Thom's Blog

2016 is the Race Against Austerity.

As Republican lawmakers and presidential hopefuls continue to fantasize about more massive budget cuts, economists are figuring out how much austerity really devastates a nation.

All the WarHawks Need to Just Shut Up!

Apparently Senator Tom Cotton has been living under a rock for the past 12 years.

The TPP is rigged to benefit the rich!

How do corporate lobbyists get around Congress when their billionaire masters want to destroy regulations that protect workers, our environment, and keep jobs here in the United States?

Beware Rand Paul’s Bait-And-Switch

Rand Paul is running on the platform that he is not a typical Republican...except that he is with the exception of drugs, drones and spying. And that’s something all Americans, especially all progressives, need to remember heading into 2016.

Here’s why.

How About Some Chemical Waste With Your Fish?

You might want to think twice about the food that you’re eating.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC), nearly 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne viruses and diseases each year. Of those 48 million Americans, 128,000 have to be hospitalized, and an astonishing 3,000 die because of foodborne illnesses.

Put Down the Cheeseburger

If you want to live longer, feel healthier, and save the world all at the same time, there’s only one thing you can do: go vegan.

Progressive policies work!

Republican governors all around our country are slashing education to cover the cost of tax breaks for the rich. But, Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota wants to invest a portion of his state's budget surplus in universal pre-K.

Who's on your side - Elizabeth Warren or Jamie Dimon?

The history of America is the history of “We the People” confronting corporate power and winning. In fact, the whole reason we started this country was because individuals and small businesses wanted to fight back against the dominant corporation of the day, the British East India Company.

Here’s a little history lesson you won’t see on Fox So-Called News…

When is the next ice age?

Remember the blockbuster hit The Day After Tomorrow? Well, thanks to climate change, that doomsday scenario could become reality, albeit a bit more slowly than in the movie.

Why the House of Representatives Doesn’t Represent Americans

One of the really weird ironies of politics these days is the huge divergence between what the American people actually want and what the radical right-wingers in Washington actually do. You won’t hear this on Fox So-Called News, but right now the American people are as progressive as they ever have been.

Don’t believe me? Just check the polls.

Join Me at Sister Giant 3 - A Revolution of Love!

If you'll be in L.A. this weekend (March 28-29) join me at SisterGiant3 presented by Marianne Williamson...I'll be speaking on Saturday together with (former) Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) - for tickets and information go to

Progressives Introduce The People's Budget

Republicans have unveiled their latest austerity budget, but, that's not the only budget that the media should be focusing on. While it's important that we all fight back against the Republicans' proposals to further the destruction of our social safety net, we need to be pushing hard to support the Progressive budget as well.

The Brutal Winter That Wasn’t

It was one of the coldest, harshest winters in history…or was it?

This past weekend, the city of Boston officially set the record for its snowiest winter ever. That city has received a staggering 108.6 inches of snow this winter and it could be seeing even more snow tomorrow, just in time for the start of spring. But Boston wasn’t the only city that faced snowstorm after snowstorm this winter.

Lessons from China About Fighting Oligarchs

If you want an example of a country that’s actually taking action against corporate corruption, look no further than the People’s Republic of China. Seriously, I’m not kidding.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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