Thom's Blog

We need less offshore drilling... not more!

While environmental groups work tirelessly to end offshore oil drilling, the Obama Administration proposes opening up new areas along our coastline to fossil fuel extraction.

The Real NFL Scandal

Seattle’s decision to throw the ball at the goal line with 20 seconds to go in last night’s Super Bowl was a costly one. But in the long run, it won’t be nearly as costly to the rest of America as the National Football League itself.

The Middle Class Needs More Than Talking Points

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been talking a lot about the middle class. But, that talk is cheap as long as their in bed with Wall Street.

Billionaires won't be happy until America becomes Greece...

Billionaires don’t need a social safety net, so they’re using the right-wing spin machine to destroy it.

Who will be this Generation’s Thomas Jefferson?

We could be looking at the end of the American experiment, and it has gone so far that it'll take a political revolution to set things right again.

The Deficits Republicans Don't Want to Talk About

I agree with Republicans - America has a deficit problem. It’s just not the same deficit problem Republicans are freaking out about.

The TPP Will Sink the Middle Class

Six years into his presidency, President Obama is now taking heat from a surprising place: congressional Democrats, who are lining up against his plan to force the Trans-Pacific-Partnership, or TPP, through congress without any debate whatsoever.

The Post-Citizens United Era.

This month marks five years since the United States Supreme Court made their infamous ruling in the case of Citizens United v. FEC. That ruling turned a century of legal precedent on its head with the declaration that corporations have a First Amendment right to spend money in elections. And, that ruling opened the floodgates to massive spending levels in our political process.

Is John Boehner a Traitor?

John Boehner may be a traitor.

On Wednesday, the Speaker of the House confirmed that he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to come speak to Congress, “on the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life.”

The Myth of Obama Moving to the Left

The line in right-wing media today is that last night’s State of the Union address is a sign that President Obama is moving to “the left.”

Thom's State of the Union

My fellow Americans…

The state of our union is strong, but it could be so much stronger. Over the past year, we’ve continued to see how our politicians are bought off by Big Oil tycoons, Wall Street billionaires, and giant transnational corporations. And that’s the first challenge facing America right now.

4 Ways Republicans Are Trying to Take Us Back to the Jim Crow Era

If you haven’t already seen Selma, the new movie about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the fight for voting rights, do it tonight or tomorrow. It’s a great film - one of the best I’ve seen in a long time - and it does a great job of showing why all successful social movements start from the bottom up. But what’s really amazing about Selma is how relevant it is.

Did Democrats finally get the message?

Democratic lawmakers may have finally heard our voices. For the first time in a long time, party leaders in the House of Representatives have put forth a progressive tax plan that would tax Wall Street to give Main Street a little relief. This week, Representative Chris Van Hollen announced the Democratic plan to create “the kind of economy where the pie is growing and everyone is getting a better slice.”

Time To Lock Up The Lobbyists

There was a time when corporations didn't have anything close to the power they do over politics in America.

DC should be a little more like CA!

California has big plans for the future. Last week, the Golden State made not one, but two, big announcements about how they will respond to the climate crisis.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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