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  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 19 weeks ago

    Все, собственно что нужно для начала изучения – это компьютер присоединенный к онлайну. Ваш катализатор и вожделение дозволит добиться этих высот, коих Вы сами пожелаете, а мы для сего предоставим великолепные способности изучения, организуем посыла и мотивацию! русско чешском языке онлайн

  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 19 weeks ago

    Все, собственно что нужно для начала изучения – это компьютер присоединенный к онлайну. Ваш катализатор и вожделение дозволит добиться этих высот, коих Вы сами пожелаете, а мы для сего предоставим великолепные способности изучения, организуем посыла и мотивацию! изучение чешского языка онлайн

  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 19 weeks ago

    Все, собственно что нужно для начала изучения – это компьютер присоединенный к онлайну. Ваш катализатор и вожделение дозволит добиться этих высот, коих Вы сами пожелаете, а мы для сего предоставим великолепные способности изучения, организуем посыла и мотивацию! изучение чешского языка онлайн

  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 19 weeks ago

    I dont think I've ever been so glad to be Canadian. Mind you, there is that 5000 mile undefended border. In many ways I feel like a Pole in 1938. I just hope you can get your country back in a few weeks and flip the Senate so you can undo the damage. You are goign to have to play them at their own game. Adding 2 more court seats would put it back the way it is, with Roberts as the swing vote. That would be be morally justifiable without looking like stacking.

  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Why the Democrats don't frame McConnell's blocking of the first black president's judicial nominee loudly and publicly as racist while he bends his own rule for the whitest president I'll never know. I haven't even seen a headline or article making this point. Every time it is brought up it should be phrased, " McConnell's racist stonewalling of Obama's nominee."

  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 20 weeks ago

    When there are attempts to keep a social structure in place past its expiration date, disruptive change becomes the norm. There are several things about the U.S. Federal Court system that are woefully out of date.

    Life Tenure. In the early republic, life tenure was likely around 12 to 16 years per the NY Times research a while back. This fit the goal of ensuring the independence of the judiciary because it would insulate them from electoral cycles. But it did not totally insulate the judges from the generational cycles. With tenures now more 25 years, justices are two to three generations removed from societal reality.

    Precedent. The U.S. system of case precedent (stare decisis) is based on a 17th Century legal concept when there was very little statutory law and certainly no administrative law. Transposing a common law system into what is today a code system gives too much power to the courts and lets the legislative branch be lazy in solving problems. Many of the later democracies have restricted precedent power on constitutional items to being only binding on the parties in the particular case and then requiring the legislature to sort things out.

    Too much power in judicial review. Marshall's power grab in 1803 in Marbury vs. Madison has put the judicial system in what may be a too powerful place. In many federal systems, the supreme court has very limited jurisdiction and often cannot overrule state decisions. A power grab that may have worked with a largely illiterate population of 5 million and 16 states is not necessarily the right solution for today.

    Governance systems that fail to change with society eventually implode. As evident with the USSR's inability to cope with a declining relative population of the dominant demographic, implosion can be sudden and rapid. The current court powerplay may well be the trigger of events that sets off our own implosion. I hope not, but it is not looking good right now.

  • A Hard-right Supreme Court Nominee Could Completely Alter Life As We Know It   4 years 20 weeks ago

    The elephant in the room is that Reps are not idealogues, unless greed for money payoffs qualifies. Their judges voted to liberate marriage and have carved out a new Suspect Class based on sexual preference or none. They do what the Corporate bosses tell them for money, like the Swiss bank scandal of UBS where it was revealed that a hundred thousand in America were hiding and evading taxes offshore, yet nobody was prosecuted because they were judges and lawyers. This bull about pro-life is a perfect example. They fear losing the majority and since white women are the ones getting abortions, they pretend it is about God. They love the death penalty and worship murderers with assault rifles, especially when in uniform. Their hucksters framed all the arguments while Dems accede like a bunch of sissies. Their women lead, but are reviled as if lesbian hytericals, The latest Qanon is what Dems could have captured, like they could have the Tea Party, since it is all about intenational banksters who appear to have video of not just Trump but Dems too. Otherwise one must ask, why are they so feckless? If Trump taught us anything, it is that this two party system is the problem. He was hated by all, yet his bombastic style was seen as refreshing for white working folks who are so mad that they are easily misled, as were Germans, in a society that they found immoral and declining economically.They had part of the problem right and blamed the banksters as should the Dems today. Obama was a shill for the banks and was probably hand-picked with the agreement of the press. If we had another Democrat like Hughy Long today [like Ebeth Warren but a man] Reps would vote for him over Trump any day of the week. They want a white guy with gumption. When you see failed states in the 3rd world, where reverse racism became reality, like Haiti or Zimbabwe, and now S. Africa, can you entirely blame them?

