I think Trump got confused about how you use disinfectant. How often have you seen a scene like that in the USA? Trump needs to read the direcions on the label first, not after.
What's up with Donald? A month ago he wanted nothing more than to put this virus behind us and get the country up and running. Now, he's critical of any Governor trying to do just that. And then, he compliments the people protesting the shutdown. What's the end game?
Wearing a mask is very effective. They do it in most countries in Asia. Months into this pandemic and maybe 50% are wearing one in my town and that is only recently. Germany just required them.
Trump is going further and further into his world. If Biden actually wins on November 3rd (194 days from now). We still have Trump in office until 1/20/2021 (272 days). I cannot imagine the damage that he can do in that time frame. We are currently at 47681 deaths (way under actual count) increasing at about 1000 per day. Vietnam was 58193. We will be at that in a little over a week. The Vietnam war was 19 years, this is a few months.
In GA they have the only nuclear plant under construction in the USA. It is the 2 reactor addition at Vogtle, units 3 & 4. It is way behind schedule (years) and way over budget (billions). They say that unit 3 is going to start next year which is some kind of joke. Plus, they still estimate $25 billion to complete which is way off. In the past when Nukes got in trouble during construction they overstaffed until they had to many to manage. I remember staffs as high as 6000. Vogtle has 9000. They are cutting staff 20% because of the Corna virus. This will be the excuse as to why they do not meet current schedule. 42 of the workers have tested positive for Corona virus. Part of the costs of this expansion is the CEO making $28 million. And he is nothing more than a hired hand. You buy your electricity at "cost plus" from a local monopoly. You do not have a choice as to who you buy it from. What ever it costs the local monopoly to produce and distribute, they tack on profit and sell it to you. Is this capitalism? That CEO will retire with a huge golden parachute just before they announce that the expansion will be delayed several more years and will cost at least (being conservative) $5 billion more. And they will add the total costs to the bills in GA. Air conditioning will be unaffordable when this is all over.
Legend #2: Sounds pretty much like where I'm at, although more and more are wearing masks, and everyone seems to be taking social distancing seriously other than the usual yahoos in the local opinion pages. Still, a lot of people are out and about.
I'm good for groceries, etc. once a month and go in for POB mail once a week. It's almost like a military operation where you gotta suit up with PPE early in the morning for a quick hit-and-run assault in the local village before the crowds show up. Welcome to Trump's dystopian nightmare.
Maybe Samuel Clemens was onto something in his cynical (he says, sarcastic) last writings on organized religion before passing the torch: Letters From the Earth. It sure does seem sometimes that God's just funnin' with the human race for the pure entertainment value. Heaven must be more boring than advertised.
Think about it: So now, there are lots of poker players with lots of free time, whiskey, beer, full fridges, pretzels, and big gubmunt checks burning holes in their pockets below all those beer guts and gunbelts. But you can't sit around the damn table to play! Oh, the cruelty.
Okay, granted, with Trump "in charge" there are greater ironies in the world. But man, what a missed opportunity for a live home game to fleece crazy Uncle Biff, i.e., gullible Trumpist, out of all that gawddamn-liberal-socialistic-welfare-free-stuff he gets for not working.
Okaaay... then give me that money, you worthless Republican "taker." Try not to laugh out loud, but good ol' reliable Biff is sure to bluff deuces with no 2s on the flop if you have Fux News blaring in the background and challenge his honor. After all, his ethnic tribe of Republicanists is well known for huuugely miscalculating odds and outcomes, right? It's probably a genetic trait of his white-ass minority race. (Haha, just table talk ...but it usually works to get the lovable old rascal flustered.)
Thanks for that, SueN. It explains a lot and fits with the other exciting research they're conducting on overreactive immune systems in some patients (here and here), which is likely a leading contributor to SARS, possibly other organ failures, and eventual death.
Everyone is so anxious, it's understandable that impatience and false hope can cross the line from mere research to a stated fact of medical science and treatment. The immune system and the body's chemistry are infinitely complex, even more so when a weird virus that we know little about is thrown into the mix. I'm confident that the scientists will eventually figure it out though, sooner than later hopefully.
