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  • Whose Order is Being Disordered by ADHD?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Yes! Thank you. I 110% back the author's stance. Millions are prescribed ADHD prescriptions and the number is only increasing by the years.

    I will continue reading your aritcles,
    Bob - Mold Removal Nashville Tn

  • Trump Goes Full Authoritarian Dictator   4 years 17 weeks ago

    …and of course, President Trump will denounce White Supremacists-2 weeks from tomorrow!

  • Transcript: Bernie Sanders: Economy, Bailouts. 19 December 2008   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Still today we are facing the same situations. Thank you to the administration for this site.

    Bob - Inspecteur Batiment Brossard

  • Trump Goes Full Authoritarian Dictator   4 years 17 weeks ago


    In politics, two weeks is an eternity. In Trump World, two weeks is even longer.

    (We miss you, Yogi Berra.)

  • Trump Goes Full Authoritarian Dictator   4 years 17 weeks ago

    No need to worry friends. All will be well in just 2 weeks. Just like that sign on the wall of you favorite bar that says: “Free Drinks—Tomorrow”…that’s the way it works with President Trump. Everything will always only be 2 weeks away. We will have great healthcare, you’ll love it-in 2 weeks. We will have a vaccine for the Covid-19 virus-in 2 weeks. The recession will end-in 2 weeks. We’ll have great infrastructure-in 2 weeks. We’ll have full employment-in 2 weeks. We’ll cut taxes for everyone to zero-in 2 weeks. President Trump will unveil his plan for world peace-in 2 weeks. We’ll solve the climate crisis-in 2 weeks. We’ll solve the problem of world hunger-in 2 weeks...

    I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the picture. So friends, keep your chin up and remember Trumptopia is only 2 weeks away. Your gonna love it! It’ll be the greatest of all time. There has never been anything like it. He’ll do more in 2 weeks than has been done in the whole history of the world. Just think, it all begins 2 weeks from tomorrow!

  • Trump Goes Full Authoritarian Dictator   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Yup, totally got us. I guess some people erroneously assume the Trumpees should know that I might regret if anyone maybe could have been offended, theoretically, by something they obviously misinterpreted from a possible false accusation of what I don't remember saying. (Still working on the politicians' art of the "non-apology/apology.)

    Verily, verily, I say unto you that it's time all those fcking mean and nasty haters on the left come clean and apologize for not seeing the sheer, stablely genius of Trump's intoxicating (hic) charisma in bringing people together and managing the superb state of our Union and, of course, in expertly masterminding such a "powerful response" to COVID-19 -- truly, the "best in the world." Who'd a thunk that "herd mentality" was the way forward?

    "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Trump art with me; thy ...ah... "rod" and thy "staff" they comfort me." (And, ahem, Eric Trump ain't a queer, goddammit!) Amen.

    For penance (besides swearing off mixing whiskey with LSD), I shall commit forevermore not to wear a mask in the stifling, cheek-to-jowl crowds of righteously angry, loudly chanting true believers and to breathe in deeply all their spittle and snot and venom so that I may, Lord willing, be sacrificed on the altar of His Highness's re-election campaign, selflessly performing my patriotic and sacred duty by proudly joining the six million martyrs who must die for this glorious crusade and quest for higher truth and almighty wingerism.

    "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your Trump can do for you — ask what you can do for your Trump." Be proud, boys, and take a stand: "stand back; stand by." (For only the low, low price of $19.99, while they last.)

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Yes, again!

  • Trump Goes Full Authoritarian Dictator   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Let me be the first, that posts on his site, to apologize to the President and all of his supporters. How wrong I’ve been! How could one person be so adorable, rational, sane, tactful, so fuzzy and warm. It was like having Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Churchill, FDR and Einstein all rolled up in one.

    That Melania sure is one lucky woman. Eat your heart out Michelle!

    If Trump could be that cuddly and charming during the debate, just imagine how charismatic and wonderful he must be when he’s in the White House when the cameras are turned off.

    How could Mattis, Tillerson, Comey, Cohen and all the rest of those ingrates have turned their back on this most pious and incredibly capable man? “Fucking moron” my ass! Is that any way to talk to our messiah? If ever there was a “stable genius” we saw it on full display last night in the person of Donald Trump.

    I feel thoroughly humbled. Someone should contact the Vatican and have Trump nominated for sainthood. How many miracles does one person have to perform? In the olden days you could make sainthood by healing a leper or two. Nowadays, saving a couple of million lives doesn’t even qualify for a little respect! Hell, for all I know, Trump probably saved my life and I don’t even know it. Thanks Mr. President! No need to ever even think of having another president as long as we have St. Donald around. How pointless would that be?

