Dianereynolds -- Do you not see the difference between Comey's actions? Announcing HRC investigation with nothing to it as being bad, and investigating Russian ties without any public disclosure as being good. Do you not think a rational person would object to one and cheer the other?
Interestingly, the liberal stations are showing tRump and sessions in Oct/Nov saying what a brave and correct thing Comey did in revealing the investigation of HRC. This is the very thing they are now saying they fired him for.
hopefully this will be overturned on appeal. modea benjamin and code pink should be able to get a fellow member competent legal counsel. if there is any crime it shelby's laughable statements in his sessions testimony which approached perjury. in the meantime laughter is as big a crime as being able to know bull crap when you hear it. people who can think for themselves are a security threat in post constitutional Amerikkka.
THis country has been slowly getting to this point for over 40 years. Rember the uppermiddle class could have fought this kind of behavior and decided to endorse it because thdey knew it wouldn't be them that were the victims of it. Isn't about time the whole country stop kissing the Confederates ass. Sessions is still mad that a black person can drink out of the same waterfountain he does. That is why he says that the Federal Govt should keep its nose out of the states business.
Diane, Do you drive on the socialist roads (if you still drive)? Your assisted living home pays property taxes that support your socialist schools, library, fire and police department. If you fly, you are flying into and out of a socialist airport. That is controlled by socialist flight controllers. Most likely your local NFL stadium is socialistic. It goes on and on righty/socialist.
I remember watching Congress debating the Affordable Care Act and how it was the Republicans who held the bill hostage unless and until insurance companies were included. In other words, the provision that all Americans had to buy insurance was a Republican requirement. And now they're blaming Obama for it.
I'm all for getting insurance companies out of the system altogether and having true single-payer health care.
This has nothing with that idiot from code pink. It has everything to do with the leftie/socialists searin g hatred of President Trump. Continue on please. Every day your hypcrosy anbd stupidity is exposed to the working class American public. Remember the 1000 times Thom Hartmann was lecturing his listeners on how terrible it was that republicans met and hatched a plan to stop obama? Now that the shoe is on the other foot I guess it is OK.
Delightful side note: President Trumps tweet with the video of all the Democrat party leaders rejecting Comey.
Hartmann, if during a company meeting one of your employees acted in a disruptive fashion what would you do. A timeout with a snack and nap or a boot outta the door, um?
Somewhat off topic, but the media should start reminding White House Staff that Nixon went home to Southern California and his staff (many of them) went to jail. Do Trump's staff really want to go to jail for a tyrant and pathological lier?
"Would this change your willingness to protest?" A better question is, when is this country going to come together, rise up, and throw these criminals out? deepspace is right. This country is more and more like medieval England than the FDR America we all grew up in. Sessions thinks he's the Sheriff of Nottingham. What a tool. The one thing that all of these Neo Cons and Neo Liberals have in common is that they are all flaming narcissists, from the Bush's to the Clintons to Sessions to all of them. Rampant, effusive narcissists.
Sounds like Medieval justice. On your knees, woman! His Majesty's subject, Desiree Fairooz, is fortunate that King Donald, "the Great Orange Shit Gibbon," (Hah! Thanks, Outback!) shows mercy and won't have you beheaded for showing such disrespect to the Crown's court. Even though that might have drawn more crowds to the Royal Washington Mall than did his coronation.
The Sheriff of Washington, Beauregard the Bigot, would be wise to travel the countryside with a contingent of the Royal Constabulary, lest the peasants shout insults and throw turds whilst he speaketh -- or more fitting, drag him off his high horse and pull his guts out through his arse ...ah, Medievally metaphorically speaking.
Sessions played a major role in getting Trump to fire Comey. Southern Man knows he's going down with the Trump burning cross ship...just a matter of time.
My answer to Thom's question is , hell no!
The Bundys with Teabagger pals took over a federal building armed with assault weapons. So if laughing is one year in jail, how many years did these jackasses get? Oh I forgot, they're right-wing white guys like Sessions...different rules apply.
