Thom's Blog

Why Does a Cashed Strapped Mother Sell her Baby?

You need to know this about our nation’s grim labor market. In Florida – a cash strapped mother of a newborn tried to sell her baby for $30,000 to pay off legal bills and buy a new car. Luckily the person she tried to make the sale to was an undercover cop and she was arrested. This case highlights a disturbing situation in our country though. Welcome to America – the home of a desperate underclass with no hope of finding a jo

Thom's blog - Tuesday November 9th, 2010

You need to know what the big banks are up to. After Democrats passed Wall Street reform legislation earlier this year – big banksters are now trying to soften many of the new rules put in place to prevent another financial crisis. At a conference yesterday – Wall Street lobbyists and big bank CEO’s met to discuss ways to “reshape” new rules. Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman railed against what he called anti-Wall Street sentiments coming out of Washington and urged, “The financial system nearly shut down. It's only two years on.

3 millions jobs in India – not the US!!

You need to know this about President Obama’s trip to Southeast Asia. He says it's an effort to open up markets to India – the world’s largest democracy – and for the Wal-Mart executives with him, that's true. They want to sell more stuff made in China in India in their retail stores, and are frustrated that Indian law only allows one company to own two retail stores. They're using Obama's prestige to get that law blown up.

Thom's blog - Monday November 8th, 2010

You need to know this about President Obama’s trip to Southeast Asia. He says it's an effort to open up markets to India – the world’s largest democracy – and for the Wal-Mart executives with him, that's true. They want to sell more stuff made in China in India in their retail stores, and are frustrated that Indian law only allows one company to own two retail stores. They're using Obama's prestige to get that law blown up. Additionally, Obama is there selling the only things we still make in the US - military hardware and airplanes.

Something’s don’t change. And if Obama doesn’t start acting like Harry Truman, they never will...

Only a mere four days after taking back control of the House of Representatives – Republicans are already drunk on power. Speaking at the Heritage Foundation yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell discussed the GOP’s agenda over the next two years and it can be summed up in 2 words: Dump Obama. McConnell says that the only way Republicans can succeed in passing legislation to repeal h

Thom's blog - Friday November 5th, 2010

Only a mere four days after taking back control of the House of Representatives – Republicans are already drunk on power. Speaking at the Heritage Foundation yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell discussed the GOP’s agenda over the next two years and it can be summed up in 2 words: Dump Obama. McConnell says that the only way Republicans can succeed in passing legislation to repeal health care reform, end bailouts, and cut spending is to, “put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things.” Keep in mind that a plan to simply repeal health care r

Thom's blog - Thursday November 4th 2010

On Tuesday, Oklahomans approved a ballot initiative that would forbid judges in the state from using Sharia law to consider a case. Voters supported the measure by about 40 points even though many of them cannot name a single instance where Sharia law was used to rule in a case – that’s because its never happened in Oklahoma– or any other state in the country for that matter. On top of that, Islam isn’t even that prevalent in the state – out of a population of 3.7 million, there are only 15,000 Muslims there. Still, voters found the need to hit the polls to make su

Thom's blog - Wednesday November 3rd, 2010

Whoever is saying that last night was the demise of the Democratic party - they're wrong! In reality, it's the end of the Republican party. As the money in this election points out, the party of (old republicans) is now the party of (CEOs). So how much does it cost to buy the House of Representatives?

This is the End of the Republican Party

You need to know this about yesterday’s midterm elections. Whoever is saying that last night was the demise of the Democratic party - they're wrong! In reality, it's the end of the Republican party. As the money in this election points out, the party of (old republicans) is now the party of (CEOs). So how much does it cost to buy the House of Representatives?

Who’s screwed if the Republicans take control of Congress?

Who’s screwed if the Republicans take control of Congress?

Thom's Blog - Tuesday November 2nd, 2010

While the House of Representatives is all but guaranteed to fall under Republican control by the end of the day, the Senate still offers hope for Democrats. Having a 59 seat majority heading into the election, 3 seats are already lost to Dems in Indiana, North Dakota, and Arkansas where Blanche Lincoln is down nearly 20 points – holding out on health care reform really helped her, huh?

Thom's blog - Monday November 1st, 2010

In our "you need to know this" news, with the midterm elections tomorrow, the first ever corporate funded campaign season is finally winding down – at least temporarily. And now, many Americans are looking ahead to prevent another onslaught of spending from unknown and foreign sources influencing our future elections.

Welcome to third world America, Germany's cheap labor depot...

Just how bad has it gotten for workers in our country? Imagine foreign nations outsourcing jobs to the US for, you guessed it, cheap labor. German automaker BMW announced they are opening a factory in the US and they need laborers. Answering the call, are a crowd of skilled workers with advanced degrees who have now been squeezed out of the American workforce thanks to the Chamber's outsourcing death grip on our economy. BMW is p

Thom's blog - Wednesday October 27th, 2010

You need to know this about the Supreme Court. If you think the radically pro-Chamber of Commerce decision reached in the Citizens United case was an anomaly, you’d be wrong. According to a new study by the Constitutional Accountability Center, since 2006, when Justice Alito joined the bench, the Roberts court has ruled in favor of the Chamber 68% of the time. This is an overwhelming increase compared to the 43% success rate of the Chamber under the previous Burger Court during the 1980’s. And in cases decided by a narrow 5-4 margin, basically down party line

Thom's blog - Tuesday October 26th 2010

You Need to know this! An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night. A man who appears to be supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured on TV by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of into the pavement. The MoveOn volunteer, Lauren Valle, went to the hospital and was still there last night, according to another MoveOn member.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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