John Boehner vs. Bernie Sanders: Who’s the Real Extremist?
With Bernie Sanders surging in the polls and drawing record crowds at every campaign event, the Washington establishment is starting to get worried. And when the Washington establishment gets worried, it insults people by calling “radical,” “extremist,” or “out of touch.”
Should cities have the right to raise wages or implement sick leave?
The same party that screams about government overreach doesn't have a problem with stepping on cities' autonomy to write their own laws.
Last week, Rick Snyder's Republicans in Michigan passed a bill that blocks cities from raising wages or implementing paid sick leave.
Climate Deniers Fiddle while the Earth Burns
The 2015 wildfire season is off to a blazing start.
And, even though you may not be in the immediate area, that doesn't mean that you're safe from the impact of the fires.
Supreme Court To Decide Whether To Destroy Unions
Reaganism is a Failure from Greece to Washington, D.C.
What’s Good About Guaranteed Basic Income
If conservatives really want to do away with “wasteful” and “overly bureaucratic” social services in the U.S. - services like Medicaid, Social Security and foodstamps - there’s an easy alternative.
Bernie Sanders Could be the Next FDR
Tuesday night, I appeared on the Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell to talk about Elizabeth Warren, the rise of progressives within the Democratic Party, and what this means for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.
At one point in our discussion, the conversation turned to whether Bernie represents the closest thing to an Elizabeth Warren candidacy.
You Too Can Buy a Congressman…
Ever wonder what the best investment you can make is?
I’m not in the business of giving financial advice - but I wanted to share with you this secret that every billionaire and large corporation in this country knows. The best investment you can make isn’t gold or some revolutionary technology.
The best investment you can make is to buy a politician!
An Appeal from Thom Hartmann
Dear Friend,
I’m writing you today because the network on which my show airs, Free Speech TV, is only a few days away from the end of its fiscal year.
What Happens If A Tornado Hits a Nuclear Power Plant?
The nuclear power plant in Braidwood Illinois narrowly avoided a direct hit from a tornado on Monday.
Braidwood provides electricity for much of Chicago. And even though it’s built to take a direct hit from a tornado - the plant did suffer damage to some of its power lines and utility poles.
Bill O’Reilly and America Need to Be De-Programmed
On Tuesday’s episode of the O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly got in a huge fight with liberal guest Kirsten Powers.
The Confederate Flag is a Backlash to the Civil Rights Movement
Why don’t we call racists unpatriotic?
The “Confederate flag” has become the focus of national attention in the aftermath of the nine murders at the Emanuel A.M.E. church in Charleston. The controversy centers on the fact that the terrorist killer posed in several photos with the flag, and the flag is also part of a Civil War monument located on the ground of the state capitol.
Pope Francis takes down GOP talking points on climate change!
Pope Francis doesn't take his cues from Rick Santorum.
Not only did the Pontiff flat-out ignore the 2016 Republican hopeful's comments about leaving climate change to the scientists, the Holy Father just obliterated Republican talking points on the climate.
Unregulated Capitalism is Destroying the Planet
We are in the middle of the first great mass extinction since the end of the age of the dinosaurs. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new study published Friday in a journal called Science Advances.
This White Shooter Was A Terrorist
The gunman who killed nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church will probably face prosecution for a hate crime.
The shooter was definitely fueled by hate when he murdered nine people last night.