I think this is pretty consistent with the direction the US has taken since the 1980s. Few such cases catch the media's attention. On protest, the question comes down to whether you could afford to risk losing your job, maybe getting blacklisted, knowing there's nothing to fall back on today.
Well I think this incident has been greatly oversimplified. Now, under the new regime, a first degree guffaw in the presence of the Great Orange Shit Gibbon or one of his appointees (that is, one exceeding 85dB as measured at a distance of three feet), is in fact a gross misdemeanor, punishable to the extent of a fine of up to $10,000 and one year in jail. On the other hand, had the accused restricted her action to a simple chuckle or snicker, we'd be talking about a simple misdemeanor which theoretically could be dismissed assuming it was a first offense. It is very important that We the People acquaint ourselves with the proper rules of public conduct. We should look to the discipline embodied by the People of North Korea for guidance in these matters.
Let me ask YOU a question. Do Democrats WANT to win the 2018 elections?? It takes work on THEIR part; we can't help.. If they really want to, they will fight like a professional boxer; keeping their opponent off balance.. ducking and dodging.. First of all they have to learn how to overtalk their opponent just as well as Republicans do. - A Republican changes subjects when cornered. A Democrat when cornered, needs to insert critical talking points that are closely related to the subject, which connects with their constituents at a moment's notice and ignore what the Republican said. If they complain "you didn't answer the question!" Just keep on piling up talking points that nullify what they asked. Bury them with the truth! Democrats desperately need private think tanks.. Democrats need to turn into bulldogs.
We already know that the Neo-cons are fascist criminals/traitors on their way to true Nazihood, so anything unconstitutional and unAmerican coming from them is never a big surprise.
Dianereynolds -- Do you not see the difference between Comey's actions? Announcing HRC investigation with nothing to it as being bad, and investigating Russian ties without any public disclosure as being good. Do you not think a rational person would object to one and cheer the other?
Interestingly, the liberal stations are showing tRump and sessions in Oct/Nov saying what a brave and correct thing Comey did in revealing the investigation of HRC. This is the very thing they are now saying they fired him for.
hopefully this will be overturned on appeal. modea benjamin and code pink should be able to get a fellow member competent legal counsel. if there is any crime it shelby's laughable statements in his sessions testimony which approached perjury. in the meantime laughter is as big a crime as being able to know bull crap when you hear it. people who can think for themselves are a security threat in post constitutional Amerikkka.
THis country has been slowly getting to this point for over 40 years. Rember the uppermiddle class could have fought this kind of behavior and decided to endorse it because thdey knew it wouldn't be them that were the victims of it. Isn't about time the whole country stop kissing the Confederates ass. Sessions is still mad that a black person can drink out of the same waterfountain he does. That is why he says that the Federal Govt should keep its nose out of the states business.
Diane, Do you drive on the socialist roads (if you still drive)? Your assisted living home pays property taxes that support your socialist schools, library, fire and police department. If you fly, you are flying into and out of a socialist airport. That is controlled by socialist flight controllers. Most likely your local NFL stadium is socialistic. It goes on and on righty/socialist.
I remember watching Congress debating the Affordable Care Act and how it was the Republicans who held the bill hostage unless and until insurance companies were included. In other words, the provision that all Americans had to buy insurance was a Republican requirement. And now they're blaming Obama for it.
I'm all for getting insurance companies out of the system altogether and having true single-payer health care.
This has nothing with that idiot from code pink. It has everything to do with the leftie/socialists searin g hatred of President Trump. Continue on please. Every day your hypcrosy anbd stupidity is exposed to the working class American public. Remember the 1000 times Thom Hartmann was lecturing his listeners on how terrible it was that republicans met and hatched a plan to stop obama? Now that the shoe is on the other foot I guess it is OK.
Delightful side note: President Trumps tweet with the video of all the Democrat party leaders rejecting Comey.
Is a Hearing Room a proper place to protest?
