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  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Another member of this commission is Kenneth Blackwell, who removed minority voters from the Ohio rolls and arranged for fewer precincts in minority areas, resulting in long lines and discouraging voters in those areas.

  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago

    This country has a huge deficit, but it has an even bigger deceit.

  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago


    I have family members that voted for Trump and they are not rasist so your blanket assertion that Trump voters are closet rasists is not accurate. When someone throws out terms such as closet rascist for an electorate that cast almost 63 million votes for Trump you have stretched the rubberband of credulity.

    I also have friends that voted for Trump and they are not stupid.

  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago



  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Definition of Trumptard: A supporter of Donald Trump. Someone so f^(ing stupid that they ignore obvious hypocrisy and flat-out lies; they are closet racists, and are happy that there is finally a presidential candidate who publicly expresses their ignorant hatred. Source: Definition of Snowflake: Referring to someone, usually the Alt-Right, Yiannopoulos, And Nazi Sympathizers (A.K.A. ARYANS), whose immense white fragility causes a meltdown when confronted with the most minute deviation from orthodox White Supremacy. They often cry bloody murder when expected to give the most modest expression of basic human decency. Urban Dictionary

  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago

    I'm all with that, Outback! It was the most manipulated presidential race/election in history.

  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Hi, I coined "the nazi coup" back in 03-04, when I was studying Karl Rove.

    If you want to know the right's next move, turn the page of the Nazi play book.

    WTH is the story of Trump sneaking in the Russions and barring the US press, while he lets the Russian press take pictures and then LEAK THEM? Arrrrgggg!

  • Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Thom, what the DNC did to Sanders was an outright voter purge. That is, they stold the Democratic nomination for Hillary and, as a direct result, many independents and some Democrats that might have come out to vote stayed home because they couldn't stomach either candidate. We now have a sociopathic delusional megalomaniac in the White House. I hate to belabor this, but you seem to be incapable of seeing beyond the corrupt two party system. The Democratic Establishment has lost a large portion of the base by resorting to the same dirty politics you demonize the Republicans for. The ONLY thing the political establishment in this country cares about anymore is raw power, and Main Street be damned! Why don't you use your formidable podium to champion REAL change, and by that I mean a third viable progressive alternative? Open your eyes!

  • Can Democrats Win In 2018?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    this should scare everyone, yet most that I know are just walking around! Really not sure. The rrepug-nazis are working overtime to turn America inside out, and create a soviet style govt., it seems.

  • Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Well I see that Trump is trying to take Voter suppression nationwide with the appointment of get this kris kobach and ken Blackwell to run a election integrity commission except for rt and Democracy Now no one is reporting it. Crtainly not the Corporate Media. The people have to take to the streets and demand action the Democratic Party esablishment is doing nothing to fight it.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    My best friend, like a brother, was KIA in Vietnam. Should I hate all Vietnamese, or, for that matter, every American asshole who supported that atrocious war crime, still benignly excused as a "police action?" Following the same logic: the fact that America continues to spread death and destruction across the planet makes YOU an "illegal alien," since you are a citizen of a ruthless evil empire that invades the lands of others.

    See how delusions take hold when the mind conflates disparate realities. Projecting your anguish onto millions of otherwise good and productive people does not alter those realities. The person who killed your son did so because he was a depraved individual, not because he also happened to be an undocumented immigrant. Society should and must weed out those who commit such heinous crimes, not the entire group with which they are arbitrarily associated.

    To stem the southern-border flood of illegal immigration ultimately, which is a separate issue, end greedy corporate trade deals that dump subsidized goods into other economies, throwing millions out of work, and start prosecuting and jailing illegal employers -- most of whom are staunch Republicans -- who hire and take advantage of these downtrodden and desperate victims of "free" trade agreements, paid low wages under harsh conditions primarily to bust union movements that struggle for better pay and safe work environments for all workers, whether they are unionized or not.

    I'm not buying the bigotry you are selling, no matter how "tight" your reasoning may seem and how deep your feelings may run.

    Sorry for your loss.

  • Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Petty bigots strive mightily to dress themselves up as normal and reasonable human beings, but they can't hide the stink of ignorance and hatred reeking from their rotting minds and blackened souls. Trump and the self-righteous patriotic and religious hypocrites who enable him are an insult not only to our intelligence but to basic human decency.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    It is a federal offense to disrupt a Senate hearing so without seeing video on the offense it's hard to comment. If she just laughed and that was it obviously the punishment doesn't fit the crime. However, if her "laughing" was a little more than that the pubnishment still doesn't fit the crime but maybe some punishment was valid.

    However, by personal experience the door does swing both ways.

    In July 2015 I was asked to testify at the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on sanctuary cities. This was three weeks after the death of Kate Steinle. My son was killed by an illegal alien in SF in 2010. (No, Kate Steinle wasn't the first person killed by an illegal alien) One of the witnesses said don't blame all for the offense of a few. The reality is that since the last amnesty over 50,000 people have been killed by illegal aliens. Not one senator asked the witness to define "a few".

