Is the Tea Party the New Brownshirts?
You Need to know this! An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night. A man who appears to be supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured on TV by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of into the pavement. The MoveOn volunteer, Lauren Valle, went to the hospital and was still there last night, according to another MoveOn member.
The Secret Republican Plot
According to a Center for American Progress report, there seems to be a common goal among all these shadowy PACs that are spending tens of millions of dollars in our elections this year -- they want to protect polluters' profits!
Get ready for President Palin
Remember when I told you that the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars that billionaires and transnational outsourcing corporations are spending in this election was really just practice for 2012? I even suggested that these big funders let some whackos in to play, people with room-temperature IQs who will parrot a line regardless of how ridiculous it is, like Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, and Christine O'Donnon, just to see how much money i
The Republican merit badge for hypocrisy...
Congratulations to GOP State Legislator Calvin Hill of Georgia who won his Republican merit badge for hypocrisy. Last Year, Hill led a movement in the state to prevent public universities from teaching sexual health and gay history classes claiming, “Our public colleges are not the place for our young adults and future leaders to experiment and experience these types of sexually explicit behavior.” Has Mr. Hill ever been to a college?! Well, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, even though Mr.
Time to wake up - A World Wildlife Fund Report
Evidence is mounting that humans are having a profound effect on the health of our planet. A World Wildlife Fund report points out that the world's population - particularly in the industrialized West - is using more resources than our planet can sustain -- 1 ½ times more. And it's getting worse; consumption has doubled in the last 40 years leading to declining animal populations around the globe and a 60% decline in the tr
The Republican Party has lurched so far to the right that Dwight Eisenhower would not be elected!
After being exposed as a Nazi enthusiast, Ohio GOP Congressional hopeful Rich Iott quickly became a national pariah, although the only member of his own party willing to publicly disown him was Eric Cantor, and he only did it when repeatedly pressed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on national TV. Now it appears Cantor may have been the one out of line when he denounced “SS Soldier Iott”: the congressional wannabee has gotten thousan
Cash For Geezers and The French
In our "Need to Know" news today, President Nicolas Sarkozy may be facing the biggest challenge of his presidency as the month-old protest against so-called pension reform intensifies. An astounding 3 million demonstrators – one in 20 of all French people – marched yesterday against the President's plans to hike up the retirement age from 60 to 62.
So conservatives make great religious leaders...but lousy civic leaders.
Republicans are showing their true colors. Rand Paul took a tough line against Bill Clinton on Monday, going after him with a below-the-belt attack focused on Clinton's encounter with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Responding to Clinton's campaign efforts for his Democratic rival Jack Conway earlier in the day, Rand Paul said, "I'm not sure I would trust a guy who had had sexual relations with an intern.
President Obama is Asking for Help from the Professional Left
President Obama called on progressives yesterday to get out and get active ahead of the midterm elections. The President, speaking at the University of Wisconsin, told the cheering crowd "we cannot sit this one out. We cannot let this country fall back because the rest of us didn't stand up and fight." The President continued, "progress is going to come, but you've got to stick with me. You cannot lose heart." Given that he has so often c
Creeping Police State?
FBI agents have seized a laptop and documents form the Chicago home of a Hatem Abudayyeh, a well-known anti-war activist and US citizen, in an "attempt to silence his advocacy," said attorney Jim Fennerty, Executive Director of the Arab American Action Network. As many as eight addresses in both Chicago and Minneapolis were searched by the FBI on Friday. Fennerty says, "The government is trying to quiet activists...this case is really s
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Thom Hartmann Program Moves to the Capital
New York, September 23, 2010. The internationally syndicated Thom Hartmann Program is moving its base of operations to Washington, DC, from Portland, OR. Starting in October, Hartmann will be broadcasting his show from the nation's capital, building out a brand new radio and TV studio in a space contiguous with Talk Radio News Service.
A Pledge To America: Dirty Little Oil Secrets
The new GOP agenda for the house if they take charge is called "A Pledge To America" and it's really a pledge to big oil. The “Pledge to America” was written with oversight from Brian Wild, a House staffer who was a lobbyist for some of the nation’s most powerful oil, pharmaceutical, and insurance companies. Wild, who is on House Minority Leader John Boehner’s payroll, lobbied for AIG, Exxon Mobil, Pfizer Inc., and the U.S.
Will Obamacare Cover Sick Children?
Some key parts of the new health care law are kicking in next week. Insurers will no longer be able to cap the amount of care they will provide or deny coverage to sick children. Children will be able to stay on their parent's insurance until age 26 and we will have some more rights in appealing insurer's decisions.
Voodoo Economic Death Panel
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) has announced that if Republicans regain control over Congress, they will destroy the sweeping Wall Street reform and shred the newly created consumer protection bureau.
A Blood Oath
Roll Call is reporting that congressman Steve King (R-IA) is now demanding a “blood oath” from House Minority Leader John Boehner to to shut down the Government. King said, “We must not blink,” noting that money cannot be spent without the House voting to pass it.