Wednesday 13 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Is the American empire dead?
- Leila Conners, Tree Media Group. Green Report: "Urban Roots" important new film documents how Detroit is making a green comeback.
- Renowned prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, author of "Divinity of Doubt: The God Question".
- Bumper Music:
- Here's to You Mr. Jefferson, Mike Church.
Tuesday 12 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Billionaires are rewriting the history and the reality of America
- Romina Boccia of The Independent Women's Forum. It's "Equal Pay Day 2011" and Conservatives are once again fighting against the "paycheck fairness act"...what do they have against working women?
- Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear. Fukushima...Chernobyl redux?
- Mary Stamos, survivor. Three Mile Island...the real story.
Monday 11 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Wisconsin Republican County Clerk Claims She Misplaced 7,500 Votes For Justice Prosser, Her Former Boss.
- Peter Ferrara, General Counsel for the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU); author. Government shutdown and "Paul Ryan's Adult Conversation".
- Paul Gunter, Director Reactor Oversight Project - Beyond Nuclear. Latest on Fukushima...reactors compromised again?
Friday 8 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Guest host: David Sirota, Host of The David Sirota Show 7-10am MT on AM 760 Colorado's Progressive Talk / syndicated columnist / author.
- Paul Barrett, assistant managing editor at Bloomberg Businessweek. The Professors and Qaddafi's Extreme Makeover.
- It's Festivus Friday!
- Governor Gary Johnson, Former Governor, State of New Mexico (R). Running for President in 2012?
- Dr.
Thursday 7 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Guest host: David Sirota, Host of The David Sirota Show 7-10am MT on AM 760 Colorado's Progressive Talk / syndicated columnist / author of several books, latest is "Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live In Now"
- Do you think the Pentagon's budget should be exempt from cuts?
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). Government shutdown.
- Sharona Coutts, Reporter - ProPublica.
Wednesday 6 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Guest host: David Sirota, Host of The David Sirota Show 7-10am MT on AM 760 Colorado's Progressive Talk / syndicated columnist / author.
- Education expert Dr. Diane Ravitch. If "no child left behind" was such a disaster why can't we get rid of it?
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. War on democracy - Wisconsin Supreme Court election results.
- The Nation's Ari Berman.
Tuesday 5 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie" (early bird special!)
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy - Election Day in Wisconsin.
- Seton Motley, President of Less Government. AZ propose $50 Medicaid tax for fatties & buttheads.
Monday 4 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Paul Gunter, Director Reactor Oversight Project - Beyond Nuclear. Latest on Fukushima disaster.
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
- Ted Smukler, Public Policy Director - InterFaith Worker Justice. Labor Segment: "We Are One" day of action today.
- Lamar Waldron, my co-author on "Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination".
Friday 1 April '11 show notes

By SueN
- Happy April Fool's Day! ~ "Anything Goes on Townhall Fridays!"
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
- David Sirota, Host of The David Sirota Show 7-10am MT on AM 760 Colorado's Progressive Talk / syndicated columnist / author. Why are we stuck in the 80's?
- Letter: "To Mr. C. W. F. Dumas. Paris, October 14, 1787." by Thomas Jefferson.
Thursday 31 March '11 show notes

By SueN
- Dr. Ed Shadid, Spine surgeon & progressive candidate running in a non partisan race for Oklahoma City, City Council. Fighting opponent funded by corporate money.
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT). A special Thursday edition of "Brunch With Bernie".
- Mark Williams, Talk Radio host and Tea Party advocate.
Wednesday 30 March '11 show notes

By SueN
- ADHD is not a disorder or caused by food coloring.
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
- Dan Gainor,Vice President & T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute. Government shut down is looming...and the conservatives are blaming women and sick people?!
- Robert Greenwald, "Koch Brothers Exposed". Campaign to expose the Koch's.
Tuesday 29 March '11 show notes

By SueN
- Are the Koch Bros and their Tea Party followers shutting down the Government now?
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
- Ryan Streeter, Editor of ConservativeHomeUSA; Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush-White House Domestic Policy Council. Why should your kids have give up their American Dreams to pay for lifestyles of the rich?
Monday 28 March '11 show notes

By SueN
- Erica Sagrans, Freelance Journalist. Why isn't the MSM covering the massive protests in London?
- Event: "April Day of Action".
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Latest on war on democracy.
- David Vines, University of WI poly sci student, Huff Po blogger and a founding member of Autonomous Are students taking back America?
Friday 25 March '11 show notes

By SueN
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie"
- 100th anniversary of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City.
- Congressman Steve King (R-IA). Should English be designated the "official language" of the United States?
- Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear. 'China Syndrome' at Fukushima nuclear plant?
Thursday 24 March '11 show notes

By SueN
- John Nichols of The Nation Magazine. Latest on the fight for democracy.
- Matthew Vadum, Capital Research Center. Jail for unpaid bills?
- Tom Shadyac, award winning director of "Bruce Almighty", Liar Liar and Ace Ventura-Pet Detective who walked away from the Hollywood lifestyle.
- Ken Klukowski, legal analyst and policy consultant, specializing in the Constitution.