Mr. President, have we given you enough rope yet? I think we have some more here, should you need it.
In his god-awfulness are the seeds of change. Now it is up to those with common sense and a modicum of decency to plant, nurture, and harvest them. We believe in America, and it's our job to care for it. I'd like to leave it better than I found it.
Ali had his "rope-a-dope" strategy. I say, just keep talking Prump. If lives were not lost and people decimated on so many levels, I'd think we needed this wake-up call. Apparently the Senate-a unanimous Senate-heard the alarm. They pretty much sent him, his cabal, and cult members a big F-U today on this subject. Hallelujah!
That chupacabra thinks he is king. He is ripping our democracy away from us and the power to himself. He is doing exactly what Hitler did in Germany in 1933! He plans to be the US' first dictator and then emporer. Can somebody please make him an invisible suit? I heard he made "peace" in the Middle East? And that somebody nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize? Is that true? How nutty can this guy get? We might as well prepare to physically remmove him from the White House, whatever it takes. And please tell those born-again Christians, he is the devil in disguise!
In todays radio show Tom said Congressman Salwell was mistaken about what happens in Congress if the Presidential election is disputed. He cited the 12th amendment. This amendment does not apply yet. 3 US Code 5 "Determination of Controversies as to Appointment of Electors, would apply first.
Sadly he and his enablers will keep trying to get away with it as long as Americans let them. And let's face it, most people are followers who will just "go along to get along." Oh not everyone, but a lot. And when a man with name recognition puts on a splashy reality show and claims he has the answers for all their anger and frustration then some people will ignore what's behind the curtain. After all, a lot of folks equate wealth with success, and many barely remember the civics they learned in high school.
That's a very cynical and dark view, but you can't make people think. Those of us who do will keep at it, and he is so terrible that the election may come out with Biden clearly on top. What worries me more is the next, slicker dictator wannabe. And the insane reaction to these difficult times as expressed by QAnon is not a healthy sign at all. If this period has taught us anything it is that the president is too powerful, that many people in power will ignore the warning of creating a Frankenstein-like monster, and that eternal vigilence is indeed the price of liberty. Oh, and that education never stops. With the facts in front of them some people will always listen.
I'm sorry to point this out, but the content of whatabout's innermost musings in the post above comes across as a trolling, rambling incoherence mess all over the board, much like what I imagine a Fux News segment must sound like to normal people not in the cult: all spit and fury, no substance.
Where is any sourcing worth a damn, any underpinning in outside reality that is not the mirror opposite (psychological projection on steroids?) of what's really going on in America, which is a rapid slide toward authoritarian fascism under Republican rule disguised as populism.
Their fantastical twisted version of unreality, a dystopian nightmare that puts George Orwell to shame, is what lies in our future if this dying democracy can't figure out how to elect politicians to the Executive branch and to the Senate who can garner majority support from the people they are supposed to represent.
Really, wingers should get down on their knees and thank their winger gods for the outdated Electoral College, which installed two Republican presidents who couldn't win the popular vote, and for the Senate, an inherently undemocratic institution that gives outsized leverage to rural states, when, for instance, in the 2018 midterms, 18 million more Americans voted for Democratic Senators, yet Republicans still hold the Senate. WTF! So, Republicans represent mostly empty land while Democrats represent real live voters by millions more.
At least this time, whatabout somehow avoided linking to deadly disinformation about the COVID pandemic that encourages people to disregard safety precautions, as he did in the previous thread.
I agree with you. Cohen is no hero. But that doesn't mean to not take his words seriously. But he has tried to make amends. You can do only so much. You either accept him or you don't.
I haven't read the book but listened to his podcast on Spotify. Hearing his voice is vastly different.
I'm telling you. Progressives who ideological purists such as what I hear on progressive outlets (like TYT) are going to hand Trump what he wants.
You really should be joining and working with the Lincoln Project. They just presented a campaign add supporting the efforts of protesting and BLM. Let's just get Trump out!
I don't see TYT talking to Miles Taylor. I know you would.
Taylor basically shook his head and said in so many words- you can't make this shit up.
What is really terrifying here is that the radical progressives and their ilk can’t see the forest for the trees. They are promoting and feeding directly into the dangerous and false Election Day narratives being weaved by once great newspapers that now have become nothing more than fodder for the checkout lanes at a grocery store like the WaPo and NYT, far left wing radio jaw flappers, and other self-important media figures on cable TV that play the fear card 24/7 just for the sake of ratings, all because after four years later they still have not accepted the results of the last presidential election.
