Thom's Blog

The other way we're subsidizing Walmart...

Most of us know how taxpayers subsidize Walmart's low wages with billions of dollars in Medicaid, food stamps, and other financial assistance for workers. But, did you know that we're also subsidizing the retail giant by paying the cost of their environmental destruction.

Politifact left the house without their pants on

Liar liar pants on fire…or are they?

We Need to Act Now to Save the Post Office

Congress has a lot on its plate this lame-duck session. It has to pass a bill to continue to fund the government by December 11, should fill a number of judicial vacancies, and, at least according to the Constitution, must either authorize or put an end to the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But those are just the major headline-grabbing items.

Why aren't we doing more to save our planet?

Considering the stark warnings that scientists have given about climate change, it's hard to understand how another round of new climate-deniers got elected to Congress. Well, neuroscience may have finally solved that riddle.

Why the MSM Is Gung-Ho On War & Silencing Anti-War Voices

Corporate media’s addiction to infotainment is stifling debate in our country.

Unequal... and we don't even know it...

The United States is the most unequal society in the developed world, but most Americans don't even know it. According to a new article by Les Leopold over at Alternet, most Americans think that the ratio of CEO to employee pay is about 30 to 1, despite the fact that it's more than 10 times that amount.

Conservatives Lie About Net Neutrality for Big Bucks

When it comes to net neutrality, conservatives are absolutely clueless.

George W Bush Killed Tomas Young

George W. Bush has killed again.

Veterans...we're sorry for how our country treated you

It’s time to stop saying thank you, and start saying sorry.

Time To Say Goodbye To Judicial Overreach

The Supreme Court has turned America from a republic into a constitutional monarchy.

Last week, the Supreme Court announced that it would hear yet another conservative-fueled challenge to Obamacare. This time, the attack on Obamacare focuses on the phrasing of one sentence in the Affordable Care Act that talks about who can receive subsidies under the healthcare law.

Time is not on our side.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued it's most severe warning yet. Last week, the IPCC released it's newest report, which says that global warming is threatening our very survival. Although most developed countries are taking action on climate change, many developing nations are using more fossil fuels as they industrialize.

Dems Duped by the Caucus Room Conspiracy

Dear Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Schultz,

You've been played for a sucker by the Republicans, and it worked. Tuesday night’s blow to Democrats could have been prevented; in fact, you could have won big, nationally. But you lost, and here's why.

The Fatal Flaw with Democracy

Of all the depressing things to take away from last night’s elections – and believe me, there are many – the most depressing is probably the fact that we have outsourced our political process to factions. Actual candidates and actual campaigns no longer run the show; billionaires and dark money do.

Will the billionaires buy another election?

You need to know this…The 2014 midterm elections are officially the most expensive midterm elections in American history. According to the Center for Responsive Politics around $3.67 billion will be spent this election cycle - beating out the previous record of $3.63 billion spent in the 2010 midterms.

Why hasn't BP been given the corporate death penalty?

The 2010 BP oil disaster released about 5 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and according to a new study, about 2 million barrels are still trapped on the ocean floor. The study, called Fallout Plume of Submerged Oil from Deepwater Horizon, was conducted by researchers from the University of California, and led by geochemistry professor Dave Valentine.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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