57 Percent of Republicans Want to Undo the American Revolution
America is a Christian nation. That’s an idea former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has harped on time and time again during his political career.
And while he didn’t explicitly talk about it today during his presidential announcement, it’s bound to pop up some time during his campaign.
Right-Wingers Get Tip from Waitress
Tip the schools instead.
That’s the message waitress Chloe Hough gave Republican Kansas Governor Sam Brownback this weekend when he stopped in for a bite to eat at Boss Hawg’s Barbeque in Topeka.
It's a crime to be poor...
Despite the fact that debtors prisons have been outlawed for more than a century, it's still effectively a crime to be poor in our country. According to a stunning new report called “The Poor Get Prison,” the Justice System is being used as a weapon against the poor in municipalities all over our nation.
Fast-Track Flouts the Constitution
Elizabeth Warren isn’t backing down one inch in her fight with President Obama over the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
On Saturday, just a few days after the President accused her of spreading “misinformation,” about the TPP trade deal I like to call SHAFTA, the Massachusetts senator hit back hard in a letter to the White House.
Clueless White Privilege meets the Baltimore Revolt
What’s going on in Baltimore isn’t a riot, it’s a revolt, and clueless white people in the media just don’t get it.
Why Baltimore is Burning
If you want to understand what’s going on in Baltimore right now, just ask John Angelos, the COO of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team.
Seriously, I’m not kidding.
Waves of Destruction...
We've known for some time that warming temperatures pose a big threat to Arctic ocean ice. However, only now are we learning about so-called “waves of destruction” that are speeding up the disappearance of sea ice.
Corporations outspend taxpayers in Congress...
You may be surprised to learn that we spend about $2 billion dollars a year on our dysfunctional Congress. However, it's even more surprising to learn that corporate lobbyists spend even more to buy off our federal lawmakers.
Hey Mr. President...Transparency Applies To the TPP too!
Transparency belongs in all parts of a democracy.
This morning, President Obama announced that back in January we accidentally killed two hostages, including one American a U.S with a drone during a counterterrorism operation targeting Al Qaeda operatives in a compound along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border .
Corporations to America: We Own You
When he was governor of Louisiana in 1930s, Huey Long had a slogan.
It was “Every man a king.”
The idea was that with Long in the governor’s mansion, every person, no matter their job, would enjoy the kind of wealth and happiness normally enjoyed only by monarchs.
Hence the phrase “Every man a king.”
You Can't Have a Functioning Democracy Without High Quality Infrastructure
We can’t have a strong country without strong infrastructure.
Earlier this month, Josh and Vanessa Ellis and their 8-month-old son Hudson were killed after debris from a highway overpass in Bonney Lake, Washington fell onto their pickup truck as they were driving through.
The War on Drugs is a War on Americans
The War on Drugs isn’t a war on drugs; it’s a war on people, and this weekend it claimed its latest victim.
On Sunday morning, exactly one week after an encounter with police left him with 80 percent of his spine severed at his neck, Baltimore resident Freddie Gray died at a local hospital. He was just 27 years old.
The biggest mass extinction in the history of the world was caused by carbon dioxide. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new study published last week in Science Magazine.
According to that study - the Permian Mass Extinction - which occurred 252 million years ago - started when a group of volcanoes erupted in Siberia - sending tons upon tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Bill O'Reilly's latest "white" dream...
As usual, Bill O’Reilly has it all wrong.
On a recent episode of The O’Reilly Factor, O’Reilly gave his take on Hillary Clinton running for president and the competition she faces.
Dear Police: Stop Treating Us Like We're Part Of ISIS
Another day, another shocking example of police violence.
On Friday, the Tulsa, Oklahoma police department finally released video from the April 2 shooting death of Eric Harris, an unarmed black man who police say was trying to sell a gun to an undercover cop.