It was “her” turn goddamnit!
"We must stop them",
I know, “let's stack the Supreme Court until we have seated enough lefties, pay the fines of hand selected black and Hispanic registered voters in key states, abolish the Electoral College, promote the shit out of mail-in voting, lower the voting age to 16, and add a couple of States to the union but only if they are democrat strongholds”.
If there is any post-election day violence, it will most assuredly be plotted and coordinated by some of the same repugnant slugs on the radical left who have orchestrated what has played out in cities like Portland, and Seattle, and the people we can blame for at inspiring the violence will be none other than spineless soy latte drinking gender neutral mayors, governors, and Soros planted DA’s that have permitted and in fact, joined some of these “peaceful protests”.
Rock on man you are committing slow suicide by your own stupidity.
Доброго времени суток [url=].[/url] Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
Доброго времени суток [url=].[/url] Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
What good is an army of lawyers if Republicans own the courts? Sending out an army of lawyers is like sending out an army of ants to fight a giant anteater.
What good are the courts? Trump has lost about every court case, yet the Trump bulldozer continues to steamroll over the Constitution with only minor setbacks.
We are on the verge of completely losing our democracy because a mob of shithead, asshole, Trump supporters feel a need to strut their bigotry. What a bunch of fucking fools!!!
Well, it's any port in a loophole-shit-storm. At least Republicans have made known what they think their options might be. Dems have also been clear they have small army of lawyers ready to get to work.
I wonder how many generations we are away from election reform, or if it will ever be possible. Generation Z save yourselves, and show us what you got during this election!
I'm about halfway through Michael Cohen's book "Disloyal." His rendering is part personal biography and part mea culpa confessional, but more relevantly, it's a fairly well-written inside account of what it was like for a decade witnessing up close and personal Trump's many deep-seated psychoses -- a baseline pattern of crude immorality, corruption, and criminality on a daily basis. The "Boss" is simply incorrigible in all his dirty dealings, including as "president" (in name only).
Although somewhat egocentric (lots of "I, me, my, mine"), which is understandable given that it's a first-person narrative, Cohen, the ruthless fixer, does effectively put you in the moment. Unfortunately, he portrays himself not only as a key co-conspirator but as a victim also (well, I suppose, as are all Trump's acquaintances, including his own family), which is a little galling given that he was a willing participant in Trump's mob-like tactics and numerous, disgusting crimes. For an extremely ambitious New York lawyer, it was all about the lust for power and blind ambition -- an intoxicating brew hard to resist.
However, this sleazy lawyer's sense of victimhood is mitigated a bit by his rude awakening, genuine-seeming contrition, and brutal honesty about being a total bad guy and asshole on Trump's behalf. Of course, he didn't arrive at that great epiphany until circumstances forced it upon him; nonetheless, he still does a fairly good job, in my opinion, explaining his thought processes at the time, allowing readers to make their own judgments. So far, it rings true.
That Cohen's conduct was so blatantly low-life, in a New York street-wise kind of way, belies the fact he came from a good Jewish family and an upscale neighborhood and had led a fairly responsible life otherwise, until he came under the evil spell of Trumpism. He did run with some sketchy characters, though, as an older teen. He also rubbed elbows with several mob figures and their families when he worked at his uncle's establishment (bar, restaurant, gym), which catered to the criminal element so ubiquitous at the time. He was enthralled and inspired by these flashy wise guys, but there is no evidence that he participated in any of their crimes.
Later on, after finishing his law degree, Cohen thrived as a legitimate personal injury lawyer, and his business acumen in the rough and tumble, big-city taxi medallion and real estate markets allowed him to become quite wealthy in his own right, notwithstanding some associated legal troubles, to which he later pled guilty, I think, after he began cooperating with prosecutors. But for the most part, he was doing quite well for himself and his family and didn't need Trump in his life. Alas, the allure of power and influence in the rarified atmosphere of New York's elite business world was just too enticing and led to his downfall.
I would recommend "Disloyal" as an important piece of the puzzle, which should inform voters more fully about just who this great white savior of the Republican party actually is in real life. It's a page-turner, like rubbernecking a car wreck that's hard to ignore.
A glutton for punishment, it's on to Mary Trump's "Too Much and Not Enough" next and then to Bob Woodward's "Rage, which just arrived in the mail. Fck Bolton's book! His testimony should have been given at the impeachment trial first. I wouldn't send one nickel his way.
How is consciously and deliberately downplaying a deadly pandemic, which has led to more than 200,000 Americans dying lonely, miserable deaths not an impeachable offense, much more so than the Ukrainian affair?!