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I can't speak to the contents of that post, but perhaps it is related to "A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients" https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/22/coronavirus-blood-clots/
Whoa! Eatroots, you are passing along extremely dangerous misinformation in the middle of a pandemic! For your own sake, as well as for those around you, please read this latest warning and take it to heart:
Unreliable and false information is spreading around the world to such an extent, that some commentators are now referring to the new avalanche of misinformation that’s accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic as a ‘disinfodemic’."
Thom, May you have a safe and enriching Earth Day (Unci Maka, Grandmother Earth). In response to your question, “Why?”, I wish to offer my own observation and ideas.
Richard called in to your show on Tuesday morning at around 10:50 a.m. MDT and added some wonderful insight as to your own on this issue. We have thought about this before, and I would like to share with you, a couple of excerpts from our book “Warrior Is”, which you have featured on your Book Club in 2018 and thereafter. It is a novel about our great grandfather’s life story, Mato Niyanpi/Saved By Bear (2017).
In our book "Warrior Is", we wrote of the corruption of the government and certain politicians of the day in the 1800s, but it still rings true for many in politics today, as well....
"When corrupt politicians in a corrupt government realize that what they desire to do, is in fact, illegal, their lack of shame and conscience allows them to just rewrite the law through legislation or court decision, to make conduct that was once illegal, now legal. When a human being lacks a humane conscience to the extent that they will do anything to anyone in pursuit of the goal of getting more money or wealth, then nothing matters to that person anymore except the goal of obtaining more money and wealth. That goal, now, actually becomes, their conscience. When the conscience to do what is right, just, humane or compassionate, disappears, so does the ability to feel shame. If a person loses the ability to feel shame or shamefulness, for committing shameful acts, then the conscience also dies the same death within that person. There may be no meaningful or moral road back from that dark pit." Warrior Is (2017), Chapter 11: Call To Believe, p. 341-42.
When you and Richard were talking on April 21, 2020, the topic of the insurgence of the astroturf billionaire funded “protests” occurring here and there under the guise of restarting the economy, Thom was searching for potential reasons why the rightwing billionaire class is funding and promoting these dangerous gathering involving confederate flags, Nazi symbols, assault rifles, and heavy trump paraphernalia. Again, if I may, would like to point out how we portrayed the historical context of how the “other” can be seen as expendable, and as to why there has always been an internalized cultural fear by white society of the encroachment of the “others” into a more strong presence in the world of white privilege and white dominion of all facets of society. In our book “Warrior Is”, in Chapter 10: Strong Heart, we wrote: “A false belief became widespread among the army brass and their ranks of enlisted men during the time of the Indian conflicts in the west: the notion that if US soldiers or other white citizens were ever captured alive and imprisoned by the Indians, they would be subjected to horrific, grotesque, and inhumane torture and mutilation of their bodies and minds. The army taught its soldiers to fear this thing from the Lakota and Cheyenne, in order to provoke a sense of loyalty among the troops, partly in an attempt to cut down on desertion. Of course, the notion of the Lakota capturing white soldiers and torturing them was false and fabricated. Nevertheless, it did create a real fear among the ranks, causing them to view the Lakota as evil, inhuman, disposable, and killable….It was, of course, just a made-up tale that the military leaders could leverage so as to more effectively control the minds of the enlisted men. A fearful soldier is more easily manipulated into doing as he is told. Soldiers can be convinced to kill at will if they view their enemy as evil and less than human. …In reality, it was the European societies, in medieval times and the 1800s, that utilized human torture and mutilation as a means of battle, a method of warfare, in order to gain the psychological advantage and ensure conquest of weak or more vulnerable peoples or societies……The white soldiers knew how the whites and white society had come to treat the Lakota once the Lakota were captured or confronted by the whites. And they feared that if the roles were reversed, they would be treated just as badly by the Indians as the whites had treated the nonwhites throughout time…… The whites’ fear of scalping, mutilation, and torture by the Lakota was unfounded for the most part. As already mentioned, that fear was instigated by the propaganda of the white military