Sue's Daily Summaries

Wednesday 4 May '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Bin Laden, Cheney, Recall, oh my...
  • Ryan Streeter, Editor - Conservative Home USA. Are liberals really the "secret enemies" of the poor?
  • Dennis Knowles, Benton Harbor City Commissioner.

Tuesday 3 May '11 show notes

  • Has Barack Obama shattered George Bush's legacy?
  • Mike Ervin, Activist w/ADAPT (national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action). Holding a sit in (thru Wednesday 5/4) to protest Paul Ryan's budget plan.
  • Dr. Arthur C. Caplan, Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania / author.

Monday 2 May '11 show notes

  • The crime of the century!
  • John Amato, Founder/Editor - Crooks and Liars. Twitter Bin Laden's dead...can our troops finally come home?
  • Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service News Agency, investigative journalist and historian specializing in U.S.

Friday 29 April '11 show notes

  • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie".
  • Dr. Ravi Batra, Professor of Economics at Southern Methodist University / International bestselling author.

Thursday 28 April '11 show notes

Wednesday 27 April '11 show notes

  • Mike Papantonio, Attorney, co-host of the Ring of Fire Radio Show. Twitter End of class action suits as we know it?
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine.

Tuesday 26 April '11 show notes

  • Why is there is no coherent messaging strategy on the left, unlike on the right?
  • Cindy Folkers with Beyond Nuclear with the latest...

Monday 25 April '11 show notes

  • Are the Republicans buying public opinion?
  • Doug Cunningham, Reporter/Producer - Workers Independent News.

Friday 22 April '11 show notes

  • Happy Earth Day!
  • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
  • Right wing Blogger Andrew Breitbart, Founder of numerous sites, Big, etc. "Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World"
  • Larry Flynt, Free speech advocate, publisher-Hustler Magazine, author.

Thursday 21 April '11 show notes

  • Internet 'Right to be Forgotten' debate hits Spain
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy...Wisconsin.
  • James Hirsen, author, commentator, news analyst and law professor / M.A. in Media Psychology, The Left Coast Report.

Wednesday 20 April '11 show notes

  • Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY, 15th district). Politics & reality of the debt ceiling and why is the President talking about the raising the debt ceiling instead of creating jobs in the political context.
  • Mark Fancher, ACLU of Michigan Racial Justice Project staff attorney. Why are the police extracting personal info from cell phones during routine traffic stops?
  • Dennis Knowles, Benton Harbor City Commissioner.

Tuesday 19 April '11 show notes

  • Atlas Shrugged - bizarre philosophy at work.
  • Dr. Charles Dunn, Regent University Distinguished Professor of Government. "TRUMPing the Election"... Was Donald Trump born in the United States?
  • Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute. The Koch funded Tea Party and the Christian Right are forging an unholy alliance to win in 2012...

Monday 18 April '11 show notes

  • J.A. Myerson, Organizer, U.S. Uncut. Bank of America to thank ordinary New Yorkers for paying federal taxes, so they don't have to.
  • Mark Gaffney, President, Michigan AFL-CIO. Benton Harbor, MI - you're govt pink slipped by right wing governor.
  • Eartha Jane Melzer, Reporter, Michigan Messenger.

Friday 15 April '11 show notes

  • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Latest on the war on democracy - Waukesha.
  • 'Anything Goes' Friday.
  • Bumper Music:

Thursday 14 April '11 show notes

  • Obama finally puts Reagan in his grave.
  • Australian filmmaker Taki Oldham about his undercover investigation and resulting brilliant documentary. Are average Americans who got suckered by the billionaire tea party machine waking up?
  • Max Fraad Wolff, Financial Economist & Professor of Economics Graduate Program in International Affairs. Should Goldman Sachs execs being sharing jail cells with Bernie Madoff?

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