Big Brother is on his way and it's up to us to yell...stop!
The Obama administration is attempting to make it easier for the FBI to force companies like your phone company or cable company who provide your internet service to turn over to the FBI details of your personal Internet activity without a court order - if they say some magic words for which they'll need no proof.
Far right-wing crazy train - Fox News groupies and....the Muslims....
Last week, Newt Gingrich jumped on the far right-wing crazy train over plans to build a Muslim community center near the 9/11 site in New York City. He's weirdly putting forth, “There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia.” Then last night on Faux News, he called NYC Mosque supporters "hostile to our civilization," as if freedom of religion wasn't one of the core values of the Founders of this nation.
Magical Thinking Supply Side Conservative Claptrap
In an article in the Washington Post, Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, wants to toss social security, citing retired people as having a 'me-first' attitude. Paradoxically, he added, "a 'me first' mentality usually makes markets more efficient." Remember Neel Kashkari? He's was in charge of of the delivering $700 billion of taxpayers money to the Banksters during the banking crisis.
The Importance of a Democrat in the White House...
According to the New York Times, based on an analysis of four sets of political science data, now after five terms, Chief Justice John Roberts’ Supreme Court is “the most conservative one in living memory.” During this time, the Roberts court “issued conservative decisions 58 percent of the time" and, in the last year, that rate increased to 65 percent, the highest since 1953.
Voodoo Economics Partially Rolled Back....
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has announced that the Obama administration will let tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire on Jan. 1, despite calls from a small group of mostly millionaire conservadem politicians . Mr.
"Anything Goes on Townhall Friday" Daily Topics Blog July 23 2010
"Anything Goes on Townhall Friday"
Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions
Deficit fraud ConservaDem Senator Kent Conrad Loves the Bush Tax Cuts
Deficit fraud ConservaDem Senator Kent Conrad said in an interview with reporters outside the Senate chambers this week that he is supporting extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy without paying for them.
Please Help More Children Like Shannon....Change the World and Heal
We all live in our box of stories of who we think we are. Our stories of how we see the world and our stories of who we are rarely change. One bight crisp Fall day on a Friday in New Hampshire, Shannon showed up at Salem many years ago when Louise and I ran Salem, the group home for abandoned and abused children, I've mentioned often. She was a cute, 10 year old. Pigtails. Freckles. She seemed harmless and lovable. It was an emergency placement and the social worker didn't know anything about Shannon, but would get us more info the following Monday.
Did George W Bush cause Americans to get Lazy?
TV Personality and conservative writer for the American Spectator Ben Stein trashed the suffering of unemployed Americans by writing that the people who are unemployed right now are “generally people with poor work habits and poor personalities.” He claims the unemployed are Americans with “unpleasant personalities…who do not know how to do a day’s work." What he left out of his article is that this current Great Republican recession was caused by the collective bad behavior of the world’s largest banksters and the politicians who legalized their massive theft - cheered on by right-wing com
Is forbidding mosques endangering religious freedom in America?
From the east coast to the west coast, right-wing critics are engaging in open hostility to the construction of mosques. Conservatives — whipped up by Sarah Palin — are rallying against the construction of a mosque near the Ground Zero site in New York because, as Rupert Murdoch's New York Post put it, “where there are mosques, there are Muslims, and where there are Muslims, there are problems.” In Murfreesboro, Tennessee, protesters are going after a proposed mosque.
The Racial Theory of "No Soul" is Once Again With Us....
The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has big concerns about the Emerald Coast Tea Party Patriots inviting Brigitte Gabriel, the head of the anti-Islam hate group "ACT! for America," to be their keynote speaker at its “U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally” on August 21 in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. CAIR is asking political candidates scheduled to be at the event, such as Marco Rubio, to cancel their appearances unless Gabriel is dropped as a speaker.
Who Will Protect Consumers?
According to a source close to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, he is openly against the potential nomination of Elizabeth Warren to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The financial reform bill passed by the Senate on Thursday mandates the creation of this new consumer agency charged with protecting consumers from predatory lenders. Geithner doesn't want the most outspoken advocate for creating the agency to lead it.
Dark Money...
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent the White House an "open letter" laying out a proposed roadmap to economic recovery, coinciding with the organization's "Jobs Summit" underway in Washington. The Chamber plans to spend more than $50 million electing Republicans to Congress in 2010 and here are the highlights of their recovery plan. Cut taxes on the wealthy and business, cut or reduce social security, privatize roads, drill offshore, and log national forests.
Tea Party - Live Free or Die?
A new billboard in downtown Mason City, Iowa features our President Obama, flanked by photos of Hitler and Lenin. The billboard headlines “Radical leaders prey on the fearful and naive.” Last fall that billboard said “Obama-Nation, Live Free or Die” with the Communist symbol of a hammer and sickle. It's brought to you by the North Iowa Tea Party. Iowa state Tea Party coordinator John White says, “everything Obama has done is ‘lock-step’ with what Hitler did in his day.” The Tea Party was initially created, funded, and promoted by operators and funders like Dick Army and David Koch.
Did BP Just Give the Middle Finger to All Taxpayers?
It looks like the ironic outcome of the BP mess will come in the form of a truly poetic gesture that involves a middle finger offered by BP's treasurer to British and American taxpayers.