leaders to instill a serviceable mind control over their own troops so that the soldiers would try to avoid capture or desertion at all costs. The US military used this propaganda tool as a means of psychological projection to invoke the fear in the troops, as to what the Indians would do to them if given the chance. The propaganda was easy to incorporate by the military and its European influence of warfare, because they themselves have used it. The corruption or deception of any nation’s military, to merely serve the desires and goals of a misguided or destructive leadership, would always be a threat to the Circle of Life. A military and the human beings that make up that military, deserve better. They deserve to be told the truth as to what they stand for and why they fight or kill. Many times, if the truth were to be known, a soldier may look deep within his heart and spirit , and decide to put down his weapon. The real concern was not that the Lakota would torture or scalp the whites. It was that if the nonwhites ever gained the advantage over the whites, the nonwhites would treat the whites as bad as the whites had treated the nonwhites. The whites knew how they had treated the nonwhites over whom they had gained control, so they feared their methods would be used against them. The whites seemingly always treated the nonwhites badly, and many times horribly, so the fear that their own tactics would be turned against them was a legitimate one in their minds. It gave them an incentive never to allow themselves to lose control over the nonwhites, including the Lakota, because if they did, they feared that they would be treated just as poorly. Again, the whites feared that the roles would be reversed. However, white society’s fear was based upon the false notion that other, nonwhite societies would behave as badly as they did toward others. “ Warrior Is”, by Harley L. Zephier and Robin L. Zephier (2017), Chapter 10: Strong Heart, p. 311-13. #warrioris#greasygrasswarriors#scarleg#matoniyanpi#grandmotherearth#uncimaka#whitestonepony#hoksilawanbli#sungilasapa#greatracearoundblackhills#peaceunitytolerancelove#savedbybear
Apparently globally, this disease has been badly attacked.
Thanks to the autopsies performed by the Italians... it was proven to be not pneumonia... but is: Spread intravascular clotting (thrombosis). So the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulants.
Protocols are being changed here since noon 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, the fans, nor the intensive care unit were never needed.
If this is true for all cases, we are about to solve sooner than anticipated.
Important and novel About Coranovirus:
Worldwide, COVID-19 has been badly attacked for a serious diagnostic error
He has filmed a video of a Mexican family in the United States that claimed they were healed with a home remedy: Three aspirin 500 gr dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey, is taken hot and the next day, as if nothing had them Past! Well, the scientific information that follows gives you the reason!
This information was disseminated by a research doctor from Italy:
Well thanks to 50 autopsies made to patients deceased by COVID-19, they found that it is NOT NEUMONY, in the strict sense, because the virus does not kill pneumocytes only of its kind but uses an inflammatory storm to create a thrombosis endothelial vascular, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but also, produces a heart attack, or stroke, and many other thrombotic diseases, in fact the protocols have left useless antiviral therapies and are have concentrated on inflammatory, and anticoagulants. These therapies should be done immediately, even at home, in which treatment responds very well to patients the later they are done, are less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had reported it, it would have been invested in home therapy, not intensive care! A DISEMINTRAVASCUAL COAGUALTION (TROMBOSIS). So the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulants.
An Italian anatomical pathologist reports that Pergamo hospital did a total of 50 autopsies and the Milan 20 sack, so Italian casuistic is the tallest in the world the Chinese have only done 3, it which seems to fully confirm the above information, in a few words success is determined by a disseminated intravascular clotting activated by the virus, then interstitial pneumonia would have nothing to do with this, it would have been just a huge diagnostic error. We double the number of resuscitation sites in ICU, with exorbitant costs, unnecessarily. In retrospect I have to rethink about these chest x-rays that was commented a month ago that was commented as interstitial pneumonia, it could actually be totally consistent with a DICA scattered interstitial clotting.
People go to ICU for widespread venous embolism, usually pulmonary, if this were the case, intubations and resuscitation are useless, if thromboembulism is not solved first. If you vent a lung where blood doesn't come, it's useless, in fact, nine (9) out of ten (10) die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory.
