Thom's blog
Is the demise of the Tea Party near?
Is the demise of the Tea Party near? According to a new CNN poll – the Tea Party’s favorability rating has sunk to an all-time low – just 32%. And 47% of respondents view Tea Partiers negatively. The poll is on the heels of nearly three months of Tea Party rule in the House of Representatives that’s seen nothing accomplished on jobs or getting our economy moving again. And this week – there are reports that Tea Party Republicans are threatening to shut the government down unless they get everything they want in budget negotiations.
Maybe people are finally starting to see the Tea Party for what it really is – a large group of politically naïve white voters who are being manipulated to vote against their best interests by radical millionaires and billionaires like the Koch brothers and Dick Armey.
(What do you think will happen to the Tea Party now? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... the war in Libya is escalating right before our very eyes – regardless of what President Obama and the White House wants us to believe (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: the war in Libya is escalating right before our very eyes – regardless of what President Obama and the White House wants us to believe. With Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
Is Obama involved enough in Labor? With John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine.
The Best of the Rest of the News...
Alaska GOP Lawmaker Introduces Anti -Union Bill With Shannyn Moore, Host of the Shannyn Moore radio show and Moore up North, Anchorage, AK.
Higgins Alert: A 12-year-old Tabby by the name of Smokey will soon hold the Guinness World Record for loudest purr.
Daily Take: Unequal Protection - Boston Tea Party
Read Thom's Book for Free!
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's " Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks. Read the Chapter Three: Banding Together for the Common Good today.
The Daily Stack 
Quote: "Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder" -- George Washington.
Hour One: Fighting opponent funded by corporate money with Dr. Ed Shadid, Spine surgeon & progressive candidate running in a non partisan race for Oklahoma City, City Council.
Latest on the war on democracy with John Nichols of The Nation Magazine...
Hour Two: a special Thursday edition of "Brunch With Bernie". Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions.
Hour Three: Are the Tea Party's days numbered? Thom challenges Mark Williams, Talk Radio host and Tea Party advocate.
Fighting back against the corporate machine with Professor Francis Fox Pivens, Fight Back Teach-in.
Coming up Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program
It's anything goes on townhall Fridays! You choose the topics and we'll talk about them!
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program... your media support group for we the people.
Thom's Poll
A new CNN poll claims the Tea Party’s favorability rating has sunk to an all-time low – just 32%. Is the Tea Party over?
Watch & Listen to Thom
The Good, the Bad, and the Very Very Ugly - March 31, 2010
Thom Hartmann vs. Mark Williams: Are the Tea Party's days numbered?
Brunch with Senator Bernie Sanders - March 31, 2011
Thom Hartmann on the News - March 31, 2011
Watch the whole show of last night's "The Big Picture.
Full Show - 3/30/11. What's Next in the Libyan War?
Lucy Kafanov fills in for Thom Hartmann and discusses the future of America concerning the war in Libya. David Swanson, activist and author joins the show with his opinions on President Obama's Agenda. Later in the show, Lucy examines the details of a Supreme Court discrimination case filed against retail giant, Wal-Mart.
 Would you like to help give a child with a very troubled background this feeling of peace? Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help?
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