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    It's what the climate scientists say; Bernie, AOC, "and the likes" are just repeating it and, more importantly, trying hard to act upon it.

    The rapid pace of human-caused global warming and climate destruction renders hope of any technological breakthroughs saving our butts "in the very long run" a moot point. The crisis is already well underway. The research is already well documented. If Homo sapiens don't act now, the destruction will be insurmountable and irreversible very soon.

    Sure, nuke tech is good for medicinal and other beneficial applications, but not for producing electricity at scale to satiate the insanity of exponentially expanding overconsumption by the masses, even as a bridge to renewables. Here are several reasons why: 1, 2.

    By every measure, humankind's selfishness, violence, and misuse of technology have caused a self-inflicted crisis of staggering proportions, impacting and threatening all life on Earth. A "pale blue dot," lost in an immense and unforgiving vacuum, has miraculously harbored and evolved an intricate and interdependent tree of life for billions of years, resilient and proliferate enough to survive all that nature, a harsh mistress, could throw at it -- until the arrogance and stupidity of one species.

  • Did the Destruction of America Begin with Ronald Reagan?   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Anytime the "Ruskies" are brought into the mix, I recommend to just run. Biggest deep state scam going since Mcarthyism. So depressing that the dems continue to look for scapegoats rather than curing the cancer within.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Переходите по ссылке: гидра через тор - и бросайте употреблять разные гадости не губите свое здоровье.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Переходите по ссылке: гидра через тор - и бросайте употреблять разные гадости не губите свое здоровье.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    @deepspace Technology is a one-way strret. It needs to be used. Hi tech demands high care, high respect and high awareness. Nuclear stuff offers a "clean" source of electricity (in terms of CO2 emissions), unique medicinal therapies (for certain forms of cancer) and other minor uses (smoke detectors, accurate clocks for scientific applications etc)).

    "Renewable" energy tecnologies are only partially renewable. As with other technologies there are pros and cons. I agree with promoting research in this direction because in the very long run they are going to be beneficial for humanity. But it is too early to enforce them as the only solution. This is, imo, one of the weak points (and possibly the only one) of Sanders, AOC and the likes.

    The true "value" of technology is best left to true technocrats. Politicians, greedy corporations and "crusaders" of various beliefs are best left out, especially in times (like ours) that technology is advancing so fast that it seems to be "exploding". Going back to "the caves" is by evolution not feasible.

    Apart from this (small? big?) point of yours I share (or should i write i cherish?) your opinion as to how we have reached this point of our history and how we should probably deal with it.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago
  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Ннаша компания доставит любую мотозапчасть взжатый срок прямо в пункт выдачи автозапчасти для иномарок ru - автозапчасти сегодня. Помимо стремления предоставить обширный ассортиментный набор автомобильных аксессуаров, сотрудники нашей фирмы дополнительно выполняем работы над возможностью легких и быстрых приобретений у нас онлайн-магазине. В связи с обширным перечнем параметров и типов автомашин каждой марки, мы придумали поэтапную систему заказа. Таким образом, мыможем исключить упущений и покупок неудобных запчастей. Закажите у нас авто завпчасти и дополнительно получайте скидку в цене на следующий свой заказ!

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Ннаша компания доставит любую мотозапчасть взжатый срок прямо в пункт выдачи автозапчасти для иномарок ru - автозапчасти сегодня. Помимо стремления предоставить обширный ассортиментный набор автомобильных аксессуаров, сотрудники нашей фирмы дополнительно выполняем работы над возможностью легких и быстрых приобретений у нас онлайн-магазине. В связи с обширным перечнем параметров и типов автомашин каждой марки, мы придумали поэтапную систему заказа. Таким образом, мыможем исключить упущений и покупок неудобных запчастей. Закажите у нас авто завпчасти и дополнительно получайте скидку в цене на следующий свой заказ!