It's vein micro thrombosis, not pneumonia, that determine mortality.
Why are the thrombes formed? Because inflammation according to school text induces thrombosis through a complex but well known physiopathological mechanism. So what scientific literature said especially China until mid-March was that anti-inflammatory should not be used. Now the therapy being used in Italy is with Anti-inflammatory and antibiotics as in influences, and the number of hospitalized patients has decreased. Many deaths even 40 years old had a history of fever from 10 to 15 days, which were not properly treated here inflammation destroyed everything and create the ground for the formation of thrombos, because the main problem is not the virus but the immune reaction that destroys the cell where the virus enters. In fact covid19 departments never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis, because they are with cortisone therapy which is a great deimflammatory. That's the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are declining and it's becoming a treatable illness at home. By treating her well at home, not only avoids hospitalization but also the risk of thrombosis. ➤ was easy to understand, because the signs of microembulism have faded even in the ecocardio.
This weekend the data was made for 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who don't and the situation seems very clear.
With this important find, you could return to normal life and open business closed for quarantine, not immediately, but it is time to publish this data, so that the health authorities of each country, do their respective analysis of this information and avoid more useless deaths and vaccine can come later.
In Italy from today the protocols are changing.
According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, fans or ICU are not needed. So we must rethink investments to properly address this disease.
Virus cases have spiked in Wisconsin, after the Republicans mandated the vote and people had to stand in line and enter crowded polling stations. Numerous other articles.
Texas (the second to the lowest in testing) plans to reopen. If you do not test, you do not have statistics. GA is opening essential business's such as massage parlors, Barbers, Tattoo parlors etc. Vegas wants to reopen casinos. Really important stuff.
They are unwittingly setting up tests for the benefits of social distancing. New cases of infection should cause spikes in infection rates in those cities where protests and relaxed restrictions are taking place. Not hearing much yet. Should be soon. For better or for worse.
I think Trump got confused about how you use disinfectant. How often have you seen a scene like that in the USA? Trump needs to read the direcions on the label first, not after.
What's up with Donald? A month ago he wanted nothing more than to put this virus behind us and get the country up and running. Now, he's critical of any Governor trying to do just that. And then, he compliments the people protesting the shutdown. What's the end game?
Wearing a mask is very effective. They do it in most countries in Asia. Months into this pandemic and maybe 50% are wearing one in my town and that is only recently. Germany just required them.
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Trump is going further and further into his world. If Biden actually wins on November 3rd (194 days from now). We still have Trump in office until 1/20/2021 (272 days). I cannot imagine the damage that he can do in that time frame. We are currently at 47681 deaths (way under actual count) increasing at about 1000 per day. Vietnam was 58193. We will be at that in a little over a week. The Vietnam war was 19 years, this is a few months.
In GA they have the only nuclear plant under construction in the USA. It is the 2 reactor addition at Vogtle, units 3 & 4. It is way behind schedule (years) and way over budget (billions). They say that unit 3 is going to start next year which is some kind of joke. Plus, they still estimate $25 billion to complete which is way off. In the past when Nukes got in trouble during construction they overstaffed until they had to many to manage. I remember staffs as high as 6000. Vogtle has 9000. They are cutting staff 20% because of the Corna virus. This will be the excuse as to why they do not meet current schedule. 42 of the workers have tested positive for Corona virus. Part of the costs of this expansion is the CEO making $28 million. And he is nothing more than a hired hand. You buy your electricity at "cost plus" from a local monopoly. You do not have a choice as to who you buy it from. What ever it costs the local monopoly to produce and distribute, they tack on profit and sell it to you. Is this capitalism? That CEO will retire with a huge golden parachute just before they announce that the expansion will be delayed several more years and will cost at least (being conservative) $5 billion more. And they will add the total costs to the bills in GA. Air conditioning will be unaffordable when this is all over.
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Legend #2: Sounds pretty much like where I'm at, although more and more are wearing masks, and everyone seems to be taking social distancing seriously other than the usual yahoos in the local opinion pages. Still, a lot of people are out and about.