    When the hearing was adjourned I ask the witness (a reverand) how many was "a few". He angrilly looked at me and with a terse voice said, "a few". I raised my voice (I didn't touch him) and said "a few? how about tens of thousands". The next thing I knew two capital hill police asked me to leave and when I got into the hallway they handcuffed me and took me to the paddy wagon to arrest me.

    I can only assume that at some point someone realized it's not a crime to raise your voice when no hearing is in session and after a while I was released.

    Last year, in an immigration hearing 10 people -four of whom were here illegally - stood up and started to disrupt the proceedings. They were all asked to leave and that was it.

    Great to know that if you are here illegally you have more rights than a law abiding citizen.

  • Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Well, you know Thomm.. He's on the "takers" side. And takers, take!! The only friends that they have are the rich (addicts). This is the way is is for now. Hopefully people will wake for the next election and kick out the fleecing bums in 2018.

  • Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban   7 years 41 weeks ago

    How come you never talk or write about the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump Administration and the Russian government? Your avoidance of it is glaring. Is it because you have a show on RT?

    Thom, you need to get off of RT.

  • Can Democrats Win In 2018?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    "-CAN- Democrats win in 2018?" Of course they -can-, but the -real- question is =will= -they- .. .. and the answer to that is a resounding "probably not"! The reality is that the =National= Dems are hung up on the Corporate money-teat, where ::Party:: is more important than the people they ::supposedly:: represent. And, of course, [sarc on] they're going to be sooooo surprized when they lose their asses, =again= [sarc off], but, :of: :course:, they'll just spin a tale of woe and denial, =again=, and not learn a damn thing .. the Bastards! The =National= Dems have been -completely- =worthless= for -yeeeaaars-, but they steadfastly =refuse= to even look at, much less admit -why- this is so.

    My family has always voted Democrat since we came to this country, but if they continue to -consciously-/-deliberately- =refuse= to face reality, screw 'em -- not another dime, not another bit of work or effort for them, nada. If they sincerely try, that's one thing, but if they continue to deliberately refuse . . . . .

  • Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Whereupon Democrats rose up and... oh, never mind.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    The only reason Trump fired Comey is because he was leading the most aggressive investigation into the collusion of Trump's campaign with Putin's Russia to interfere with our election. Full stop. All the other convoluted reasons given by him and his administration were direct lies to the American people. Only a fool and a troll (one in the same) would believe otherwise.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Dianereynolds -- It sounds like he should have used one of your 10 reasons not the one he gave.

    With an FBI director that has to take many actions and a group with many actors which you call the democrat party (whatever that is) describing their varied responses as vacillating vice reasoned response to varied actions without group think (you know one of the key characteristics of the repug party) sounds more like an observer who is too lazy to think.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    This is TOTALLY unconstitutional. Sue the asshole!

  • Can Democrats Win In 2018?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    trump did not win! There were 30 corrupt state atorney generals that utilized a program call crosscheck to identify possible demoncratic voters and unconstitutionally removed about 13.5 million of them rom the voter roles.

    Their goal was to fill the local, state, and federal seats with corrupt republicans, trump was sucked into office by mistake mistake. He is their distraction whiole they take up back to the 1920's depression era, when the rich controlled everything including their slaves.

    It was going as planned until they went to far. Even calling it tgrumpcare did not work.

    The probloem is the corporation controlled corrupt republicans will use crosscheck again to insure they stay in power and not go to prison.

  • Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban   7 years 41 weeks ago

    With trump's appointment of attorny general sessions, corporation supreme court justice, and 100+ federal judges, we do not have a justice system. We have a trump support system.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    chuckle8, As I stated before and posted a list of ten reasons President Trump should have fired Comey on day one. The fact he was fired now just gives the leftie/socialists another reason for a day of bitching and Trump time to appoint more judges which is the main reason I voted for him in the first place.
    Understand, with all the democrat party's vacillating on video over Comey's tenure just proves they are peeing down their own leg once again. How foolish they look to the general public.

    Ah! Another Christmas morning. Vacationing Thom will have to invent another crisis for tomorrows gift to conservatives.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Sessions, the top law enforcement official in our nation, intentionally lied to Congress -- before the Senate, the same body of which he was a long-serving member. That is a felony, a despicable act he consciously committed twice: once in verbal testimony and again in writing.

    Why has he not been fired, and why is there no investigation? Instead, the "Justice" Department saw fit to quickly prosecute and convict a librarian for a spontaneous burst of laughter in the same chamber.

    To laugh or to lie, that is the question.

  • Protestor Convicted for Laughing?   7 years 41 weeks ago

    Colbert is now being investigated by the FCC for using the phrase "cock holster". When everyone knows that a cock is a bird. Yet, Trump can use the "F" word as much as he wants in his speeches.

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