We CAN make the switch to clean energy.
'It can be done.' That's the take away from a new report that says our world can make the switch to 100% renewable energy by 2050.
That new analysis, called “World Energy Revolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook 2015”, was produced by Greenpeace, in collaboration with researchers from the German Aerospace Center.
The Pope Says Greed Is Not Good
In 1987 the film "Wall Street" summed up the general feeling in Reagan's America with Gordon Gecko's legendary speech that hinged on one phrase.
"Greed is Good."
That became the private mantra for vulture capitalists and hedgefund managers through to today - and it made a catchy case for "trickledown" Reaganomics.
But that film didn't invent the idea - it just spelled it out.
Super PACs have already spent 50 times what they did in 2012.
The last two presidential election cycles broke every campaign spending record in history, but the 2016 race is shaping up to blow those two out of the water.
Finally - A CEO Goes to Jail for Killing People
On Monday, a federal jury sentenced the former owner of the now defunct Peanut Corporation of America to 28 years in prison for his role in one of the largest salmonella outbreaks in U.S. history.
The outbreak happened in 2008 and 2009. It was blamed for nine deaths and hundreds of cases of salmonella, and it triggered one of the largest food recalls in U.S. history.
The Republican Insurgency against the Judicial Branch
Our country is in the midst of a full-blown “politically-motivated” judicial crisis.
That’s the conclusion of a new report from the Alliance for Justice, a watchdog group located right here in Washington, DC.
We must keep Walker away from the White House!
Scott Walker doesn't just want to wage war on unions, he wants to destroy the agency in charge of protecting workers' rights.
According to a plan released by Walker's presidential campaign, the Wisconsin governor wants to create a national right-to-work law and eliminate the National Labor Relations Board.
Will this be the worst El Nino in 65 years?
Droughts … floods... heatwaves... you don't have to be an expert to see that 2015 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year when it comes to extreme weather. And, according to the experts, it's only going to get worse.
The Wall Street Journal's Attempt to Take Down Bernie Sanders Backfired
Bernie Sanders is leading Hillary Clinton in early primary states, and he's gaining on her in national polls.
And major media outlets are starting to treat Senator Sanders seriously, but not necessarily with complete honesty.
Take for example Laura Meckler's article in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week.
The data is in: Unions work very, very well for workers!
It's official, unions are still very, very good for workers. According to not one, but two new reports, collective bargaining is the best way tool we have to raise wages and increase opportunity for workers.
The first report was released by The Center for American Progress on Wednesday, and it focused on economic mobility and “the ability to improve upon the economic situation of one's birth.”
The Worldwide Anti-Corporatist Backlash Has Begun
The great international backlash against corporatism has officially begun.
On Saturday, Jeremy Corbyn, a Member of Parliament for a small North London district called Islington North, officially won election as leader of the UK Labour Party, Tony Blair's old party, taking almost 60 percent of the vote in a four way race.
Are "self-service" checkouts putting us out of work?
It's no longer far-fetched to say that soon we will be able to shop, work, travel, and commute, all without interacting with a single person. And, while that may sound appealing to the introverts out there, it's also the reason that we need a basic minimum income.
All of that automation and self-service means fewer jobs available for American workers, and that means more people will find themselves unemployed.
Chris Matthews is (still) a Shill for the Insider Machine
This blog was originally posted August, 4 2015.
Mahatma Gandhi supposedly once said about all successful political revolutionaries that “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Citibank warns about the cost of climate inaction.
Taking action on climate change is vital to the survival of our species, and it's essential to the economic future of our nation's banks.
Could you live on $2 a day?
The number of Americans living on less than $2 dollars a day has doubled in the last two decades.
According to data compiled by the World Bank and other global institutions, 1.5 million American households live in extreme poverty, and that number includes at least 3 million children. In addition, that number has increased dramatically since the so-called “welfare reform” of the 1990's.
Will we build the roads and bridges of the future?
Although our national infrastructure is in desperate need of an update, scientists warn that more building isn't always better.
According to a recent letter signed by the world's leading farmers, environmentalists, philanthropists, and scientists, the large infrastructure projects planned in the next 15 years could have a disastrous effect on our planet.