I'm good for groceries, etc. once a month and go in for POB mail once a week. It's almost like a military operation where you gotta suit up with PPE early in the morning for a quick hit-and-run assault in the local village before the crowds show up. Welcome to Trump's dystopian nightmare.
Maybe Samuel Clemens was onto something in his cynical (he says, sarcastic) last writings on organized religion before passing the torch: Letters From the Earth. It sure does seem sometimes that God's just funnin' with the human race for the pure entertainment value. Heaven must be more boring than advertised.
Think about it: So now, there are lots of poker players with lots of free time, whiskey, beer, full fridges, pretzels, and big gubmunt checks burning holes in their pockets below all those beer guts and gunbelts. But you can't sit around the damn table to play! Oh, the cruelty.
Okay, granted, with Trump "in charge" there are greater ironies in the world. But man, what a missed opportunity for a live home game to fleece crazy Uncle Biff, i.e., gullible Trumpist, out of all that gawddamn-liberal-socialistic-welfare-free-stuff he gets for not working.
Okaaay... then give me that money, you worthless Republican "taker." Try not to laugh out loud, but good ol' reliable Biff is sure to bluff deuces with no 2s on the flop if you have Fux News blaring in the background and challenge his honor. After all, his ethnic tribe of Republicanists is well known for huuugely miscalculating odds and outcomes, right? It's probably a genetic trait of his white-ass minority race. (Haha, just table talk ...but it usually works to get the lovable old rascal flustered.)
Anyway, I call. Whadayagot?
Thanks for that, SueN. It explains a lot and fits with the other exciting research they're conducting on overreactive immune systems in some patients (here and here), which is likely a leading contributor to SARS, possibly other organ failures, and eventual death.
Everyone is so anxious, it's understandable that impatience and false hope can cross the line from mere research to a stated fact of medical science and treatment. The immune system and the body's chemistry are infinitely complex, even more so when a weird virus that we know little about is thrown into the mix. I'm confident that the scientists will eventually figure it out though, sooner than later hopefully.
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My own phone has just updated to the new app, and the newsletter is indeed not there. I've raised a query with the team.
I can't speak to the contents of that post, but perhaps it is related to "A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients" https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/22/coronavirus-blood-clots/
Whoa! Eatroots, you are passing along extremely dangerous misinformation in the middle of a pandemic! For your own sake, as well as for those around you, please read this latest warning and take it to heart:
"During this coronavirus pandemic, ‘fake news’ is putting lives at risk: UNESCO
Unreliable and false information is spreading around the world to such an extent, that some commentators are now referring to the new avalanche of misinformation that’s accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic as a ‘disinfodemic’."
Thom, May you have a safe and enriching Earth Day (Unci Maka, Grandmother Earth). In response to your question, “Why?”, I wish to offer my own observation and ideas.
Richard called in to your show on Tuesday morning at around 10:50 a.m. MDT and added some wonderful insight as to your own on this issue. We have thought about this before, and I would like to share with you, a couple of excerpts from our book “Warrior Is”, which you have featured on your Book Club in 2018 and thereafter. It is a novel about our great grandfather’s life story, Mato Niyanpi/Saved By Bear (2017).
In our book "Warrior Is", we wrote of the corruption of the government and certain politicians of the day in the 1800s, but it still rings true for many in politics today, as well....
"When corrupt politicians in a corrupt government realize that what they desire to do, is in fact, illegal, their lack of shame and conscience allows them to just rewrite the law through legislation or court decision, to make conduct that was once illegal, now legal. When a human being lacks a humane conscience to the extent that they will do anything to anyone in pursuit of the goal of getting more money or wealth, then nothing matters to that person anymore except the goal of obtaining more money and wealth. That goal, now, actually becomes, their conscience. When the conscience to do what is right, just, humane or compassionate, disappears, so does the ability to feel shame. If a person loses the ability to feel shame or shamefulness, for committing shameful acts, then the conscience also dies the same death within that person. There may be no meaningful or moral road back from that dark pit."
Warrior Is (2017), Chapter 11: Call To Believe, p. 341-42.
