Is there room in Guantanamo for Faux News?
According to a report from Yahoo!News, the second largest shareholder, the parent company of Fox News, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal in News Corp, has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to projects by Feisal Abdul Rauf's, who is planning to build a Muslim community center and mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan.
Iceland is Exporting the Truth
After Iceland's near-economic collapse exposed deep-rooted corruption, the country is looking to become a safe haven for journalists and whistleblowers from all around the world. Their Parliament in June unanimously voted for an Icelandic "Modern Media Initiative" protecting journalists. The project is taking off with the help of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Sarah Palin Killed Granny...
In a study by the New England Journal of Medicine that exposes the effects of end-of-life care, doctors have discovered that patients with terminal lung cancer who began receiving palliative care quickly after diagnosis were not only happier, were more mobile and had less pain as the end neared — but they also lived nearly three months longer. Dr. Diane E.
Don't Take Away Social Security - Double it Instead!
A New America Foundation study is not calling for Social Security to be cut back but to double it. With the crash of private pensions, homeownership and personal savings in the footsteps of this Republican Great Recession, Social Security becomes central to the historic "three-legged stool" of American retirement security. Yet Social Security now only brings in only a about a third of the money needed for retirement.
Should Violent War Game Videos Be Regulated Just Like Hard Core Pornography?
A new video game set in modern-day Afghanistan coming out in October simulates war. The game's multi-player format allows some gamers to be in the role of the Taliban, while others play the part of the coalition forces. Karen Meredith, whose son died in Afghanistan, told Fox News, "My son didn't get to start over when he was killed.
President Obama Caves In...
At an annual dinner in the White House State Dining Room celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, President Obama said, "As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country," weighing in for the first time on a the Cordoba House controversy in New York City.
German Economy Leaping Forward as Americans Fall Behind
by Thom Hartmann
"Family Values" Don't Apply to Newt Gingrich...
"Family values" apparently don't apply to Newt Gingrich. Marianne Gingrich, the second of Newt's three wives, sat down for a rare interview with Esquire and talked about Newt cheating in their marriage. The article said, "When Marianne confronted Newt about his cheating, he had just returned from a speech where he spoke of the importance of family values. Yet he asked her to simply tolerate the affair.
The Real Problem is the Professional Right...
The after effects continues from White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’s attack on the “professional left” yesterday. Rep, Keith Ellison (D-MN), a member of the Progressive Caucus, slammed Gibbs remarks. “Why would he confuse legitimate critique with some sort of lack of loyalty,” Ellison said. “Isn’t this what the far right does? Punishes people who are not ideologically aligned with President Bush?” The real problem is Pres.
Do you want fries with that?
The Commerce Department said yesterday, that personal incomes took a dive across the U.S. last year except in areas with high volumes of federal government and military jobs. This comes on the heels of an article in the Financial Times, where Edward Luce picked apart the American Dream, reporting, "The annual incomes of the bottom 90% of U.S.
It's Time to talk about Reparations for Gays & The Mormon Church should pay for all Gay Weddings in CA
Judge Vaughn Walker gave a victory to Proposition 8 opponents by overturning the California Gay Marriage Ban. The Judge ruled that the Proposition 8 ballot initiative that forebade giving marriage rights to same sex couples in California was unconstitutional under both the due process and equal protection clauses of the constitution.
Why is our Government Sending our Jobs Overseas
In the wake of President Obama's promise to keep more hi-tech jobs in the U.S., a federal agency run by a hand-picked Obama appointee has created a $22 million program to train workers, including 3,000 specialists in IT, in South Asia.
The Financial Campaign Reform is Facing a Setback
Those of us who want financial campaign reform are facing a setback as Senate Republicans locked arms and filibustered the Disclose Act.
Who Does our Economy Serve?
Ed Luce with The Financial Times’ has documented the “crisis of middle-class America.” He notes the “median wage stagnation” that has hit most American families, and writes, “the annual incomes of the bottom 90 per cent of US families have been essentially flat since 1973....That means most Americans have been treading water for more than a generation.” At the same time, the Financial Times notes, America's CEOs have seen their compens
From Global Warming to Goldman Sachs - It's all about the Money
From Global Warming to Goldman Sachs - It's all about the money. Flooding from extreme rains has killed at least 313 people in Pakistan and killed 29 people and displaced more than 254,000 in northeast China. Forest fires due to Russia’s most intensive heatwave in history killed 18 people, and Japan’s worst heat wave has killed 66 people. But wait, there's more....the U.S.