Thom's Blog

Denial is not a policy.

Republicans in the House of Representatives are not only denying climate science – they're actually blocking the Pentagon from taking any action on it. Earlier this month, the House passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which bars the Department of Defense from using any funds on to implement or research plans to deal with climate change.

Time to Rethink American Exceptionalism?

Each country thinks that it’s exceptional, and, truth be told, each country really is exceptional in its own special ways. But there’s a difference between celebrating your own unique way of life and thinking that you can do whatever you want and force your way

If The Law Is Bullsh*t, You Must Acquit

You and I have the power to end Nixon’s failed War on Drugs once-and-for-all.

Rich vs. Poor

The rich love to demonize the poor, but it turns out that the wealthy are the ones who need a little shaming. Paul Buchheit over at Alternet compiled various reports, studies, and analyses, and found clear evidence that the poor are way more ethical than the one percent.

Students Now Indentured to the Banksters

Never in the history of the developed world has an entire generation had to go into debt just to get an education and a job.

The GOP Death Panel

The death panels are real and they’ve been found! Back in 2009 when the healthcare debate was at its most crazy, Republicans warned us that once Obamacare was passed, government officials would get to ration health care, and as a result, have control over the li

How The War on Workers Is Changing

The War on Workers is going on a 50-state tour. Ever since Ronald Reagan fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers back on August 5th, 1981, and appointed labor-hostile Raymond Donovan as the first anti-labor Secretary of Labor in our nation's history, there

The End of Choice...

NPR and everyone else, please stop lying to us.

Save the Internet!

Net neutrality is hanging on by the thinnest of threads. Last week, the FCC formally proposed new rules that would allow companies like Netflix to pay internet service providers like Comcast to have their content sent to customers at faster speeds.

Two New America's: Galt's Junction & The Canadian Dream

It’s time to let them go. Over the past few years, it’s become increasingly clear that as long as far-right crazies and ultra-Conservatives in Washington are preaching policies that eat away at the very ideals our

The Mitch McConnell VA Scandal

The Republican Chaos Strategy is working like a charm, and now the GOP is trying to make everyone forget who the real villains are when it comes to denying benefits to our veterans. And the real villains, despite w

Did Reagan kill entrepreneurialism?

American entrepreneurialism is dying a slow and steady death. A new report out from The Brookings Institute paints a pretty dreary picture of entrepreneurialism in America over the past 30 years. As Brookings point

Does Cliven Bundy Represent The Ugly American?

The Ugly American is back in a big way. Back in March of 2001, the Taliban blew up and destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, two massive, 6th century statues of the Buddha, that were carved into the side of a cliff in

Austerity "savings" are built on "blood money."

Austerity measures aren't just a bad idea for our economy... it turns out that drastic cuts are also a death sentence for many of the people they impact. According to a recent article on, a slew of academic reports have found that people are literally dying in nations that have imposed the harshest cuts.

Are Banksters responsible for autism?

America’s student loan debt crisis is deforming an entire generation. Right now, America’s outstanding student loan debt stands at over $1.18 trillion. More than 40 million Americans hold student loan debt; that’s more people Read more

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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