When you and Richard were talking on April 21, 2020, the topic of the insurgence of the astroturf billionaire funded “protests” occurring here and there under the guise of restarting the economy, Thom was searching for potential reasons why the rightwing billionaire class is funding and promoting these dangerous gathering involving confederate flags, Nazi symbols, assault rifles, and heavy trump paraphernalia. Again, if I may, would like to point out how we portrayed the historical context of how the “other” can be seen as expendable, and as to why there has always been an internalized cultural fear by white society of the encroachment of the “others” into a more strong presence in the world of white privilege and white dominion of all facets of society. In our book “Warrior Is”, in Chapter 10: Strong Heart, we wrote: “A false belief became widespread among the army brass and their ranks of enlisted men during the time of the Indian conflicts in the west: the notion that if US soldiers or other white citizens were ever captured alive and imprisoned by the Indians, they would be subjected to horrific, grotesque, and inhumane torture and mutilation of their bodies and minds. The army taught its soldiers to fear this thing from the Lakota and Cheyenne, in order to provoke a sense of loyalty among the troops, partly in an attempt to cut down on desertion. Of course, the notion of the Lakota capturing white soldiers and torturing them was false and fabricated. Nevertheless, it did create a real fear among the ranks, causing them to view the Lakota as evil, inhuman, disposable, and killable….It was, of course, just a made-up tale that the military leaders could leverage so as to more effectively control the minds of the enlisted men. A fearful soldier is more easily manipulated into doing as he is told. Soldiers can be convinced to kill at will if they view their enemy as evil and less than human. …In reality, it was the European societies, in medieval times and the 1800s, that utilized human torture and mutilation as a means of battle, a method of warfare, in order to gain the psychological advantage and ensure conquest of weak or more vulnerable peoples or societies……The white soldiers knew how the whites and white society had come to treat the Lakota once the Lakota were captured or confronted by the whites. And they feared that if the roles were reversed, they would be treated just as badly by the Indians as the whites had treated the nonwhites throughout time…… The whites’ fear of scalping, mutilation, and torture by the Lakota was unfounded for the most part. As already mentioned, that fear was instigated by the propaganda of the white military leaders to instill a serviceable mind control over their own troops so that the soldiers would try to avoid capture or desertion at all costs. The US military used this propaganda tool as a means of psychological projection to invoke the fear in the troops, as to what the Indians would do to them if given the chance. The propaganda was easy to incorporate by the military and its European influence of warfare, because they themselves have used it. The corruption or deception of any nation’s military, to merely serve the desires and goals of a misguided or destructive leadership, would always be a threat to the Circle of Life. A military and the human beings that make up that military, deserve better. They deserve to be told the truth as to what they stand for and why they fight or kill. Many times, if the truth were to be known, a soldier may look deep within his heart and spirit , and decide to put down his weapon. The real concern was not that the Lakota would torture or scalp the whites. It was that if the nonwhites ever gained the advantage over the whites, the nonwhites would treat the whites as bad as the whites had treated the nonwhites. The whites knew how they had treated the nonwhites over whom they had gained control, so they feared their methods would be used against them. The whites seemingly always treated the nonwhites badly, and many times horribly, so the fear that their own tactics would be turned against them was a legitimate one in their minds. It gave them an incentive never to allow themselves to lose control over the nonwhites, including the Lakota, because if they did, they feared that they would be treated just as poorly. Again, the whites feared that the roles would be reversed. However, white society’s fear was based upon the false notion that other, nonwhite societies would behave as badly as they did toward others. “ Warrior Is”, by Harley L. Zephier and Robin L. Zephier (2017), Chapter 10: Strong Heart, p. 311-13. #warrioris #greasygrasswarriors #scarleg #matoniyanpi #grandmotherearth #uncimaka #whitestonepony #hoksilawanbli #sungilasapa #greatracearoundblackhills #peaceunitytolerancelove #savedbybear
About the Coronavirus:
Apparently globally, this disease has been badly attacked.
