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  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Funny that for most of 20th century the top tax rate was between 70% and 90%. There were still millionaires and billionaires. But, there was also money for revenue sharing, for infrastructure, for health care (as most hospitals were owned by cities). CEOs made “only” 20 times more than their janitors. A starting veteran baseball player on a World Series championship team I know of in the late 1960s made $16,000. In today’s dollars, that’s about $160,000. Yet a comparable player today is paid $16 MILLION and his tax rate is minuscule by comparison. Elvis Presley’s tax bracket was 92% and he still lived like a king.

    Want to take the country “back” to being “great” again? The policies support the actions. Let’s go “back” to being a manufacturing base, back to relative CEO pay, back to The Fairness Doctrine, back to pensions being untouchable corporate liabilities, back to graduated progressive income tax, back to Federal revenue sharing and state taxes funding 80% of public college tuition.

    Trickle down NEVER works. Trickle UP works. Every fall stores hire thousands if not millions of employees. Why? Because corporations or CEOs got another tax break? No! Because the average American spends $800 or $1,000 on gifts and decorations. Trickle UP. 70% of the economy is driven by consumer spending. CEOs don’t “create jobs.” CEOs approve the hiring of workers to produce goods and services based on increased consumer spending.

    Want to take the country “back”? Bring back the policies that created the greatness.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Thom is going to shutdown the comments section because of all of the Trolls.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Good afternoon everyone. My friends and I are super impressed we landed on the news here. I’ve been roaming around for this info all year and I will be telling my kids to mosey on by too. The other night I was ploughing all over the internet attempting to uncover an answer for my difficult inquiry. Now I am inspired to take risks in whatever form I can. We are becoming all flipped out on the amount of evidence we are seeing. Again I just wanted to thank you tremendously for such expansive research. This has propelled me out of a rut. Many brand new things are seeding in my life. Its such a surprising place to make conscious connections. I'm blessed also that I am researching the topic of [url=]spiritual gifts[/url]. Drop me a note if you are intersted to know more. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my words here. Make sure you leave me a PM and I will reply as soon as I am able. Best Regards and I’ll exchange with you whenever possible.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Good afternoon everyone. My friends and I are super impressed we landed on the news here. I’ve been roaming around for this info all year and I will be telling my kids to mosey on by too. The other night I was ploughing all over the internet attempting to uncover an answer for my difficult inquiry. Now I am inspired to take risks in whatever form I can. We are becoming all flipped out on the amount of evidence we are seeing. Again I just wanted to thank you tremendously for such expansive research. This has propelled me out of a rut. Many brand new things are seeding in my life. Its such a surprising place to make conscious connections. I'm blessed also that I am researching the topic of [url=]spiritual gifts[/url]. Drop me a note if you are intersted to know more. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my words here. Make sure you leave me a PM and I will reply as soon as I am able. Best Regards and I’ll exchange with you whenever possible.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Trump says the protestors are great people. The Boston Globe Obituary section is 16 pages. Governors call Trump delusional. The push is to open the Government. Market is crashing again and Trump is at the helm. Somedays it is not worth getting up and reading the headlines. I think That I will watch cartoons.

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  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    These two quotes rhyme:

    "...There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me. And on the wall, it said "No Trespassing." But on the other side, it didn't say nothin'. That side was made for you and me. This land is your land. This land is my land..." -- Woody sung by Arlo last year

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men ​[and women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” -- Declaration of Independence

    "Life" -- the most precious and miraculous "thing" in the universe that religious and scientific explanations -- yes, sorry, even Star Trek, -- continually fail to explain adequately enough to encompass the grand magnificence of it all. And that's totally awesome -- an eternally open-ended question to ponder!

    Obviously, the Founders of our core principles and values thought so too since that's the very first word in their perfectly succinct description of our most important principles and moral imperatives as a people: Life, Liberty, Happiness, unalienable Rights. Notice that they also used the purposely amorphous word "Creator" as a direct acknowledgment of an unknowable higher power that each of us is free to contemplate in our own way.

    And they formally capitalized the simplest of words that best fit our key values. (They should have also capitalized "equal.") We're supposed to live in a good land amongst a good people. The cycle of Life no matter how one interprets "it" will forever remain the greatest of all mysterious and marvels -- the Happy, most positive source of all energy in our never-ending pursuit to "form a more perfect union." By today's cynical standards, the Founders sounded like overoptimistic idealists.

    Life. Your life. My life. Happy.

    And that, citizens, is the chip that Trump is asking each American to wager in a pig-ignorant bid to improve his dwindling chances at reelection. He is literally betting your life that he's got this. Any takers?

    Trust him. Everything will work out just fine, really, really great, the best in the world ...well, notwithstanding all the extra bodies guaranteed to pile by the thousands if he browbeats enough governors to ease the restrictions and try to reopen their economies too soon without enough testing or medical supplies to fight a predicted second wave of COVID-19. "Facts are stubborn things."

    Although no one is sure who the original author is (do-it-yourself links), this old saying often attributed to Socrates or Aristotle rhymes as well with today's continuing pursuit of truth and justice for all: "A scientist's purpose is to discover facts. A philosopher's purpose is to ponder those facts."

