Sue's Daily Summaries

Wednesday 2 March '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine; Associate Editor-Capital Times; author. Latest from the trenches...Wisconsin's war on Labor.
  • Rory Cooper, Heritage Foundation. Why don't conservatives care about the world children will inherit?
  • Andy Martin, Andy Martin 2012. How far will birthers go to keep a black person from being President?

Tuesday 1 March '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine; Associate Editor-Capital Times; author. Latest from the trenches...Wisconsin's war on Labor.
  • Lisa Graves, Executive Director-Center for Media & Democracy, Madison, WI. Latest from the trenches...Wisconsin's war on Labor, also Gov Walker's speech: what to expect, what's next.
  • James Hoffa, International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Monday 28 February '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine; Associate Editor-Capital Times; author/co-author of several books. Latest from the trenches...Wisconsin's war on Labor
  • Doug Cunningham, Workers Independent News. The latest on the "mainstreet movement".
  • Wayne Root, Root For America.

Friday 25 February '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine; Associate Editor-Capital Times; author/co-author of several books, latest (with Robert McChesney) "The Death and Life of American Journalism". Latest from Madison.
  • Anything Goes on Townhall Fridays!
  • Alaska State Rep. Sharon Cissna who refused a TSA pat down and literally took the long way home instead...

Thursday 24 February '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine; Associate Editor-Capital Times; author/co-author of several books, latest (with Robert McChesney) "The Death and Life of American Journalism". Latest from Madison.
  • Dan Gainor, Vice President & T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute. DOMA ("President is wrong")
  • Dr. Laurie Garrett of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Wednesday 23 February '11 show notes

  • Ian Murphy, Editor - The Beast. Was Governor Scott Walker punked???
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine; Associate Editor-Capital Times; author/co-author of several books, latest (with Robert McChesney) "The Death and Life of American Journalism". Is the war for middle America about to turn hot?
  • Conservative Bryan Preston who says organized labor's rank and file is "Obama's brown shirt army"...what???

Tuesday 22 February '11 show notes

  • If Wisconsin busts Unions, is it the beginning of the end of Democracy?
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine, Associate Editor-Capitol Times, author. Latest on right wing war on Labor.
  • Victor Davis Hansen, PhD, Senior Fellow in Residence Hoover Institution; nationally syndicated columnist for Tribune Media Services; contributor, Pajamas Media. "Decline Is In Your Mind" - debate on American decline vs. American exceptionalism.

Monday 21 February '11 show notes

  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine, Associate Editor-Capitol Times, author. Latest from Madison.
  • Charlotte Hays, Senior Fellow, Independent Women's Forum. "Overpaid Unions destroying America"
  • Doug Cunningham, Reporter/Producer - Workers Independent News based in Madison, WI. "Labor Segment": Madison, WI...American Labor's line in the sand.

Friday 18 February '11 show notes

  • Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich weighs in on the President's budget, Wisconsin's war on labor and why we should tax the super-rich... Taxing the super rich; Social Security; Obama budget.
  • Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI, 4th District). War on Labor.
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation; Associate Editor-Capitol Times (WI). Update from ground zero Wisconsin.

Thursday 17 February '11 show notes

  • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), "Brunch With Bernie".
  • What's happening in Wisconsin?
  • Geeky Science Rocks!
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation; Associate Editor-Capitol Times (WI). Wisconsin Gov. Walker Reiterates That The ‘National Guard’ Will Be Used Against A Worker ‘Walk-Off’.
  • David Vines, political science major, University of Wisconsin.

Wednesday 16 February '11 show notes

  • Are child labor laws unconstitutional?
  • John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine, Associate Editor-Capitol Times, author. Will the Republicans win the Wisconsin war on Labor?
  • Dr. H. Gilbert Welch, Professor of Medicine-Dartmouth Institute for Health; Author-"Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health". Overdiagnosed...are we making people sick in the pursuit of health?

Tuesday 15 February '11 show notes

  • Jordan Marks, Senior National Director Young Americans for Freedom. Is there no room for an anti-war candidate in the Republican party?
  • Libertarian Wayne Root about his latest piece. What is Obama's New Plan to Destroy America?
  • The Nation's Ari Berman. The Obama it challenging or appeasing the GOP?

Monday 14 February '11 show notes

  • Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research. What's in Obama's budget, how is congress going to react and what's in it for you and me?
  • Tim Birkley, V.P.- AFSCME. Governor declares war on Labor.
  • With Rev. Billy and Aavitri Durkee of the Church of Life After Shopping. Happy Valentine's Day Un-Marriage pact?
  • Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum.

Friday 11 February '11 show notes

  • The honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
  • Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director-GOProud.
  • Mallory Factor, an American businessman and political activist. He is president of Mallory Factor, Inc., an independent merchant bank and financial relations consultancy that he founded in 1976.
  • Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, U.S.

Thursday 10 February '11 show notes

  • Roger Simon, CEO-Pajamas Media, and Richard Dreyfuss, Academy Award winning actor and Founder of "The Dreyfuss Initiative" promoting civic education and a better understanding of "America's most successful product, Democracy."
  • Al Cardenas, chair of the American Conservative Union which puts on CPAC, and David Keene, his predecessor.

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