Thom's Blog

Why are we letting Americans go hungry?

In the richest nation on Earth, tens of millions of Americans are struggling to find enough to eat. According to the new “Hunger in America” report from the organization Feeding America, 46.5 million people in our country rely on food assistance programs to survive.

Earth's credit card has been maxed out!

If Earth's resources were a credit card, we have already maxed out our entire allocation for this year. The think tank Global Footprint Network announced that August 19th was “Earth Overshoot Day,” meaning that all the resources we use after that day exceed what our planet can produce in a single year.

It’s Time for Bill O’Reilly to Get Real about White Privilege

It’s time for white America to get real about white privilege. Last night, Bill O’Reilly came from back vacation early to host a special edition of “The Factor”, one that he said would “tell the truth” about what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri.

Keystone would be way worse than we thought!

We already know that the Keystone XL pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. But, it turns out that the impact of that tar sands pipeline could be even worse than we thought. According to a new study by the Stockholm Environmental Institute, Keystone could add four times more carbon pollution to our atmosphere than the State Department originally estimated.

The Ferguson Effect On Our Great Grand Children

A few weeks ago, Congressman Paul Ryan released his latest proposal for tackling America’s poverty epidemic. Unfortunately, the plan does very little to combat poverty in our country, and instead, continues the devastating austerity policies that Ryan himself helped to create. Thanks to those policies, entire communities across America are underwater, and struggling to survive in tough economic times.

Stop Complaining About Big Government & Embrace It

Bigger government means bigger smiles – but don’t tell that to Republicans. It’s nearly impossible to go a day in Washington without hearing a Republican complain about the horrors of “big government.” That’s because they love to blame “big government” for all of our nation’s problems, big or small.

The Banksters are raking it in...

Our economy is still struggling since the 2009 financial crash, but the banksters who caused that crash are raking in record profits. In the second quarter of 2013, American banks reported a combined profit of $40.24 billion dollars.

War always comes home...

Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying that, “Nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Well, you can actually add one more certainty to that list: Wars always come home. That’s right. While the people who start wars never think about it or plan for it, wars always come home.

Should the Internet Be Like The Public Library?

As Americans, we love to think we’re number one, but the truth is that when it comes to internet speed we’re pretty mediocre. In fact, one recent study put the U.S. at number 31 in the world in overall download speed, lagging behind much smaller and less developed countries like Estonia, Hungary, and Slovakia. Internet speeds in the U.S.

Advice for Meet the Press

It’s time to bring back a Washington institution. Yesterday, Politico’s Mike Allen broke the news that Chuck Todd, NBC’s political director and chief White House correspondent, is the favorite to replace David Gregory and take over the helm at “Meet The Press.” An official announcement on the switch is expected to be made in the next few weeks according to Allen.

Another Unarmed Black Teen Shot by Militarized Police

Where have all the good cops gone? On Saturday, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer. Brown’s death has sparked considerable outrage in Ferguson, with protests and riots breaking out all weekend long, and continuing today.

It's Time for Big Business to show a little 'Economic Patriotism'

Walgreens has caved to public pressure and announced that they will not move their base overseas to avoid paying US taxes. However, we need to do a heck of a lot more to stop other businesses from moving offshore. The company was considering a move called an “inversion” to acquire a Switzerland-based company called Alliance Boots, and relocate their headquarters to the lower-tax nation.

It's time to protect our water supply!

We can't survive without clean water, but we're completely irresponsible when it comes to protecting this vital resource. This week, a half a million people in Ohio were told that their water was so toxic that they should avoid any contact, and more than a billion gallons of mining waste poisoned drinking water for many Canadians.

Is Google the New Sheriff in Town?

First there was Google Maps, then there was Google Books, and then there was Google Glass.

We’re Being Robbed Every Time We Fly

There’s a stunning lack of choice for American consumers today, and nowhere is that more evident than in our nation’s ever-shrinking airline industry. According to a new report from the AP, the average roundtrip ticket to anywhere in the U.S.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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