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  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    Masks only work if all wear masks. If Trump had ordered this from the beginning we would be like Taiwan and have minimal cases and deaths. Best method to not touch hands to the face is to have a drink in each hand.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    Tin News episode #6, now #7: "Good thing Trump is stopping the US from funding these turds?"

    Answer: No! That is not a good thing! And neither is a dearth of reading comprehension in the link you provided. WHO is merely pointing out for the general population that wearing a mask does not necessarily protect the person wearing it, as would be expected in a hospital setting; therefore, one must still follow all the other recommended precautions and not become complacent just because one is wearing a mask or gloves.

    However, WHO does not dispute the fact that you wearing a mask protects others from your droplets should you sneeze, cough, or just breathe in their presence. That's the whole point.

    There are two primary factors to consider when contemplating whether to wear a face-covering during a pandemic: One, the mask protects you not me; TWO, SARS-CoV-2 is a particularly virulent coronavirus that is easily transmitted by asymptomatic, presymptomatic, or mildly symptomatic infected people who have no clue that they are carriers of a deadly pathogen. Given that disturbing revelation, only testing those presenting symptoms is almost pointless.

    That second fact took the scientific community by surprise, and they now suspect that that is the main reason COVID-19 has spread so far and wide so rapidly. Without adequate testing of the population, we are blind-sided by an invisible enemy, like a fighter pilot attacking out of the sun's glare.

    To be clear, until they develop an effective vaccine, our main defense is to stay as far away from other people as humanly possible, to wash our hands obsessively, and not touch our faces (good luck with that). When in public, strictly adhere to at least six-feet social distancing. (A recent study conducted mostly in hospitals captured air samples containing aerosolized SARS-CoV-2, albeit not as virulent, up to 13 feet away from those infected during certain procedures, such as intubation.) And, wear a mask to protect others in case you are infected but don't know it.

    Knowledge is key, so one of the most effective ways to combat the pandemic is to quit listening to Trump the Liar, Fux News, Hate Radio, the Swamp Net, and all their flying monkeys. Keep their drool to themselves!

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    Not true! On the April 13 thread, you deliberately and dishonestly moved your comment several times without editing. You and I both know that's the truth.

    Live with that fact.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    His childish manipulation of the thread was not an inadvertent consequence of mere editing; it was deliberate. I tested that theory on Monday's thread where he repeatedly jumped ahead of my reply by hitting the edit button without editing.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    What Tinhat has done is edited his post and added to it. It automatically jumps ahead then.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    >>>TROLL ALERT<<<

    On Monday's blog and again today, Tinhip has been purposely skipping his comments ahead of others, a dishonest tactic that puts the thread out of logical order.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    An article in USA Today yesterday stated Governor Lee of Tennessee has received a bunch of testing materials. Now they're going to do unlimited testing by county whether you have symptoms or not no appointment needed. Sounds like they're looking for stats to open up Tennessee.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago
  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    The consequence of growing up with the "American Dream" is the illusion of the happy ending. This has been djt’s greatest asset. He is selling the happy ending while coordinating with the republican senate to rob the country blind. A true leader doesn’t sell “beautiful” but rather win’s confidence by deeds. The voting public who wants to believe in the happy ending could very well dance their way into a beautiful darkness. Republicans are asserting an observable downward force on the US and if not met with sufficient opposition may be successful in forcing a system collapse. Don’t dream it away, it may already be out of control. One thing for certain, a core group who are leveraging to amass wealth during this opportunity will be the ones who emerge to rule in the aftermath... read your history.

  • Get in the F*cking Line Behind the Rest of us Human Beings Here   4 years 41 weeks ago

    Hey Legend, I am agree with you to some extent, but you are a bit rude and too lousy at some points.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    More and more are jumping on the reopen wagon. Of course they are isolated in mansions and are not working at meat packing plants in SD. They do not seem to understand that peaked does not mean that it has gone away. Had we been required to wear masks from the beginning, like most Asian countries do, we would be over this. They obviously knew the benefit. Before this hit, Before there was a rush, I went to Walgreen and bought 36 masks. Not the N95 but the regular ones. Because we are isolated we have given most away to family members that are working. How did I see this coming and they did not? It was actually easy. When China was locking down Wuhan (30 million approx.) and closing all public gatherings. Including closing Shanghai Disney world, I decided this was bad. Why did our Government not see the same? I guess that you are not as concerned when you live a special life.

  • Will This Be a "Let Them Eat Coronavirus" Moment?   4 years 41 weeks ago

    Bad guys have to be forced to give up the loot they took. Nowadays, that means fighting it out on the soapbox and at the ballot box -- not the "ammo box" (in the vernacular of wackjob wingers and gunslingers).

    That also means fighting it out in the markets on Main Street as well as Wall Street. Going forward, the People should try to reboot the economy in their favor since we'll probably have to start from scratch anyway if this latest failure of unregulated capitalism drags into years rather than months.

    History proves over and over that a system that concentrates wealth at the top will always fail and will always need several lifesaving doses of corporate socialism -- massive infusions of taxpayers' blood, sweat, and tears -- to survive into the next cycle of "The Great American Bubble Machine."

    Average consumer/citizen purchasing power contributes 70% to a successful and stable economy. More than ever before, now is the time to use that power to patronize local small businesses and to buy stock in home-grown companies that sell American-made products, preferably union-made.

