Is the Elderly being Forced to Retire Later "Change We Can Believe In?"
Social Security has absolutely nothing to do with the federal deficit, as it's a separate self-funding program. Nonetheless, all the conservadems in the Obama Administration are talking about the deficit as an excuse to cut and partially privatize Social Security, instead of just lifing the cap on it so that Bill Gates will pay the same percentage of his pay into Social Security as you and I do. For example, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Ber
Has Faux News Far Right-Wing Fear Mongering Paid Off?
Has over a year of Faux News right-wing fear mongering and Calling President Obama a socialist finally paid off?
Hiding it all from "The Little People"
The Washington Post is reporting that in the entire 77 days since oil started it's volcanic gush into the Gulf, convicted corporate monopoly felon BP has skimmed or burned only around 60 percent of the amount it said it could remove in a single day.
BP deliberately sinks oil with Corexit as cover up
BP's massive oil spill will officially become the largest ever in the Gulf of Mexico this week. The volcanic oil that's gushed for two and a half months will surpass the 140 million gallon mark, surpassing the record-setting Ixtoc I spill off Mexico's coast from 1979 to 1980. Meanwhile, In a stunning interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P.
The Manchurian Candidate happened...
According to a new Pew Research Center survey, "The recession has directly hit more than half of the nation’s working adults, pushing them into unemployment, pay cuts, reduced hours at work or part-time jobs." Close to half of the survey’s respondents said, “they are in worse financial shape as a result of the downturn, which destroyed 20 percent of Americans’ wealth.” Meanwhile, Republicans are obstructing any attempts whatsoever to aid Americans in c
The Hard Reich in the Republican Party Shows their True Stripes
It appears that the Senate Judiciary Committee's Republicans have so far one solo talking point, that being that Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American to ever serve on the Supreme Court, was an "activist judge," and because Elena Kagin clerked for him, she must be tainted by her association with him.
There are now Bankster Sharks in the Water...
In his New York Times column, economist Paul Krugman is ringing the warning bell and saying we are in the early stages of a “third depression.” “This third depression,” he writes, “will be primarily a failure of policy” as the world’s leading governments focus “about inflation when the real threat is deflation, preaching the need for belt-tightening when the real problem is inadequate spending.” It's truly bizarre to watch country af
This So-Called "Banking Reform" Bill
Nearly two years after the American financial system teetered on the edge of a great Republican depression, Congressional lawmakers have come to an agreement early Friday morning to reconcile competing versions of the the bill in the biggest overhaul of financial regulations since the last Republican Great Depression. Big banks won big in this, as they can continue investing a significant amount of equity in hedge funds.
Why are the for-profit corporate leeches still in charge?
The Washington, DC-based nonpartisan think tank The Commonwealth Fund has a report out evaluating the health care systems of seven major industrialized countries. The study ranks the United States “dead last” in the quality, efficiency, and equity of its health care system, and that Americans pay roughly twice as much for health care as residents of other nations, and get poorer outcomes.
Get Ready for The McChrystal Soap Opera
In calling the top officials of the Obama administration whom he criticized to a Rolling Stone reporter, Gen.
Fremont, Nebraska Goes after Employers...of Illegal Immigrants
Fremont, Nebraska, a meat-packing town of about 25,000 people, voted Monday in favor by 57% to banish illegal immigrants from jobs by using a federal database, and rental homes by requiring renters to provide citizenship information to the police and to obtain city occupancy licenses, overturning an earlier decision by city leaders.
Corporate Tentacles
Rhode Island Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, just after Rep. Joe Barton's "off the wall" apology to BP, laid out how deeply "corporate tentacles" have reached into our regulatory agencies in Congress. He said, "The scope, the extent, the insidious nature of corporate influence in regulatory agencies of government--this question of regulatory capture--is something we should attend to here.
Will the Internet be Shut Down?
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), along with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), introduced a bill called, The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, last week that would permit the President to effectively shut down the internet by emergency decree.
Here's BP by the numbers...
Here's BP by the numbers. Corporate felon BP agreed to pay $20 billion into an escrow account. They will build the fund over 3.5 years with the first payment of $3 billion in the third quarter, and $2 billion in the fourth quarter. Then BP will pay $1.25 billion each quarter until the $20 billion is met.
President Obama or Sitcoms and Rock & Roll?
In an address from the Oval Office last night, President Obama asked Americans to get behind clean energy legislation, saying that BP’s Gulf oil spill is “the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now.” Obama compared the move to clean energy to emergency preparations for WWII and the mission to the moon, although, unlike those very real and dramatic and successful government programs, he offered no s