    Well, one thing is sure: There were no moral philosophers worth a crap on the Republican side of the Senate during the impeachment trial, They had their big chance -- no, their duty! -- to yank this psychopathic bastard off the stage before he did any real damage even worse than the real damage he had already done. With solid evidence already on record of major malfeasance in the Mueller report, Trump's "illustrious dunderheads" still had a clear and simple, albeit hard, moral choice even though they refused to ponder any more relevant facts or witnesses for the Ukraine case:

    Two buttons. Yea or Nay?


  • How billionaires' short-term greed could upend America and destroy their own wealth   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Homo sapiens are not unfeeling automatons. They form strong opinions about factual reality. But I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with mixing opinion and fact if it helps to keep them a little more grounded than would the alternative with no facts at all to light their way -- like the Kellyanne Conway universe of "alternative facts."

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Good afternoon everybody. My family is beyond thrilled we came across openly sourced info. I’ve been going through my files for this info a long spell and I will be imploring my followers to head by too. The other night I was skipping around all over the web world attempting to scope out the correct answer for my voracious inquiry. Now I am inspired to take things higher in whatever conscious ways I can. We are becoming all stretched out on the revelations we are seeing. Again I just needed to thank you with all my heart for such open disclosure. This has shifted me out of my old ways. Many brand new things are growing in my life. Its such a an incredible community to make conscious friends. It is known that I am investigating the topic of 7th dimension. Reach out to me if you are interested also. Thanks for taking a moment to read my message. I hope you’ll deliver me a PM and I will get back as soon as possible. Cheers and I’ll connect with you shortly.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Good afternoon everybody. My family is beyond thrilled we came across openly sourced info. I’ve been going through my files for this info a long spell and I will be imploring my followers to head by too. The other night I was skipping around all over the web world attempting to scope out the correct answer for my voracious inquiry. Now I am inspired to take things higher in whatever conscious ways I can. We are becoming all stretched out on the revelations we are seeing. Again I just needed to thank you with all my heart for such open disclosure. This has shifted me out of my old ways. Many brand new things are growing in my life. Its such a an incredible community to make conscious friends. It is known that I am investigating the topic of 7th dimension. Reach out to me if you are interested also. Thanks for taking a moment to read my message. I hope you’ll deliver me a PM and I will get back as soon as possible. Cheers and I’ll connect with you shortly.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    The Republican Party only cares about the 1%. That is it.

  • Why?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Maybe, but there could be deeper reasons. It is becoming (somewhat) evident what is essential and what is not, and that we are all in this s**t together where all is not necessarily restricted to USA, but that's too progressive).

    Billionaires like T***p want people (99.9% based on your numbers) to go back to "normality", i.e. to work hard to make ends almost meet, so that they remain in debt perpetually, so that they work perpetually, so that they (billionaires) can keep "enjoying" life by satsfying their litle egotistic "vices" (such as paying p**n stars for "innocent" foreplays, or grabbing others by the pubic hair). Andrew Yang said it clearly. We do have the technology, as USA at least, so that each and everyone, i.e. the 100% (including the 0.1%!) can have the basics (what we call poverty line or minimal standard of living) to live. This would give everybody the freedom (in terms of time and effort) to fylly (apologies for the exaggeration) express her/his true self in the short interval we call life. But who listened to AY? Less than 1% of the less than 50%. Perhaps when the next generation reaches its 50th birthday, someone will dig out AYs idea (actually, his idea predates him, from what he said) and perhaps at that time more people will be ready to listen.

    The problem of how to distribute the "money" (wealth) generated in a (democratic) society, is underlined by the question of how to distribute the "free" time generated by the technology of this society. Time seems to be more important than money, because while money can buy "time", the converse is not always true or at least not useful as any billionaire can testify at the moment of "expiration" (d***h).

  • Is The 40 Year Republican Plan Disintegrating?   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Does anyone know what happened to the story Thom related in his April 14 show that an American governor was calling on the National Guard to stop the Feds from seizing ventilators and other PPE when it landed at an airport?

  • How billionaires' short-term greed could upend America and destroy their own wealth   4 years 46 weeks ago

    #12. This is the internet not a research paper and I use internet links on the internet. Just curious, do you understand that the blue type is an internet link? And that internet links are a source of reference in the modern world of the internet? And then the irony of it all, do you realize that you are accusing me of posting opinion when that is all that you do?

  • How billionaires' short-term greed could upend America and destroy their own wealth   4 years 46 weeks ago


    Very cool website. I'm sure to get a big fat F on all that clarity-unbiased stuff, but it's always handy to know the rules before breaking them. No, really, thanks! You get an A+ for that source.

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  • How billionaires' short-term greed could upend America and destroy their own wealth   4 years 46 weeks ago

    Mr Legend:

    Here is one of the many statements in which you attempt to present your opinion as a fact. (From #5)

    "I do think that in my opinion that the education level in the USA has dropped well below the rest of the industrialized world and that can easily be documented."

    To write with clarity, and unbiased words, please consider using APA guidelines. Here is a link to the site.


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    Are the daily stacks going to be on the new app like they were on the old one?

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