Thom's Blog

Our kids are counting on us to reverse austerity.

According to UNICEF, even in the world's richest countires, children remain “the most enduring victims” of the recession. In the last six years, 2.6 million more kids have fallen below the poverty line, and more than half of them live right here in the United States.

Green World Rising

In two previous videos narrated by Leonard DiCaprio and available over at, we’ve seen the dangers that global warming and climate change present for our planet and the human race.

Should public radio program in the public interest?

NPR is supposed to be our national public radio, but they're barely covering climate issues that are in the public's interest.

Only one month ago, a national New York Times/CBS News poll found that half of all Americans think that global warming is already having a serious impact. Sixty percent of those surveyed even said that protecting our environment should be a priority “even at the risk of curbing economic growth.”

What has greed cost America?

Gordon Gecko was wrong. Greed is not good. It’s very, very bad. And, it’s destroying America a little more each day.

This morning on MSNBC's conservative Morning Joe show, rock icon Graham Nash had this to say about the Koch Brothers.

Are we in another bubble?

The United States has added more than $31 trillion dollars of household wealth since the crash of 2008, but that's not necessarily something to celebrate. According to the Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse, wealth accumulation is outpacing income, which may be a sign of upcoming economic trouble.

Time to Rethink the War on Terror

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When Eric Holder eventually steps down as Attorney General, he will leave behind a complicated legacy, some of it tragic, like his decision not to prosecute Wall Street after the financial crisis, and his all-out war on whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.

Who Should an Economy Serve?

The top one percent own half of all the world's assets. In stark contrast, the bottom fifty percent of the world owns less than one percent. According to the 2014 Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse, global inequality has surged since the 2008 financial collapse. The report explains that while global wealth has more than doubled since the year 2000, the vast majority of overall growth has gone to those who were already wealthy.

End. Fracking. Now!

California is already dealing with the worst drought in that state's history. So, the last thing residents needed was to learn that some of their dwindling water supply has been contaminated.

The Real Rick Scott Debate Scandal

The state of commercial media in America today is that "if it bleeds, it leads." Rather than provide us with real news, our corporatized media gives us ratings-driven infotainment drivel, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They go for the bright and sparkly stuff, instead of the substance.

A Red State Privatization Horror Story

Conservatives and libertarians have been saying for a long, long time that if we just get rid of government and replace it with the private sector, everything will run a whole lot better.

Is This "American Exceptionalism"?

Just how exceptional is America really? Everyone loves to talk about American exceptionalism. We constantly hear our politicians say that “America is the greatest country in the world.” But just how great are we?

In reality, when it comes to things that could really make America great, we’re lagging behind much of the developed world.

The Truth About Columbus Day - Why Are We Celebrating?

We should all be celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Today, while millions across America are celebrating Columbus Day, the city of Seattle is celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day. That’s because last week, the Seattle city council unanimously passed a resolution to honor the contributions and cultures of Native Americans on the second Monday of October.

The Real Redistribution

Republicans love to whine about redistribution of wealth, but it's all just an act. They may scream about “socialist” welfare programs, they don't make a peep when massive amounts of America's wealth goes straight to the top.

Twitter fights for #FreeSpeech!

Twitter wants to tell you that you're being spied on. This week, the social media company sued the U.S. Justice Department for the right to reveal the number and nature of requests for private user information.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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