Dr. Gupta indicated there is strong evidence that 70% of the COVID deaths in America could have been prevented had the Trump administration acted early to "play up" the unquestionably essential, doctor recommended safety precautions and PPE emergency manufacturing and distribution requirements. (No, Donald, you fcking moron, the word your confused mind is searching for is not "up-play," which you absolutely did not do, you fcking liar.) This is criminal negligence on the same scale as a major war crime worthy of a trial at The Hague International Criminal Court. The stats:
Regardless of the outcome, the House should quickly vote out this undeniably impeachable "high crime" and stick it to the Republicans in the Senate, which musttake it up as their top priority per the Constitution. Get it on record and in the public consciousness before the election. Make Trump's Republican enablers squirm, as well they should!
It would also have the added benefit of throwing a gigantic monkey wrench into Moscow Mitch's nakedly hypocritical and patently unfair power-grabbing scheme to ram through Trump's SCOTUS nominee in record time. (Never forget Merrick Garland!) Plus, a mandatory impeachment process would significantly narrow the window for Republican Senators to defend their vulnerable seats on the campaign trail, which are more numerous than Democratic seats up for election.
Unfortunately, overly cautious Democrats don't play cynical hardball as well as overly shameless Republicans do, so don't expect top headlines on the matter any time soon when it could make a real difference. Trump and his consiglieres have screwed up things so badly that it's highly doubtful timid Democrats can ever put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
The fascist corporatization of America is nearly complete. We'll soon find out if the institutionalized, corporate-friendly Dems among us, weighing down the party, have the cajones it takes to seriously commit to reversing course and reclaiming our dying democracy. Fascism is America's clear and present danger, not socialism.
Chinese virus and the CDC
The US govt Sept 10, 2020 updated the survival rates (i.e., IF infected) for Covid19:
Age brackets
0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
Turn off the news, wash your hands, and wear your mask when appropriate.
70+ 94.6%
Mr. President, have we given you enough rope yet? I think we have some more here, should you need it.
In his god-awfulness are the seeds of change. Now it is up to those with common sense and a modicum of decency to plant, nurture, and harvest them. We believe in America, and it's our job to care for it. I'd like to leave it better than I found it.
Ali had his "rope-a-dope" strategy. I say, just keep talking Prump. If lives were not lost and people decimated on so many levels, I'd think we needed this wake-up call. Apparently the Senate-a unanimous Senate-heard the alarm. They pretty much sent him, his cabal, and cult members a big F-U today on this subject. Hallelujah!
That chupacabra thinks he is king. He is ripping our democracy away from us and the power to himself. He is doing exactly what Hitler did in Germany in 1933! He plans to be the US' first dictator and then emporer. Can somebody please make him an invisible suit? I heard he made "peace" in the Middle East? And that somebody nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize? Is that true? How nutty can this guy get? We might as well prepare to physically remmove him from the White House, whatever it takes. And please tell those born-again Christians, he is the devil in disguise!
In todays radio show Tom said Congressman Salwell was mistaken about what happens in Congress if the Presidential election is disputed. He cited the 12th amendment. This amendment does not apply yet. 3 US Code 5 "Determination of Controversies as to Appointment of Electors, would apply first.
Sadly he and his enablers will keep trying to get away with it as long as Americans let them. And let's face it, most people are followers who will just "go along to get along." Oh not everyone, but a lot. And when a man with name recognition puts on a splashy reality show and claims he has the answers for all their anger and frustration then some people will ignore what's behind the curtain. After all, a lot of folks equate wealth with success, and many barely remember the civics they learned in high school.
That's a very cynical and dark view, but you can't make people think. Those of us who do will keep at it, and he is so terrible that the election may come out with Biden clearly on top. What worries me more is the next, slicker dictator wannabe. And the insane reaction to these difficult times as expressed by QAnon is not a healthy sign at all. If this period has taught us anything it is that the president is too powerful, that many people in power will ignore the warning of creating a Frankenstein-like monster, and that eternal vigilence is indeed the price of liberty. Oh, and that education never stops. With the facts in front of them some people will always listen.
I 👍
I'm sorry to point this out, but the content of whatabout's innermost musings in the post above comes across as a trolling, rambling incoherence mess all over the board, much like what I imagine a Fux News segment must sound like to normal people not in the cult: all spit and fury, no substance.
Where is any sourcing worth a damn, any underpinning in outside reality that is not the mirror opposite (psychological projection on steroids?) of what's really going on in America, which is a rapid slide toward authoritarian fascism under Republican rule disguised as populism.