    It's unpatriotic and simply nuts to lend support any longer to all the hopelessly complex, top-heavy overseas markets living on borrowed time and money, which create unwieldy production and distribution nightmares of immoral cheap labor that hurt families and societies everywhere, pollute the planet, and are destined to collapse in times of trouble when desperate people really need basic goods and services, like now and like bad times before.

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    #7 asks rhetorically, "Why are all the other countries of the world honing in on solutions while we are struggling to get past obstacles posed by the reality show?"

    Indeed! The question is the answer.

    In a nod to Willie's point in #5, we are all witnessing firsthand a "crime in progress" -- a very deliberate, on-the-record, in-your-face abrogation of responsibility on a stunning level, worse than any president in our history. Trump and his Republican losers in Congress are worthless, and now deadly, investments for we taxpayers, not only when it comes to encountering the forces of nature but in their cowardly surrender to the forces of Wall Street, which have inflicted so much pain on generations past.

    And there is no reason to think that these ravenous plunderers of our nation's blood and treasure will ever change their wicked ways going into a dismal future -- unless they are forced! That we know for sure, for our true enemy -- fascism -- will not go peacefully into the good night. Consider the millions of innocent people who have already suffered and died in our endless resource wars; to the moneyed class, human life is unabashedly secondary to wealth and power.

    Trump & Company are basically saying that out loud now. Why not? That's just the way it is. What are miserable little peons gonna do 'bout it? "Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man's war" -- a truism that spans the ages.

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    #4: Try this one from the MSN news aggregator: I don't subscribe to the NYT either, but sometimes they distribute articles for free if it's an important story in the public interest. Not sure what happened with that other link -- perhaps a limit on free hits?

    Thanks for posting all of your links too. Good context! That should keep us busy for a while. };--))

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    It appears the djt problem is escalating and the senate is complicit by ignoring their responsibilities in favor of kissing the ring. in context with #1, how do you kill a country, ask the senate! Together, their combined demeanor facing with US constituents and foreign ones as well is leaning more toward the “kneel before Zod” approach. This is distancing us from the fight to end the Cov-19 debacle and behind the scenes destroying our constitutional liberties and soon our economy. Why are all the other countries of the world honing in on solutions while we are struggling to get past obstacles posed by the reality show?

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago
  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    A work in progress. Big business continues to gain ground influenceing government decision making. (Running the country.) This virus is just a bump in the road... Patience, Donald.

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    #1. You have to be a subscriber to the NY Times to open the link. Could you cut and paste?

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    ...a crown befitting the viral Twitter king.

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    Interesting point of view that djt is (may be) a catalyst for social change. In a sense it implies that another term may show us the way for Real change, especially if people like AOC get reelected.
    Or perhaps it is some more corona-virus we need to consolidate what we have been reminded: government from, by & for the people.
    What an irony! djt gets the corona he always wanted to be bestowed upon him, but with a virus-19 spin....

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    Yamiche Alcindor said, "President Trump has been visibly angry the last two days and he's been lashing out more than usual. Why is he so mad?
    Because this story from The NY Times laid out, point by point, what he did wrong.
    It is clearly a must read so here it is again
    : …"

  • America Has a Big Decision to Make - How Do We End Shelter In Place?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    Tin News, Episode #4: "All of this may have been avoided if we had listened to this wise man." -- AKA, "Bush the Village Idiot."

    Yes, if only we had listened to the last Republican sage who lied us into our longest war in history over oil wealth, which is destroying the planet. If only we had heeded the advice of that most seasoned of statesmen who blew up the world's economy and ceded the People's constitutional power to the worst predatory billionaires of the trifecta of evil: the fossil-fuel, banking, and war monopolies -- ignoring Eisenhower's warning to future generations. If only we had learned from that last Republican traitor to our principles who wiped away the last vestiges of our democracy and paved the way for free-market fascism to flourish and a megalomaniacal clown to rule over us like the Mad King.

    Is that who Trump cultists are now calling "wise"? Yup. His flying monkeys fit the profile of brain-dead zombies perfectly.

    But, together, we can kill their latest incarnation of an evil clown -- metaphorically -- by making him small. Like most schoolyard bullies, Trump's inner damaged ego is nothing but a scared, sad little boy of little importance.

  • America Has a Big Decision to Make - How Do We End Shelter In Place?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    Legend, FYI, the troll skipped his comment ahead of yours, putting it out of order.

  • America Has a Big Decision to Make - How Do We End Shelter In Place?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    #3. Bush had the right idea. Unfortunately he saddled the economy with huge war debts. A war that he lied us into and a war that he changed the mission.

  • America Has a Big Decision to Make - How Do We End Shelter In Place?   4 years 42 weeks ago

    1) Hopefully, before coming autumn, governors of all states will be consulting Dr Anthony Fauci, CDS, NIH and the likes as to the appropriate preventive measures needed to minimize the effect of covid-19,since an affordably effective vaccine is highly unlikely by the end of this year.

    2)"Di More monkey climb Di more im backside expose" (plagiarized from ). The greek version replaces "backside" with "ass". Both proverbs are general enough to, presumably, include orangutans. In neither Jamaica nor Greece live any orangutans, to the best of my knowledge. Apparently, in USA there are some, even native ones.

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