You need to know this about yesterday’s midterm elections. Whoever is saying that last night was the demise of the Democratic party - they're wrong! In reality, it's the end of the Republican party. As the money in this election points out, the party of (old republicans) is now the party of (CEOs). So how much does it cost to buy the House of Representatives? Try over $300 million dollars - $123 million of which came from anonymous donors. That’s how much money was funneled into this year’s elections by outside groups. In a full assault on our democracy, the Chamber of Commerce and its big business associates rained down millions in hit pieces to knock off Democrats around the country. Also in the game, Super PACs – or front groups for billionaires – like Karl Rove’s “American Crossroads” and Norm Coleman’s “American Action Network” tossed in over a hundred million dollars to ensure that Republican corporate puppets are elected to Congress. The puppets now control the House with a likely 50-seat majority. And now in power, they have to live up to their end of the deal - legislate on behalf of billionaires like the Koch brother who want massive tax breaks, freedom to ship jobs overseas, and freedom to irreparably pollute our environment - in other words, freedom to finish off the dismantling of the middle class. Corporations were successful in knocking out good guys like Russ Feingold in Wisconsin, Alan Grayson in Florida, and Tom Perriello in Virginia – replacing them in each case with millionaires who adamantly oppose middle class policies like raising the minimum wage and extending unemployment insurance – millionaires who have promised to sell their votes in Congress to the highest bidder. What does this Congress look like when it’s bought and paid for by big business? Look no further than Rand Paul in Kentucky who made these comments this morning, "there are no rich. There are no middle class. There are no poor...We all either work for rich people or we sell stuff to rich people. So just punishing rich people is as bad for the economy as punishing anyone..." He practically spelled it out for us. Not since 1906 has our country witnessed this type of special interest subversion of our democracy. Back then, it only took 2 years to neuter the fat cat CEO’s and keep them out of politics when Teddy Roosevelt worked to get the 1907 Tillman Act passed out of Congress – an act that stopped corporations from messing around in American politics. Now, over 100 years later and a Supreme Court decision in Citizens United – our country has regressed back to the age of the robber barons of the late 19th century.