That's what everyone else in the world already knew almost three months ahead of time before this ghostly foe invaded America's shores. Obama's Pandemic teams, which Trump foolishly disbanded in 2018, knew that years in advance from their Ebola battles. So if Trump's team says they were caught off guard, they're lying. Again.
And this pivotal time frame was the monumentally missed opportunity to respond wisely, rationally, and in a timely fashion that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the worst blunders of any modern president. The longterm effect on our society could even end up being more harmful than the consequence of the depraved decisions by Bush the Younger.
"The Decider," enthralled with the neoliberal jingoism of oligarchs, ensnared the U.S. forever in Middle-Eastern partisan warfare over oil and influence between the region's dominant religious factions, costing the lives and livelihoods of uncountable millions -- Republican foreign policy in all its glory! This time the hugely negative impact of Trump's decisions will take place right here at home.
Only a fool argues with Mother Nature. Things like human-caused global warming or a natural calamity like a pandemic are not to be trifled with, not to be merely talked away; thus, the unanswered question on everybody's mind: Where was our fearless leader and his "stable genius" when it mattered the most?
Alas, the "war-time president" was still in stubborn denial mode, using a squishy, schizophrenic word salad to fight a deadly disease -- his standard glossary of childish lies, babble, blame, insults, denials, and deflections that have served the manboy so well throughout his gilded life. Until now.
Trumpism is itself a contagion, and Ron DeSantis is a viral copy of his brainsick mentor, the impeached president of the United States of America, Donald John Trump.
Death on the beach; life imitating art: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) responds to the brazen hypocrisy of Ron DeSantis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qNwI56oMGY&feature=youtu.be