Quit acting like a communist thug. Take the rag off you face and help make America Great
Hartmann, if during a company meeting one of your employees acted in a disruptive fashion what would you do. A timeout with a snack and nap or a boot outta the door, um?
A fund raiser needs to be started for her legal fees and publicity.
Somewhat off topic, but the media should start reminding White House Staff that Nixon went home to Southern California and his staff (many of them) went to jail. Do Trump's staff really want to go to jail for a tyrant and pathological lier?
"Would this change your willingness to protest?" A better question is, when is this country going to come together, rise up, and throw these criminals out? deepspace is right. This country is more and more like medieval England than the FDR America we all grew up in. Sessions thinks he's the Sheriff of Nottingham. What a tool. The one thing that all of these Neo Cons and Neo Liberals have in common is that they are all flaming narcissists, from the Bush's to the Clintons to Sessions to all of them. Rampant, effusive narcissists.
Sounds like Medieval justice. On your knees, woman! His Majesty's subject, Desiree Fairooz, is fortunate that King Donald, "the Great Orange Shit Gibbon," (Hah! Thanks, Outback!) shows mercy and won't have you beheaded for showing such disrespect to the Crown's court. Even though that might have drawn more crowds to the Royal Washington Mall than did his coronation.
The Sheriff of Washington, Beauregard the Bigot, would be wise to travel the countryside with a contingent of the Royal Constabulary, lest the peasants shout insults and throw turds whilst he speaketh -- or more fitting, drag him off his high horse and pull his guts out through his arse ...ah, Medievally metaphorically speaking.
Sessions played a major role in getting Trump to fire Comey. Southern Man knows he's going down with the Trump burning cross ship...just a matter of time.
My answer to Thom's question is , hell no!
The Bundys with Teabagger pals took over a federal building armed with assault weapons. So if laughing is one year in jail, how many years did these jackasses get? Oh I forgot, they're right-wing white guys like Sessions...different rules apply.
Because it offended those in power.
I think this is pretty consistent with the direction the US has taken since the 1980s. Few such cases catch the media's attention. On protest, the question comes down to whether you could afford to risk losing your job, maybe getting blacklisted, knowing there's nothing to fall back on today.
Great post, Outback!!!!! Ever think of taking up writing as a career? Great Orange Shit Gibbon. LOL Please keep it up.
Money is considered free speech.
Laughter, not so much.
What's next.. burping? Breaking wind? I'd also like to know why there isn't a lawyer out there salivating over countersuing.
Well I think this incident has been greatly oversimplified. Now, under the new regime, a first degree guffaw in the presence of the Great Orange Shit Gibbon or one of his appointees (that is, one exceeding 85dB as measured at a distance of three feet), is in fact a gross misdemeanor, punishable to the extent of a fine of up to $10,000 and one year in jail. On the other hand, had the accused restricted her action to a simple chuckle or snicker, we'd be talking about a simple misdemeanor which theoretically could be dismissed assuming it was a first offense. It is very important that We the People acquaint ourselves with the proper rules of public conduct. We should look to the discipline embodied by the People of North Korea for guidance in these matters.
Dear Thomm,
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }
Let me ask YOU a question. Do Democrats WANT to win the 2018 elections?? It takes work on THEIR part; we can't help.. If they really want to, they will fight like a professional boxer; keeping their opponent off balance.. ducking and dodging.. First of all they have to learn how to overtalk their opponent just as well as Republicans do. - A Republican changes subjects when cornered. A Democrat when cornered, needs to insert critical talking points that are closely related to the subject, which connects with their constituents at a moment's notice and ignore what the Republican said. If they complain "you didn't answer the question!" Just keep on piling up talking points that nullify what they asked. Bury them with the truth! Democrats desperately need private think tanks.. Democrats need to turn into bulldogs.
Country was never really free and now the curtain has been drawn even more to show the "real democracy".
Why isn't it considered free speech?
We already know that the Neo-cons are fascist criminals/traitors on their way to true Nazihood, so anything unconstitutional and unAmerican coming from them is never a big surprise.