  • Did the Destruction of America Begin with Ronald Reagan?   4 years 20 weeks ago

    @ #9 Some of us progressives do embrace god & religion, difference is, we invent OUR OWN versions of both, because the others did too.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Привет! Если ты тоже любишь хорошие наушники, а может и плееры и вообще увлекаешься качественным звуком, приглашаем тебя в Telegram канал Портативный Hi-Fi Все последние новости и инсайды появляются у нас! Так же есть чат при канале, для простого общения. Можно спросить, например, какие лучше выбрать наушники под твой жанр и бюджет. Ждем тебя

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Привет! Если ты тоже любишь хорошие наушники, а может и плееры и вообще увлекаешься качественным звуком, приглашаем тебя в Telegram канал Портативный Hi-Fi Все последние новости и инсайды появляются у нас! Так же есть чат при канале, для простого общения. Можно спросить, например, какие лучше выбрать наушники под твой жанр и бюджет. Ждем тебя

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Again, Whatabutt posting FAKE NEWS in #2. This time it started with Fox News but soon went to the others such as Breitbart. People like Whatabutt are comforted by listening to lies. It makes them feel better because it is what they want to hear. And they do not hesitate to post it and spead it. Whatabutt, The Republicans are a bunch of liars.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    The price of good whiskey is sobering.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    What is your inflation rate? The Fed says 1% and they may let it go to 2%. Social Security annual increases are based on that 1%. But, I am helping my son build a house and building materials are literally going through the roof. More like 16% in a few months. Restaurant to go orders (I no longer eat out) are hard to swallow. Cars prices will drive you crazy. You really get clipped for a haircut. Due to Covid my wife now cuts my hair, a huge sacrifice for me.

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    This is comical. I received mine about a week ago. Maybe they are cancelling future ones.

    USPS agrees to scrap confusing election mailers in Colorado

  • Trump's Latest Failure Could Kill 6 million Americans   4 years 20 weeks ago

    ...Then the taxpayers through our representatives and the democratic process should fire all predatory CEOs immediately and force every company operating in the U.S. (benefitting hugely from our spend-happy markets and modern, albeit crumbling, infrastructure) to reform their grossly lopsided governing boards by including fair and equal labor representation and consumer advocacy.

    Or even better, taxpaying workers and citizens should facilitate a system of worker-owned co-ops that share the wealth in as many industries as possible, with all the benefits going to those who deserve them. And give Wall Street the serious competition it deserves.

    Runaway Republican socialism for the filthy rich -- fascism -- must end now! The longer their thought viruses fester in society, the harder our inevitable collapse on all fronts. This is supposed to be a people's democracy, not a casino and a third-world amusement park for economic royalty and strongman wannabes.

    Oh yeah, as long as we're building a better future for our children (?), let's get rid of all nuke plants, all fossil fuel polluters, and go 100% clean energy. If not now, when?

    Climate suicide, endless oil wars, extreme wealth disparity, spiraling social unrest, religious fundamentalism, ideological nonsense, lies, lies, and more lies are all part and parcel of wingnut dystopia. Unregulated capitalism -- unfettered greed -- had its heyday and, predictably, failed spectacularly. The world truly is on the Eve of Destruction.

    It's past time to find a workable balance between "free enterprise" and "the commons," as the Founders intended, and to get big money out of politics so that normal citizens control the reins of power, as the Founders intended.

  • Did the Destruction of America Begin with Ronald Reagan?   4 years 20 weeks ago

    St. Reagan played his finest role as POTUS. Meanwhile, he and his minions took their marching orders from the same kind of malignant oligarchs, who buy the politicians to slant the rules, to favor the uber-rich.

    Just like DJT, and ALL his predecessors.

    Try and change this scenario, and you're toast.

    That's today's American empire.

  • The blowback over masks is just the latest faux conservative outrage   4 years 20 weeks ago

    Yes, it's a good idea to wear a seat belt, or a mask, but giving police an excuse to pull people over for failing to conform is why we live in the most efficient police state in history. These 'conservatives' blather on about 'smaller government' but are always willing to create new oppressive policing bureaucracies like the Department of Homeland Security, or the new militarized 'Space Force'. The only part of the government they seem to really object to are the parts designed to help people survive. Being 'free to starve to death' isn't much of a freedom, is it?

    No, they have a point, although couched in stupidity. None of us like the oppressive way this has played out. Give us the information and trust the majority of us to make wise decisions. Forcing us to do things like pay for over priced health insurance just feeds into the outrage. I voted for Nader at one time, but I also have fought against our police state mentality for most of my life. It's depressing that we just love to put people in cages for daring to 'sin' when it's verboten.

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