Thom's Blog

Republicans want to hold our economy hostage again!

The last government shut down cost our nation billions, but Republicans are thinking about doing it all over again just to protect Big Oil and the Coal Lobby. This week, Senate Republicans held appropriations bills hostage in an attempt to cut off funding for the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Caucus Room conspiracy is alive and well!

The Caucus Room conspiracy is alive and well right here in the nation’s capital. Earlier this afternoon - House Republicans voted in Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy as their new Majority Leader. McCarthy was the favorite to succeed outgoing Majority Leader Eric Cantor - and easily beat out his only challenger - Idaho congr

Dick Cheney Should be Rotting in The Hague, Not Writing Editorials

If there’s one person who has absolutely zero business criticizing anyone for how they’re running the country, it’s Dick Cheney. This should be obvious to pretty everyone by now, but apparently the Wall Street Journal didn’t get the message.

The NRA’s “Look, But Don’t Touch” Approach Is a Real Killer

It’s time to save the children. Last week, a 3-year-old boy in Hopewell, Virginia accidentally shot his twin brother while playing on a playground, with a gun that had been left unattended in his home. The twin brother was taken to a local hospital for treatme

Healthcare: Let's Have People over Profits Once And For All

There are some things in this world that shouldn’t be turned into profit-making machines, and healthcare is definitely one of them. Believe it or not, there was a time in America when in almost every state health insurance companies and hospitals were required t

Is extreme weather the new normal?

For the first time since record-keeping began, two Category 4 hurricanes have developed in the Eastern Pacific Basin before July 1st. Back in May, Hurricane Amanda was labeled the “strongest May hurricane on record,” and Hurricane Cristina rocketed to a Category 4 in only 13 days. Although that area of the world is more prone to hurricanes during El Nino years, that isn't forecast to take effect until later this summer.

What happens when the tea party goes to Washington

Dave Brat wants to bring libertarian economics to the U.S., and double-down on 33 miserable years of Reaganomics.

The Dark Money Machine That Beat Eric Cantor

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past twenty-four hours, you know by now that Eric Cantor, the House Majority Leader, lost his primary election last night to a little-known college professor named David Brat. This was a shocking upset, one that no one s

The James Risen Case Cuts to the Heart of "Freedom of the Press"

If the Senate doesn’t screw things up, we might finally get the kind of media shield law that our democracy requires. Late last month, the Republican-controlled House of Representative passed the so-called Commerce, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of

Fox News has finally yelled fire in a crowded theater

There were two terrorist attacks in America over the weekend, but don’t expect the mainstream media to call them that.

Cutting Carbon Creates Jobs!

This week, the President announced plans to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent by 2030. The plan is one of the strongest actions our nation has ever taken to fight climate change, and it puts us on track to meet environmental targets established in a 2009 United Nations accord. In addition to fighting global warming, this plan will protect millions of people from harmful pollution, and it could create a ton of new American jobs.

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

The “vast right-wing conspiracy” machine is alive and well in America today. Unless you’ve been buried under a rock since this weekend, you’ve probably seen an interview or two with a former Army soldier who served wi

How a Lack of Power and Guns Go Together

The NRA’s brief moment of sanity is over. On Tuesday, the gun group apologized for a statement published on its website that called gun rights protesters in Texas “weird” and “scary.” That statement, which

The Labor Games: Time for An American Comeback

It’s the bottom of the 9th inning, and corporate America is just one out away from another major victory. According to a new study from the International Trade Union Confederation, corporate America has all but destroyed workers’ rights in our country.

Our Militarized Police Tossed a Stun Grenade at a Baby

Occupied armies are walking America’s streets. Right now, a 1-year-old toddler with severe burns is clinging to life in a Georgia hospital, after a SWAT team barged into the house where he and his family were staying, and mistakenly threw a flash-bang grenade in

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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