Thanks to the autopsies performed by the Italians... it was proven to be not pneumonia... but is: Spread intravascular clotting (thrombosis). So the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulants.
Protocols are being changed here since noon 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, the fans, nor the intensive care unit were never needed.
If this is true for all cases, we are about to solve sooner than anticipated.
Important and novel About Coranovirus:
Worldwide, COVID-19 has been badly attacked for a serious diagnostic error
He has filmed a video of a Mexican family in the United States that claimed they were healed with a home remedy: Three aspirin 500 gr dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey, is taken hot and the next day, as if nothing had them Past! Well, the scientific information that follows gives you the reason!
This information was disseminated by a research doctor from Italy:
Well thanks to 50 autopsies made to patients deceased by COVID-19, they found that it is NOT NEUMONY, in the strict sense, because the virus does not kill pneumocytes only of its kind but uses an inflammatory storm to create a thrombosis endothelial vascular, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but also, produces a heart attack, or stroke, and many other thrombotic diseases, in fact the protocols have left useless antiviral therapies and are have concentrated on inflammatory, and anticoagulants. These therapies should be done immediately, even at home, in which treatment responds very well to patients the later they are done, are less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had reported it, it would have been invested in home therapy, not intensive care! A DISEMINTRAVASCUAL COAGUALTION (TROMBOSIS). So the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulants.
An Italian anatomical pathologist reports that Pergamo hospital did a total of 50 autopsies and the Milan 20 sack, so Italian casuistic is the tallest in the world the Chinese have only done 3, it which seems to fully confirm the above information, in a few words success is determined by a disseminated intravascular clotting activated by the virus, then interstitial pneumonia would have nothing to do with this, it would have been just a huge diagnostic error. We double the number of resuscitation sites in ICU, with exorbitant costs, unnecessarily. In retrospect I have to rethink about these chest x-rays that was commented a month ago that was commented as interstitial pneumonia, it could actually be totally consistent with a DICA scattered interstitial clotting.
People go to ICU for widespread venous embolism, usually pulmonary, if this were the case, intubations and resuscitation are useless, if thromboembulism is not solved first. If you vent a lung where blood doesn't come, it's useless, in fact, nine (9) out of ten (10) die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory.
It's vein micro thrombosis, not pneumonia, that determine mortality.
Why are the thrombes formed? Because inflammation according to school text induces thrombosis through a complex but well known physiopathological mechanism. So what scientific literature said especially China until mid-March was that anti-inflammatory should not be used. Now the therapy being used in Italy is with Anti-inflammatory and antibiotics as in influences, and the number of hospitalized patients has decreased. Many deaths even 40 years old had a history of fever from 10 to 15 days, which were not properly treated here inflammation destroyed everything and create the ground for the formation of thrombos, because the main problem is not the virus but the immune reaction that destroys the cell where the virus enters. In fact covid19 departments never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis, because they are with cortisone therapy which is a great deimflammatory. That's the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are declining and it's becoming a treatable illness at home. By treating her well at home, not only avoids hospitalization but also the risk of thrombosis. ➤ was easy to understand, because the signs of microembulism have faded even in the ecocardio.
This weekend the data was made for 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who don't and the situation seems very clear.
With this important find, you could return to normal life and open business closed for quarantine, not immediately, but it is time to publish this data, so that the health authorities of each country, do their respective analysis of this information and avoid more useless deaths and vaccine can come later.
In Italy from today the protocols are changing.
According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, fans or ICU are not needed. So we must rethink investments to properly address this disease.
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Virus cases have spiked in Wisconsin, after the Republicans mandated the vote and people had to stand in line and enter crowded polling stations. Numerous other articles.
Texas (the second to the lowest in testing) plans to reopen. If you do not test, you do not have statistics. GA is opening essential business's such as massage parlors, Barbers, Tattoo parlors etc. Vegas wants to reopen casinos. Really important stuff.
They are unwittingly setting up tests for the benefits of social distancing. New cases of infection should cause spikes in infection rates in those cities where protests and relaxed restrictions are taking place. Not hearing much yet. Should be soon. For better or for worse.