    And don’t even think of getting me started on those unrivaled oratory skills. Eat your heart out Obama!

    I’m sure that Thom, Legend, Deepspace, Dr. Richard, could not agree with me more. I throughly expect everyone’s apologies to be posted as soon as possible. We must spend the balance of our lives atoning and making amends for all the wrongs we have done to this great man. Surly, America is now united as one, the lion lays down with the lamb and America is “Great Again.” Is it too soon to propose St. Donald’s Day as a national holiday? I think not!


  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Was it Pr. Lying Lips or Pr. Gobbldegook who was in that debate last night?? I think rather sedition he should be tried for aiding and abetting in the manslaughter or negligent deaths of 250,000 Americans Throw in the cabinet for dereliction of duty for not innvoking the 25th amendment. to stop this killer. I call him Death Vader

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    If you look at Fox News they call the debate a Trump Victory. "He was in Command". Journalism has sunk to new lows.

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Every effort to "strew hate and discontent among the enemy" (to paraphrase Sun Tzu) shows us how active the Active Measures team from GRU and other teams are. We need desperately information we can All believe and truth we can depend on, a scarce commodity these days!
    Where's Walter Kronkite when we need him?!

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Next-to-last P; "...more excepting of it."
    The cons keep on coming! Think I'll go watch Paper Moon again... Thanks, Thom!

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  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Sorry, alis -- was trying to some doing some quick editing and got carried away (haha, more insults) while you had posted, so accidentally jumped ahead.

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    FU Hanky! Trump totally blew that debate all on his own by being the squealing, sweaty pig that he is, constantly interrupting with bullying, gibbering nonsense, and baseless accusations for all to witness. Biden was right to tell this immoral, impolite, obnoxious ignoramus to just "shut up!" And don't be pushing that phony "Bernie bro" crap around these parts, troll. Right there is a big reason Democrats lost 2016 and Trump is president -- jerkoffs sucking Trump's fat ass. Thom is Bernie's friend and backed him in both primaries and gave him a platform upon which to speak. And you would know that fact if you actually followed his show instead of just pretending to be informed and then acting like the high and mighty judge. You would also know that Bernie has strongly and repeatedly condemned haters and fools and nut cases like you -- pawning themselves off as principled liberals -- and that he backs Biden and the Democratic Party one hundred percent. These inbred trolls' whole phony schtick is a lame and transparent hit job from the truly ignorant white-nationalist swamp, so far to the right that they fell off the edge of the flat Earth long ago. Nobody listens to or cares what you have to say. Go change your diapers, little white boy, and crawl back into your ding-a-ling shthole, the Russian troll farm, the Republican party, or whatever looney bin that lost you during a bathroom break. What a desecration of the American flag!

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Bernie supports Thom and Joe. He still comes on the show. He has asked us to vote for Joe and Kamala. In fact, Thom brought many good people into the Bernie camp by giving him another media resource. Case closed!

    If the vaccine works and is accepted, it won't be thanks to Trump. The people will have financed it, scientists will have worked tirelessly to perfect it, and those on the front lines will have sacrificed to get it to us.

    The con may eventually become a convict.

    We live in interesting times. Don't bite your nails, stay out of crowds, please please wear your mask, and VOTE. Even better, wear a mask that says VOTE!

  • The Republican Party's sordid history in Florida shows just how far they'll go to save Trump   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Yeah. I completely agree with this post. You are going on the right track and is very wonderful. Best VPS Hostings the reason for this that no one knows what exactly is going on with them.

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Everything about Creepy Senile Joe Bidens Democratic Party nomination is a CON Thom. Everything! It was rigged for him from the start. The DNC stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and Thom Hartman YOU sat there and said nothing about it. You let the corrupt corporate puppet DNC establishment thugs steal it from Bernie Sanders! Thom Hartman YOU ARE A FRAUD. Your books, your TV shows, and your radio shows are all lies. You beleive nothing you say. When it came down to it you picked the currupt Corporate establishment over the peoples candidate in Bernie Sanders.

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is important. Regards.

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Can I contact admin?? It is important. Regards.

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    Short answer. Yes!

  • Is Every Single Part Of the Trump Presidency a Con?   4 years 17 weeks ago

    America has struggled to survive a decades long journey covered with conservative cons. I remember the 1980 debate Con of Benedict Ronald:

    "No negotiations with terrorists of any kind"... Reagan soon became the "weapons for hostages negotiator." All should understand:

    You can never take the "Con" out of conservative.

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