Sue's Daily Summaries

Thursday 7 July '11 show notes

  • If Medicaid is on the is social unrest.
  • Van Jones, President-Rebuild the Dream economic campaign.

Wednesday 6 July '11 show notes

  • Cliff Schecter, National progressive PR strategist, author. Want to vote in Ohio? GOP won't tell you where.
  • Joe Burns, Attorney, former Union leader and author. How to fight back against the war on Labor and Minnesota shutdown.
  • Tommy Christopher, media correspondent and White House reporter for

Tuesday 5 July '11 show notes

  • America & Europe both drank the free trade koolaid now both are dying because of it...
  • Peter Ferrara, General counsel of the American Civil Rights Union, author. Why do conservatives hate poor people?
  • John Dean, former White House Counsel, author.

Friday 1 July '11 show notes

Thursday 30 June '11 show notes

  • Congressman Peter DeFazio, (D-OR, 4th District). Is the debt ceiling unconstitutional?
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy.
  • Senator Chris Coons (D-DE). Constitutionality of the Debt Ceiling.
  • Colby Bohannon, President & Co-Founder, FMAFE. "Scholarships for white males only"...

Wednesday 29 June '11 show notes

  • Vic Berardelli, Republican Liberty Caucus. Did the Supreme Court just kill public financing of elections?
  • Craig Holman, Public Citizen. Did the Supreme Court just kill public financing of elections?
  • A.W.R. Hawkins, PhD, Columnist-Pajamas Media. Why do conservatives paint all of Islam with the same extremist paint brush?
  • Peter Bergen, Author.

Tuesday 28 June '11 show notes

  • Corporate CEOs have a secret they don’t want you to know about…
  • Mark Williams, Talk Radio host and Tea Party advocate. What is the Tea Party plan to take over the GOP?
  • Jon Ronson, Journalist, documentary filmmaker, radio presenter, author. Can you pass "The Psychopath Test?"
  • Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director - Greenpeace International.

Monday 27 June '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, The Nation Magazine. Did a judge try to choke a fellow justice?!
  • Peter Ferrara, General counsel of the American Civil Rights Union. Who's really "playing chicken" with the debt ceiling?
  • Kyle Olson, Founder and CEO of Education Action Group Foundation. Student loans & for profit colleges are creating a new generation of indentured servants.
  • Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear.

Thursday 23 June '11 show notes

  • Dan Gainor, Business and Media Institute. Are right wing voter id laws an invasion of privacy, a threat to democracy or both?
  • Robert Greenwald, Filmmaker, political activist and founder of Brave New Films.

Wednesday 22 June '11 show notes

  • William Goodman, Attorney, President Board of Directors w/Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice. Law suit challenging Michigan's Emergency Manager law filed today.
  • Ken Klukowski of The American Civil Rights Union. What is the problem with the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Macon Cowles, City Councilman-Boulder, CO / environmental & civil rights attorney.

Tuesday 21 June '11 show notes

  • Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR). It's time for our Troops to Come Home.
  • Peter Ferrara, General counsel of the American Civil Rights Union, author. Why do conservatives want to throw "Obamacare" under the bus?
  • Rose Ann DeMoro, Executive Director - National Nurses United.

Monday 20 June '11 show notes

  • Ryan McConaghy, Director of the Economic Program at Third Way. Cash for geezers vs. geezers for McJobs.
  • Stephen Moore, Editorial board member and senior economics writer, The Wall Street Journal. IMF warns global economic recovery in danger...conservatives say US should "default".
  • Robert Lennox, the secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 495.

Friday 17 June '11 show notes

Thursday 16 June '11 show notes

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