Their fantastical twisted version of unreality, a dystopian nightmare that puts George Orwell to shame, is what lies in our future if this dying democracy can't figure out how to elect politicians to the Executive branch and to the Senate who can garner majority support from the people they are supposed to represent.
Really, wingers should get down on their knees and thank their winger gods for the outdated Electoral College, which installed two Republican presidents who couldn't win the popular vote, and for the Senate, an inherently undemocratic institution that gives outsized leverage to rural states, when, for instance, in the 2018 midterms, 18 million more Americans voted for Democratic Senators, yet Republicans still hold the Senate. WTF! So, Republicans represent mostly empty land while Democrats represent real live voters by millions more.
At least this time, whatabout somehow avoided linking to deadly disinformation about the COVID pandemic that encourages people to disregard safety precautions, as he did in the previous thread.
I agree with you. Cohen is no hero. But that doesn't mean to not take his words seriously. But he has tried to make amends. You can do only so much. You either accept him or you don't.
I haven't read the book but listened to his podcast on Spotify. Hearing his voice is vastly different.
I'm telling you. Progressives who ideological purists such as what I hear on progressive outlets (like TYT) are going to hand Trump what he wants.
You really should be joining and working with the Lincoln Project. They just presented a campaign add supporting the efforts of protesting and BLM. Let's just get Trump out!
I don't see TYT talking to Miles Taylor. I know you would.
Taylor basically shook his head and said in so many words- you can't make this shit up.
Thank you
My friends told me about I’ve gone there to read various templates of A-winning academic papers. They were absolutely free.
These robots are the wordiest.
Amazing how irritating this technology has become.
What is really terrifying here is that the radical progressives and their ilk can’t see the forest for the trees. They are promoting and feeding directly into the dangerous and false Election Day narratives being weaved by once great newspapers that now have become nothing more than fodder for the checkout lanes at a grocery store like the WaPo and NYT, far left wing radio jaw flappers, and other self-important media figures on cable TV that play the fear card 24/7 just for the sake of ratings, all because after four years later they still have not accepted the results of the last presidential election.
It was “her” turn goddamnit!
"We must stop them",
I know, “let's stack the Supreme Court until we have seated enough lefties, pay the fines of hand selected black and Hispanic registered voters in key states, abolish the Electoral College, promote the shit out of mail-in voting, lower the voting age to 16, and add a couple of States to the union but only if they are democrat strongholds”.
If there is any post-election day violence, it will most assuredly be plotted and coordinated by some of the same repugnant slugs on the radical left who have orchestrated what has played out in cities like Portland, and Seattle, and the people we can blame for at inspiring the violence will be none other than spineless soy latte drinking gender neutral mayors, governors, and Soros planted DA’s that have permitted and in fact, joined some of these “peaceful protests”.
Rock on man you are committing slow suicide by your own stupidity.
Доброго времени суток [url=].[/url] Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
Доброго времени суток [url=].[/url] Ваш форум мне показался очень привлекательным и перспективным. Хочу приобрести рекламное место для баннера в шапке, за $1500 в месяц. Оплачивать буду через WebMoney, 50% сразу, а 50% через 2 недели. И еще, адрес моего сайта - он не будет противоречить тематике? Спасибо! Напишите о Вашем решении мне в ПМ или на почту
What good is an army of lawyers if Republicans own the courts? Sending out an army of lawyers is like sending out an army of ants to fight a giant anteater.
What good are the courts? Trump has lost about every court case, yet the Trump bulldozer continues to steamroll over the Constitution with only minor setbacks.
We are on the verge of completely losing our democracy because a mob of shithead, asshole, Trump supporters feel a need to strut their bigotry. What a bunch of fucking fools!!!
Well, it's any port in a loophole-shit-storm. At least Republicans have made known what they think their options might be. Dems have also been clear they have small army of lawyers ready to get to work.
I wonder how many generations we are away from election reform, or if it will ever be possible. Generation Z save yourselves, and show us what you got during this election!
Maybe showing everyone the actual certification dates of presidential elections in the past would help inoculate us against Republican pressure to declare a winner early?,_2016,_2020
Thank you for your show, Thom. We appreciate you!
Where is admin? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.
Where is admin? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.
Book report:
I'm about halfway through Michael Cohen's book "Disloyal." His rendering is part personal biography and part mea culpa confessional, but more relevantly, it's a fairly well-written inside account of what it was like for a decade witnessing up close and personal Trump's many deep-seated psychoses -- a baseline pattern of crude immorality, corruption, and criminality on a daily basis. The "Boss" is simply incorrigible in all his dirty dealings, including as "president" (in name only).
Although somewhat egocentric (lots of "I, me, my, mine"), which is understandable given that it's a first-person narrative, Cohen, the ruthless fixer, does effectively put you in the moment. Unfortunately, he portrays himself not only as a key co-conspirator but as a victim also (well, I suppose, as are all Trump's acquaintances, including his own family), which is a little galling given that he was a willing participant in Trump's mob-like tactics and numerous, disgusting crimes. For an extremely ambitious New York lawyer, it was all about the lust for power and blind ambition -- an intoxicating brew hard to resist.
However, this sleazy lawyer's sense of victimhood is mitigated a bit by his rude awakening, genuine-seeming contrition, and brutal honesty about being a total bad guy and asshole on Trump's behalf. Of course, he didn't arrive at that great epiphany until circumstances forced it upon him; nonetheless, he still does a fairly good job, in my opinion, explaining his thought processes at the time, allowing readers to make their own judgments. So far, it rings true.
That Cohen's conduct was so blatantly low-life, in a New York street-wise kind of way, belies the fact he came from a good Jewish family and an upscale neighborhood and had led a fairly responsible life otherwise, until he came under the evil spell of Trumpism. He did run with some sketchy characters, though, as an older teen. He also rubbed elbows with several mob figures and their families when he worked at his uncle's establishment (bar, restaurant, gym), which catered to the criminal element so ubiquitous at the time. He was enthralled and inspired by these flashy wise guys, but there is no evidence that he participated in any of their crimes.
Later on, after finishing his law degree, Cohen thrived as a legitimate personal injury lawyer, and his business acumen in the rough and tumble, big-city taxi medallion and real estate markets allowed him to become quite wealthy in his own right, notwithstanding some associated legal troubles, to which he later pled guilty, I think, after he began cooperating with prosecutors. But for the most part, he was doing quite well for himself and his family and didn't need Trump in his life. Alas, the allure of power and influence in the rarified atmosphere of New York's elite business world was just too enticing and led to his downfall.
I would recommend "Disloyal" as an important piece of the puzzle, which should inform voters more fully about just who this great white savior of the Republican party actually is in real life. It's a page-turner, like rubbernecking a car wreck that's hard to ignore.
A glutton for punishment, it's on to Mary Trump's "Too Much and Not Enough" next and then to Bob Woodward's "Rage, which just arrived in the mail. Fck Bolton's book! His testimony should have been given at the impeachment trial first. I wouldn't send one nickel his way.
Check out Rachel Maddow's latest exposé here.
How is consciously and deliberately downplaying a deadly pandemic, which has led to more than 200,000 Americans dying lonely, miserable deaths not an impeachable offense, much more so than the Ukrainian affair?!
Dr. Gupta indicated there is strong evidence that 70% of the COVID deaths in America could have been prevented had the Trump administration acted early to "play up" the unquestionably essential, doctor recommended safety precautions and PPE emergency manufacturing and distribution requirements. (No, Donald, you fcking moron, the word your confused mind is searching for is not "up-play," which you absolutely did not do, you fcking liar.) This is criminal negligence on the same scale as a major war crime worthy of a trial at The Hague International Criminal Court. The stats:
Regardless of the outcome, the House should quickly vote out this undeniably impeachable "high crime" and stick it to the Republicans in the Senate, which must take it up as their top priority per the Constitution. Get it on record and in the public consciousness before the election. Make Trump's Republican enablers squirm, as well they should!
It would also have the added benefit of throwing a gigantic monkey wrench into Moscow Mitch's nakedly hypocritical and patently unfair power-grabbing scheme to ram through Trump's SCOTUS nominee in record time. (Never forget Merrick Garland!) Plus, a mandatory impeachment process would significantly narrow the window for Republican Senators to defend their vulnerable seats on the campaign trail, which are more numerous than Democratic seats up for election.
Unfortunately, overly cautious Democrats don't play cynical hardball as well as overly shameless Republicans do, so don't expect top headlines on the matter any time soon when it could make a real difference. Trump and his consiglieres have screwed up things so badly that it's highly doubtful timid Democrats can ever put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
The fascist corporatization of America is nearly complete. We'll soon find out if the institutionalized, corporate-friendly Dems among us, weighing down the party, have the cajones it takes to seriously commit to reversing course and reclaiming our dying democracy. Fascism is America's clear and present danger, not socialism.
Where is admin? It is important. Thank.
Where is admin? It is important. Thank.